"Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz.

Soon those fighters answered the crow’s doubts, only to see that they hit three fighters in the engine room and threw long objects one by one. Suddenly, the sense of fear and crisis hit the crow’s heart.
The violent explosion of "boom" soon sounded, and the crow stared at the front and suddenly burst into flames and turned over the jungle.
And after those fighters, two more planes flew in for extended bombing, but they heard the "boom" explosion and the crow felt his lips dry.
Involuntarily, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the sun was gradually rising. The crow could clearly see that the place where the explosion light was emitted was the team that was after him and the area where he had just been.
To put it simply, the other party is cleaning up everyone directly, regardless of everything. The crow realized his fear and sense of crisis when he thought of this.
"Falk, this group of crazy people is crazy." The crow murmured and watched the flames continue to burst. Obviously, the other party didn’t treat the team that was after him as one of their own.
So they didn’t hesitate to kill the team directly, or they thought it was worthwhile to kill the crow and lose a team.
A machete and a walking sound came from the canopy of "Sita Sita Suosuo". The crow looked down at the canopy and saw the figures painted with oil paint on their way to the explosion area.
One of them was walking in the middle school with a camouflage headscarf, and the man was whispering something.
"I’m on my way. I haven’t found it yet." It’s too far away. The crow can’t hear it clearly, but it’s obvious that this team is coming to replace the one that was cleaned up
The crow withdrew her eyes and then remained silent in the canopy. Soon the sound of "Xi Xi Suo Suo" disappeared, but the crow still did not move and got some vines to do some camouflage.
Crows are lying in the vines to rest. Just now, things have stimulated him too much. Even if they are strong, they are just soldiers. That doesn’t mean they are Superman or Wolverine.
If the bomb hits, it will die. The beam bomb bombing is almost covering. It is just bombing the camp where they have been. Now even their own team has bombed it.
What do you mean, the other party is already crazy, and now it’s really going to kill them at all costs. Crows absolutely believe that if they show up themselves, the other party will definitely send various means of attack and killing nearby.
Because the crow saw some small black spots again, he hid himself and looked at them coldly.
He soon saw what these were. The military plane, the high-endurance reconnaissance machine and the all-in-one machine swallowed a mouthful of saliva. The crow didn’t even dare to move. Now, if he doesn’t move, he will still be alive.
If you move around, you will be hit head-on if you are not sure.
Crows don’t think they can escape these man-machine bombardments. That’s when crows hear the tree coming again, followed by someone talking in the tree.
"Is there no one alive?" The crow didn’t dare to see him, but he listened to what the other party said. "Half of them have been wiped out, but the main guy still hasn’t been found."
"Sir, the meaning is very simple. Those damn losers can’t even do this, so they are meaningless."
The sound was without a trace of emotion. "Keep searching. Maybe that bastard has been blown to pieces long ago. Make sure there is no wreckage. I hope I can find some good jobs."
Chapter seven hundred and ninety-seven Decision
The crow is now really moving and dare not move through the vine. Although the man-machine painted camouflage, he still found some of them. Where are more men-machines and whether they are equipped with heat source induction?
He has no idea that in this case, he may be found if he moves a little, but the chance of being found is relatively small. It is daytime now, and if it is night, the crow must find a way to shield the heat source.
Otherwise, once it is detected, waiting for him will be a siege attack on the tree crown, and small teams will comb this jungle back and forth. Obviously, they think there may be fish escaping from the net here.
Through a little messy dialogue in their com, the crows knew that they had broken out. Some of the team had successfully escaped from their encirclement, but some were still stuck in the jungle.
The crow came from the crown of the tree after the night fell slowly. He lowered his head, first disguised himself with dead vines, rotten leaves and mud, and then slowly evacuated along the vines.
But he is mainly not trying to evacuate, but to find a new place to live. If he talks too much now, he will soon be found. Crows are not sure that they will be alive against dozens of people.
In particular, the other side has all kinds of well-equipped equipment and man-machine assistance. It’s a pity that they can’t carry it unless they are Superman Wolverine.
Go around and hide for a while before a crow finds a tree hole where he can barely hide. Some leaves that look like weeds are cut from the side and thrown into the tree hole after being crushed.
After a while, all kinds of reptiles came out of the tree hole and spilled it several times to make sure there was nothing inside. The crow got short and got in, checked it out and retreated.
Find mud, dig some rotten leaves nearby, pull over some vines and carefully disguise this tree hole.
At this time, the crow is very fortunate that when he was mixed with the old aborigines in the jungle for a while, the crow’s body was not as high as that of the white people.
When everyone drinks wine, they make a mess, so they also learn a lot from these indigenous people. This disguise has already satisfied the crow.
He didn’t have the confidence to learn these things in those days, but he wandered around in the jungle so blindly. The indigenous people lived in the jungle, and their ancestors lived in it. Many experiences and methods were summed up by blood and tears.
Crows, on the other hand, combined the experience of modern jungle warfare and added a lot to their indigenous methods.
For example, it is not easy to find a tree hole in this tree hole now. Not every tree hole can hide people, especially if the other party may have a heat source sensor.
It needs to be wet enough nearby, so that the soft mud can prevent the heat source from spreading out to a certain extent, and it is better to have water nearby, so that many jungle animals will interfere with the identification of the heat source
At the same time, the hole in the tree must be cleaned, otherwise you will just get in. In case there are bullet ants or centipedes, scorpions and poisonous snakes in it, you will kill yourself before the enemy kills you.
Take out cocoa powder and lick it carefully. The crow has just left the road to pick wild fruits and put them in his mouth to satisfy his hunger. Now he chooses to rest again.
Hunger is more terrible than other dangers in the jungle, and even the top hunters in the indigenous areas can’t guarantee that they can often catch their prey. In fact, hunger is the normal state.
It’s a good treat to be able to eat once a day. It’s not good for hunters, especially now that crows are still being hunted. It’s impossible to run out and expose their whereabouts to hunt. He can try to find some wild fruits or vines and weeds that can eat.
It is very important to ensure the minimum consumption of cocoa powder at this time. This is also the habit of crows to always take some with them when they are seized. It is at this time that they can ensure that they can meet the minimum energy consumption.
Now there are two ways in front of the crow. One is to be careful and hide as much as possible. You have to wait until the other side withdraws, or even if support comes, it is a victory.
The second is to find an opportunity to evacuate, but the latter way will create a serious problem, and he is likely to be found.
If it’s hidden, it’s best not to do anything, just wait quietly and bet that the support troops will arrive soon or the other party will give up after repeated search and realize that there is no value here.
However, is the crow willing to gamble? Obviously, he will not put his hopes on others.
So his decision now is to find a chance to kill him.
Chapter seven hundred and ninety A madman
The crow will decide to kill it for the simple reason that these bastards killed the jackals that fell into their hands.
When the crow came out of the tree hole, he saw the warhead cut and hung, the body and the flies with their eyes gouged flying around him, and his muscles were almost cut.
The blood has dried up and solidified into a black block. The crow didn’t pick up the bullet body. He knew that the other party would set up a warning even if he didn’t set a trap next to the body.
So his choice is to find a hidden spot far away, get ready, and then catch a spherical python and throw it far away
Boom, the spherical python was thrown to the ground by the crow and crawled forward desperately, and then it detonated the booby trap hidden beside the warhead.
Not long after, a team of seven people smeared with oil paints slowly approached here.
This ticket holder is very cautious. The left and right sides of the two men are five or six meters apart. After seeing the spherical python’s blown body, the two men relaxed a little, but they still carefully checked the traces around.
It seems that it is confirmed that there is no problem here, and they made an Ann gesture toward the rear. In fact, this is also a normal crow, and they have guessed that they will arrange some traces nearby.
If these marks are touched, then it is said that someone is nearby, and his roots are not close to the bullet body, that is, he does not touch those marks, which may be a leaf, a branch or a piece of mud.
Several figures appeared on the sound of "Sita Suosuo" and soon gathered around the warhead body. They carefully examined the bombed ball python and then looked at the traces around it.
It’s a pity that without waiting for them to look around carefully, three sharp branches suddenly came towards them from the vines.
"Hey" caught off guard a few stuffy hum only to see two figures clutching their thighs and so overturned on the ground.
When the "enemy attack" growled, it was only to see that this group of people suddenly rolled and fell down against the branches and flew out. The area was "chug chug" with a series of some shots. However, it was at this time that a stump suddenly fell from the canopy.
A few people turned over and hid the stake, but the stake fell to the ground. At the same time, those rolling camouflage Han suddenly shrank their pupils because the stake surface was actually tied with seven grenades.
"Bang" a violent explosion, a group of people couldn’t help but send out a stuffy hum.
It was also at this time that a black shadow jumped out of the smoke like a ghost. He felt a pain in his throat when he didn’t even react recently, and then a warm splash came out.