Xu Yan looked at the two of them. "What’s wrong with you? Is it to save those flying people … what’s the name … what’s the door? " Xu Yan scratched his head and didn’t react. After thinking about the seriousness of the problem for a long time, he was sure that he had forgotten the term, so he was ready to ask Shen Changwen again.

But Shen Changwen saw his one eye and did not answer.
"That is to say, it is not difficult for them to build a spaceship."
"Yes, it’s very simple. Their industry has been automated …" Wu Qingdao "The whole Federation has 23 billion people responsible for specific production, and the population does not exceed tens of millions …"
"That other person" Shen Wen recalled the number of people who played the game when he came all the way. "Are they all in the game?"
"Play games for everyone," Wu Qing said. "Games can transcend the constraints of tattoos and create a new way of life."
Wu Qing paused here for a long time before Shen Wen and Xu Yan looked at each other and said, "I think I already know what they are going to do to us."
"What?" Xu Yan asked the fastest.
Shen Wen didn’t ask the truth. When Wu Qing spoke just now, he had guessed the answer in his heart.
Two countries that can restrict industrial production from going to war are almost the same technology. The biggest difference between the two sides seems to be that the members of the text are different. One is real human beings made of carbon, and the other is virtual life made of data.
Which of the two is more suitable for the present level of war?
It is not difficult to draw a conclusion by thinking about this game of Wu Qing.
"That is to say, no matter what attitude we take, it is not far away. Who are we … if we want to come over … we will meet this one."
Wu Chen nodded. "They need our key, not our position … just because of our identity."
"Identity?" Xu Yan hasn’t heard anything yet. "Don’t they know that we are from the earth? Do they still want to counterattack the earth? "
Wu Qing shook his head. He suddenly asked Xu Yan, "What if all our generations can’t go back to the earth? What are your plans? "
"Can’t you go back?" Xu Yan was scared and shivered. "What do you mean? Angkor, don’t joke with me. I can’t stand being scared. "
Xu Yan turned to look at Shen Changwen only to see that he looked at himself in the same way.
Shen Wen asked Wu Qing again, "Then why don’t they make consciousness data?"
"Because of fear," Wu Qing said, "a writer can be afraid that his life style will be completely erased … This is not a simple technology, and the whole federal department must have had a lot of arguments about it."
So they stared at us when they needed this technology most.
"What if we … cooperate actively?" Shen Wen tentatively asked 1.
"I don’t know," said Wu Qing. "Do you know?"
Shen Wen also shook his head, just out of this idea, the thought of possible cooperation has already made him feel cold.
But reason made him say what he should say, "but it is not considered when necessary."
35 Cloud Beauty
One of the selling points of the game "Sun Fengyun" is that it is set strictly according to the reality, and it is precisely because the player’s experience when playing intelligent body and Federation is completely different according to the reality.
Wu Qing has played seven times in the past few days. These seven times, he chose the federal Shen Wenxuan as an intellectual body. Although he is more familiar with the game than Shen Wenqian, he can’t avoid failing every time.
"Game design is like this." After the ninth failure, Shen Wen said to Wu Qing, "It is a matter of time before the Federation can never defeat the failure without putting out the intellectual body in the first place."
"How can it be defeated at the first time?" After several games, Wu Qing has tried every mechanism in the game. "The whole federal root will have no sense of crisis. When there is an opportunity, you can’t recruit, and when you are really hit at your doorstep, you can’t recruit."
"Yes," Shen Wen also said, "but the strategy here is very simple. Just drag one word."
"Yes, every time I suppress a few billion attack ships … a wave of A comes and takes it away."
"It’s just a game," interrupted Xu Yan, who has been watching them play games. "Is it really the same as here?"
From the perspective of Xu Yan, this game is quite boring. It should not be said that it is boring!
There are neither beautiful pictures nor wonderful battles, and the meat sellers are always sitting in the same room from beginning to end. Except for a small number of videos, most of the information is that the consultants come in in in turn to report either the progress of the plan or the new good news and bad news, and then let the players make decisions.
But just as Shen Wen and Wu Qinggang said, it is difficult for both sides to produce any game in this process, and there is a strategic suppression from beginning to end.
Otherwise, it is not only rich and simple to delay the war by various other means, such as inciting a group in the Federal Ministry to protest or making an ambiguous peace … Then the Federal Ministry will always delay the war because of these actions.
From the point of view of the game, it seems that the biggest reason is that the federales subconsciously recognize AI as their creation-which is equivalent to the feeling that parents feel when they look at their children, even if they have a falling out, they tend to be soft-hearted once they show weakness.
But if you play too much, players know that you have to wait for the intellectual body to wait long enough-the only thing he needs to do during this time is to keep making.
Wait until the intelligent body converts all the control areas into attack ships-until the number exceeds the entire federal controllable fleet. Although the federal industrial capacity is strong, the combat effectiveness of the Taizhong army is still limited by the number of people-according to the calculation of two people controlling a spaceship, 23 billion federales can control 11.5 billion attack ships at most …
Billions of warships sound like an amazing number, which is more or less enough to reach the edge of "astronomical figures". However, it is just a man-made meteorite belt to put the "astronomical figures" into various genuine astronomical units involved in the Star Wars.
Wu Qing shook his head. "The federal government really wants to be so clever that it wouldn’t do such a thing to us. As a result, it did all the work and screwed up …"
Speaking of this, Xu Yan hated it. "These king eggs are just like Empress Dowager Cixi … Sooner or later, we have to get a national Coalition to avenge this!"
Wu Qinghe Shen Wen smiled at one another and knew that Xu Yan didn’t come in vain at all. What did he say was that he was returning to the Allied Forces? If this kind of text was really close to the earth, it would be the Qing government-not as good as charging, which island in the Pacific Ocean can be regarded as an aboriginal.
"I think we should take the initiative to go out and connect with people." Shen Wen went on to talk about the topic just now. "It’s not a problem to always hide like this … We came here not just to protect ourselves, but to finish it."
"But it is said that the outside is looking for us now." Xu Yan is most worried about watching the news every night for fear that he will suddenly be caught one day. Even though this is a virtual game world, he still likes to lock himself up and be a thief every time he enters the door. "I have experience in making … when I was working on a project, I usually had to make a report when I went out."
"I also checked this period," Shen Wen said his opinion. "As far as the government search is concerned, it is still guaranteed that we should keep in touch with the outside world at a relatively low frequency."
"What do you mean?" Xu Yan blinked.
"It is to ask us to talk less to others," Wu Qingdao said. "How low is it?"
"Probably, the number of people who communicate with foreign countries every day does not exceed one or two million."
"One or two million?" Wu Qing wondered, "How can one person communicate with one or two million people at the same time?" Wu Qing is puzzled.