Now old DuPont is willing to introduce him, which makes Thomas ecstatic, but he still looks calm on the surface

After talking for an afternoon, Thomas invited George to his private winery for lunch.
About four kilometers from Bismarck, the western suburb is a local rich area, and the Thomas family private manor is halfway up the mountain.
12:27 noon
Thomas and George and others were talking and laughing in the manor restaurant.
At the same time
A large truck in a farm less than 5 kilometers away from the manor has been parked in the snow for seven hours, and it has been boxed and covered with a thin layer of snow.
The driver and his three lean men in jackets sat in an SUV not far away.
A man is looking at his notes and his brain is showing several red dots, which are located in Thomas Yunshan Manor 3.
One of the "hands-on" coldly ordered
The top of the instant box directly reveals the big and thick hippocampus inside, and six flames suddenly flash by.
Less than ten seconds.
Yunshan Manor submerged two fuel air explosive, two high-explosive bombs, two mother bombs and reinforced 277 mm caliber rockets in a fire.
Flatten the manor in an instant
In particular, the restaurant that was taken care of was directly hit by two high-explosive bombs, and fuel air explosive, the mother bomb, and the whole manor was not alive.
And this side of the farm
After the rocket was fired, the boxed truck covered with thermite was immediately ignited, and soon it was full of flames and smoke.
Off-road vehicle cleanly and roared off.
At the same time
Utah salt sand base
Under the pretext of passing through the Great Salt Lake Desert, the two regiments took over the salt and sand base directly at a lightning speed.
When the military faction directly killed Thomas and took over the salt sand base without responding to each other.
There are not many combatants when the deputy armed soldiers in the salt sand base suddenly appear, and the salt sand base directly rushes to the street in front of professional soldiers
When I heard the short gun, several dark people desperately sent back an alarm. Valentine’s face changed greatly, but Jack Morgan looked stupid before he entered the personality state.
But Dr. Killian knew that something had happened at the base, and it was very serious.
"What about Valentine?" No matter how calm Dr. Killian is, it is natural for a mortal to control his emotions when he encounters such a raid.
Valentine didn’t answer. She pulled a drawer, pressed a red button and pulled out a revolver.
"Doctor, get ready to fight!"
Jack Morgan was just about to say something, but Valentine shot him in the head.
A few minutes later, a flurry of footsteps came from the corridor.
The office door was kicked and a tear gas bomb was thrown in.
Cough cough cough! Valentine and Dr. Killian were choked by the irritating gas, coughing and crying.
Three soldiers with gas masks and bulletproof shields rushed in, and suddenly Valentine fired a few shots at random and was knocked unconscious by the shield.
If we hadn’t caught Valentine and others alive, these soldiers wouldn’t have thrown in tear gas, but broadsword grenades
Five minutes later, the bodies of Valentine and Kirian Jack Morgan were dragged out of the office.
The team leader looked at the situation of the two men and was just about to tell them to go out and report.
Violent explosions broke out in the office of the base chief, the operating room and the core archives room. In the corridor, the special team, Valentine and others were instantly swallowed up by the explosion.
The soldiers in charge of attacking the base suffered heavy losses. The explosions in these three key areas caused more than a quarter of the salt sand base to be destroyed and more than 300 people were killed or injured.
Outside, another regiment heard the huge explosion at the base and immediately knew that something was wrong inside.
Fort Worth
Military secret base
Old DuPont, Rockefeller, Kahn and others just breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that Thomas had been killed, but bad news came from the salt sand base.
"As expected, the salt sand base was seriously infiltrated, and we didn’t even know about this explosive device." Old Dupont was surly.
Rockefeller waved his hand. "Now it is necessary to deal with the separatist party and communicate with the financial faction so as not to give opportunities to external forces."
"John is right. We can’t ask the Greater China side to be vigilant now." Rick Kahn agrees to communicate with the financial faction and work together to pay off the hidden Thomas remnant party in the new school.
This is also the reason why they cut the gordian knot-they don’t have time to play with Thomas, but they can take drastic measures to destroy each other from the body.
Soon, the military faction, which held the military power, quickly took action to round up the workers who were engaged in the research of brain reading equipment before having close contacts with Thomas, Valentine and others.
On the other hand, the financial faction was also frightened by the sudden change.
Fortunately, Rockefeller came forward to personally talk with old Morgan and others. After reading Aiken Hank’s situation, a group of financial directors were also surprised and angry.
This brainwashing technique is impossible to prevent. In case people around you are brainwashed by Thomas, they can’t prevent each other at all.
Especially the old Morgan, Jack Morgan, and their family were secretly controlled by each other.
Unable to sit still, the financial faction was also afraid. While cooperating with the military faction to encircle Thomas’ remnant party, it conducted a major investigation of the Ministry.
However, after 21 years, all the people who came into contact with Thomas were quarantined and examined, especially those who had been in contact for a long time.
The brain reading equipment has also been banned. Although many people have some small thoughts in their hearts, no one dares to make small moves now.
If this point is found to be secretly studying brain reading equipment, it is estimated that it will be attacked by groups.
In less than two days, the financial faction and the military faction joined forces with the new science and technology faction, and both Thomas and any members of the new science and technology faction were forcibly isolated.
The new technology industry has also been taken over, especially the internet industry. This time, the financial faction and the military faction not only want to destroy Thomas’ remnants, but simply divide up the achievements of the new technology faction together.

He was desperate to drag her into the abyss of love and announced the marriage when she was so in love that she could not extricate herself.

"Fu Shu, you said you wouldn’t lose me." Ji Rou grabbed his skirts and looked at him with tears.
"Do you believe that men have spoken in bed?" He pushed her coldly, "Jirou, you and I have slept enough."
When we met again, he trapped her in front of him and looked at her vaguely and impudently.
"My family is soft and grown up."
"Manager Fu, I’m here to talk about business. Please respect yourself."
"You know I never respect myself. I value you."
First, the wings are hard.
"Jirou, I hope you can give me a chance. I will take good care of you." Hao Cheng looked at the girl sitting opposite and her eyes were particularly gentle.
Hao Cheng and Jirou are classmates. Hao Cheng fell in love with Jirou at first sight on the day she first entered school. Only today did she get up the courage to confide in her.
But Jirou was still scared by his sudden confession and didn’t speak for a long time.
"Jirou be my girlfriend. I really like you."
Seeing that Jirou didn’t talk, Hao Cheng thought that what he had just said was not direct enough, so he reorganized a language.
"I …" Jirou took a deep breath and looked up at Hao Cheng. "Can you give me some?"
"Of course," Hao Cheng reached out and gently squeezed a soft face for a season and said to her with a smile, "I can wait if you are willing to give me a chance."
"Thank you, Hao Cheng." Jirou bit her lip shyly and looked away-
I just looked up and saw a familiar figure coming this way.
Season soft heart a tight consciousness just want to find a place to hide.
But it’s too late
In less than ten seconds, the man has been looking at her condescendingly at the dinner table.
"Jirou, did I tell you not to eat with the opposite sex?"
The man’s voice didn’t have a trace of temperature, so Jirou made a tingle.
She bowed her head and carefully apologized to him "I’m sorry … Fu Shu"
Hao Cheng heard Jirou call this man’s uncle to get up immediately and introduce himself to him. "Hello, uncle, my name is Hao Cheng. I like Jirou very much. I called her out for dinner today. Don’t blame her."
Fu Jingsi didn’t even look at Hao Cheng. He pulled Jirou up from the chair and picked her up, forcing her to look at herself. "Is it a boyfriend?"
"no! Not-"
Season soft shook his head assiduously for fear that Fu Jingsi wouldn’t believe her.
"Uncle, she hasn’t promised me that I am chasing her." Hao Cheng also came out to explain for Jirou.
Fu Jingsi sarcastically hooked the corners of his mouth and threw himself out of the restaurant.
He is a tall and fast walker. Jirou stumbled several times and almost tripped.
She was angry and afraid to show it.
Ji Rou’s head accidentally hit the roof when Fu Jingsi stuffed it into the car.
"PSST …" She gasped in pain.
Fu Jingsi ignored her door and went around to the other side of the car.
All the way
Car season soft low head behind Fu Jingsi into the house.
Fu Jingsi suddenly turned around. She didn’t stop the car and her head directly hit his chest.

"Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz.

Soon those fighters answered the crow’s doubts, only to see that they hit three fighters in the engine room and threw long objects one by one. Suddenly, the sense of fear and crisis hit the crow’s heart.
The violent explosion of "boom" soon sounded, and the crow stared at the front and suddenly burst into flames and turned over the jungle.
And after those fighters, two more planes flew in for extended bombing, but they heard the "boom" explosion and the crow felt his lips dry.
Involuntarily, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the sun was gradually rising. The crow could clearly see that the place where the explosion light was emitted was the team that was after him and the area where he had just been.
To put it simply, the other party is cleaning up everyone directly, regardless of everything. The crow realized his fear and sense of crisis when he thought of this.
"Falk, this group of crazy people is crazy." The crow murmured and watched the flames continue to burst. Obviously, the other party didn’t treat the team that was after him as one of their own.
So they didn’t hesitate to kill the team directly, or they thought it was worthwhile to kill the crow and lose a team.
A machete and a walking sound came from the canopy of "Sita Sita Suosuo". The crow looked down at the canopy and saw the figures painted with oil paint on their way to the explosion area.
One of them was walking in the middle school with a camouflage headscarf, and the man was whispering something.
"I’m on my way. I haven’t found it yet." It’s too far away. The crow can’t hear it clearly, but it’s obvious that this team is coming to replace the one that was cleaned up
The crow withdrew her eyes and then remained silent in the canopy. Soon the sound of "Xi Xi Suo Suo" disappeared, but the crow still did not move and got some vines to do some camouflage.
Crows are lying in the vines to rest. Just now, things have stimulated him too much. Even if they are strong, they are just soldiers. That doesn’t mean they are Superman or Wolverine.
If the bomb hits, it will die. The beam bomb bombing is almost covering. It is just bombing the camp where they have been. Now even their own team has bombed it.
What do you mean, the other party is already crazy, and now it’s really going to kill them at all costs. Crows absolutely believe that if they show up themselves, the other party will definitely send various means of attack and killing nearby.
Because the crow saw some small black spots again, he hid himself and looked at them coldly.
He soon saw what these were. The military plane, the high-endurance reconnaissance machine and the all-in-one machine swallowed a mouthful of saliva. The crow didn’t even dare to move. Now, if he doesn’t move, he will still be alive.
If you move around, you will be hit head-on if you are not sure.
Crows don’t think they can escape these man-machine bombardments. That’s when crows hear the tree coming again, followed by someone talking in the tree.
"Is there no one alive?" The crow didn’t dare to see him, but he listened to what the other party said. "Half of them have been wiped out, but the main guy still hasn’t been found."
"Sir, the meaning is very simple. Those damn losers can’t even do this, so they are meaningless."
The sound was without a trace of emotion. "Keep searching. Maybe that bastard has been blown to pieces long ago. Make sure there is no wreckage. I hope I can find some good jobs."
Chapter seven hundred and ninety-seven Decision
The crow is now really moving and dare not move through the vine. Although the man-machine painted camouflage, he still found some of them. Where are more men-machines and whether they are equipped with heat source induction?
He has no idea that in this case, he may be found if he moves a little, but the chance of being found is relatively small. It is daytime now, and if it is night, the crow must find a way to shield the heat source.
Otherwise, once it is detected, waiting for him will be a siege attack on the tree crown, and small teams will comb this jungle back and forth. Obviously, they think there may be fish escaping from the net here.
Through a little messy dialogue in their com, the crows knew that they had broken out. Some of the team had successfully escaped from their encirclement, but some were still stuck in the jungle.
The crow came from the crown of the tree after the night fell slowly. He lowered his head, first disguised himself with dead vines, rotten leaves and mud, and then slowly evacuated along the vines.
But he is mainly not trying to evacuate, but to find a new place to live. If he talks too much now, he will soon be found. Crows are not sure that they will be alive against dozens of people.
In particular, the other side has all kinds of well-equipped equipment and man-machine assistance. It’s a pity that they can’t carry it unless they are Superman Wolverine.
Go around and hide for a while before a crow finds a tree hole where he can barely hide. Some leaves that look like weeds are cut from the side and thrown into the tree hole after being crushed.
After a while, all kinds of reptiles came out of the tree hole and spilled it several times to make sure there was nothing inside. The crow got short and got in, checked it out and retreated.
Find mud, dig some rotten leaves nearby, pull over some vines and carefully disguise this tree hole.
At this time, the crow is very fortunate that when he was mixed with the old aborigines in the jungle for a while, the crow’s body was not as high as that of the white people.
When everyone drinks wine, they make a mess, so they also learn a lot from these indigenous people. This disguise has already satisfied the crow.
He didn’t have the confidence to learn these things in those days, but he wandered around in the jungle so blindly. The indigenous people lived in the jungle, and their ancestors lived in it. Many experiences and methods were summed up by blood and tears.
Crows, on the other hand, combined the experience of modern jungle warfare and added a lot to their indigenous methods.
For example, it is not easy to find a tree hole in this tree hole now. Not every tree hole can hide people, especially if the other party may have a heat source sensor.
It needs to be wet enough nearby, so that the soft mud can prevent the heat source from spreading out to a certain extent, and it is better to have water nearby, so that many jungle animals will interfere with the identification of the heat source
At the same time, the hole in the tree must be cleaned, otherwise you will just get in. In case there are bullet ants or centipedes, scorpions and poisonous snakes in it, you will kill yourself before the enemy kills you.
Take out cocoa powder and lick it carefully. The crow has just left the road to pick wild fruits and put them in his mouth to satisfy his hunger. Now he chooses to rest again.
Hunger is more terrible than other dangers in the jungle, and even the top hunters in the indigenous areas can’t guarantee that they can often catch their prey. In fact, hunger is the normal state.
It’s a good treat to be able to eat once a day. It’s not good for hunters, especially now that crows are still being hunted. It’s impossible to run out and expose their whereabouts to hunt. He can try to find some wild fruits or vines and weeds that can eat.
It is very important to ensure the minimum consumption of cocoa powder at this time. This is also the habit of crows to always take some with them when they are seized. It is at this time that they can ensure that they can meet the minimum energy consumption.
Now there are two ways in front of the crow. One is to be careful and hide as much as possible. You have to wait until the other side withdraws, or even if support comes, it is a victory.
The second is to find an opportunity to evacuate, but the latter way will create a serious problem, and he is likely to be found.
If it’s hidden, it’s best not to do anything, just wait quietly and bet that the support troops will arrive soon or the other party will give up after repeated search and realize that there is no value here.
However, is the crow willing to gamble? Obviously, he will not put his hopes on others.
So his decision now is to find a chance to kill him.
Chapter seven hundred and ninety A madman
The crow will decide to kill it for the simple reason that these bastards killed the jackals that fell into their hands.
When the crow came out of the tree hole, he saw the warhead cut and hung, the body and the flies with their eyes gouged flying around him, and his muscles were almost cut.
The blood has dried up and solidified into a black block. The crow didn’t pick up the bullet body. He knew that the other party would set up a warning even if he didn’t set a trap next to the body.
So his choice is to find a hidden spot far away, get ready, and then catch a spherical python and throw it far away
Boom, the spherical python was thrown to the ground by the crow and crawled forward desperately, and then it detonated the booby trap hidden beside the warhead.
Not long after, a team of seven people smeared with oil paints slowly approached here.
This ticket holder is very cautious. The left and right sides of the two men are five or six meters apart. After seeing the spherical python’s blown body, the two men relaxed a little, but they still carefully checked the traces around.
It seems that it is confirmed that there is no problem here, and they made an Ann gesture toward the rear. In fact, this is also a normal crow, and they have guessed that they will arrange some traces nearby.
If these marks are touched, then it is said that someone is nearby, and his roots are not close to the bullet body, that is, he does not touch those marks, which may be a leaf, a branch or a piece of mud.
Several figures appeared on the sound of "Sita Suosuo" and soon gathered around the warhead body. They carefully examined the bombed ball python and then looked at the traces around it.
It’s a pity that without waiting for them to look around carefully, three sharp branches suddenly came towards them from the vines.
"Hey" caught off guard a few stuffy hum only to see two figures clutching their thighs and so overturned on the ground.
When the "enemy attack" growled, it was only to see that this group of people suddenly rolled and fell down against the branches and flew out. The area was "chug chug" with a series of some shots. However, it was at this time that a stump suddenly fell from the canopy.
A few people turned over and hid the stake, but the stake fell to the ground. At the same time, those rolling camouflage Han suddenly shrank their pupils because the stake surface was actually tied with seven grenades.
"Bang" a violent explosion, a group of people couldn’t help but send out a stuffy hum.
It was also at this time that a black shadow jumped out of the smoke like a ghost. He felt a pain in his throat when he didn’t even react recently, and then a warm splash came out.

Qiao Huan face smile more thick.

Mu Bei is trying to say that he will always be with her.
Qiu Ji saw Mu Bei and Qiao Huan silently moving her face aside and looking up, she saw Tong Yu with a lunch box in her hand and silly wait for a while there.
Qiu Ji is wrinkly to knit the brows a step toward Tongyu.
"Qiu Ji!" Tongyu called a.
Qiu Ji ignored him and went directly to the rooftop by the stairs.
Tongyu silently followed her.
"Why are you here?"
Qiu Ji’s tone is not very good.
"I’ll give you a meal" Tongyu handed the lunch box in his hand to Qiu Ji.
Braised ribs rice is a side dish.
Qiu Ji’s eyes flashed and her lips didn’t say anything. She took the lunch box and covered it again. "I’m not hungry, you take it back."
"Qiu Ji, I know it’s rash to appear in front of you like this, but I don’t want to …"
"What do you want?"
Qiu Ji’s face is cold.
"I want to be your boyfriend aboveboard. Of course, I know I have nothing to do now, but you can rest assured that I will try my best to make you happy."
Tongyu nasty to Qiu Ji said
"We are bed companions" Qiu Ji said to Tong Yu word by word.
"Is this your first time?" Tong Yu looked at Qiu Ji’s eyes. "I know you are not that kind of frivolous woman."
"What about the first time?" Qiu Ji’s face is slightly cold. "It doesn’t mean anything. Don’t appear in front of me after you leave. We broke up."
Tongyu looked at Qiu Ji in astonishment.
Break up?
"Give me the key" Qiu Ji reached out to Tongyu.
Tong Yu was a little hit. "What did I do wrong?"
"You didn’t do anything wrong." Qiu Ji shook her head. "I’m not fit to be someone else’s girlfriend. What I lack is a bed partner."
"I can continue to be your bed partner," Tong Yu said urgently. "I will try my best to be a qualified bed partner. You can ignore what I just said."
Qiu Ji’s face glanced at Tongyu in a complicated way, and he frowned a little. At present, she is still satisfied with Tongyu.
"You go back first!"
"You mean not to break up?" Tong Yu’s face lit up.
"Don’t appear in front of me without my permission" Qiu Ji said coldly.
"Absolutely not," replied Tong Yu in a panic. After a pause, he handed the lunch box in his hand to Qiu Ji and said carefully, "Look, I’m ready. Why don’t you have a bite!"
Qiu Ji frowned and took one look at Tong Yu’s hand and took the lunch box.
Tongyu Qingxiu’s face showed a brilliant smile.
Or Mu Bei said that to chase women, we should give full play to the cheeky spirit to an excellent limit, and to tie up and beat around. Second, we should levy them in bed and let them stop wanting you.
Qiu Ji didn’t know that Mu Bei taught Tong Yu this way. If she knew that she had to buckle the lunch box in Tong Yu’s face and let him roll as far as possible.
Lu Xiaoya finally woke up and saw Muna in her eyes.
"What brings you here? You should stay with Qiao Huan at this time. "
Munan pursed her lips and looked at Lu Xiaoya with a cold face. "How do you feel now?" Cold tone
Lu Xiaoya blinked at Munan. "What do you want?"
"When you get out of the hospital, we’ll find a time to hold the wedding," Munan said coldly, with a straight face. He couldn’t see what was going on in his heart.
Lu Xiaoya doesn’t know Muna.
"Are you sick?"
Muna glanced at Lu Xiaoya coldly and stopped talking. He got up and left him just after Yang Qiang came in again. At the sight of Lu Xiaoya’s face, he smiled like a flower, and the driver followed her with several lunch boxes.

When two people dived into the crevice that was more than two meters high, the falling rocks behind them quickly sealed the hole.

The violent shaking continues. Tang Yi can press on Yang Han’s body and protect her head with her left hand.
Although there are no tons of falling rocks outside, there are still fist-sized stones falling from this crevice.
Yang Han, protected by Tang Yi, could feel Tang Yi’s body twitching.
The constant influx of dust choked them.
Yang Han brain once again appeared death, is he going to die here today?
In my mind, there was always despair and fear. She clung to Tang Yi.
Two people pressed together can’t hold up in this earthquake.
Tears ran across the corner of Yang Han’s eye and bit her lip. She hid in Tang Yi’s chest. This is not all his support.
Yang Han slowly opened his eyes but still couldn’t see anything until he was shaking in the dark.
"Yang Han, are you okay?"
Close at hand, I can’t see Tang Yi’s face, but I can feel the breath sprayed on my face when he speaks.
"I’m fine."
Yang Han knows that Tang Yi’s face is on his own side, and the distance between two people should be only a few centimeters.
But even so, she still can’t see anything. She has a little pain in her hands and feet, but she should be scratched.
"That’s good."
Make sure that Yang Han is all right. Tang Yi just rolled over and lay on the ground.
I was hit by a stone in several places.
Two people left their backpacks outside the hole, and now there is nothing in their hands. What will happen in the future? Tang Yi will not consider that he is too tired, even if he is afraid of lying down.
"Are you all right?"
In the dark, Yang Han carefully reached out to touch Tang Yi.
She didn’t feel so safe until she grabbed his arm.
"Little things"
It’s a habit. Even if you get shot, Tang Yi will say the same thing.
Now the whole body is like falling apart, but Tang Yi is still stubborn and said
"Are we going to die here?"
Curled up in the darkness beside Tang Yi, Yang Han held Tang Yi’s arm tightly.
What is it like around her? She doesn’t know what to say.
Decline, sadness and darkness all the negative emotions are mixed up, and she can’t help crying again.
It’s just three words. Tang Yi’s efforts to breathe with his eyes closed can temporarily relieve the pain.
I’m afraid the wound is bleeding again. He needs to rest now. We’ll talk about the rest later.
"Why am I so disappointing? I don’t want to cry, but tears just can’t help flowing. I’m sorry. I’m sorry."
Trying to wipe away tears and sobbing Yang Han really didn’t want to cry.
She knew there was no place for despair, but the damn tears kept coming out.
It’s no use apologizing all the time. She has played many heroes, but why can’t she do it at this time?
"Don’t think too highly of heroes. They are all ordinary people. Anyone will be afraid, even if they die generously. But heroes are not afraid of death. Heroes know that death represents another victory."
Tang Yi closed his eyes. It’s not the first time he’s near death. He’s too white.
Chapter 25 Dark heart
Exhausting darkness is like a giant python.
Curled up beside Tang Yi, Yang Han was so peaceful.
Listening to Tang Yi’s breathing, feeling his heart beating very tired, Yang Han felt full of strength.
A series of events have drained her of her physical strength, and at this time she actually fell asleep in a daze.
I was so tired that I didn’t know how long I slept until I felt that Tang Yi moved around and Yang Han quickly caught Tang Yi.
"Don’t be afraid. It’s okay. I’m here."
It was not until Tang Yi’s voice entered Yang Han’s ear that he slowly released his hand.
It’s still dark all around, and I’ve been sleeping for a century
Tang Yi has also recovered some physical strength, but he is weak and his wound is still aching faintly.
Fortunately, the pain kept him clear of the right wrist wound, making his right hand still inflexible, and the pain in the left shoulder and right calf wound was much less.

Rose gave Tang Yi a dirty look. It was a piece of cake for her to clean up the battlefield, but Tang Yi knew that it was definitely not easy for Li Lai.

Not only should we be careful that the other side will turn around and pounce at any time, but we should also be careful of some black guns of prisoners of war who are not dead, and we should also get rid of some seriously injured enemies
Li is a rookie, I’m afraid she will hesitate at the critical moment. If she hesitates a little on the battlefield, she will have a dead end.
"She is the daughter of the battalion chief, and you know it very well."
Tang Yi shrugged her shoulders. It’s really hard to explain why women are jealous.
"What’s the difference between a battalion chief’s daughter and a woman?"
Rose certainly won’t be jealous because she doesn’t feel inferior to Li, but she doesn’t want to make Tang Yi too tired.
Speaking for himself, he raised his sniper rifle and looked at the battlefield through the sniper mirror.
After a while, the trigger was pulled, and a wounded soldier moved slightly and was solved by her shot.
Li looked at the rose on the roof and looked at the wounded battlefield in the distance, so he couldn’t have compassion.
"I wonder how this happened."
But just as she collected some ammunition and was about to return, suddenly she found a strange thing.
And this happened when Tang Yi and Rose saw through those disguised soldiers.
Chapter 93 Biological and chemical weapons
Looking at the two bottles of water on the ground is not only strange to Li, but also can’t tell a story about Tang Yi and Rose.
These killed armed men are hiding not guns, not bombs, but two bottles of water
From the outside, this is ordinary mineral water, but the cover has been hit.
"Why should they protect two bottles of water?"
Rose rubbed her nose, which is her habit when thinking. It seems that there is nothing special about it.
"What if we killed the wrong person?"
Li, frowning, looked at Tang Yi’s murder of civilians.
Segmented reading 44
That’s a big deal.
"If it’s really civilians, why are these people hiding the same water in their arms? It’s obvious that they are in the same group with the armed forces, which means there should be something wrong with them hiding water. I’m afraid this is not ordinary water."
Tang Yi directly denied Li’s guess that these guys are definitely not simple for any reason.
Since they want to take these humble water into the embassy, I’m afraid this water is not ordinary water.
"I don’t see anything strange. Plastic bottles don’t look like corrosive liquids and there is no precipitation."
Rose nature also won’t feel wrong about these people appearing strange.
Reached for the two bottles of water and shook them. You couldn’t see anything strange with the naked eye.
"Could it be a kind of chemical and biological weapon?"
Without high-tech instruments, you can’t tell with the naked eye that Tang Yi screwed the cover.
I sniffed and found no pungent smell, which made Tang Yi somewhat unsure.
"Biological and chemical weapons"
Li took out his silver needle and dipped it in water, and it still looked the same.
Isn’t it a bit far-fetched to conclude that it is a biochemical weapon based on a bottle of water?
The word "don’t chemical and biological weapons" was invented in modern times. In fact, it was used on a large scale in Genghis Khan’s time. At that time, dead mice were thrown into the city to create plague to kill the enemy. In World War I, various chemical and biological weapons broke out. Counting, the number of people who died in the hands of chemical and biological weapons in the past thousand years was no less than the conventional number.
Before Tang Yi, he wouldn’t think so much, but after three years of action of Hidden Dragon, he knows a lot about the terrible place in this world.
Especially, the concept of toxin research in potential science is beyond the existing human knowledge.
"But you can’t see the problem at all."
High flyers Lee certainly knows a lot about the history of war.
But it’s incredible to judge it as a biological weapon just by two simple plastic bottles.
"Experiment 1"
Tang Yi reached out and picked up a bottle of water and walked aside. The body poured water into his mouth and chest little by little.
Hit in the chest, he was dirty and exposed, and a bottle of water was poured out. Three people waited around the body for a long time but nothing happened.
"Will it have to be alive?"
Rose firmly believed in Tang Yi’s judgment, but after waiting for a long time, nothing happened.
"Then I don’t know, but I can’t let these guys in anyway, even if it’s a bottle of ordinary water."
No matter how you look at it, it is a conspiracy. Even if you don’t go in, you must never let him threaten the safety of your compatriots.
"Grandpa will arrive in Hong Kong in an hour when he comes to the warship. At that time, he will send a dragon commando to rescue all the compatriots in the embassy. We will wait until everyone has evacuated before evacuating."
Warships are now in a state of first-class combat readiness, and gunboats are loaded to deal with emergencies at any time.
"I hope those guys will stop for an hour."
Tang Yi nodded his head. Well, they need to hold on for an hour, and the personnel and ships should be protected by warships. Not to mention these kittens and puppies, even if they send out regular troops, they can’t stop them. After all, three gunboats are no joke.
"And my grandfather has also informed all the people in the embassy not to leave their posts without leave before the commando team arrives, let alone take the initiative to attack. At the same time, check all the asylum seekers to ensure that they don’t carry anything, including drinking water."
Li Ziran has already told grandpa about the situation here, and immediately notified the embassy after hearing that there are armed men disguised as carrying liquids.
"That’s right, and I believe this matter must have something to do with some potential science."
Rose went to keep watch again, and Tang Yi took this opportunity to have a good rest.

The clothes pile up to the belly button, revealing the glittering and translucent thin waist pants, and a lot of them have faded away. You can still see the little lace. If you go a few inches, the spring will suddenly drain, and the road will wake up. He has been looking at Gege across the street, looking at her and swallowing a mouthful of water.

Suddenly, I felt a little hot and my throat was burning, and he felt better when he got rid of the sick button.
Gege curled her pie in her sleep, stuck out her pink tongue and licked her lips. Lu Yan got out of bed and squatted next to her and looked at her.
Put your finger on her mouth and feel the warm breath left by her pink tongue.
Gege held out her uvula again and licked it. It tasted fragrant and soft, as if it was deja vu, as if it had been eaten.
Just a little hungry, so eat more. She tastes with relish.
Yes, she was full, and the jelly was sent to her mouth. She was a little reluctant, and this jelly used to feel cold and cold, and finally she ate a fire and felt uncomfortable.
She suddenly opened her eyes and Lu Yan was holding her and eating happily.
Gege’s knee pushed him to the bottom of the bed.
Lu Yan whined and couldn’t move when he lay curled up on the ground.
She avoided that part, okay?
"Are you true or false?" Lu Yan lay for half a day and nothing happened.
"I’m going to be miserable"
"I’ll call the doctor"
Lu Yan stopped her. "Just help me rub it."
Gege won’t listen to him, but she didn’t call the doctor either. If the doctor knows, he shouldn’t laugh at what they did secretly.
Gege helped him to bed for a while.
Someone knocked at the door and rattled. When they came back, they knocked at the door and reprimanded, "Do you guys still know to come back? Time … "
Ingo, however, is actually a brother?
Gege didn’t think he was a little surprised, too. I didn’t expect Gege to watch the vigil in the ward today.
He often smiles at the corners of his mouth and looks unfathomable, pushing her in.
Seeing Lu Yan lying in one bed and the other bed being covered, although it is messy, it can be seen that he has not been ravaged.
The gentry’s face softened a little.
"Were you here last night?" His voice is still a little cold, and it seems that he is still very dissatisfied with her behavior.
"We have nothing?"
"I said what do you have? I didn’t say anything and you admitted it. "
Lu Yan said, "I asked her to stay. If you have anything to say, just tell me."
The gentry sneered at "I have something to say to you" and turned to Gege. "Come here and I have something to say to you."
The gentry and gentry are holding hands to go out. Lu Yan came to stop in front of the gentry and gentry. "What do you mean? Didn’t we say not to interfere with each other? I turned a blind eye to the sweetheart thing. Do you want to go back on your word now? "
"Gege is only 17 years old and not yet a minor." The gentry just wants to go back on his word. His career is a bit dangerous, but he can’t let Gege have a little adventure in his future life.
You can’t say it. After all, he still has to be with Sweetheart. If he is angered, he can’t get a bargain himself.
"I know she’s underage. No, you said I knew what I was doing."
"You know? Do you know to let her stay here for the night? "
"people with bad ideas are dirty in their hearts."
"You …" Two people are used to fighting if they don’t agree.
Is Lu Yan still injured?
Gege hurriedly among the two, "the doctor is coming to make rounds. Don’t be ashamed, will you?" Even if you fight, you have to wait for the road to be injured. You are fair and square. "
"I can deal with him if I’m not well injured," Lu Yan said maliciously.
Sweetheart was wiped clean by him, and he didn’t say anything, and nothing happened between him and Gege, so he insisted.
Section 616
"What’s the matter with the monitor? Is this a fight? Let’s fight. "Xiao Wang, they came back, put their breakfast on the table, rolled up their sleeves and stared at the gentry behind Lu Yan. They were going to fight.
What a bunch of radical masters.
Gege glared at them. "Shut up!"
Then pull the gentry out of the room. "Brother, you really think too much. I really slept here all night and nothing happened. I promise you I won’t compromise easily until I am ten years old."
The gentry looked at her carefully. "I’m glad you remember."

"When will they come? I can’t wait to see the baby. "If Yan spoke to the baby, she was almost sprouted by the voice inside. She couldn’t wait to see someone right away."

"It will take about two days. They are now on vacation in country F, and they won’t arrive until they get the news."
The trees were even more forced to stay with the little baby for such a long time, but at that time she was still very disgusted with the child. Since she decided that this was her own child, she has never been away from the child for more than 24 hours.
Although she knew that Lu Yang would take good care of him, it was as long as a century after two days. She missed him and wanted to see him. Now she knows the meaning of the word sweetheart.
But she is not sure what she will do when she has a child. She let them leave the country, and even if she finds out about them, she can’t find them.
After waiting for her to get angry, the two of them are coming to round with her, which is the safest way at present.
After they packed their things, they went out to have dinner together, then went shopping and went straight to the children’s area. They wanted to buy everything when they saw it. They told her to give her a gift, even if it was not the most valuable quantity, it must be the first.
Both hands were full of trees, and they said that enough was enough. She was still not satisfied with the toy clothes and almost moved the whole store home.
When the trees returned to the hotel, it was ten o’clock late. After talking to the gentry, I told her that the godmother had bought him a lot of things, and the little guy was so excited that he couldn’t do it. "Godmother is so nice. I love godmother."
"Who told me yesterday that I need an uncle and I don’t need a dopted mother?"
"Mommy, who said that to you? It’s really stupid. The gentry thinks that the more uncles and aunts of michel platini dopted mother, the better. So there are more and more people who love gentry. Let’s see if it’s gentry or smart, right? Barabara "
Poof, the trees seem to be able to see him with MengMeng’s big eyes open, boasting about his cleverness.
"Did you have fun today?"
"Of course I do, but it would be better if I had mommy with me."
"Don’t worry, baby, you’ll see mommy soon."
"Mommy, I miss you so much."
Suddenly, the eyes of the forest were hot and almost no tears came. "Mommy misses you, too."
"Well, can you two stop being so sour? I have goose bumps all over my body." A warm smile mixed in.
The trees laugh again and again, and only when they are with the baby can they have such a real smile.
"Don’t you go to the door when the doorbell rings?" Law Yang heard the ring in the words.
Mu-guang Lin giggled. Someone was ringing the doorbell.
"Maybe it’s a colleague. I went to the door."
If the trees hang up, they are still immersed in their hearts, and they just hit the door without looking.
After secretly regret not to see a from the cat’s eye.
And tilting has squeezed in, with a broken face and business as if he didn’t know the trees. "The faucet in my room is broken and I need to borrow a bathroom."
Said all the way without stopping and went straight to the bathroom.
The trees are green in the face.
"No, you can’t go in. I’m a lady. Please respect yourself."
He didn’t want to borrow so many men’s rooms. It’s not right for him to live here. This hotel is not high-class. She let her guard down if she couldn’t come back … Now she realizes whether she has fallen into the hole he dug.
I know you are a woman, but in my eyes, there is no distinction between men and women in the world, so you are not shy.
The forest is speechless and there is such a saying that it seems that she thinks too much.
She hesitated and went into the bathroom and locked the door.
The trees hurriedly knocked on the door "others will talk when they see it"
I have taken off my clothes, revealing strong arms, delicate waist and beautiful mermaid line. My hands are about to untie my belt.
The tree just saw his belt, or the leather she bought more than three years ago. It seems to have broken and sewed.
I cann’t believe he’s still here. He didn’t throw it away
Looking at her, staring at her belt and laughing at herself, "this is the only gift from some heartless woman."
Trees that react to look at him.
And his belt has been unbuttoned, revealing two slender thighs.
Section 11

He had to step up his pace to follow

A moment later
When Luo Liangqing saw Ling Tian’s face again, he looked complicated.
"You really is ling day? The newcomer who came into this world not long ago? "
Nan Xun told him earlier that this array is Ling Tianbu.
More than that, Lingtian’s strength is even more difficult for ordinary people.
Take Nanxun as an example. He can defeat the fighters in the middle of the transformation at the earliest stage of the transformation.
What about Lingtian?
When you are in harmony, you can force the enemy to change the peak of God’s realm.
Even if those half steps shake the heavens and some wastes, they should not be able to deal with them in harmony.
This is enough to prove that Lingtian is not the same.
Maybe there is a way to improve his strength.
But …
Luo Liangqing’s eyes flashed with subtle and obscure colors.
"It’s me"
Ling day nodded.
Luo Liangqing asked again
"Did you really kill Li Chenggang?"
"Not bad"
Ling day nodded again.
He doesn’t know who Li Chenggang is, but I think it was the one who killed the Xinghai Pavilion last night.
Wen Yan Luo Liangqing was silent.
He went through a long period before he joined Xinghai Pavilion.
Those experiences gave him something to observe and observe.
He saw that Ling Tian had not lied just now.
Or Ling Tiangen disdains lying.
Besides, it’s not a hard thing to say. Just do it.
But he didn’t stop believing.
Maybe this is ling Tian’s face.
"Can you really help me improve my strength?"
"The way is naturally what can I do to help you?"
This a Luo Liangqing knew ling day was giving him a choice.
Choose Xinghai Pavilion or Lingtian?
Nan Xun gave him an analysis before.
Xinghai Pavilion, though powerful, is too bloated.
Different from Pingyun Taoist Temple, there are only a hundred people in Xinghai Pavilion, but there are hundreds of thousands of people.
It is not easy for others to obtain cultivation resources except the elders and the two cabinet leaders.
Even if he is now a small cabinet owner, he is only a little better than others.
But it’s different with Ling Tian.
There are few lovely people around Ling Tian now.

"Except for that condition!"

Chapter 1114 I want to go to Dengxian Road
Don’t blame Wang Jiutian for being cautious. It’s just that no one can do it.
If the world can really do it …
Probably also created the world’s strong.
"The important thing is not that I can promise you anything just now."
Hearing this, Ling Tian couldn’t help raising his eyebrows.
Gave Wang Jiutian a deep look
"Can seniors really do what they say?"
Wang Jiutian’s tone is full of confidence.
It seems that there is nothing he can’t do except help Ling Tian return to the outside world.
So it seems that Wang Jiutian’s identity is definitely not simple
It’s not a simple person to let him bend down and protect Kuibing.
Ling tianxiao a test way
"Then it’s no problem if I say let Jiang Gu enter the central city."
"No problem!"
Maybe this condition is difficult for others.
But it is really nothing to Wang Jiutian.
It’s just to let a small family enter the central city. The original ginger family actually has the qualification to stand in the main city, but I don’t know why I have been staying in Xiongcheng.
It is still possible to make an exception and let them enter the central city.
"Then …"
"Senior, I just asked. That’s not my condition."
Mom is still too late!
Wang Jiu’s teeth itch. Facing Ling Tian, he always has the illusion of facing the old foxes in the central city.
He rubbed his face and endured the anger way
"Well, then you go ahead."
"What are your requirements?"
If it weren’t for any particularly harsh conditions, he would have done it!
As a result, I listened to Ling Tian and said
"I want to go to Dengxian Road"
What’s the difference between this and going back to the outside world?
Wang Jiutian almost didn’t stretch.
"Little fellow, are you trying to find my heart?"
"If I can let you step on the road to immortality, then I still refuse your just condition?"
"Then there is no way."
Ling day shrugged his shoulders and said
"Senior, I am sincerely qualified."
"But it’s no wonder that you can’t do both of my conditions?"
Hmm. How interesting
Wang Jiutian couldn’t help but give Ling Tian a dirty look.
Two more conditions. Is this different from one condition?
In other words, it’s different?
Do you really think he is stupid?
Wang Jiutian can be sure that the conditions of Ling Tian will also depend on this side.
That root is meaningless.
He took a deep breath and earnest way
"Do you know what your kungfu means to us?"
"I know"
"I don’t know … er, you know?"
Wang Jiutian planned to play emotional cards, but he was put out by Ling Tian before he got there.
He looked at ling day wait for a while a little don’t understand.
"Since you know that you have to be so harsh?"
Ling day asks.
"Is it possible that if I hand over the achievement method, it will be a selfish villain if I don’t hand it over righteously?"
How can Wang Jiutian answer this?
He can’t say that’s it, can he?
After all, the achievement method is everyone’s secret. Why should I give it to others?
Just like those big families, how can they stay in the big family position if they don’t rely on advanced martial arts?
It’s already been destroyed. Okay!
I can’t say this answer to his theory.
"Ling day …"