"Shout …"

Xiao asked a long sigh of relief, and at that time the whole person almost collapsed. At this moment, he has been suppressed for half a year, and he really has some venting every day just thinking about escape and revenge.
He is not content, but confident that he can leave the black mine in a short time! His spiritual level has even improved, and his self-recognition has reached the extreme in the past 20 years.
Self-confidence has always been very important to cultivate immortals, and it is a key part of soul practice in the three levels of physical, Taoist and soul practice.
Because the practice of the Tao can often promote the improvement of the physical body, the celestial world often calls the practice of the physical body and the Tao as self-cultivation, while the practice of the soul is called mind cultivation. At present, Xiao Wen has actually taken a big step forward by being passively pushed by reality.
When Xiao Wen cheered up again in the mine, his whole body seemed to be brisk for a few minutes, and then he walked directly to the depths of the mine with a mine hoe.
In the end, Xiao Wen stopped in front of the 60% light alum mine, took off the ore basket, and then pumped the geogas energy into the ore hoe without a teacher’s knowledge, and chiseled the ore hoe into the ore rock. The highest content of light alum ore that has appeared in the black mine is 70%, and that few light alum ore makes a mine slave free. Xiao asked that mining 60% content of ore at this time actually does not require too much mining to gather enough shares.
With a hoe swing, Xiao asked even a carefree feeling.
However, the energy consumption of the earth and gas is too great, right? According to this situation, in fact, it will take less than a few dozen strokes to run out of energy.
Come again!
"When, when, when …"
Soon, two dozen hoes went down, and Xiao asked that the geogas energy in the body was half less!
But at this time, he had another feeling, that is, the texture of geogas energy in his body is undergoing extremely small changes with each swing, more precisely, it is firm!
Obviously, for the mysterious geogas energy, mining is practice!
It’s amazing!
Xiao Wen is carefully understanding, suddenly there came a finely voice in the cold ear, as if someone was walking on the ground covered with gravel! He immediately remembered the precautions he had taken after the supervisor left: kicking gravel all over the mine.
Someone’s coming!
When Xiao asked about it, he was shrouded in a sense of crisis. He was so absorbed that he didn’t even have time to mention the mine basket, and people just flew away with a mine hoe!
I don’t know if his worry was felt by the stone painting. This time, the flight speed was just as fast as the teleport, and he returned to the hut in the blink of an eye.
Xiao asked casually throwing a mine hoe, and reached for the compass in the air and put it on the table, suggesting that the energy in the body will leave here in a hurry.
At the moment when his whole person was pulling away from the scene in front of him, he looked at the book "Mine Code" with a blue-gray cover on the table completely by intuition, and then he had a more real intuition that the mine code had changed!
But at this time, it was obviously too late for him to react. The world turned black rapidly, and when it turned bright again, his people were already in the mine outside. However, to Xiao Wen’s surprise, he clearly stood out, but after returning to the tunnel, he was still sitting on the ground.
"You’d better have finished all today’s work, or you’ll fucking stay here tonight!"
The bawl came from the outside, and soon a supervisor came in fiercely, and the whip rolled up in his right hand slapped his left palm.

Chapter VII There are words
Xiao Wen had already stood up and calmly replied to the supervisor, "It’s been done for a while."
The supervisor stared at Xiao Wen, measured the progress, and quickly judged that Xiao Wen was not lying. However, the supervisor raised his whip and asked Xiao Xun, "Don’t go out when you’re done? Don’t want to eat, do you? !”
Under the existing conditions, Xiao Wen can’t be arrogant when facing the supervisor, even if he is angry. What he can do is to try his best to be neither humble nor humble, so that he can keep his dignity. If he is not arrogant, he can avoid being whipped. So at this time, he still took out his usual attitude, and his voice was moderate and tunnel: "I was about to leave."
Recently, it was the time to rely on those young mining slaves to dig new tunnels, so the supervisor actually didn’t want to ask Xiao what to do. However, the supervisor still held his mouth contemptuously and sneered, "Do you still want to take advantage of this fart to restore Taoist power? ! Stop dreaming! Open your mine honestly! Get enough share before you go outside to practice! Huh? ! What’s the matter with you? ! ! Really recovered! ! !”
The supervisor was talking to himself, but the more he said it, the more surprised he became. When he looked at Xiao, his eyes got bigger and bigger, and even the fairy whip in his right hand was raised, and he looked alert.
The supervisor was surprised, but Xiao asked at this time was even more surprised, because it was not until this moment that he discovered that the Tao force in his body had recovered more than half! It’s been half a year since he entered the black mine, and this is the first time he has returned to this state!
The efficiency of supplementing Daoli in the area of more than ten feet near the hut in the stone painting is so high!
This is a good thing, but in the present moment, it is really possible to kill Xiao Wen!
Black mines will prevent the slaves from recovering their power to escape. How can Xiao Wen be allowed to see this situation at this time? !
Xiao asked the in the mind a nasty, subconsciously thought of the stone painting again, and then it was entirely by instinct that Daoli slammed into the stone painting.
Stone painting didn’t disappoint Xiao Wen, but swallowed Xiao Wen’s Taoist power like a long whale, which was a world of its own. Without this capacity, it would be a ghost.
The supervisor watched Xiao Wen’s mental pressure plummet, naturally knowing that something was wrong, but he was actually just a middle-ranking fairy, and his eyesight was still far from perfect. It was impossible to know what had happened to Xiao Wen.
"What’s the matter with you?" The supervisor turned cold and asked in a low voice.
"No matter how little power there is, it can break out under full operation. I wish I had really recovered." Xiao asked if there was an unwilling tunnel.
The supervisor also felt that Xiao Wen couldn’t really restore Daoji’s strength, and he laughed proudly when he turned his mind, thinking that he had grasped Xiao Wen’s real situation: "You broke out from time to time because you wanted to maintain Daoji’s vitality in this way?"
Xiao asked immediately follow the supervisor’s words "well", and pretended to be annoyed, but his heart was greatly thankful. It’s really Amitabha. This supervisor really doesn’t take the mine slaves seriously.
Then Xiao Wen and the supervisor walked in tandem to the outside of the mine. The supervisor relied on his own identity, and when he walked out, he stopped talking to Xiao Wen, who was just happy and could be distracted to communicate with stone paintings.
Communication, in fact, is only the communication of Daoli. After a few steps, Xiao Wen found a painful reality. He can only pour Daoli into stone paintings, but he can’t absorb it in the existing state. 80%, only after entering the stone painting again can you restore the Taoist power a little.
At the thought of just counting interest, let the whole body beat Shui Piao with more than half of the force. When Xiao asked, he felt a little sore, which was a waste of his grandmother! However, this time is not the same as in the past, and it is far less difficult for him to restore Daoli.
At the end of the main tunnel, there were more people around him, afraid of being seen. Xiao Wen took his mind back from the abdomen and put it into reality.
At this time, his whole person was much lighter, and his depression was obviously not so heavy.
Soon, the thick vegetable fragrance floated into Xiao Wen’s nose, which made him feel refreshed, and his stomach immediately cried unwillingly. Qian Fu, the owner of the black mine, really didn’t lie about the food. The amount of food given to the miners here is both sufficient and oily.
After counting interest rates, Xiao Wen went to an open place in the tunnel, where thirty or forty people had already been surrounded. There were several large iron pots in the crowd, and the firewood under the pot was burning brightly.
"What dish?" Xiao asked directly to the people around him.
"Stewed green vegetable vermicelli with big meat." Dinner is just around the corner, and the man doesn’t care if he will be seen by the supervisor. He said directly.
Xiao asked immediately to swallow saliva, and hurried to the front to get a sea bowl, just waiting for the official dinner …