Xiao Yu behind the white devil and bloodthirsty black ant mosquito body suddenly emerged.

Chapter one thousand two hundred and fifty-five Day unrest has been
Wang Zhongxian looked at the white devil and the bloodthirsty black ant mosquito and nodded his head. "It’s better to take them to my royal territory in the extreme sun. I observed yesterday that the light of my family’s gods is dim, even if the bodhi old zu will not last for a few days. Once the bodhi old zu falls, it will inevitably be a number of forces to attack them, and their shape will not attract too much attention. If you bring that group of congenital monsters, I’m afraid that the royal family will be discovered by the mountain soldiers before the strong ones come to encircle and encircle us, which will inevitably delay us a lot of time."
"Not bad"
Xiao Yu said
He chose to take the bloodthirsty black ant mosquito and the white devil, which is precisely why they can both be extremely profitable and will not attract the slightest attention.
"Let those monsters stay here first, and I’ll arrange everything."
Xiao Yu said
Wang Zhongxian nodded.
Suddenly Xiao Yumei’s heart moved, wooden dumpling, Muan Jing Duan Tiande pig ring and others all emerged and filled the hall.
"Meet the master!"
These people are talking.
"This is the place where Yangxian is in the demon territory. You can stay here for a while. I’ll go out and don’t make trouble." Xiao Yu said.
"It’s your master!"
In a group of people, the promise is more shocking than the shock
Did they really come to Yangxian?
Feel the mysterious law peculiar to Qi. These people are all excited. Compared with their strength, they will not have the slightest chance of winning if they go against the subgrade of Yin and Yang. They will probably die on the road, but I didn’t expect that Xiao Yuzi’s mansion actually reached the Yangxian realm.
Xiao Yu a wave of his hand this group of people have retreated.
He shouted to a few monsters and told them to nod their heads like this group of monsters and quickly withdrew.
Xiao Yu closed his eyes and waited quietly.
In this way, the day passed quickly.
Early the next morning, Xiao Yu took a boat from the Nine Lions to cross the Weak Water River.
"Our royal family is far away in the demon world, and it will take seven days for us to hurry and talk less," said Wang Zhongxian.
Xiao Yuli’s bow is driven by Wang Zhongxian, who drives the boat qR1.
Even if Xiao Yu walked once before, he still felt the vastness and vastness. It took them a long time to cross out of this weak river.
As soon as I came to the outside world, there was a deafening roar, and there was a mighty light in the distance, and it collapsed for miles.
Xiao Yu and Wang Zhongxian all looked up at the same time.
"There are heavenly soldiers fighting?"
Wang Zhongxian’s face changed slightly
Xiao Yu muttered to himself, "Is the Yangxian world reshuffled so soon?"
Wang Zhongxian looked Xiao Yu with a puzzled face.
Xiao Yuchen said, "You probably don’t know that now there are two immortals completely dead in the whole Yangxian world, and your ancestors will come out of the three emperors’ palaces."
"What? How is it possible that the immortal emperor has fallen? "
Wang Zhongxian’s face changed dramatically, and he hurriedly looked up and looked high. He suddenly found that there were two rounds of high school that had become dim.
"Is the seven kill emperor palace and the blood palace seven kill fairy emperor and blood fairy emperor fall? How did this happen? "
Wang Zhongxian was deeply shocked in his mind.
Xiao Yu sneered, "It’s just that two immortals died. What’s the fuss about? What’s worse? How many immortals are there in the whole Yangxian world?"
"What do you mean?"
Xiao Yu said coldly, "According to the news I got, now there are eleven immortals left in the whole Yangxian world, and his immortal imperial city has disappeared. Most of the ninety-nine rounds of big days have come."
"disappeared?" Wang Zhongxian’s stare big eyes is even more unbelievable.
"Yes, it just disappeared."
Xiao Yu eyes flashing walked into the distance.