Wang Yuezheng is preparing to make moves. At this time, unique gods and celebrities have arrived.

God was shocked when he looked at the remains of the stone platform. "This is Long Mai!"
Chapter 421 Alliance
Wang Yue and Xiong looked at each other warily, and no one had a chance to get Long Mai. If one side made a slight move, the other side would launch a crazy attack.
The state of hegemony is half higher than Wang Yue’s, but Wang Yue has a pair of fists that have been strengthened by the five-thunder hand, which is not weaker than the general magic weapon. Even the overlord who is stronger than Wang Yue is very fearful.
Unique god came in and saw that Long Mai had not yet reached Wang Yue and Xiong’s hand. Suddenly, he was overjoyed and rushed to the bones to get Long Mai for the first time.
The famous man shouted, "Don’t let Long Mai fall into the hands of God."
The voice did not fall, and a firm but gentle Wan Jian returned to the Sect attacked God.
Nie Feng knife gas across the long also stopped the unique god.
Jueshen secretly scolded "Damn guy, I must get Long Mai."
Long Mai’s attraction is really too great for them.
However, Jueshen also knows that at this time, he can’t be harmed in the slightest. Not only that, but he should also save every true energy, otherwise even if he gets Long Mai, he can’t leave alive.
Entering the quaint hall, none of these guys are easy to mess with.
Unique god to avoid the attack unwilling to see Long Mai.
Wang Yue laughed. "God, you really don’t know how to live or die. You dare to take people here in Long Mai. Who dares to take Long Mai?"
Nie Feng stared at Jueshen and refused to let him get Long Mai.
Wang Yue is staring at Xiong and wants to take Xiong alive or kill him back to Tianmen.
Of course, Wang Yue didn’t do this to avenge the two law enforcers who were killed. Even if the law enforcers in Tianmen died, Wang Yue didn’t do anything.
Wang Yue killed the overlord in order to complete Indra and give it to himself, otherwise it would be difficult for Wang Yue to explain when he returned to Tianmen. After all, Wang Yuexian has not yet confronted Indra.
Bu Jingyun didn’t see Long Mai in his eyes. He looked at Xiong with anger. He didn’t expect Xiong to come to Wang Yue at this time. It seems that he came to Xiong specially.
At this time, several forces are in the hall. Anyone who dares to get Long Mai first will be besieged by other strong people.
No one dares to be the first bird, even Xiong and Wang Yue.
"Xiong, you old thief dare to show up and take your life!" Bu Jingyun roar loud one by one sword stab to our hero.
Bu Jingyun’s peerless sword has sealed the unique black firm but gentle tearing gas of the Badian Road and cut it off to our overlord.
Our sneer at a "Bu Jingyun just a few months to see your martial arts should have such a good progress, it’s a pity that you don’t have a long-term you Paiyunzhang. I tell you Paiyunzhang is much more powerful than your Kendo, haha …"
Our powerful palm force destroyed Bu Jingyun’s firm but gentle shock, and Bu Jingyun gave in and he flew back.
Bu Jingyun’s martial arts is far from the hero.
Bu Jingyun’s face is very ugly. He didn’t expect his martial arts to advance by leaps and bounds, and he also realized the new kendo. However, this swordsmanship seems to be worthless in his eyes.
Seeing that Bu Jingyun lost faith in his kendo, he hurriedly said, "Bu Jingyun dominates your skill, and he breaks all laws with one hand. Even if your skill is not enough, even if your swordsmanship is ten times more exquisite, he is not his opponent. He can beat you with great strength, not to say that Paiyunzhang is better than your swordsmanship."
Bu Jingyun nodded his head and the confusion in his eyes disappeared. "I see. Thank you, Master."
When our hero saw Bu Jingyun calling his master, he laughed. "Old Bu Jingyun, you are a martial artist, but in the end, you not only betrayed the old master, but now you are a master. The old master has long known that you are a baiwenhang. I really regret why I didn’t kill you earlier."
Wang Yue took a look at Long Mai and said, "Stop talking nonsense. Everyone’s mind is clear that they all want Long Mai, but there is one thing in Long Mai that so many of us are so good?"
Wang Yue’s words are in everyone’s heart. It’s good. How do you divide one in Long Mai?
The name said, "Long Mai is the royal family of China, which is related to my fate in China. No one can move, otherwise it will be an enemy with me."
Wang Yue secretly shook his head to his present name and thought about the royal family of China. Didn’t he see that the royal family of China was already in name only at the moment when God broke through the imperial city?
A royal family that can’t protect the people of China is better off.
Long Mai is really lucky to China. Wang Yue doesn’t know if it is true, but this Long Mai is too good for practitioners. Wang Yue is not going to give up. He also wants to help Long Mai break through the martial arts realm and become a strong man in the realm of ghosts and gods, and then compete with Indra.
If Wang Yue is not a strong man in the realm of ghosts and gods, he will be driven by Indra, and Wang Yue is eager to become a strong man in the realm of ghosts and gods.
Wang Yue took a look at Jueshen and said, "I have a proposal for everyone to listen to."
Our smiled and said, "Oh? Wang Yue, what do you have to discuss? If you give up fighting for Long Mai, you are welcome with both hands. "
The famous Bu Jingyun Nie Feng is absolutely amazing. They also look at Wang Yue and want to know what Wang Yue has to say.
Wang Yue smiled and said, "I want a lot of people from Long Mai. Some of us are Japanese. You know, Long Mai is a Japanese in Long Mai, China. What qualifications does he have to get me in Long Mai, China? What do you think of killing foreigners first and then we Shenzhou fighters will decide whether Long Mai belongs? "
Jueshen’s face changed greatly, pointing to Wang Yue and yelling, "Wang Yue, you are shameless to let everyone besiege the seat. If something happens, you will be one-on-one with the seat. If the seat is killed by you, I will never be a myth, but even if you rise up and attack, I won’t!"
God is really scared at this time.
Wang Yue laughed. "God forbid, you came to China to rob the throne and were killed. What else do you have that doesn’t qualify you? Do you agree or not? If you and fame join forces to attack the immortal, the golden body will be broken and there is no possibility of his life. "
Although there are no Tianmen people here, Wang Yue is not going to deal with Jueshen himself.
If you don’t know, you have to do it yourself
At this time, Wang Yue may know that it is no joke that Indra has broken the Tianmen rules.
Nie Feng and Bu Jingyun are very tempted by Wang Yue’s proposal, and they should have died long ago.
Our suddenly laughed "Wang Yue unique god is your enemy is not the old enemy unique god is dead, you can concentrate on dealing with the old isn’t it? Hum Jue Shen and the old lady have a grudge. I want to be your knife to kill Jue Shen? "
Killing Jueshen now is not good for Xiong.
As soon as Jueshen dies, his overlord will become the target of everyone’s attack, which is not what Xiongshen wants.
In order to get Long Mai, of course, the more chaotic it is, the more chaotic it is. The more good it is to fish in troubled waters. In this quaint hall, his martial arts is the strongest and the most promising to get Long Mai people.
The unique god can now be said to be the help of the overlord.