She wants everyone to be well, safe and happy.

But it is very, very important for the descendants of the Zhong family who is the emperor.
Because protecting the emperor is the unshirkable responsibility of the Zhong family.
Her father, her mother, they all paid their lives for this mission.
And she …
She’s confused. She doesn’t know what to do.
Morality is responsible for personal feelings. She doesn’t know which side to take.
Put out your arm and gently put it around the man’s waist. She is very sad.
Realizing her move, the man slowly opened his eyes and looked down at her and asked her softly, "What’s the matter?"
Night from shook his head and nest in his arms urn airway "nothing just want to hug you"
The man hesitated for a moment and smiled at the lip angle.
The big hand gently provoked her and lifted her head to make her face to face.
He looked at her and looked intently into her eyes.
She looked at him, too
Neither of them spoke.
For a while, he suddenly bowed his head and kissed her on the lips.
This is a tearful kiss.
Fine, light and gentle, like a lingering drizzle in spring, dense and delicate.
At night, I feel a heart like a weeping willow brushing the ripples on the lake.
The cilia trembled and she closed her eyes and kissed him back.
Deepen your breath inch by inch.
The heartbeat has lost its frequency.
A little taste soon turned into a kiss.
Both of them took a thick breath.
Phoenix shadow ink is forced to start peeling off her robe.
Night away will also put his small hand into a man’s skirt and his slender fingertips linger on his real skin.
Although the composition is fatal to Feng Ying Mo.
He felt that his whole blood was ignited by her little hands.
Stripped her off, and he quickly stripped himself off.
This time, I took the initiative to step on him without waiting for him to leave at night.
And kissed him before he kissed her.
Slightly raised the waist, she slowly sat down …
The next morning and night, when I woke up, there was no one around me
Phoenix shadow ink has gone into the palace.
She knew that he was busy.
Because the day is the coronation ceremony.
He has too many things to do.
But what should she do?
She became more and more confused.
Soon after getting up, neon came. Zhang Shuo sent her to see her.
Three people sitting in the courtyard banyan stone table drinking tea.
Night away sighed, "You never know where a turn will be, who will meet and what will happen, just like who would have thought that our eldest brother was still alive, but it was not our eldest brother who almost became an emperor."
Zhang Shuo also smiled.
"Yes, all the people in the world will say that God is the best at joking with people, but I am very grateful to God. Now this is the best arrangement."
"Is it the best?" Night departure
Zhang Shuo took a look at the neon spirit and nodded with certainty. "Well, it’s best."
At night, the light from the eyes flickered and continued to tease, "It’s not like I almost became an emperor. You will be somewhat disappointed after such ups and downs."
"How?" Zhang Shuo shook his head. "If I really become an emperor, I’m in a hurry. Do you think I’m an emperor? I’m not here, and I’m afraid I’ll miss my country and people if I drive a duck rack. "
Zhang Shuo said and smiled at the night. "Your man is the best candidate. I thought so before he became an emperor forever. Now I think so and I will think so again."
Night looked at him and said nothing.
Slowly picked up the tea lamp, and she gently took a sip of tea.
The mouth of the turquoise tea leaves a fragrance for her slowly.
At that moment, she was suddenly enlightened