After the preparation of both sides, the host’s voice rang out at the right time. "The final battle is coming. I really look forward to it. This game is a coincidence. It is a game between Xishan and Maoyun, and the former Xishan team is slightly better. I don’t know if this duel is Maoyun’s revenge or the Xishan team continues to triumph."

"Xiao Hao, do we really want to play like that?" Two macros asked with some worry.
Former Zhang Hao appointed a set of tactics, which seemed to be effective after rehearsal, but everyone was somewhat skeptical when they actually arrived at the scene.
"Relax, of course, no problem." Looking at Zhang Erhong, Zhang Hao also woke him up. Don’t be so nervous.
The long-awaited game was finally put on the big screen, and the audience was almost full. The scene was very hot.
"The two sides are ready, let’s look forward to the wonderful matchup." The explanation microphone has been debugged and is waiting for the war to start.
When the two sides entered the ban selection stage, the name of Maoyun sk2 team opposite Zhang Haoyi’s head was black. Can you be creative and move directly to the name of Korean baseball team? It is also necessary to teach them to be human.
The Bull Team ban dropped Twisted Fate, mantis, Pan Sen and other strong heroes in the previous period. The Korean counterfeit team sk2 finally ban dropped the bomber Casadin. It is difficult to hit Morgana at present.
The tauren team is in a favorable position. ban first chooses the first floor. Gao Chengfeng’s choice is not powerful. For a moment, the audience can’t understand sk2. It is very violent to choose robots and men’s guns, which also explains why ban chose Morgana as a hero.
In the end, the team of bulls is the phoenix gravedigger, Dr. Mundo the Madman of Zaun Mondo, the glory executioner, and Kieran, the time guardian of Devon.
On the other hand, the sk2 array on the opposite side is the fairy witch Lulu Noxas, the hand of Demacia, the auxiliary robot of the emperor’s male gun. Morgana is extremely restrained about the robot.
After the selection of the array, there was an uproar. The array of cattle was so wonderful that I really couldn’t understand it
"What the hell am I going to do here? Are you ready to play?"
"It’s better to let the freedom team come with such soy sauce."
Even the commentary is confused. "It seems that the Bulls have made a surprise move and we are waiting for it."
Passers-by team is also Zheng, and they are discussing what this team is trying to do, but then when the captain wakes up, he suddenly realizes that it is really possible to do so.
Zhang Hao has reached the goal of development for his companions. If you look closely at this array, it is not difficult to find that it is a core array of Draven and Phoenix, and Mondo and the grave digger should play the role of a dung beetle in the later period, so it is necessary to do a good job. In the later period, the Tauren team really has super combat effectiveness.
But this is not the most bizarre. At the end of the lock, the Tauren team was replaced by the skill of sending flash summoners. Of course, it is normal for Zhang Hao to play wild and Mondo, and it is even more incomprehensible to bring punishment.
"Welcome to League of Legends"
It’s also an important point for the bureau to focus on the screen. If the bureau is taken fb by the other side, it will definitely have a great impact on the situation behind it
According to the predetermined tactics, assist Zhou Qiang to insert a 75-yuan artificial eye in the blue hair road red buff, and insert decorative eyes in the triangle grass of Xiaolong face to ensure the road vision.
While the rest of the team members all went to the grass behind Dalong Road, and put their eyes on f4 on the opposite side to detect the opposite trend, and then went to the river grass next to the triangle grass.
Sk2′ s idea is to squat in the triangle grass at the blue square road where the two sides are hundreds of thousands of miles apart. The first tactic was successfully implemented, avoiding the sk2 first-class team. The red buff eyes at home have found the opposite trend.
Sk2 single id Ares guy walked to the road before squatting in the grass. At this time, everyone became nervous, because if five people squatted in the grass, it was inevitable to take the blood of Ares.
The God of War has reached f4. Unfortunately, the guards who were inserted here found Zhang Hao playing wild and Mondo calm.
Command five people to block the only way for the god of war Noxas in the triangle grass of Dalongfang. Shan Erhong dug the grave decisively and learned 2 times. The god of war has moved forward. I wonder if there will be an encounter. "
"Now that the God of War is in f4, it seems that it is to prevent the opposite side from stealing buff."
"Hey, the five people of the Tauren team moved. They passed through the triangular grass. Are they going to catch the god of war?" The commentary watched the movement of the Tauren team in real time.
"It seems that they are squatting in the grass. Oh, my God, Nock will move towards them again. The grave digger will make the first effort."
Seeing Erhong’s grave digger poking his eyes into the grass in Nock, he released two teams in a flash, and four people were still squatting in the blue square red buff. They couldn’t catch Nock’s run.
Draven chased Nock, who was slowed down, and kept drawing A to help the old man slow down Nock.
"How much control the Tauren team has!" The explanation is that this control skill never stopped from the beginning.
"Go after him."
Zhang Hao’s concise password is the direction of the team. MUBI once again gave Nock a Q skill, which made other players sometimes come.
Mondo Q skill has a 4-speed reduction at the first level. I have to say that it is very powerful. Nock is watching five people watching his blood volume plummet, but he also has the ability.
After being hit by the third virus butcher knife, he completely lost his escape and went straight to die.
"Beautiful Tauren team ad Levin won the first head, let’s congratulate Tauren team on winning the advantage and hope sk2 will come on and show its elegance". The explanation is professional and does not take sides.
Ob perspective is also played when Nock was taken with one blood. Although the fight was fierce, in fact, in just a few seconds, the fighting broke out and ignited the audience’s passion. sk2 players quickly adjusted the God of War. They didn’t say that it was so easy to take one blood with a sullen face and it was really uncomfortable to be beaten by five people.
Go out from the spring, and Nock will not hurry to the line.
At the moment, Zhang Hao is temporarily relieved. According to his steps, the bureau has successfully avoided the sk2 team’s first-class regiment and got the blood of the God of War. I have to say that this is an unexpected gain, but it was not originally intended to change the buff bureau at first. The latest information and latest trends are all in the rookie readers’ group. Welcome to join in the group search and directly enter the "rookie readers’ group", which is also searchable.
Chapter 47 Don’t play by routine!
After the Tauren team got the blood, Wang Dongdong ad Draven and Time Guardian didn’t rush to the road, but helped Zhang Hao to win 766f6474772e636f6d.
Because the former sk2 went to squat in the blue square red buff, the tauren team naturally chose to change buff to play skills. The iron hand pulled the old man in the auxiliary time, and the robot took over the flying skills. Finally, the male gun took away the man’s head, "explained the quick explanation.
"Oh, it turned out to be a preparation for Yin people. I have to say that the experienced tauren team from Maoyun team not only sent out a head but also lost a little dragon. It’s a bit lost that their bureau advantage can be said to be lost."
Zhou Qiang is a little annoyed. At the moment, the situation has not taken care of the output of the Eternal Array of the Tauren. It’s really scary. Every line of the Tauren has a little difficulty in development.
However, Zhang Hao didn’t worry too much that this was a normal situation. The Tauren team was in a weak period, and sk2 was in a golden period of output. Whether it was Lulunock or Road Robot Men’s Gun, even if it was the emperor’s big move, it was suspected that it was horrible. There was no need to die with them.
This array is of special significance.
Chapter 4 Resurrection Stream Play ()
The god of war once again came to the line. He has already given out mercury shoes and giant belts. This time Nock has been a grave digger. Although the situation is 2 but the Tauren team economy has pulled about SK2700 yuan.
As soon as the grave digger’s early disadvantage appears, although he can rely on skills to consume blood, his skills consume blue. It can be said that the amount of blue will be exchanged for Nock’s blood, and Nock will also exchange blood.
At this moment, Emperor sk2 quietly touched the grass and waited for an opportunity.
Nock seized the opportunity to pull a set of skills to dig the grave, and the grave has not escaped yet. Then the emperor jumped out of an eq company to fly directly, which made Nock output more damage and then set a set of tricks to ignite.
In the end, Erhong dug the grave and painfully handed over his life. The effect of double blood loss was simply not too cool, and there was no chance to flash.
Fortunately, there was a short resurrection when the tomb was dug, and the tower was saved when the resurrection quickly came to the road. At the same time, the former Nock had been consumed and the half blood line was not a problem for a while
"Wow, the Tauren team is inferior to the wild team and needs to help two people walk. Is this their tactic?" The explanation seems to explain that he is also very curious about the tactics of this new Tauren team. It seems that there is a director directing everything. It is like a drama.
See Zhang Hao Mondo squatting directly in the grass and no longer going to fight wild. This ensures the smooth excavation of the tomb and the recruitment of soldiers. There is almost no explosive power in this line of heroes. Before the gank opportunity, Mondo squatted several times and never had a chance to find the gank rhythm.
"The Niuren team is really decisive and dares to fight those who have not tried to play." Wang Yi, the captain of passers-by watching the game, could not help but praise it