"Real magic?"

Wu Daozun looked up and there was a divine light in his eyes.
His practice method is different in three thousand worlds.
So he wants to try how powerful the so-called real environment, the so-called real yuan and the so-called real magic are!
Wu Daozun has this confidence.
Even if the two sides play against each other, he can walk away with Shura!
The dome of the main hall is broken, and a figure with a violent breath quickly falls down, and a terrorist Yuan Shen occult science impacts towards Wudao Zun!
Wudaozun frowned.
He didn’t expect that the Red Valley Master had just come out without moving any real force, but directly motivated the Yuan God’s occultism!
From a certain point of view, this is indeed the most effective means of killing in case of loss.
The divine power of Zhen Yijing Yuan far exceeds Tianyuan Jing.
Yuan Shen’s mysticism is released again through Daoguo, and its power rises many times!
Don’t say it’s the ninth-order fairy, but it’s the first fairy in the whole demon world, and I’m afraid it can’t resist the real magic Yuan Shen occult science!
The Red Valley Master Shu’s first move is to kill and not give Wu Daozun a chance to resist!
Wu Daozun hesitated.
It’s too dangerous for the gods to fight for each other.
Although his martial spirit is concise, it may be able to resist the blow of this yuan god hermetic, but it may not be unscathed.
Once the soul of Wu is damaged, all his means and strength will be greatly reduced.
Chapter two thousand one hundred and sixty Face mask
"Let me go back to the mask!"
Just then Sirius suddenly sounded in Wu Daozun’s mind.
Wu Daozun has long banned Sirius’ consciousness. If he dies, Sirius’ consciousness will also fall with him.
He is not worried about Sirius dare this kind of situation.
Wu Daozun’s divine knowledge moves to send Sirius’s spiritual knowledge into a silver mask.
Then Wu Daozun suddenly felt a strange force fluctuation on this silver mask of his face, sending out a cold and gloomy meaning!
Then this silver mask seems to change into a Wang Lake, and the surface of the lake vaguely reflects a ferocious and ferocious face filled with black gas.
Seeing this face in the hall, the monks turned pale with fear!
This grimace seems to have a powerful magic power, which can arouse people’s deep fears and make people tremble!
Even the owner of the magic red valley, who has solidified the fruit, is a careful heart.
Seeing this face, his mind seems to be in a mess. There are several demons that breed wildly, and the magic dances just condense. The fruit is faint and trembling, showing signs of collapse!
At the same time, he yuan Shen occult sciences arrival.
Wu Daozun has just instigated the fire of Wu Soul, and was about to forcefully shake the Yuan God’s occult technique, the Lord of Red Valley, to attack the silver mask first.
The true magic level Yuan Shen’s occult skills are powerful enough to kill the immortal and the strong.
However, this mystical technique of Yuan God hit the silver mask, but it stirred up ripples like the silver mask of Shi Niu entering the sea and then disappeared.
Wu Daozun didn’t feel the impact of Yuan Divine Power!
Of course, the scary face of the silver mask disappeared with it.
Wu Daozun squints slightly.
This silver mask comes from the prison tripod in Jiezhen. It can resist the force of natural disaster and is a treasure.
But he didn’t expect this silver mask to have such power to resist the impact of the real magic strong Yuan Shen!
Sirius, although he suppressed and had to choose his ministers, showed many secrets.
If you have the chance, let Sirius spit out all these secrets!
Don’t say that he is just Sirius’s memory of those achievement methods and occult arts, which has a great place for Wu Daozun!
Eye enemy current budo honour temporarily put this idea.
Seeing that the face of the silver mask seemed to disappear, the owner of the half-red valley shook his head and took a deep breath to calm his mind.
Although he stepped into the true realm and condensed the Tao fruit, his realm was not completely stable when he left the fairy for help.
If he looks at that face a few more times, he will probably collapse on the spot!
The owner of Akatani realized that this silver mask was definitely a treasure.