Sex way you frown and ask a way.

"Can you come and I can’t?"
Yan Beichen eyes swept away light asked
Sex Dao Jun’s face sank and he snorted. He didn’t continue to ask.
"The newcomer is a guest!"
Extremely fire tao jun said with a wave of his hand.
A monk with a hundred refined doors moved a chair with trepidation and put Yan Beichen in front with a look of fear and hurriedly turned away.
Yan Beichen didn’t thank him, so he just sat there.
With a bloody long knife in his hand, he crossed his knees and his eyes were half open and half closed. He looked as if he were asleep, and no one knew what he was doing.
Xianjian Daojun’s eyes flashed and he suddenly said, "It’s extremely hot. Now our two sides will fight each other. I have a proposal."
Extremely fire tao jun eyebrows a pick.
"We didn’t enjoy each other twice. Why don’t we take this opportunity to fight this time?" Xian Jian Dao Jun took the initiative to invite war.
He said this sentence is to wake up extremely angry Dao Jun.
He already knew that it was you who robbed the "Day Killing Sword Tactics" in World War I of Wanyao Valley!
Xianjian Daojun came here this time to know that Su Mo will never return home without a hand!
However, this is a hundred smelting doors. If the two sides scuffle, he may not be able to take advantage.
But he has absolute confidence in his fighting power!
If we can suppress the extremely hot Dao Jun through this war, we can exchange Su Mo for the extremely hot Dao Jun!
"You want me to fight?"
Extreme fire gentleman laughed and the flames in his eyes were burning.
Xianjian Daojun smiled sarcastically and said, "Why were you afraid of being the first in the law list five thousand years ago?"
I heard that Sue ink a shock in my heart.
Only then did he really realize the status of the extreme fire Taoist in the realm of repairing the truth five thousand years ago!
I’m afraid the influence of adding the identity of refining master again and again in the law list is not even fit and powerful!
"I think so."
You clap your hands and say, "One was the first in the law list five thousand years ago, and the first in the contemporary law list is rare. Let me wait for the first world war."
"grandmaster, let’s not fight for this tone."
"Yes, you’ve just reshaped your body, and you’re certainly not skilled in the manipulation and perception of this body. There’s no need to take risks."
Red Star Daojun and others hurriedly persuaded.