"Not bad"

The guide monk also nodded, "Just now this Luo Cha didn’t dare to wait for us to shake head-on. This is our only chance!"
Naive Jun gradually slowed down to realize that it was Yu Jun Zhen Jun who appeared on his own to survive.
But his eyes are already fighting spirit.
This is scared to death!
He doesn’t make sense, either.
But that Luo Cha leads fast, and they can’t react at all. Even if they join hands, what are their chances of winning?
Naive jun doesn’t want to die
He wants to leave here as soon as possible, from Vientiane City and this shura hell!
"It’s enough for you to join hands. Don’t count me in!"
Innocent gentleman’s look changes thoughtfully, a little eyes flashed with a decision, and this sentence stopped and ran away without looking back.
"You …"
Yu Junzhen was so angry that his arms trembled and he looked resentful.
The guide monk’s eyes flashed a trace of sadness and sighed, "Everyone wants to be alone, but who can stay out of this head?"
"It is you three who want to kill me together?"
At this time, the three people suddenly heard a sinister sound and the chill was biting!
"Not good!"
YuJunZhenJun three people feel cold all over.
A cold light flashes with the smell of death and goes straight to the head of the guide monk to split him in half!
"Back off!"
Yu Junzhen suddenly pushed the guide monk.
Lotus flower gushing
One arm is thrown high, and the blood drops splash and scatter in the middle.
Although the guide monk escaped his life, Yu Junzhen was cut off and his arm was bleeding profusely!
Falling Snow Zhenjun hurriedly stepped out to block Yu Junzhen’s front and waved a layer of ice crystals to reflect different light to form a line of sight, temporarily blocking Luo Cha from leading the way.
Yu Junzhen looks pale.
Luo Cha weapons are full of an extremely evil force.
Can cause laceration wound bleeding situation.
Broken arm, serious loss of qi and blood, how much fighting power does he have left?
And this kind of injury is almost difficult for him to heal!
Only if you can practice to fit the environment can you regenerate your limbs.
However, the road to cultivate immortals is long, dangerous and extremely difficult. Can you cultivate to return to the virtual realm? What’s more, it’s still unknown what will happen later, and what will happen next?
The falling snow really saved Yu Junzhen. What did you expect? Luo Cha did not continue to kill the two men at the head of the root.
The black light is flashing!
The guide monk was worried that Yu Junzhen’s injury was a little hesitant, and his abdomen was marked with a huge gap, and his dirty parts almost rolled out!
The guide monk snorted.
He knew that Luo Cha had no killer, otherwise he would have been a dead body!
"Hey, hey!"
Yin measuring smile is erratic, one moment it is still ahead, and soon it has come behind the true gentleman of falling snow.
"Look out!"
Yu Junzhen woke up, but he was still a step behind.
A half-foot-long wound on the back of the fallen snow gentleman can cut her in two if it is deeper!