Of course, some friends say that I often write these Rory Bars, which is a bit procrastinating, but I write them habitually, so I write them again. If you don’t like reading them, leave a message in the opinion building, and I will reduce these things.

Ok, I’m too tired today. Let’s call it a day. Speaking of it, I haven’t written a gossip for a long time. Actually, writing this thing has a feeling of communicating with you. I wonder if you have read it?
Well, finally say hello to everyone ~
Bye-bye. I’m going to bed!
Gossip 5
I met some things again today, and I can’t help but talk nonsense. √ Wen Wang ★★★ .81Z く. √ C O M √.
Originally, I went out for breakfast this morning, but I met a pair of sisters who were still reading when they looked at it. They sat on the ground and put a piece of paper. Well, everyone must have guessed what happened at home and asked good people for help.
At last, I didn’t even look at it, and then I left directly. However, after I bought breakfast, I couldn’t help but take a look at the unnecessary nonsense. I stopped talking and moved me to say that I would go back to see my father for the last time.
At that time, I hesitated after reading it and left. At this time, my heart was in a struggle. After walking a few meters, I felt 51 yuan left in my pocket. At that time, I told myself that I had only so much left. Forget it. I took a few more steps and comforted myself by saying that they might as well find something to do. Maybe it would be faster to get money. But how can it be so simple to find something? Besides, how can it be so urgent for them to find something to do slowly?
After a few more steps, I couldn’t help it after all. One of the girls, the red eye circle, kept popping up in my mind. I went back and some angrily threw 50 yuan and left, probably because I was angry that I would stop to have a look. That’s the so-called ostrich spirit, right?
But after throwing money, I don’t have much joy in helping others. Instead, I wonder if I will be cheated. Yes, after all, there are too many such people, but when I look back, I wonder what happened to our society. I think most people are like me, not without compassion, but with great suspicion.
What if it’s not? Aren’t you cheated? Maybe the cheat is still calling himself an idiot behind his back. Who wants to be one? I believe everyone hates these scams as much as I do. Sometimes foreigners say that we China people have no quality, and I really want to scold them back, but it’s really hard for me to justify scolding them back. Sometimes it’s really depressing.
And what bothers me most is that although there are many scams, there are always people who really need help. What if those people who really need help appear in front of us? We’re not sun monkeys. We don’t have a pair of eyes. How can we tell each other? How many people have learned to tell whether a person is cheating or not to decide whether to give a love or not? Anyway, it’s rare for me to think so much. Why don’t I just classify them as cheating?
However, today, I still can’t be cruel. It’s not that our society is indifferent. I guess our society’s enthusiasm has been lost by those dogs. However, we can’t do anything to continue to be so indifferent from this society. Will one day we become an indifferent society after we become numb? I don’t know, maybe I’m a little worried, but, ha, everyone just thinks I’m sick.
I feel much better after talking so much nonsense. Okay, forget the code word ~
It is in
Chapter catalogue
The first chapter Jade Golden Crown Snake
The spring story of the Great Wilderness calendar in 1o22 was born in an obscure town in the east of Qingyu Empire in the mountains and seas-
The morning sun shines gently in Muxin town. A young man of about 15 or 16 years old, thin and handsome, walks with a medicine basket on his back and a small medicine hoe on his waist. The only scraggy Qingshiban Road is lined with shops, teahouses, restaurants, leaves, grass tips and dewdrops, reflecting the sun’s bright and colorful rays.
"Mu Yu went into the mountains to collect herbs again today!" The bartender of Zhaoxia Teahouse is beating the wooden door while rubbing his sleepy eyes, and the boy says hello.
Yang Muyu smiled at the bartender, revealing a deep dimple on his left cheek. "Yes, it’s a fine day today, and there’s nothing at home. My father is still dispensing less herbs and just going into the mountains to see."
The paper window of the only drugstore in the next town suddenly pushed a fat head of about 50 years old and leaned out. "Feather buddy, the extra herbal medicine tube is sent to me at a good price."
"I know Wang Bo!" Yang Muyu waved at the old man.
"You old man know how to bully people!" On the other side of the building, a young woman of about thirty combed her long head and said to herself, "Be careful when you go back to the mountain road early!"
Yang Muyu smiled and looked up at the young woman half-squinting. "Thank you, Aunt Mei, for being careful."
Town 6 continued, and some people poked their heads out in good faith. Yang Muyu greeted him, and Yang Muyu smiled and responded all the way out of town.
Less than two miles out of the town is the strongest mountain range in Qingyu Empire. The strong mountain range extends from the extreme west Qingyun Empire to the endless east until the vast sea crosses the whole Qingyu Empire. It is said that there are wild beasts in the depths of the mountain … Even the most brave warriors of Qingyu Empire dare not enter easily.
Muxin town is a very small town. Most of the residents are native villagers. Young men in the simple and kind town will naturally go into the mountains to hunt wild animals, precious animals and furs. Passers-by guests will exchange some rare things, but Yang Muyu is the only one who collects herbs. He was not from Muxin town, but moved here with his father five years ago.
The townspeople only knew that the father was a foreigner, but what he was doing and moving to such a remote town. The simple people didn’t think much about Yang’s mastery of medical skills. Since then, he has treated some people in the town and cured many incurable diseases, but his body seems to be incurable. Therefore, after he settled down in the town, he lived in seclusion and left everything to little Yang Muyu to take care of.
Yang’s father, on the other hand, Yang Muyu was kind and lively, and soon everyone in the town became one, but every spring and autumn, he often went to the mountains to collect herbs. According to him, his father had a strange disease, and he had to be forced to treat his father because he could not be cured in the depths of the mountain.
Every time Yang Muyu goes into the mountains to collect herbs, he will bring back many other herbs and send them to the only drugstore in town to exchange some coins.
This time, Yang Muyu kept walking along the mountain road as usual, but today he felt a little depressed because he went to three places in a row to grow the golden thread red-violet fruit, but there was no trace of picking at the third place, which made him feel the most uncomfortable.
There’s nothing Yang Muyu can do to deal with such things. After all, such wild things are not planted by his family. Since they were picked up first, he has to look for them elsewhere.
Although the red lotus fruit with golden thread is not a rarity, the growth environment is extremely demanding. Generally, it is born on cliffs. Yang Muyu looked up at the sky in the distance, and a red sun with rouge color had sunk to the west.
"No matter what, look again. Maybe there is one around here!" Yang Muyu walked along the mountain road with her feet in her heart. Suddenly, there seemed to be something at the bottom of a green hibiscus wood next to her, reflecting the light golden light from the setting sun.
Yang Muyu’s heart moved carefully and walked past, grasping the medicine hoe in his hand to divide weeds. A small golden snake was frightened and swam quickly to the side. Although it was in a hurry, Yang Muyu saw that the little snake was actually green with bright color and extremely golden color wrapped around the snake’s head like a silk thread. He forced his heart to be excited-it was a jade golden crown snake. Although it was small and less than a foot long, he once heard his father say that there must be different treasures where there were jade golden crowns snakes.
A short stay of the jade golden crown snake has gone down the hillside next to it. Yang Muyu is busy following with light steps, but after chasing the small snake for a while, Yang Muyu is in distress situation-the jade golden crown snake meanders to a precipice and swims easily along some plants that stubbornly grow on the mountainside.
Yang Muyu has a wry smile on the precipice. He is not a snake’s failure to climb the cliff or a bird’s natural fit. He looked around the precipitous precipice and was busy looking for gold thread. Red-violet fruit just chased the little snake for a while and had never been to a place before going deep into Qiangmao Mountain.