Afterwards, while Chimuhan went to bathe Yu Xi, she secretly went to the suitcase to turn over the contraceptive pills, but she couldn’t find her medicine bottle.

She remembers that she put it in the suitcase bag.
Chimuhan came out in a bathrobe to see her squatting beside the suitcase looking for something to sweat.
"Beauty, what are you looking for?"
"I’m looking for …" She almost let it slip. "Well, that’s the vitamin pill I often take for pregnancy."
"That? I threw it away for you. "
Yuxi’s sudden anger suddenly got up and the line was a little high.
"How can you throw away my things without my permission?"
Chi Muhan folded his eyebrows and became dumb. "Yu Xi, are you serious? I don’t know what that is?"
Cried the Yuxi a shock. Did he always know?
"Every time you take that so-called vitamin pill, your calf is swollen the next day. I can’t see it blindly."
Yes, taking birth control pills will cause limb edema.
But it’s not his fault. He refuses to wear condoms every time.
At this time, Yuxi’s eyebrows are locked and standing next to the suitcase. I don’t know what to say, but it seems like sophistry.
A meter away, the man’s deep eyes pursed her tightly.
"Just don’t also aggrieved to me? How can this not talk? What do you mean by Yu Xi’s secret contraception with me? Let’s make it clear today! "
This man has always been elegant, gentle, gentle and polite, and he has never seen such a black face to her during his association with him.
Looking at that angry face, Yuxi is not nervous and afraid.
She clutched the palm of her hand to earn judo. "Chi Gong, how long have we only been together? We haven’t had enough of each other’s world. You let me have a baby? Besides, I’m not ready to be a mother. "
See her attitude a soft ChiMuHan this anger is like being a pot of cold water poured to dissipate.
He limped slightly and trudged beside the woman, holding her little face in his hands and staring at her eyes, which were full of affection.
"Beauty, I am distressed by you. Do you know?"
Chi Muhan, you don’t want me. Did you secretly feed me birth control pills when you gave birth?
Yuxi’s smile in his heart was clever and nodded.
He added, "Beauty, I want to hold your hand and grow old with you. If … you really don’t want to wait until you get back to Jiangcheng, I can do ligation."
With a low voice, I put this bad woman in my arms.
But when he talked about "ligation", Yu Xi’s heart was still twisted.
She really can’t figure out that this man missed the woman most when he was drunk, but in reality he gave her the greatest affection and favor.
But Yu Xi doesn’t know what kind of hardship and sadness Chi Muhan is behind this boundless pet.
Yu Xi couldn’t help asking, "Chigong … don’t you need a woman? Do you live in succession?"
"The woman I live in can be you. If you don’t want to, I will never force you. Anyway, the Chi family doesn’t have me. It doesn’t matter if I have an heir."
I will make the biggest concession if I want you to be happy. This is my love for you.
In this sea and sky, the Aegean Sea is the same color, and they are bored together almost every day, from the sea to the blue sky, from day to night.
I am so happy that people are immersed in it. Yu Xi sometimes thinks that it is also a happy thing to live on this island forever if I stay away from noise and hatred.
After a week of honeymoon, they returned to Jiangcheng together.
It was agreed that Liang Hao would come to pick up the plane, but they came out of the airport and looked around for a few times. In the bustling crowd, Liang Hao was not found, but several Interpol officers greeted him.
After showing their Interpol cards, they said to Chi Muhan seriously, "Mr. Chi, please come with us."
YuXi heart is not a quiver should come so fast?
Chi Muhan seems to have been ready for all this. It seems that he was not surprised by the appearance of Interpol, but smiled with relief. "Wait for me and I will say a few words to my wife."
The man put his hand in two suitcases and turned around. The deep eyes fell on Yuxi’s slightly pale face.
"Don’t worry, I’ll be fine. Please take my suitcase home when I get back."
When he spoke, there was a faint joke in his mouth, and a warm kiss just landed on her eyebrows.
In addition, he didn’t say anything neat and turned to follow the Interpol.
Yu Xi will be relaxed and happy when you are done, but she is not happy at this moment.
She tightened her eyebrows and condensed his back as he drifted away, and her pink lips pursed tightly.
I spent the Aegean Sea with him, and those who were pregnant day and night were still vivid, and in a blink of an eye, the man was taken away by the criminal police.
It’s hard to say that the moment buried in her heart is heavy, as if she had fallen into the abyss.
Yu Rui appeared in front of her shortly after Interpol left.
Yuxi just quietly gathered up his emotions and smiled at the man in front of him. Because it was a public place, she respectfully called him a "second uncle …"
"Have you enjoyed your honeymoon with Chi Muhan these days?"
Yu Xi laughed and answered, "It’s just a fling. What’s the pleasure?"
"I think you are so happy that you forget who your enemy is?"
"I have never forgotten."
"Really didn’t forget?" The man snorted and glanced at the gate of the airport. At this time, Chi Muhan had already disappeared in the airport where people were coming and going. He went on to say, "If you really didn’t forget that he was taken away, would you show such a sad expression?"
Is she sad?