"How do you feel?" Shi Ruisi continued to ask

"Well, in fact, my heart is quite calm. After all, it is good for the team to win the game! Of course, I will remember this game! " Sun Yao still keeps the habit of showing reporters how selfish he is, but in his heart, of course, it’s great! Of course, I’ll just have a good time myself
"Excuse me, when you scored the first goal, you made a sword-finger coach move! Excuse me, does this move have any meaning? " Shress is ready to dig up some material.
It seems that he knows something from his eyes in the team department
"meaning? I’m doing this. Thanks to Mr. juan carlos Garrido for his cultivation! After all, since I came to Villarreal B team, he has always been very concerned about me! " What does it mean to celebrate yourself? Of course, he can say whatever he wants!
"This move and Mr Barber? We heard that you and the first-team coach Mr. Barber had an argument in his office! " Shrewsbury is still unwilling to give up hope and continue to dig deep for Sun Yao.
"Is there? We are just discussing where to eat late! " Sun Yao laughed. "Mr. Barber and I are really wonderful! He has always taken care of me! He is a great coach! "
Although Sun Yao is very dissatisfied with that Baal Vaild, the surface work is still in place
"But but he didn’t choose you to enter the list of King’s Cup of Zhou! Many of your teammates have been selected for the King’s Cup list! " Shrek found it really difficult to dig something out of Sun Yao.
"Well that’s his business! I respect his choice! " Sun Yao left the pie mouth heart andao want to dig from elder brother here? If I don’t want you to dig, you can’t dig! I’m willing to let you dig everything you can
"That’s all right! thank you Finally, congratulations on your performance in the second competition of J and jīng! I hope I can still see you in a J Ο ng performance! " Shi Ruisi laughed
"You must be able to see! Want you at the scene! " Sun Yao answered with a smile.
Then walked to another reporter’s side.
All the reporters are in this process, and Sun Yao is also annoyed, but he still says these annoying diplomatic words
"It’s not easy for a player to speak in such diplomatic language throughout his football career! This is simply a test of your endurance! I really didn’t know that I would say something offensive on impulse that day! " Sun Yao also shook his head after the interview.
In the dressing room, Sun Yao put the unai exposito team away and then slowed down to prepare for a short break after the game.
Teammates also joked and congratulated Sun Yao.
A J and NG lottery victory can make these players feel for a long time.
"Do you want to have dinner tonight?" Hernan perez suggested that
"Good!" Sun Yao also chimed in
"Of course, but everyone has nothing to do anyway!" The teammates also accepted the discussion one by one.
"Well, then our AA system is paid by all the goal players!" Hernan perez laughed.
"good!" Everyone is willing.
Sun Yao wanted to think "no! I scored alone! So it’s not my treat alone? "
"But you did score! Don’t forget that you have a goal bonus! These are enough to please everyone! " Hernan perez bad laughs
"You exploiters!" Sun Yaonai way immediately can nod.
Juan carlos Garrido walked into the dressing room and asked with a smile, "Are you going to have dinner?"
"Yes!" Sun Yao replied and then reluctantly continued to invite, "Do you want to go together?"
"No, you go! I need to study the video of the game later! " Juan carlos Garrido smiled and woke up, "Have fun and rest!"
"Good coach!" Many teammates are also a face of heart.
When the team often wins, the atmosphere in the locker room of the team department will be very harmonious
The atmosphere in such a harmonious dressing room must be different for the first team now.
Barr Vaild sat in his office and heard the news of Sun Yao’s hat trick.
I asked for a video and acted myself.
"This little progress is really great!" Barr Vaild also praised that he didn’t like Sun Yao’s case.
He always thinks that Sun Yao is a bit unruly, so he is still conservative about such players.
"From the perspective of ability, although it is not as good as Giuseppe Rossi and Nierma, it can really guarantee a substitute! But if you really recruit him into the first team, I really don’t know if the team will be confused! After all, there are some problems in the locker room now! " Barr Vaild nai shook his head.
If Sun Yao is really recruited into the first team, it is suspected to be a gamble, and although Sun Yao contributed a hat trick, he still convinced Barber.
If Sun Yao has the strength of those big-name stars, I’m afraid even if Xing Ge can’t see him again, Gembal and Vaild will.
And now he also feels a little pressure from the media.
Many media asked Barr Vaild why he didn’t include Sun Yao in the list of the King’s Cup of Zhou. After all, judging from the competitive state of Sun Yao, if he participated in a game, he might be able to beat Real Sociedad!
I’m afraid it’s hard for him to keep his handsome position. He seems to be rocking in this position.
The outside media have listed the candidates who will replace him as coach. juan carlos Garrido, the coach of Villarreal B team, and michael laudrup, a former Danish star, are the two most popular people at present.
Barr Vaild struggled to grasp his sparse hair, but he didn’t even understand what went wrong with the team. He also won the fifth team in the league last season and now he is in the relegation zone.
"head coach! It’ s really not a job! " Barr Vaild complained.
A bar bag
At this time, Sun Yao was partying with his teammates.
This hat trick is a powerful counterattack by Sun Yao when he is not paid attention to. Sun Yao is happy, although he doesn’t want to talk about the media, but how can he be happy?
"come on! Eat! Drink! Dry! " Sun Yao and his teammates are excited.
It’s not the first time for them to get together for dinner, and they’ve all played together for a long time. They’re friends of the team and they’re not polite when they drink!
One is crazier than the other!
Sun Yao also had a good time!
A few guys are also singing their familiar songs to Mike, and Sun Yao is also screaming, only to find that after searching for a long time, there is no song!
"No matter! I will sing for everyone! " Sun Yao robbed Mike.
"Hum!" Clear your throat
A song "believe in yourself"
How many times have you sweated like rain?
Pain once filled the memory.
Believe eventually
Fight hard to win.