This is an ordinary sect battle that took place 1240 years ago.

More than 27 people died in this battle. In the video, the facial features of these 27 people were extracted in detail, especially put aside and marked.
These 27 people died almost at the same time, which caused them to die. It was a master flying sword of the other side-hitting them 27 times in a row like a string of candied haws.
Video switching perspective A small island, a common abandoned abode of fairies and immortals
If the search and rescue team hadn’t specially marked the red color, they wouldn’t have seen what this picture was about.
Wu Xiaoqing is the most sensitive to this kind of awakening. The search and rescue team has been in the glasses many times.
It is the positive fluctuation of abode of fairies and immortals.
It’s the air that vibrates like water waves, as if the abode of fairies and immortals has been completely submerged by water. They see the scene as water.
But it’s definitely not water-because floating office stones can also be seen in the cave house-which can only be seen in a gravity environment, and the forms of water in the gravity environment are scattered, so it is impossible to form a large continuous area.
At this time, the ripples in the air become more and more obvious. If you look closely, you can see that the trembling area has almost formed a vague outline, which looks like a …
"people?" This is Shen Changwen. He has already seen it. "It’s an invisible man …"
Shen Changwen showed that Wu Xiaoqing also quickly saw that this positive fluctuation area was obviously a face, and he was breathing, and there were some fluctuations in his chest. These uncertain features showed that the ripples were clearly marked.
Then, a pair of eyes suddenly appeared in this virtual human figure.
Then it was the mouth and nose-the whole face appeared-at this time, one of the 27 head images of Qianbao was just enlarged to his side to form a fresh contrast.
This man is really the 27 people. It is obvious that he has just been born again in the image.
Although his eyes are open, it can be seen that his whole consciousness has not recovered. The human body performs some movements mechanically like a machine. He breathes heavily and keeps opening and closing his eyes. Then his body and his hands and feet appear, as if the invisible man appeared in a science fiction film.
The incoming video is generally such an image.
It was repeated 26 times
However, these people were born in very different places, and the farthest distance between them was more than 10,000 kilometers.
This is the most direct evidence of rebirth found by the search and rescue team through image analysis technology from the video material of short-haired man
"That is to say, to achieve the goal of concealment, so that every rebirth will be transported to the designated location by some invisible tool before it appears." yevgeny spoke
"It’s not necessarily transportation," the search and rescue team pointed out. "It’s probably that it’s not difficult to find the direct collision trace of the object in the video. There are a lot of fine dust suspended in the heavy strength-the dust in the video is very obvious. If it is an invisible vehicle or some kind of smuggled rebirth, it will easily collide with it, but from the analysis of the video, we have not found such collision trace."
"Send technology?" Yevgeny and Shen Changwen looked at each other, but it was not too shocking.
Yes, "sending technology" is very awesome. At present, geophysical theory can’t explain "sending"
But so what? The search and rescue team took them to the flying world, which is also a way to send them-maybe the technical details are even more awesome.
"This is my guess," the synthetic voice of the search and rescue team replied, "If we need further verification, we need to verify it."
According to the search and rescue team, if one or two million people are resurrected at most in a month, it means that tens of thousands of invisible rebirth people appear quietly in every corner of the world every day in the whole ascension realm.
The master of this stealth technology is responsible for transporting the reborn and putting them in place without interacting with other things in the realm of ascension.
In a sense, they are like ghosts of this world.
Or gods.
There is no doubt that the owner of this technology is the article that created this planet.
By this point, almost all the problems have been spread out, and what should be done about the corresponding plan? Everyone has an account in his mind, and now several speakers are calculating these possible conflicts in their minds and possibly reaching the optimal solution.
Of course, negotiation is the most urgent thing.
The problem is the negotiation strategy.
Bai Feng and Samadhi are the best candidates to participate in the negotiations, but their mental state is not particularly stable.
After Bai Feng came, he met Samadhi as a prisoner.
Samadhi has learned about the current situation, and judging from his performance, he has given up hope, and so has Bai Feng.
Let them come forward to participate in the negotiations at this time? Need to consider whether to give them some benefits-if it is a prisoner, it is obviously a bad idea to surrender-the nine sects will die when they see Samadhi’s real experience.
But what good can they do now? Being able to keep these two people from pressing the key can make the nine factions feel that surrender is an acceptable choice when they see these two people.
"We can consider returning the dry yang finger and the imaginary stone to the samadhi real person". yevgeny discussed "The key between the imaginary stone and the dry yang finger is still the imaginary stone. It’s just a pool, and the precious thing is the amount inside, not the body of the pool"
"We can transfer most of the medium quantity … or simply take a new imaginary stone and inject a small amount of aura into it to look like that. At least on the surface, this Samadhi real person is still the former leader of Ganyang Gate. He used to be one of the nine schools-maybe he can achieve miraculous results in the negotiations."
Yevgeny almost immediately got Shen Changwen’s approval for Wu Xiaoqing’s dullness, but he soon understood the benefits.
On the contrary, I can’t understand what they are talking about after the speech-this kind of common political means on earth is obviously never seen before.
This plan is so booked.
And then to investigate the origin of rebirth, that is, the invisible man.
First of all, since we have checked the invisibility, they also have ready-made image search tools-then we can naturally try invisible reverse tracking.
According to the analysis of the search and rescue team, it can be temporarily determined that the invisible man entered the rebirth area through some kind of transmission technology, and then the active cancellation of the invisibility function will be exposed before the rebirth wakes up.
Rebirths know nothing about what happened during this period-each of them will wake up and see that they have appeared in a corner of the realm of ascension.
Since it is delivered, it largely means untraceable.
But this is the direct meaning untraceable-it is of course impossible to go back from the place where the reborn finally appeared.
But what if we are looking for the source directly?
Not everyone has not thought of the possibility of stealth technology before-because of this optical stealth technology, the earth has already taken shape, and even ascension has seen similar functional instruments.
However, there are too many possibilities of "coming back from the dead". It is even more powerful to clone artificial miniature somatic cells alone and recombine them …
Optical stealth delivery is one of the possibilities.
The coping strategies for different ways of "resurrection" are of course different.
After confirming the realization mode of "resurrection", the search and rescue team recognized that a certain area in the ascension realm must be located in a place where the body of the production repairman is similar to that of a "cloning factory"
To ensure that tens of thousands of people are resurrected on average every day, such a large-scale production will not adopt the mode of production, even if it is searched, it is hard to imagine, because it is even more difficult to guarantee the leak if scattered "cloning" is adopted.
Assuming that each reborn body is "hatched" in a small scale in a separate enclosure and then sent to the destination, tens of thousands of enclosures are less needed in the whole ascension realm.
Moreover, these should be kept in communication at all times-the search and rescue team has determined that the purpose of this insect is to collect DNA information of the deceased to determine the death information by studying the small flying insects similar to flies
That is to say, the new bodies of the dead will be made only when the DNA information of the bugs is sent back. If there are tens of thousands of scattered small bases, the complexity of the whole system is too high and the risk of leakage is too great.
The search and rescue team guessed that there must be a Chinese medicine factory somewhere, such as a big island. The outside of this factory may be closed with some concealment and camouflage.