At the moment, both of them are white. They are in the same boat, and they will be in the same boat in the future.

Lin Yi said, "Brother Dongmen, nothing has happened since I left Beijing?"
East Gate Iron Nuts "Without the capital, it’s finally peaceful, and the Tubo king was assassinated. Several Tubo kings competed for the Tubo country, and it’s hard to threaten me. The Tubo country also sent people to our country to repair the Li family in the western regions. Although I hate it, I dare not make a move again. I’m worried about the emperor and I’m happy now. Haha, God bless me."
Lin Yi listened to the heart gratified.
Did he live up to the emperor’s brother?
It is also reported that two generations of emperors have been kind to him.
Dongmen Tiehu remembered something and said to him, "Recently, one thing was that Wu Lie was missing with two guns. The emperor wanted to send him to the southwest to clear up bandits. As a result, he is now alive and dead, and the emperor ordered Dali Temple to find Dali Temple. I also helped to trace it, but I don’t care about it now. Now it’s a big deal in my eyes, but it’s The Hunger …"
Wu Lie’s disappearance will be traced by the court. Lin Yi had long expected it.
After all, Wu Lie was a great general.
Lin Yi, who is imprisoned by Wu Lie, should be cautious and careful, and should not let any accident happen, otherwise it will cause trouble.
Lin Yi and Dongmen Tiehu continue to chat over tea.
Lin Yi said, "Brother Dongmen, I got the exact news. The North Devil and a slave named Li Shiwu, a The Hunger slave, secretly called magic people from all corners of the country, and even the magic meeting was ready to meet The Hunger. Now the magic people in the three mountains and five mountains are ready to move. If The Hunger really resumes leading these demons, the consequences are really unimaginable."
Dongmen Tiehu listened with a heavy face and said, "I am shocked by the resurrection of The Hunger, but I am not afraid of him. After all, he is also a human being. What I am most afraid of is that The Hunger will create a number of The Hunger slaves and these The Hunger slaves will lead the Jianghu inferno to ruin the world. That is not only a river lake disaster, but also a disaster!"
This is not only the most worrying thing for Dongmen Tiehu, but also the most worrying thing for Lin Yi.
Lin Yi said, "Brother Dongmen, please send someone to keep an eye on the North Devil’s movements. The North Devil is a slave to The Hunger, and the means are not ordinary. A few days ago, he designed to wipe out the blood feud alliance. If The Hunger recovers, he will become The Hunger’s right-hand man. I have to wait for an opportunity to kill this scourge."
Nuts of Dongmen Railway "Ok, I’ll send capable people to do this, and I’ll call you if there is any news."
Lin Yi added, "I’ll write a few more letters. Brother Dongmen, send someone to the major sects. In addition to not resurrecting The Hunger for the time being, I will tell several major sects about the grim situation so that they can take precautions as early as possible."
Nuts, Dongmen Railway "Brother Lin is thoughtful, and you are the king of the South. Your prestige and appeal are hard to compare with others. Write it now. I’ll send someone to deal with the magic road. We are weak and we have to rely on thousands of righteous people in the rivers and lakes."
So Lin Yi personally wrote several letters in succession.
Dongmen Iron Hu Ming sent these letters to the head of each sect as soon as possible.
Then Dongmen Tiehu asked Bai Mei to arrange a residence for Lin Yi and the children.
Now they are waiting for Yao Tong to confess.
On the fourth day, at midnight, Lin Yi’s door was hurriedly knocked.
Children get up and the door turns out to be the East Gate Star.
East Gate Star entered the room and he looked excited. He told Lin Yi, "Lin Wang Yaotong can’t hold on! It’s time to confess! My father now invites Lin Wang to come over! "
Yao Tong is going to confess, which is really good news.
The Hunger and his younger brother are about to surface, and Lin Yi is also excited.
Lin Yi put on a dress and went out with Dongmenxing.
East Gate Star leads Lin Yi to the ground room in the courtyard.
At the moment, the East Gate Tiehu and the East and West Doors are in the room.
Everyone’s face is excited.
Dongmen’s family are all experts in torture and interrogation. In the past few days, several people have been torturing and forcing 59 kinds of different means.
In the end, Yao Tong’s spirit and body completely collapsed.
He’s finally gonna confess
Chapter one hundred and twenty The Hunger news (3)
Lin Yi entered the basement and stood beside Tiehu, the east gate.
Yao Tong sat in the chair in the iron room.
His clothes were torn and bloodied, his whole head was swollen and his face was swollen, and he had a long small board nailed to his eyes, and his eyelids were crossed by a fishing line, and then he turned up and tightened the two small boards.
So he can’t close his eyelids no matter how sleepy he is.
His eyes were red as if they were about to fall out of their sockets.
Look confused and have no spirits.
His lips are chapped like fire.
Hands and feet, but also because of torture, ten fingers are swollen like sausage nails are gone …
The torture suffered is evident.
It turned out that the Dongmen family hated Yao Tong’s design to kill Ximen Zhen and Dongmen Wang, and their punishment was also to vent their hatred. Their high-handed tactics not only made Yao Tong immortal, but also made him suffer the most cruel torture in the world.
Lin Yi was present at the East Gate, and Hu Chaodong, the East Gate Jie, signaled a.
Dongmen Jieqi half a bucket of water poured Yao Tongshen.
Yaotong shuddered like a man.
He said in a faint hoarse voice, "Let me close my eyes … and give me some water to drink …"
Nowadays, it is the greatest hope for Yao Tong to close his eyes.
Dongmenjie said, "My uncle and Nanwang want to ask you something. Please answer honestly. I will give you water to drink and close your eyes. I promise!"
Yaotong God’s eyes looked at East Gate Tiehu and Lin Yi and then nodded weakly.
Dongmen Tiehu stared at Yaotong. "What happened after The Hunger was resurrected? Is it life or death now? "