As the saying goes, "everything must come to an end" is probably the case.

Although everyone is a wise person, everyone can understand this truth, but understanding and accepting are two different things, and it will be uncomfortable and difficult. After all, people are manipulated by emotions.
"Hehe, don’t talk about this, talk about where to play!" Xin, watching them intentionally bifurcation this topic pretend heart said
Lin Yixuan is also a wise man. When he heard Si Xin, he immediately thought about it. This is to change the subject. After all, this atmosphere is embarrassing.
"This? Naturally, it is necessary to ask about the rain. "Lin Yixuan deliberately dragged his tail and sold it. Then, at one turn, he threw the question to Xuanyuanqi Rain.
Xuanyuan Qiyu is also a white man. If he doesn’t say too much, he will be white.
"Ha ha, it’s right to ask me this question. After all, I am the best at eating, drinking and being merry." XuanYuanQi rain smiled and patrolled the crowd and said some narcissism.
Seeing their interaction, Zhao Huanyan’s eyes flashed with envy, and she felt a little redundant and seemed to be unable to blend in with them. However, Zhao Huanyan has always been kind, and she was relieved to see their hearts. After all, she really regarded Si Xin and Su Man as her friends.
"Yes, yes, yes, it’s time to find thirteen emperors. In that case, please ask thirteen emperors to lead the way!" Xin, along the XuanYuanQi rain stopped some banter and said
XuanYuanQi enjoying the rain automatically ignored the banter in the words of Si Xin.
In this way, Xin and his party set off under the guidance of Xuanyuanqi Rain.
To think about Xin, I want to ask XuanYuanQi rain where they are going, but after thinking about it, I still forget to look at XuanYuanQi rain. If I think about Xin, I will know that XuanYuanQi rain is ready to sell, and it is also a waste of time to tell them what they have asked.
Sixin doesn’t like to do useless things, so he gave up his idea.
Lin Yixuan and Su Man have been staying with XuanYuanQi rain and playing around recently. They still believe that XuanYuanQi rain has never let them down, so they don’t ask much.
In Zhao Huanyan, she feels thoughtful. They can go anywhere. Anyway, with them together, she is happy and free.
This trip, XuanYuanQi rain still took his luxury carriage, so I couldn’t help it. XuanYuanQi rain was too lazy to walk, so he could take the luxury carriage instead of walking.
To tell the truth XuanYuanQi rain this carriage department is really a little spacious, even if the five of them don’t feel crowded, there is still some room.
This trip, Xuanyuan Qiyu still let the wooden fish catch the bus.
I can’t help it. Who told this wooden fish that his martial arts skills are high and his driving skills are good? What are the two beautiful ways to protect him and be a coachman?
Of course, it was Xuanyuan Qi who had to ignore the wooden fish when he sang against Taiwan, which would be perfect.
After a bumpy ride, the carriage finally stopped.
"Ha ha, our destination is clear!" XuanYuanQi rain liao car curtain with a smile at all and then made a gesture, please.
Everyone came into view one after another with a carriage, and a big plaque with the words "Thirteen Blessed Lands" written on it.
It turns out that Si Xin, they came not to other places but to Xuanyuan Qiyu to buy their own houses. Of course, these outsiders don’t know.
It was because XuanYuanQi was thinking about Xin Yu that they were all his friends in Jiu Ge, and during these few days, he felt that they were not bad, and he was very fond of his own appetite, so he thought of bringing them to his privately purchased mansion.
To tell the truth, Xuanyuanqi’s eye for rain is still good. The location of this mansion is good. It’s like a paradise. I like it very much. If I live in such a place, it must be good.
It’s really nice to feel a moment of peace here.
In fact, I heard of the "Thirteen Blessed Lands" when I was a child. It is said that this is a private residence built by the thirteen emperors themselves.
See all eyes yearning color XuanYuanQi rain corners of the mouth can’t help but raise a proud radian.
"Ha ha, everyone, don’t wait outside. Let’s go in!" Xuanyuanqi rain looked at all and then smiled and said
Chapter 227 Go to Jiangcheng with you
Hear XuanYuanQi rain all nodded with a smile and went in with XuanYuanQi rain.
Because XuanYuanQi rain thinking today to bring thought xin, so early in the morning to send someone here to do some kind of.
When thinking about Xin, when they entered the garden, it can be said that there was a dry Kun, which made people have to marvel at the wonderful work of negotiating.
In fact, this "thirteen blessed places" is a natural one, and it was accidentally seen by Xuanyuan Qiyu.
Then, in order to enjoy the beautiful scenery here alone, he spent a lot of money to build a courtyard here to enclose it.
Xuanyuanqi often comes out of the palace to enjoy the rain when it’s all right.
To tell the truth, people who are used to the hustle and bustle of the city suddenly come to such a place, and their mood will be much quieter, making people forget the hustle and bustle of the world and their troubles. Now they are thinking about it.
This is especially true for Zhao Huanyan, because she is a girl with pure mind and simple mind, which is very suitable for living in such a place.
When you come to Zhao Huanyan, you should always keep calm and prevent the recurrence of stubborn diseases caused by bad mood.
Zhao Huanyan is quiet here, which is very suitable for her self-cultivation.
Actually, I’m still surprised that XuanYuanQi Rain will like such a place. It seems that many people are not what they seem.
Many people wear masks to show their true colors in front of others, but how many people know about their sufferings?
In many people’s hearts, there are secrets that no one knows. Once exposed, they will become bloody and bones will be deeply painful.
That’s why people wear masks to hide their pains from being discovered, but when they wake up in the middle of the night, they have to wake up suddenly and lick their wounds alone
Think of these thoughts xin, don’t have a meaningful look at the XuanYuanQi rain.
"Ha ha thirteen emperors didn’t expect you to enjoy it?" Xin, looking at XuanYuanQi rain some banter said
Hear the words of Xin, XuanYuanQi rain face flashed a little stunned, but soon recovered.
"Ha ha, of course. Anyway, what else can the emperor do without pleasure?" XuanYuanQi rain eyes dimly discernible looking at somewhere seems to think xin, and said to himself.
Listen carefully and you will find that Xuanyuan Qiyu has a faint sense of loneliness in this discourse.
Hear XuanYuanQi rain this thought xin, unexpectedly some right.
It is also for XuanYuanQi rain that there is no power behind him. His mother princess died early and left him alone in the palace. If it had not been for XuanYuanQi desert, I’m afraid he would have become a dead soul.
Oh, I don’t want to. Some things are really more and more uncomfortable, and it’s not Xuanyuan Qiyu’s style to think too much. So let bygones be bygones and let him go!
"Well, not much said, let’s get something to eat and then take you around." XuanYuanQi rain calmed down and looked at the crowd as usual and said with a smile.
When it comes to eating Suman’s eyes, it gives off an amazing light.
It is also important for Su Man, a madman who loves to eat, that the beauty in front of him is of course not important.
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes." Suman promised to talk cheerfully and rubbed his belly!
Seeing Su Man’s cute appearance, Lin Yixuan’s eyes are spoiled. He just loves Su Man, who is naive and loves to eat. He never does anything and says anything. He is always straightforward.
Perhaps it is because of this that Su Man will be attracted to it!
Xuanyuanqi rain took everyone to a hall. At this time, the table was already full of food, fruit, a little heart, meat and vegetables. When I swept it, it was a dazzling array of food, which made the population swallow the saliva continuously.
In particular, Suman’s eyes feel almost glued to the table, drooling and looking at the delicious food on the table.
Even if there is no stir at ordinary times, Zhao Huanyan was instantly surprised when she saw this table of food.
And thinking Xin, the mood at this time is that this Xuanyuanqi rain is too extravagant. I don’t know how much money this guy has. Dare to be so extravagant? I really don’t know where he got all this money.
According to Si Xin, an emperor’s salary is actually a little more than that of ordinary ministers, and it can’t support Xuanyuan Qi’s rain. It seems that Xuanyuan Qi’s rain is not simple!
How can you be so extravagant if you don’t have a little source of income?
Thinking of these thoughts, Xin suddenly had a plan in his heart. Maybe he could pull Xuanyuanqi rain into his camp, maybe he could earn a lot of money and take this big Zhou Dynasty economic department into his own hands so as to better help Xuanyuanqi desert.