He paused and lit the fish that had climbed the waterfall and jumped out of the spirit. Suddenly, the fish turned into a fish, and the dragon took off with glittering water and shining sunshine.

"… but if it really jumped out? It has become a creature overlooking the river, like us? "
Cloth old man continued
"Then it can’t change the river course against the will of its predecessors because it will become dinner."
Liu Chen shake clever way
The old man in cloth was silent, picked up the poker and knocked on Lu Chen’s head. "Small … what you said is also reasonable, but everything will struggle to cross. It will not be difficult for those who are detached. Even if there are difficulties ahead, it still has hope to cross the fish. Perhaps it is ignorant, but it has the courage to explore and move forward, even if it is greeted as the end of dinner."
After Lu Chen thought thoughtfully and wanted to be white, his heart was sad
This is to say that he is just a strong fish. Even if he jumps out, he will find that there are people outside who can eat himself for dinner.
"But, son, you have to know that even if the road ahead is destruction, you have to go. Pioneers are stupid, but it is that generation after generation of courage that will light the fire in eternal darkness."
The old man in cloth sighed with emotion, "And the fire will eventually light up the world."
Lu Chen’s mood is stirring. At this moment, he suddenly understood the meaning of the name pioneer, but this is a world of old people.
"Is there really no way for the seniors?"
Lu Chen’ s heart is so respectable that his predecessor may soon come to an end.
The old man in cloth smiled, and he picked up pebbles from the river and threw them into the pool, suddenly splashing and rippling.
"See if this stone has stirred up waves?"
Cloth old man laughed
Lu Chen mused, "the stone is a foreign object, but it also stirs up waves, and it can’t reverse the river course after all."
"It’s just not big enough."
The old man in cloth has a meaningful tone. Then he turned and walked towards the path.
"I have seen that after a long time, someone will walk against the darkness again in search of light."
The eyes of the old man in cloth flashed, and he saw a corner of the future. Unfortunately, he may have witnessed it with his own eyes.
Lu Chen’s heart trembled, and the old man in cloth really made a contribution to the future. There did appear such a man in the future, and the Emperor of Heaven put an end to all the dark turmoil and arbitrary ages.
After a long silence, the magic scales were eaten by two people, Yi Long.
In the end, the old man in cloth said, "You can stay here, son."
"Elder …"
Lu Chen looked complicated and knew that the other party didn’t want to implicate himself.
"Your qualifications are hard to find, and maybe one day you will go again. I hope you will be lucky and not fight alone like me."
The faint voice of the old man in cloth seems to wander in the small world.
Lu Chen also wants to say that there is a cloth around him, and the old man has disappeared.
He sighed and felt that this time the other party was not hidden but left.
Obviously, the old man in cloth has a premonition that the crisis is coming and he is not going to stay here anymore. He has to enter the boundary sea before, otherwise the disaster will be nine days and ten places.
Lu Chen walked around the small world, irrigated some JingXie for the violet that took root by the pool, and then prepared to leave.
The meaning of the old man in cloth is very clear. If he leaves this world, naturally no one will search for him, and this is Ann.
He can practice here, maybe he can avoid this great disaster, and one day when he rises, he can once again resist the darkness.
Lu Chen appreciates the kindness of the old man in cloth, but he still accepts himself in his heart. Even if it is doomed to the destruction of the heavens or the drowning of the blood, he will go to witness the end of this era with his own eyes.
"I already know how to get to the last section of the road."
Lu Chen muttered to himself and stepped out of the small world.
When Lu Chen walked out of the small world, his mind seemed to have gone through thousands of years.
Physical strength grows like a sprout, and a dream suddenly dawns. The outside world has been thousands of years, and he has perfected this environment.
Finally, Lu Chen became the pioneer of the extreme value of the order, and Emperor Wudi was deduced to the extreme by him, and all the attributes of the war master reached 2 points.
There is also a+sign behind the physical attribute, which means that he is moving in the direction of breaking down barriers.
He just broke through at the most powerful time in his life, but he felt that this big world was a fish in the historical waves, and he didn’t know the end of the river.
I’m afraid thousands of years have passed since the layman in Lu Chenshan Valley visited the old man in cloth, and he seems to have passed when the thief rose to the realm but had no external experience.
There is a figure in the virtual valley looking away at Liu Chen "stupid little …"
The time and place that Lu Chen didn’t know have now been unified and become strange. A person who doesn’t belong to this era has come to the big world.
Famous mountains and rivers, the figure of a heroic young man is solid and real from a drop of blood, and he looks at this world blankly
He sensed that the Tao of heaven and earth was far more complete than that of his time, but it was still difficult to become immortal. The material was still abundant, but it showed signs of decline
This world is strange to him, and it is more vast, so that he doesn’t know where to go for a while.
He sighed faintly, "I hope a few seniors will do things …"
He won the ancient and modern nature and went to the unknown world and times. He must take advantage of this opportunity to make himself stronger.
At the beginning, the inhabitants of the ancient world didn’t know that the great disaster would be caused by the restoration of heaven and earth, and the major forces collided with each other. Tianjiao came forth in large numbers, but it was a golden age.
For example, the last splendor before the destruction of the world, with the slow decline of immortal materials, has more and more arrogant people gushing out, and some strong people have gone to Bianhuang to resist foreign invasion.
Lu Chen walked through the mountains of the gods and found a place to change. People in the mountains of Wu Shen tribes are worried and rarely think about what to eat in the day
Here, the children are optimistic, running around in the Lang tribe, worshipping and watching the strong hunting party return.
Lu Chen didn’t disturb the peace here, and there were not many others he had seen in the past ten thousand years. He was the statue that left a knife to ask people here to hide when the disaster came.
After all this, Lu Chen rushed to Bianhuang, and he felt the tremor in Bianhuang area. I’m afraid the foreign land will attack again.
After the world was repaired, it became great, and it took Lu Chenxiu a while to get to Bianhuang.
This time, with his broad vision and careful attention, he finally found the familiar smell of this emperor.