Rose gave Tang Yi a dirty look. It was a piece of cake for her to clean up the battlefield, but Tang Yi knew that it was definitely not easy for Li Lai.

Not only should we be careful that the other side will turn around and pounce at any time, but we should also be careful of some black guns of prisoners of war who are not dead, and we should also get rid of some seriously injured enemies
Li is a rookie, I’m afraid she will hesitate at the critical moment. If she hesitates a little on the battlefield, she will have a dead end.
"She is the daughter of the battalion chief, and you know it very well."
Tang Yi shrugged her shoulders. It’s really hard to explain why women are jealous.
"What’s the difference between a battalion chief’s daughter and a woman?"
Rose certainly won’t be jealous because she doesn’t feel inferior to Li, but she doesn’t want to make Tang Yi too tired.
Speaking for himself, he raised his sniper rifle and looked at the battlefield through the sniper mirror.
After a while, the trigger was pulled, and a wounded soldier moved slightly and was solved by her shot.
Li looked at the rose on the roof and looked at the wounded battlefield in the distance, so he couldn’t have compassion.
"I wonder how this happened."
But just as she collected some ammunition and was about to return, suddenly she found a strange thing.
And this happened when Tang Yi and Rose saw through those disguised soldiers.
Chapter 93 Biological and chemical weapons
Looking at the two bottles of water on the ground is not only strange to Li, but also can’t tell a story about Tang Yi and Rose.
These killed armed men are hiding not guns, not bombs, but two bottles of water
From the outside, this is ordinary mineral water, but the cover has been hit.
"Why should they protect two bottles of water?"
Rose rubbed her nose, which is her habit when thinking. It seems that there is nothing special about it.
"What if we killed the wrong person?"
Li, frowning, looked at Tang Yi’s murder of civilians.
Segmented reading 44
That’s a big deal.
"If it’s really civilians, why are these people hiding the same water in their arms? It’s obvious that they are in the same group with the armed forces, which means there should be something wrong with them hiding water. I’m afraid this is not ordinary water."
Tang Yi directly denied Li’s guess that these guys are definitely not simple for any reason.
Since they want to take these humble water into the embassy, I’m afraid this water is not ordinary water.
"I don’t see anything strange. Plastic bottles don’t look like corrosive liquids and there is no precipitation."
Rose nature also won’t feel wrong about these people appearing strange.
Reached for the two bottles of water and shook them. You couldn’t see anything strange with the naked eye.
"Could it be a kind of chemical and biological weapon?"
Without high-tech instruments, you can’t tell with the naked eye that Tang Yi screwed the cover.
I sniffed and found no pungent smell, which made Tang Yi somewhat unsure.
"Biological and chemical weapons"
Li took out his silver needle and dipped it in water, and it still looked the same.
Isn’t it a bit far-fetched to conclude that it is a biochemical weapon based on a bottle of water?
The word "don’t chemical and biological weapons" was invented in modern times. In fact, it was used on a large scale in Genghis Khan’s time. At that time, dead mice were thrown into the city to create plague to kill the enemy. In World War I, various chemical and biological weapons broke out. Counting, the number of people who died in the hands of chemical and biological weapons in the past thousand years was no less than the conventional number.
Before Tang Yi, he wouldn’t think so much, but after three years of action of Hidden Dragon, he knows a lot about the terrible place in this world.
Especially, the concept of toxin research in potential science is beyond the existing human knowledge.
"But you can’t see the problem at all."
High flyers Lee certainly knows a lot about the history of war.
But it’s incredible to judge it as a biological weapon just by two simple plastic bottles.
"Experiment 1"
Tang Yi reached out and picked up a bottle of water and walked aside. The body poured water into his mouth and chest little by little.
Hit in the chest, he was dirty and exposed, and a bottle of water was poured out. Three people waited around the body for a long time but nothing happened.
"Will it have to be alive?"
Rose firmly believed in Tang Yi’s judgment, but after waiting for a long time, nothing happened.
"Then I don’t know, but I can’t let these guys in anyway, even if it’s a bottle of ordinary water."
No matter how you look at it, it is a conspiracy. Even if you don’t go in, you must never let him threaten the safety of your compatriots.
"Grandpa will arrive in Hong Kong in an hour when he comes to the warship. At that time, he will send a dragon commando to rescue all the compatriots in the embassy. We will wait until everyone has evacuated before evacuating."
Warships are now in a state of first-class combat readiness, and gunboats are loaded to deal with emergencies at any time.
"I hope those guys will stop for an hour."
Tang Yi nodded his head. Well, they need to hold on for an hour, and the personnel and ships should be protected by warships. Not to mention these kittens and puppies, even if they send out regular troops, they can’t stop them. After all, three gunboats are no joke.
"And my grandfather has also informed all the people in the embassy not to leave their posts without leave before the commando team arrives, let alone take the initiative to attack. At the same time, check all the asylum seekers to ensure that they don’t carry anything, including drinking water."
Li Ziran has already told grandpa about the situation here, and immediately notified the embassy after hearing that there are armed men disguised as carrying liquids.
"That’s right, and I believe this matter must have something to do with some potential science."
Rose went to keep watch again, and Tang Yi took this opportunity to have a good rest.