
It was about two hours before Ning ‘ao stopped Huang Xuan and said, "Now you understand that you should do this every day from today."
Huang Xuanlei was panting as if he had just been hunted by a wild boar. There was no image. He leaned against the pigsty and said, "It is better to die if you do it every day."
"Then I’m afraid you can wait for death," said Ning ‘ao rudely.
"Whatever you say," said Huang Xuan vaguely. "What’s the next step? Can’t just wash the pool? "
Ning’ ao paid an ugly bellows and laughed. "Just throw these raw materials in the prescribed proportion. Pay attention to the fact that dietitians are a profession that requires precision."
"Then how do I know how much they weigh? Scale? "
Ning Ao’s bellows praised, "This is the difference between different levels of nutritionists. The content of active ingredients in each leaf is different. Most nutritionists rely on experience. Of course, they can be ordinary nutritionists, while travelers should try to make energy pass through the surface of raw materials to measure their active ingredients and then calculate the amount."
"Energy passes through the surface?" Huang Xuan was suspicious. "Let Lorraine do it."
It is difficult to carry out such fine control on the surface layer. Only with the help of travelers can we remember that every raw material is very delicate. The more you go deep into the surface layer, the worse the pharmaceutical effect will be.
Huang Xuan couldn’t wait to interject, "What kind of situation is excellent?"
"According to your understanding, the unit is about 1 nanometer."
Huang Xuan flipped his eyes, picked up a piece of Ningyecao, and rubbed his hands slightly to try to penetrate the energy.
There is no mystery. The huge energy screen is displayed in front of me, and then the microstructure is immediately displayed. Huang Xuan controls the energy divergence. It is easy to see that with the deepening of energy, the tissue components of Ningyecao are destroyed, like the lawn in the restricted area of the football field just after the game.
"This piece of Ningyecao has lost its value." There is no fluctuation in Ningaoyin.
Nick came to some interesting avenues. "Let me come. Let me come to Lorraine. It’s stupid."
"You are the same," Ning Ao made no secret. "Even if there is no help from travelers in the advanced plane base, the energy fineness will not exceed 1 nanometer. It is very good that your energy fineness can reach 1 micron (1 nanometer) in a first-class plane base."
"Who’s interested in doing such a troublesome thing?" Nick snorted when he knew that he couldn’t meet the nano-level requirements, so he stopped demanding it.
Huang Xuan once again took out a snow moss and tried to touch his eyes with its smooth surface, while staring unblinkingly at the large energy screen.
This scene is like a surgeon doing microsurgery.
Ning Ao, who seldom speaks well, also cheered him on at this time. "If you can control the energy penetration to 1 nanometer, then the flexibility of your fingers will be no problem in the plane battle. Don’t say that the accuracy of 2 meters is 20,000 meters, and it can also be accurate to the centimeter level. Of course, this is also the best level of nutritionists. Now we have to control the energy to 1 micron to reach the advanced level."
"I think …" Huang Xuan said this sentence with great difficulty. "I think I can do it."
"Do what?"
"Maybe it’s … nano-scale control." Huang Xuan spoke. Lorraine couldn’t see the composition of snow moss cells on the big screen.
Chapter three hundred and thirteen Strength (5)
Huang Xuan held his breath, his hands were slightly, slightly, and he could hardly see the moving snow moss stroking. Even Ning Ao put away his broken bellows and turned to breathe like a fart. "Very good. It has reached the level of 1 nanometer (1/1 micron) and stabilized."
"9 nm is very good." A watchman, Ning Ao’s voice is always stable. His tone can change, but he can’t do this. But when Huang Xuan gradually takes back the energy a little, Ning Ao can’t speak mechanically
Perhaps it is worried about affecting Huang Xuan’s play.
The four guards all know that a traveler’s fine control of energy is the basis of flexibility, and the two complement each other. Only then will Ning Ao say that Huang Xuan has been exercising his fingers without precision and flexibility, which is like macro and micro connection.
It is the limit of low-level travelers to be able to control the energy fineness to 1 nanometer level without the base supervisor.
Huang Xuan’s eyes are wide and round, and the energy screen is constantly patrolling the inch. The energy screen can see the structure of the snow moss. The closer to the edge, the more chaotic the mechanism is. It is the damaged tissue, and it can be found that the damaged depth is getting shallower and shallower from left to right …
"7 nm" Ning ‘ao no longer dared to speak in Huang Xuan’s ear, but created a source and field near his body as if there was a person next to him.
"6 nanometers!" Nick was chanting to the river alone, "It seems that my promotion day is coming soon."
"The first sequence of plane base is an" Xiaohe Yizheng said.
"My first sequence is not Ann in a base with managers." Nick was born in the forward base of the big plane era star team, and its first sequence is bound to be Ann.
Cool river hum a ignored Nick.