Now old DuPont is willing to introduce him, which makes Thomas ecstatic, but he still looks calm on the surface

After talking for an afternoon, Thomas invited George to his private winery for lunch.
About four kilometers from Bismarck, the western suburb is a local rich area, and the Thomas family private manor is halfway up the mountain.
12:27 noon
Thomas and George and others were talking and laughing in the manor restaurant.
At the same time
A large truck in a farm less than 5 kilometers away from the manor has been parked in the snow for seven hours, and it has been boxed and covered with a thin layer of snow.
The driver and his three lean men in jackets sat in an SUV not far away.
A man is looking at his notes and his brain is showing several red dots, which are located in Thomas Yunshan Manor 3.
One of the "hands-on" coldly ordered
The top of the instant box directly reveals the big and thick hippocampus inside, and six flames suddenly flash by.
Less than ten seconds.
Yunshan Manor submerged two fuel air explosive, two high-explosive bombs, two mother bombs and reinforced 277 mm caliber rockets in a fire.
Flatten the manor in an instant
In particular, the restaurant that was taken care of was directly hit by two high-explosive bombs, and fuel air explosive, the mother bomb, and the whole manor was not alive.
And this side of the farm
After the rocket was fired, the boxed truck covered with thermite was immediately ignited, and soon it was full of flames and smoke.
Off-road vehicle cleanly and roared off.
At the same time
Utah salt sand base
Under the pretext of passing through the Great Salt Lake Desert, the two regiments took over the salt and sand base directly at a lightning speed.
When the military faction directly killed Thomas and took over the salt sand base without responding to each other.
There are not many combatants when the deputy armed soldiers in the salt sand base suddenly appear, and the salt sand base directly rushes to the street in front of professional soldiers
When I heard the short gun, several dark people desperately sent back an alarm. Valentine’s face changed greatly, but Jack Morgan looked stupid before he entered the personality state.
But Dr. Killian knew that something had happened at the base, and it was very serious.
"What about Valentine?" No matter how calm Dr. Killian is, it is natural for a mortal to control his emotions when he encounters such a raid.
Valentine didn’t answer. She pulled a drawer, pressed a red button and pulled out a revolver.
"Doctor, get ready to fight!"
Jack Morgan was just about to say something, but Valentine shot him in the head.
A few minutes later, a flurry of footsteps came from the corridor.
The office door was kicked and a tear gas bomb was thrown in.
Cough cough cough! Valentine and Dr. Killian were choked by the irritating gas, coughing and crying.
Three soldiers with gas masks and bulletproof shields rushed in, and suddenly Valentine fired a few shots at random and was knocked unconscious by the shield.
If we hadn’t caught Valentine and others alive, these soldiers wouldn’t have thrown in tear gas, but broadsword grenades
Five minutes later, the bodies of Valentine and Kirian Jack Morgan were dragged out of the office.
The team leader looked at the situation of the two men and was just about to tell them to go out and report.
Violent explosions broke out in the office of the base chief, the operating room and the core archives room. In the corridor, the special team, Valentine and others were instantly swallowed up by the explosion.
The soldiers in charge of attacking the base suffered heavy losses. The explosions in these three key areas caused more than a quarter of the salt sand base to be destroyed and more than 300 people were killed or injured.
Outside, another regiment heard the huge explosion at the base and immediately knew that something was wrong inside.
Fort Worth
Military secret base
Old DuPont, Rockefeller, Kahn and others just breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that Thomas had been killed, but bad news came from the salt sand base.
"As expected, the salt sand base was seriously infiltrated, and we didn’t even know about this explosive device." Old Dupont was surly.
Rockefeller waved his hand. "Now it is necessary to deal with the separatist party and communicate with the financial faction so as not to give opportunities to external forces."
"John is right. We can’t ask the Greater China side to be vigilant now." Rick Kahn agrees to communicate with the financial faction and work together to pay off the hidden Thomas remnant party in the new school.
This is also the reason why they cut the gordian knot-they don’t have time to play with Thomas, but they can take drastic measures to destroy each other from the body.
Soon, the military faction, which held the military power, quickly took action to round up the workers who were engaged in the research of brain reading equipment before having close contacts with Thomas, Valentine and others.
On the other hand, the financial faction was also frightened by the sudden change.
Fortunately, Rockefeller came forward to personally talk with old Morgan and others. After reading Aiken Hank’s situation, a group of financial directors were also surprised and angry.
This brainwashing technique is impossible to prevent. In case people around you are brainwashed by Thomas, they can’t prevent each other at all.
Especially the old Morgan, Jack Morgan, and their family were secretly controlled by each other.
Unable to sit still, the financial faction was also afraid. While cooperating with the military faction to encircle Thomas’ remnant party, it conducted a major investigation of the Ministry.
However, after 21 years, all the people who came into contact with Thomas were quarantined and examined, especially those who had been in contact for a long time.
The brain reading equipment has also been banned. Although many people have some small thoughts in their hearts, no one dares to make small moves now.
If this point is found to be secretly studying brain reading equipment, it is estimated that it will be attacked by groups.
In less than two days, the financial faction and the military faction joined forces with the new science and technology faction, and both Thomas and any members of the new science and technology faction were forcibly isolated.
The new technology industry has also been taken over, especially the internet industry. This time, the financial faction and the military faction not only want to destroy Thomas’ remnants, but simply divide up the achievements of the new technology faction together.