This scene makes the eyes of Jiao Tianxin with them red. It would be great if they had their own law enforcement team. There was no wave all the way. When they were less than one day, they had already seen the corner gate, which was two or three times faster than the force action. At this time, everyone was excited. Although many Warcraft were killed all the way, it was nothing compared with this huge amount of 20 million, but it was absolutely impossible for them. You should know that they could be protected before. Although the law enforcement team can do it by coming back from this road to eliminate the number of Warcraft, it will never be Gao Chen. These disciples are actually casualties, which makes Jiao Tianxin shake the heartstrings. They are actually casualties. If they don’t see it with their own eyes but listen to what people say, he will never believe it! …

"I didn’t expect them to really come back and each one was injured!" Seeing the instantaneous angle of the gate, Tianxin sighed from the heart!
Gao Chen smiled, although his face was indifferent, but his heart was proud. This was not enough for his appearance. He said faintly, "My apprentice is not so easy to get injured. I don’t know if you are satisfied with their combat effectiveness!"
Although Gao Chen’s words sounded like madness to Jiao Tianxin, he didn’t know whether Gao Chen was telling the truth or not. It was a joke for a team of warlocks to get hurt. Although there were five million warlocks, it was enough for these disciples. Not only did none of them die, but they were not injured. Facing Gao Chen, he asked Jiao Tianxin with a wry smile, "Although they are not enough to deal with the eleventh order, if their fighting capacity is not good, I really don’t know what other team can surpass them. I can’t see through you more and more!"
"Beyond their team, of course, there is, that is, they can definitely win after their department is upgraded to the tenth order." Gao Chen smiled, but the second sentence behind the diagonal heavenly heart was automatically omitted
Jiao Tianxin is stupefied. Now they are just the ninth order. For people in martial arts circles, the upgrade before the tenth order is very fast, even if it is slower, but these people will become the tenth order sooner or later. They will be so powerful when they are in the ninth order. If their department is upgraded to the tenth order, half of them will have to upgrade to the tenth order, so it will be a terrible thing. At that time, even if the law enforcement teams add up, they will not be rivals.
"Only they can surpass them. I am looking forward to their strength when they grow up. Now their combat effectiveness has been formed. I don’t know what Gao Brothers are going to do next!" Asked jiao Tian’s heart! He still remembers that Gao Chen won’t stay in Corner City all the time!
The thought that Gao Chen was leaving his heart made him feel a little speechless. Obviously, he seemed to see another powerful force, a corner city that surpassed the hunter’s association, and it developed so strongly in ten days. Although Gao Chen went to other cities to help eliminate Warcraft, it was not to develop his own strength. If every city was as powerful as 20 million, he was afraid that he would want to scare himself!
Gao Chen smiled and said, "Yes, it’s time for me to go. Corner City depends on you, and they depend on you."
"This to say they Ann we will rest assured" Angle as serious mouth way.
Gao Chen talks to them about the same conditions as Kangcheng, that is, to send a certain number of people to deal with the eleventh order Warcraft. You know, if these disciples meet the eleventh order Warcraft, the casualties will be great. This is definitely not what Gao Chen wants to see. Of course, Gao Chen is not completely convinced that they will send their symbols to Jiao Tianxin.
Although they also want to get the control of these 20 million people, how can Gao Chen let them get it? Just a few words refused Jiao Tianxin’s request and saw the strength of these people. Although Hou Jiao Bai Jian and others are more moved, they can’t forget Gao Chen’s sentence, "They are my disciples and Tianchen Temple people. If you don’t want to, then I will take them away!"
It is this sentence that Jiao Tianxin naturally knows how to choose Gao Chen and take a look at Jiao Cheng again and say, "Well, it’s time for me to go now. Don’t worry, I will come back!"
Then he turned and said, "Tu Xiangzhong is happy!"
With Gao Chen’s words, two people came. These two people are the highest-ranking among Gao Chen’s disciples. They said before and after Gao Chen, "I’m leaving now, but I’ll leave the corner city to you, and what you have to do is very simple. That is to destroy all the 11 th-order Warcraft in the city. I will give them all to you two. I don’t know if you have confidence!"
"Master, are you leaving now?" When Tu Xiangzhong asked to be honest, they simply didn’t know that Gao Chen would leave Gao Chen, and they suddenly felt deeply reluctant to leave.
"Yes, I want to go to other cities, and you know that this time there is no war in corner cities, even in other cities. I have to leave. This is a Terran thing!" Gao Chen light mouth way!
"Then when will you come back, Master!" Run Xingkou asked!
"I don’t know this. You should remember that you are from Tianchen Temple and don’t lose our Tianchen Temple face." Gao Chen said seriously!
Tianchen Temple is the name of their clan, which has long been known, but after Gao Chen said this, 20 million people thought at the same time that the master gave us everything and Tianchen Temple gave us glory!
"It’s the master. We know to swear to protect the glory of Tianchen Hall!" Tu Xiangzhong said loudly that his voice had reached the ears of 20 million people. To be continued, if you like this movie, you are welcome to vote for it (), and your support is my greatest motivation. Chapter four hundred and ten The duke of the big scene gathered together.
Ding Tian’s novels reside in dsj.
And Gao Chen seems to be excited by this deafening sound. Gao Chen once again shouted, "Tell me what your glory is!"
"Tianchen Temple!" As loud as thunder, the sound is enough to make the mountains and rivers change color. Ella House 6bk
Of course, the mountains and rivers didn’t change color, but the sound attracted a lot of Warcraft. Although they killed a lot along the way, there were a lot of Warcraft rushing in the other direction. In this case, Gao Chen saw the figure of the eleventh order of Warcraft. The appearance of the eleventh order of Warcraft didn’t make Gao Chen afraid. On the contrary, Gao Chen laughed wildly. "Before you go, the master will fight with you again. The eleventh order of Warcraft is that I am fighting now!"
Say that finish, Gao Chen dashed out. His goal is, of course, that 11th-order Warcraft Gao Chen is fearless. The reason is that this is the 11th-order five-star Warcraft. Watching Gao Chen rush to the 11th-order five-star Warcraft face alone, 20 million disciples are also excited. Although they all know that Gao Chen is a 10th-order seven-star, there is no blood boiling. Watching Gao Chen is ready to meet those who rushed to Warcraft and saw this scene. No one can stop the rise of Tianchen Temple, even the Hunter Association. Maybe they are human beings.
"Yes, they are a little too strong!" Angle Bai Jian sighed. Although he has no difficulty in dealing with the 11th-order five-star Warcraft, don’t forget that Gao Chen is only a 10th-order seven-star. He is ten steps less than Angle Bai Jian!
Watching the rush out has been corrected by Gao Chenjiao Tianxin together with the eleventh order Warcraft War. "It’s not that they are strong, but that they have a strong leader!"
Jiao Tianxin’s words are not completely unreasonable. These 20 million people are really strong now, but they were abandoned ten days ago, but Gao Chen’s hands have exerted a strong fighting capacity, and all this is because Gao Chen gave Jiao Bai Jian a little way. "Although I hate to admit it, you are right. Although I rank him now, I have to say that I have no pride in front of him!"
Although Gao Chen is a ten-order seven-star Gao Chen broke into the ten-order seven-star two days ago, which also shocked them. Because Gao Chen’s rise at this level was really weird, if he were nine planets, don’t say to deal with an eleventh-order Warcraft, even if he met the same level, he wouldn’t dare to hit him one-on-one, but this law seems to be effective for Gao Chen. Because Gao Chen is not in phase with the eleventh-order Warcraft, he is holding up the eleventh-order Warcraft. Er, the beast should also be considered a part of Gao Chen!
Half an hour passed quickly, and this wave of Warcraft has been wiped out by them. Although there are hundreds of orders, there is no threat to Gao Chen’s disciples. Although this 20 million to 20,000 seems to be too large a proportion, this record is still a corner of heavenly heart. They dare not imagine that because of the ten orders of Warcraft among these 20,000, they can’t say that they can kill 20 million people, but at least they will kill 100,000 people. However, Gao Chen’s nine-order disciples have won the victory. Although they are used to Gao Chen’s tough disciples, they can’t
When they turned their eyes to Gao Chen, at last, Gao Chen cut the eleventh order of Warcraft down in a gorgeous day and destroyed it. After that, Gao Chen flew directly to their mouth and said, "The disciples are leaving now" …
Twenty million people watched Zhong Gaochen disappear without saying a word to Jiao Tianxin. After Gao Chen entered the array, the scene was unusually quiet for a long time. Jiao Tianxin said, "He’s gone!"
"If he leaves, let’s go!" Angle Bai Jian glanced at the twenty million people sorry mouth way!
It’s not that they didn’t want to make these 20 million people their power, but this is definitely not Gao Chen’s permission. Now the leader of this 20 million people is a ninth-order Tu Xiangzhong. No one dreamed that a person who still needed protection grew up in ten days, and now he can talk at the same height even if he faces Angle Bai Jian.
After Gao Chen left the corner city, he appeared in Biancheng, and then went directly to the main mansion of Biancheng. With a period of experience in Corner City, Biancheng was much smoother. What kind of breath was to let the owner of Biancheng know Gao Chen’s strength, and then the owner of Biancheng helped to collect disciples, and it took him 20 million disciples. It also took ten days to make them have a strong fighting capacity. After that, Gao Chen set off again. It all seemed very smooth, but it was from Gao Chen.
When Gao Chen went out of Biancheng, his goal was to stay in Xinsu City. When Gao Chen appeared in the main residence of Xinsu City, he found a place very different from other cities, because he actually met several people he shouldn’t have seen. That’s because he actually saw the main character of Biancheng City, Tianxin, and the main character of Kangcheng City, Kang Tianlai.
And when they look at Gao Chen’s expression, it means that they are waiting for Gao Chen. It seems that there is nothing unexpected about Gao Chen. Once, I told Bian Pengxu that he had not seen Gao Chen for a few days, so he guessed some Gao Chen smiles and said to him, "The Lord of Bian didn’t expect to see you here. Is this fate?"
"Actually, I’m waiting for you. By the way, I’ll introduce you to one of these people." Bianpeng Xu smiled knowingly and then said Gao Chen could see that Bianpeng Xu was really proud at this time!
But as he introduced Gao Chen, his face showed such an expression, because none of these people had the same surname. If so, of course, it was nothing, but if these people’s surnames were the same as those of Terran City, it would be abnormal!
"You are all a duke!" After the introduction of Bianpeng, Gao Chen smiled and said that although Bianpeng Xu didn’t say their identity, it was easy to guess.
"Brother Gao, you are really amazing. I am a representative this time. I will never express my opinions!" One of the busy things in Gao Chen’s words is to come out and say!
"Kang Tianlai, what do you mean?" Bian Peng Xu’s face was wrinkled and calm.
It’s true that this speaker is Kang Tianlai, the Lord of Kangcheng, who is facing the criticism of his friends and friends. Kang Tianlai’s face is still faint without any expression. "What do you mean? Do you still ask? My position has already been expressed!"
"Hum, don’t forget our agreement!" Bian Peng Xu’s face turned black and looked at Kang Tianlai’s mouth!
"We agreed when we had an agreement. That’s just your agreement!" Kang Tianlai took a look at Gao Chen when he spoke faintly, which means that it is obvious to tell Gao Chen that it has nothing to do with him.
How can these people be so arrogant that they don’t know? But if he wants to come here, even if it’s too good, he can’t get anything. Can these people get it? Although their combined strength is too good, after all, they are not monolithic. You know, whether it is too good or the Hunter Association, it is still the most powerful place in the Terran, and the most Kang Tianlai refused their request. Of course, there are also Kang Yue reasons, and it is more because he knows Gao Chen. Although he didn’t see it, he still felt that Kang Cheng Gao Chen had killed an eleventh-order nine planets Warcraft! …
As soon as Kang Tianlai’s words came out, everyone was puzzled and looked at him. After all, this time things can be said to be beneficial to everyone. They never thought that Kang Tianlai would suddenly not attend and his tone was so hard. Peng Xu looked at Kang Tianlai and said, "Since you don’t attend, I don’t know what you came here for!"
"Why don’t you allow me to come? Would you believe me if I said I was coming to the theatre this time!" In the face of drinking Kang Tianlai’s faint words, it’s not a two-handed preparation to taste this time!
Gao Chen has been smiling at them since he came in. He didn’t feel any surprise at all about this situation. It’s normal for these things to happen in vain, but it’s normal to see what Gao Chen called the host’s mind swimming and said with a smile, "Are you the famous Gao Chen? Welcome to my hometown. I don’t know what you are doing here!"