Things are good, but you have to have life to take them.

"What do fools go for?" Linglaoyin slowly came out
"Is the teacher going to shoot?" Han Chen blinked at Ling Lao.
"I said I won’t start work until there is a condensed soul realm of Warcraft, and you can’t move the resin puppet in this mountain range of Warcraft, but don’t worry about this, because someone will come here later and see this thing, and they will definitely make moves."
"really?" Han Chen eyes rekindled a glimmer of hope.
"If you hide now, those people will come in less than half an hour, and then you will sit tight."
Smell speech Han Chen face is flashing with a bit of excitement soon is to choose a big tree gently jumped to hide.
And Han Chen waited patiently for half an hour, but at this time Han Chen was in a burst of spirit because he felt that there was something not weak nearby and he was slowly coming here.
About ten minutes later, some noise is slowly ringing, and soon Han Chen is to see a large group of people slowly coming here.
Looking at the team not far from himself, Han Chen nodded slightly. The strength of this large group of people is not weak. That song is a middle-aged man dressed in gray. According to Han Chen’s guess, it is already a solid double peak strength at this time, and there are not five solid and heavy masters beside him. Some people are left in the realm of hardened bones.
"The owner heard that this fire leopard is here." At this time, a sound suddenly reminded that the speaker was a black man in a hardened bone.
"Well, I know that we have searched for more than a month and finally found it. We must catch it this time." The middle-aged man in gray slowly said.
"We’ll make a quick decision with the six of us later. This fire leopard is not easy to handle. Be careful. Others will stay aside," said the middle-aged man Shen.
"Yes," replied the middle-aged people who were obviously in gray when they leaned down one by one.
"Dad, I’ll help later." At this time, a crisp sound came out. A little girl dressed in green with a ponytail was squeezed out of the crowd and ran to the middle-aged person in gray.
"Ha ha KINOMOTO SAKURA, you’d better follow your sister. Don’t run around. This fire leopard is very powerful. You can’t help it." The middle-aged man in gray smiled and touched the little girl’s little head
"Come back, KINOMOTO SAKURA" The crowd slowly walked out of a woman in red with beautiful eyes and enchanting figure. The red dress set off people’s hearts and evil thoughts, but her forehead was a little cold and lonely, with the feeling of rejecting people thousands of miles away.
After a lifetime, the little girl honestly returned to her side, holding the jade hand of the woman is to stop talking.
"Get ready quickly" Middle-aged face smile in gray gradually converges, and then others say a frown on the body. Chapter 99 Siege the fire leopard with a serious spirit.
"hmm? Teacher, why do so many people appear in the fire leopard territory, but the fire leopard still doesn’t appear? " Eyes, those people Han Chen ling old spiritual communication.
"Hehe, the fire leopard is now in the promotion period and the weakest time." The old voice came to my mind.
"If I had known this, I should have gone to take away the flaming Ganoderma lucidum just now." Han Chen’s nostril jet seemed a little regretful about his move just now.
"Hum" Ling Lao said with a cold hum, "If you go, you will definitely be miserable by that guy. If you don’t believe me, you can have a try now."
Listen to ling old saying Han Chen corners of the mouth a slight smoke but it is not refuted.
"Well, let’s wait and see. I think that guy will appear later. I don’t know whether these people can deal with this guy in a weak period is still unknown." Ling Laoyin slowly came out
Nodding gently Han Chen also said nothing more, quietly watching that group of people, and everything will be known later.
At this time, the middle-aged man in gray was holding a big knife in his hand, swinging it, sending out a little cold, and several people beside him also quickly pulled out their weapons
"Brothers, let’s go together. It’s really hard to pick up this fire leopard, but now it’s out of weakness that we have succeeded in grasping it." The gray man also raised his sword in his hand and stared at the nest where the fire leopard lived
"Yes," the five people beside him nodded slowly, but even though they were in a weak stage, the flame leopard was very difficult to deal with. At the thought of this, their hands holding weapons couldn’t help tightening up.
At this time, they slowly walked towards the place where the fire leopard lived, but each step became heavier.
However, at this time, a deep sound was immediately wrapped in a leopard in the flame and slowly appeared in front of everyone.
The middle-aged man in gray slowly spit out three words at the corners of his mouth.
"fire leopard"
"The owner? This guy found us "at this time, a man in gray said with a cold sweat on his face and some shivering feet."
"Don’t worry, this big guy looks very fierce, but he is now in a weak period. There should be no problem for the six of us to deal with it." The gray man said that he was also taking a slap in the face. Obviously, he didn’t believe in himself, but what can he do now except crustily skin of head?
"The rest of you listen to leave here quickly, and we will chase you later." The middle-aged man in gray took one look at the fire leopard, but turned to the nearby people and folded it into a tone that was meaningless to discuss.