He has always been less harmonious with me than Jin Yun. When King Wu attacked Zhou, he was still sarcastic. I didn’t care about him, but since he became angry in front of me, I became more and more uncomfortable with him.

Today, Mu Shu has been practicing in Avalokitesvara for many years, but that temperament has not changed. My tone of voice is even more severe than before: "Why are you here when you are not in the ninth heaven?"
I spit out four words in no hurry: "Report something quickly"
Mu Bai glared: "Tell me why you informed me or please return."
I glanced at him and put my hand on his shoulder, so that he couldn’t move. I went straight into the mouth of the abode of fairies and immortals while he was clutching his shoulder and trying to get up. I said, "Wait till I tell the Bodhisattva that your anger will not fade and your sin will not diminish."
Go through the tidal hole and walk two or three miles, and you will see Guanyin in Guangchi holding a Pearl Dragon Girl to watch the flowers and enjoy the scenery.
When the dragon lady saw someone coming, she scolded, "Why did you trespass on the Bodhisattva shrine without notice?"
I held the railing and looked at the water surface in the pool indifferently. "Did the dragon lady ever inform Han Si that she had taken the nine-tailed fox fairy?"
"You …" Dragon lady didn’t "you" out of a natural to sulk with a flat mouth.
I listened to the trotting steps behind me getting closer and closer to the water surface in the pool, and the second figure appeared except me. At this moment, the wind suddenly sounded behind my ears, and I would flash and snap my fingers behind me, and there was a muffled sound.
"Sin, sin, you dare to hurt people in front of the bodhisattva." The dragon lady stared at me in surprise and shouted, "How dare you be so disrespectful in front of the bodhisattva!"
I glanced at the dragon lady and immediately withdrew my eyes: "Bodhisattva, you are a disciple of seven buddha, and your anger is hard to get rid of. You can also say that his practice is not enough, but he doesn’t even know how to be superior or inferior. Instead, you should teach others to be bodhisattvas. You are lax."
The Bodhisattva held the lotus leaf in a slightly nai tone: "You can change it when you have to manage it and wait for no one."
What a pair of such words! Is this avalokitesvara familiar to me in my previous life?
"There is still a need to fight for three points. Do you want to forgive people?" I walked up to the Bodhisattva and held out the glass lamp to get down to business: "The source of the glass lamp is the essence of vegetation, and now it will be destroyed by the shutter of the Lingxiao Temple. The Jade Emperor ordered Nezha to come to the South China Sea to find a way to save the treasure from the Bodhisattva."
Guanyin carefully studied the mouth of the glazed lamp and said, "I’m afraid it will take a long time if the aura is exhausted."
I handed the glass lamp to one side and turned to Guanyin and said, "This is not an easy thing to earn every day. Let’s save his life for the time being. He will remember the kindness of Bodhisattva when he returns to heaven."
Guanyin lowered her eyes and looked at the lotus flower swimming in the pool. After a long meditation, she drew Yang Liuzhi out of her net bottle and sprinkled a few drops of water in the glass lamp. Then she signaled the dragon lady to sink the glass lamp into the light pool.
Bodhisattva’s face, as white as a wall, is thoughtful: "Are you satisfied with this?"
I played Tai Chi to push things back to the shutter body: "The shutter general will repay the Bodhisattva for saving his life when he dies tomorrow!"
The purpose of this is to achieve my Bodhisattva’s farewell. When I turned around, I saw Mufang’s face was livid. I smiled: "Seek its own government in its place; If you are not in your place, you will not do your job. "
After that, I strolled out of the pool and waited at the entrance of the cave for a moment. Listening to the footsteps, I said, "What is that nine-tailed fox that deserves my attention? Do you want to say hello to me before taking her? Don’t I give it to you? You should know that the female immortals were registered in Korea, and the nine-tailed fox was taken away by the dragon lady as soon as the registration number was registered, and the husband-in-law, Zhenjun Kenai, first registered her name and sent it to the queen mother’s office, and then one Su Zhi was missing, so he asked the husband-in-law, Zhenjun, to punish him for dereliction of duty for a month.
Li Muzha, you’re not young, and you’re so reckless. It’s a shame to bother your husband-in-law. Can you apologize? "
After that, I lifted my feet and left. Li Muzha said, "Isn’t it a big deal that I can’t go out in January?"
I glanced at him to see some apologies in his face, but I saw indifference in his eyes.
I couldn’t help but smile: "Are you your beloved dad?"
I really can’t understand why anyone would think that it is a matter of course for others to be blamed, so I left without saying anything and didn’t want to look at him again.
Back to heaven, I first went to Lingxiao Hall to tell the Jade Emperor that the clean glass lamp had sunk into the light pool and was baptized by the Bodhisattva. Then I rushed to Beitianmen and beheaded Sendai to tell the story of barefoot fairy.
The barefoot fairy read out the penalty according to the will, and ordered the mountain soldiers to push the shutter into the boundary.
In the nine days, there was a panic scream in the clouds. The general shutter was like a broken line. The black kite floated, swayed and fell on a river bank. When the beach was smashed out of a deep pit, the original honest face became indigo. It was a big mouth and fangs, and its eyes were like a red light.
Seeing my general plan, Tianbing said sympathetically, "General shutter has fallen on the boundary of quicksand river."
I asked, "What kind of tragedy?"
Tianbing pie pie: "There is a hundred miles river in the quicksand river, which is full of weak water. Goose feathers can’t float in the water, but reed flowers can’t sink into the water. If this is the case alone, it’s not difficult for this river to cross the water, which makes it difficult for the general with a few people around him to fall here. His mind is also full of tricks, even if he gives up the fairy roots and lives on eating people, I’m afraid few people will give him food."
The words of the heavenly soldier made the barefoot fairy unhappy. He shouted with a serious face: "How can the blind heavenly generals want to live by eating people?" Is it possible that there are no wild animals and wild fruits around this river for hundreds of miles? "
How can a hundred miles of weak water live on weak water except Xuanwu clan or ordinary people who are proficient in water-based monsters?
I persuaded him, "General Roller Curtain is not an ordinary immortal, but he must care about the future and look at it with ease."
"Hum!" Barefoot Daxian left Beitianmen disgruntled with his sleeves.
The heavenly soldier looked at his novel with a sullen back: "It’s just that General Roller Curtain will become a demon when he goes here. Can you expect him to accumulate virtue and do good by the river?"
I glanced at the world, and hundreds of flying swords hung in the semi-flashing cold light, chasing the shutter and running all over the beach until the shutter was exhausted and "sou" passed through his heart, and it immediately resounded through the sky.
The heavenly soldiers sighed: "Marshal Tianpeng might feel better if the generals with rolling shutters could change places with each other."
That’s really the case.
A monster who is good at water but mistakenly throws a pig’s fetus can’t hide in the mountain forest; One is that the dry duck is unwilling to go to the weak water, and if you want to avoid the sword, you can go by-pass besides starving in this weak water; If you want to feel comfortable in your stomach, you have to leave the quicksand river boundary before a flying sword strikes, but a flying sword every seven days is doomed to be constrained by the demon king in the mountains and it is difficult to make decisions by yourself.
I left Beitianmen with a deep sigh when I spoke with caution.
As I walked along, I thought about the general shutter. There will be a vacancy around the Jade Emperor. Who will fill this "distinguished" position?
But this problem didn’t bother me for too long. The second time, the Jade Emperor proclaimed the will in the Lingxiao Hall, so Li Jing took a group of followers and went to the Western Heaven Lingshan to pick up Li Jinyun.
If Yincui gorge knows this news, she will be very happy. Maybe the jade emperor is willing to bring Jin Yun back, which is what she said in front of the jade emperor on the first day. But it is a good result on the whole.
This jade order, one hall, two classes of civil and military immortals, suddenly looked solemn and solemn, and then many people said a word quietly, waiting for Li Jing to get back to the front protector of Lingshan-
Ganlu Wang Li Jinbiao
A few days before the Peach Blossom Party, General Juan Lian also picked a good time to make trouble. When I thought of his situation in the world, I silently wept tears of sympathy for him.
I have something to say.
I forgot the timing (embarrassed). Thank you for casting the overlord ticket or irrigating the nutrient solution angel from 89: 55: 14 to 386: 6 ~
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution, the night rain bothered the bottle;
Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard!
Chapter 95 Chapter 95
In front of Luojia Mountain, I quite lamented that I came here once because I wanted something from others. In order to kill the murder and evil spirit, I hit the vicinity of Kunlun, bowing down in three steps and dyeing the 3,000 white jade steps here in five steps, but I failed.