After thinking it over, Lin Jin’s mood improved a lot. Although a man is psychologically different from him, Lin Jin thinks that he can’t do this in his life.

But if you like women … that’s equivalent to hurting others.
Thinking about thinking about Lin Jin, his mind is a little stuck in an infinite loop. He is frowning bitterly and always feels that his life is getting darker and darker.
It’s already Friday afternoon. For Lin Jin, a class with no classes at noon, it’s now a weekend. Otherwise, Lin Jin doesn’t have so much free time.
Then the door of Lin Jin’s rental house was knocked.
Hesitated for a moment from the bed, listening to the constant knocking on the iron gate, Lin Jin got up from the bed with a bitter face and controlled the weakness to open the door.
"Jin Lin! You didn’t come to see me this week! "
See black Lin Jin perceive a pair of foothills hand has pressed his chest.
Mom, it hurts!
This teacher is probably still fake, right? Just grasp so hard!
"Teacher Lin, don’t touch your hands, okay?" Lin Jin’s mouth slapped and opened Miss Lin’s hands. Then she turned around and sat on the bed and asked, "What am I doing here? No classes? "
"I don’t have classes now."
Twenty-five-year-old teacher Lin, but Lin Jin seems that this woman is only ten years old at most. The bad taste is simply that she did not hesitate to kick off her shoes when she first saw Lin Jin sitting on the bed, and she hugged Lin Jin’s waist and pressed Lin Jin on the bed.
"Jin Lin, are you not learning to dance? Don’t study after only one week? " Miss Lin straddles Lin Jin’s waist and presses Lin Jin on the bed. Her face is pathetic and condescending. Looking at Lin Jin without a teacher’s appearance, she looks like a little girl who is fooling around to eat sugar.
"You get out of the way" Lin Jin’s face is black. He thinks that he is most afraid of not his parents or those who say that they want to find parents and teachers with a serious face, but this forced face does not want teachers.
"Don’t! You come with me to learn to dance! "
"I don’t learn! I have learned! " Lin Jin began to struggle hard. Fortunately, although Miss Lin is stronger than Miss Lin, she is also bigger than Miss Lin because of dancing all the year round. However, Miss Lin unexpectedly poked her waist with a claw and suddenly made her laugh and fell down.
So Lin Jin fought back unceremoniously, making one Yang point at Miss Lin’s waist and poking around, and kept dodging her waving her arms at random for fear of being taken alive by accident.
Miss Lin couldn’t stop laughing for only a few minutes, and her tears fell a few drops. When she couldn’t stand it, Lin Jin let her go.
"Say Lin Jin, are you really not going to continue learning? The talent is so good. "Teacher Lin slowed down her mood, clapped her hands and smiled at her stiff cheeks before continuing." If you learn to speak at an early age, you will probably be a dance artist when you are 30 years old. "
"I’m not interested." Lin Jin turned white and saw that she finally stopped fooling around. She finally breathed a sigh of relief. "So you came here today to ask me this?"
"No, I just came over from work to have a look. You heard that you have a Han in your golden house. Where is that Han?" Miss Lin poked around the room and looked around.
I haven’t seen Liu Shengqi. Teacher Lin began to earnestly exhort Lin Jin, "Although you are also a man, what’s the difference between you and your sister now?" How dare you bring your male classmates to the dormitory? What if you get slapped? Now a man is more excited than a pervert. If you are a man, they will not be able to stop. They are not sure. "
Lin Jin’s face is black, although he knows this truth, it’s a bit too much to be put out!
"By the way, how do you feel that your breasts are getting bigger?" Teacher Lin’s topic is like the wind. He just said how abnormal men are. Now he has turned to Lin Jin’s chest. "The second touch doesn’t feel so big. Did you add a chest pad?" Or did you buy a fake chest? "
"You are what you think."
The teacher really still has my boobs.
Is it true that this guy has been pawned and a woman for more than 20 years can’t tell?
"Aye … they’re bigger than me." Miss Lin looked down at her towering chest and poked her hand. Lin Jin was unhappy. "Men really want to have a fake chest. They’re older than me for more than ten years."
"Where is bigger than you!" Lin Jin thinks that if this is a cartoon, he must be full of "well" now.
What did the teacher come here for? ! Is it just to obscene me!
"That’s right! Lin Wei! " As soon as Miss Lin was depressed, she sat on the bed with her head down and choked and said, "My boyfriend broke up with me."
"I have seen parents getting married and broke up."
"Teacher, I don’t want a woman anymore!"
Lin Jin’s face is indifferent for the time being. I believe that Teacher Lin said that although this guy rarely has a mouthful of address unknown, he still has a way of doing things.
"I’m serious!" Teacher Lin, who was just sad, was suddenly slapped on the head by Lin Jin.
Chapter 326 325 has already been completed!
Miss Lin broke up with her boyfriend. Well, after repeated confirmation, Lin Jin finally admitted that Miss Lin was not joking, but really broke up.
Although Lin Jin doesn’t know her boyfriend very well, according to Teacher Lin, both she and her ex-boyfriend have reached the point of talking about marriage. Now they have rented a suite nearby and have lived together for about a year. Last month, they went to each other’s parents’ house to discuss the details of marriage, but this week they all suddenly disappeared like bubbles.
It seems that her boyfriend met a girl on the Internet without telling Miss Lin, and immediately it was amazing that the girl was more suitable to be a wife than Miss Lin, a woman who likes to play dirty and is not particularly beautiful, so she resolutely chose the girl who had not met him for a month under the pressure of her family, Miss Lin’s family.
"Yeah, men don’t have a good thing." After listening to Teacher Lin’s story, Lin Jin smiled lightly and expressed sympathy for Teacher Lin’s experience
However, Lin Jin didn’t notice this sentence and scolded herself.
"There is no good thing for men!" Teacher Lin agreed with Lin Jin’s words and waved his fist at Lin Jin and said, "I want to be a single aristocrat!" Be a single dog in this life! "
Well, this teacher Lin doesn’t seem to be particularly sad
When former Wu Min broke up with his girlfriend, he was sad and drunk for a whole day, and then he fell asleep for a whole day, and then he was absent-minded for about a week. Teacher Lin, an ex-boyfriend, was estimated to be longer together. I didn’t expect her to flirt with Lin Jin before she broke up, but now her face is a little sad.
Well, is this because Miss Lin’s heart is strong and doesn’t show it, or is she heartless at all?
"Eh, I was quite happy just now. I knew I didn’t know this." Teacher Lin was lying on her back with long hair all over the bed. She stretched herself all the year round, and her figure swayed from yoga and dance. Lin Jin could hardly keep her eyes open. "Why don’t Lin Jin drink with me?"
"Drink with you?" Lin Jin’s mouth is smoking. Why do people around him have to accompany him to drink when they break up one by one? Is there something wrong?
Lin Jin shook his head without hesitation. He knew that he could drink three or four bottles of alcohol, and his consciousness was vague. Like this kind of drinking to comfort people, there was no negotiation at all.
"No, I won’t drink."
"How can college students not drink?" Teacher Lin’s pathetic face looks at Lin Jin’s face, which is not too delicate, but it makes people love. "I’ll teach you to drink. Will you accompany me to drink two bottles?"
When Lin Jin shook his head, he didn’t give Mr. Lin room to continue persuasion. He got up and sat down on a chair at his desk and planned to play games.
"Alas … teacher, I am so kind to you that you treat the teacher like this." Teacher Lin was heartbroken and cried on the bed.
Lin Jin glanced back and found that she was sad and cold-hearted. She was not scared by Miss Lin’s appearance and still played games by herself.
One more person in the rental house will make it more popular. Lin Jin likes this kind of atmosphere of playing with people. Although she may be a little angry, it is better than playing games alone.
Lin Jin thinks that if she stays alone in the rental house, she will get some kind of mental illness sooner or later.
Miss Lin has nothing to do but watch Lin Jin play games behind her. She can’t understand what Lin Jin is playing, but she still watches it with relish.
"By the way," Lin Jin suddenly flashed back and looked at Miss Lin with her mouth slightly wide open as if she had seen a monster.
"why?" Miss Lin looked at Lin Jin with a confused look.