"Not bad"

The guide monk also nodded, "Just now this Luo Cha didn’t dare to wait for us to shake head-on. This is our only chance!"
Naive Jun gradually slowed down to realize that it was Yu Jun Zhen Jun who appeared on his own to survive.
But his eyes are already fighting spirit.
This is scared to death!
He doesn’t make sense, either.
But that Luo Cha leads fast, and they can’t react at all. Even if they join hands, what are their chances of winning?
Naive jun doesn’t want to die
He wants to leave here as soon as possible, from Vientiane City and this shura hell!
"It’s enough for you to join hands. Don’t count me in!"
Innocent gentleman’s look changes thoughtfully, a little eyes flashed with a decision, and this sentence stopped and ran away without looking back.
"You …"
Yu Junzhen was so angry that his arms trembled and he looked resentful.
The guide monk’s eyes flashed a trace of sadness and sighed, "Everyone wants to be alone, but who can stay out of this head?"
"It is you three who want to kill me together?"
At this time, the three people suddenly heard a sinister sound and the chill was biting!
"Not good!"
YuJunZhenJun three people feel cold all over.
A cold light flashes with the smell of death and goes straight to the head of the guide monk to split him in half!
"Back off!"
Yu Junzhen suddenly pushed the guide monk.
Lotus flower gushing
One arm is thrown high, and the blood drops splash and scatter in the middle.
Although the guide monk escaped his life, Yu Junzhen was cut off and his arm was bleeding profusely!
Falling Snow Zhenjun hurriedly stepped out to block Yu Junzhen’s front and waved a layer of ice crystals to reflect different light to form a line of sight, temporarily blocking Luo Cha from leading the way.
Yu Junzhen looks pale.
Luo Cha weapons are full of an extremely evil force.
Can cause laceration wound bleeding situation.
Broken arm, serious loss of qi and blood, how much fighting power does he have left?
And this kind of injury is almost difficult for him to heal!
Only if you can practice to fit the environment can you regenerate your limbs.
However, the road to cultivate immortals is long, dangerous and extremely difficult. Can you cultivate to return to the virtual realm? What’s more, it’s still unknown what will happen later, and what will happen next?
The falling snow really saved Yu Junzhen. What did you expect? Luo Cha did not continue to kill the two men at the head of the root.
The black light is flashing!
The guide monk was worried that Yu Junzhen’s injury was a little hesitant, and his abdomen was marked with a huge gap, and his dirty parts almost rolled out!
The guide monk snorted.
He knew that Luo Cha had no killer, otherwise he would have been a dead body!
"Hey, hey!"
Yin measuring smile is erratic, one moment it is still ahead, and soon it has come behind the true gentleman of falling snow.
"Look out!"
Yu Junzhen woke up, but he was still a step behind.
A half-foot-long wound on the back of the fallen snow gentleman can cut her in two if it is deeper!

The girl who came here pointed to the cliff halfway up the mountain in front of her and was covered by the vine moss genus, and said, more than half of the dark cave at the mouth of the cave

"Go in by yourself."
Wei Ya smiled and turned into a white light that went straight into the mouth of the cave. I didn’t think that he had such a means. The girl suddenly became stunned and worried about what this guy should do after the incident!
Go into the cave but dozens of paces Wei Ya stopped and leaned down upon and said
"Yuan Zhi’s younger brother, Wei Ya, has seen the leader Fa Jia"
There are several stone niches carved in the stone wall facing the entrance of the cave. The wet cave wall is covered with green and moss. In the middle stone niche, an old woman with a goose skin crane sits. It’s nothing to be afraid of. The most terrible thing is that most of the old woman’s body is integrated with the stone wall.
See Wei Ya came to the old lady lips micro said
"A few years ago, an old woman’s practice accidentally went astray, and now most of her body is dead. It’s really a snub to see a guest in this ugly way! I wonder where your guests are coming? "
In the face of such a shocking scene, Wei Ya still maintained a peaceful state of mind and handed over and said
"It’s very kind of you, Leader. It’s too abrupt for Wei to come this time. I’m looking for someone and I want to ask the Leader to make it convenient."
"Look for a person? I don’t know who to look for? "
At this time Wei Ya corners of the mouth with a smile and said
"Does the leader have a niece at the Xuanshui Zongmen in the Arctic?"
The old woman blinked and said slowly
"Yes, my niece Ling Bo is a guest of Xuanshui Zongdi. Are you here to find her?"
Ha ha a smile Wei Ya said frankly
"It is! In the past, Nai, who was trying to refine the magic weapon, lacked the Xuan Ying Jellyfish Method. He successfully went to Xuanshui Sect to beg for it, but was told that his niece and another brother had collected Xuanshui Sect for a package meeting. It’s hard for Wei to go to the Ailao Mountain of the leader. "
The old woman’s face seems to have flashed a smile and said huskily
"I’m afraid to disappoint the guests. My niece in Ling Bo is filial. I heard that there are treasures unearthed near Yuanjiang that can cure my paralysis. She has been away from the mountain for several months to visit. I didn’t know she was there."
Yuanjiang treasure? Wei ya micro mouth in the heart but said
"oh! So unfortunate? It’s better to ask the leader to help her when she comes back. I still have something important to do, so I won’t bother you! Farewell! "
Wei ya mind others naturally don’t see naked hierarch primly said at this time
"An old woman must be conveyed, and she will not be far away."
Out of the hole, Wei Ya didn’t follow the original road to return, but drove straight to Qing Ming. When he left, he secretly thought about the treasure of Yuanjiang. Almost no one knows the yogi, but he has seen the real evidence, but even half of it is owed to the naked leader today. Is it true or is it just a perfunctory excuse? This problem is really worth thinking about
Wei Ya, the "Xuan Ying Jellyfish", is determined to be missing, so that all the plans for the East and the West will be hit by Shui Piao, so it is not easy to give up.
There are two clues to look for. The small Antarctic city that never sleeps is the largest settlement of overseas practitioners. It is called Hidden Dragon Crouching Tiger. The small Antarctic city that never sleeps is located in the sea near Antarctica, stretching thousands of miles from east to west, and there are thousands of islands and water houses in the north and south. Even if you meet a scattered fairy, it is not surprising that Wei Ya needs to get rough there today. It is really a bit difficult to search for thorns step by step.
Although the former is bigger than Ailao Mountain, nothing can threaten Wei Ya’s strength except teaching the whole family naked.
After weighing the pros and cons, Wei Yazhi wisely chose to stay in Ailao Mountain and continue to look for Cheng Lingbo, the eldest brother of Xuanshui Sect. Anyway, going to the South Pole to find people also needs luck, of course, it is a matter of picking the soft spots.
It’s boring to look around, but Wei Ya didn’t find it interesting at all, so he draggled along the branches of Yuanjiang River.
Of course, this is time-consuming and labor-intensive, and there is a high possibility of futility in the end. However, Wei Ya has made sufficient material and mental preparations before this trip. It is a very worthwhile thing to do even if it takes only a few months to find all the five elements of attribute materials and complete the "five-dimensional axe".
Perhaps there is some truth in the old saying that everything comes to him who waits. When Wei Ya took pains to be busy for more than ten days, he took a fancy to the back of a woman in ancient costume in a river valley in Yuanjiang.
After the initial ecstasy, Wei Ya did not make a move, but remained invisible and continued to fall behind the woman, carefully observing her every move.
As the saying goes, there is no need to guard against people’s hearts. Wei Ya doesn’t want to capsize in the gutter because of carelessness.
Walking in front of Wei Ya, this ancient costume girl is Cheng Lingbo, the eldest brother of Xuanshui Sect. Since last year, she has been staying in the naked religion. In recent months, Cheng Lingbo always surges up layers of colorful flowers in Yuan You Jiang when the moon is full. It seems that there are signs that treasures will be unearthed, which is associated with the ancient Yuanjiang treasure. She said that she went to Yuanjiang to look for the treasure despite her aunt’s dissuasion.
After many twists and turns, Cheng Lingbo finally narrowed the search area to a gratifying range in the past few days. It is certain that if the Yuanjiang treasure is there, it must be hidden in a corner of this humble valley.
"Real talent dragon pattern! Found it! "
With Cheng Lingbo’s surprise and cheers, Wei Ya also slowly moved forward from behind to get a glimpse of the ancient hieroglyphics around a rock wall in the valley where the sunset projected.
Wei Ya couldn’t help exclaiming that she lost it when she took a look at those words.
"Three sets of human-god classics!"
The tenth volume Section 9 Where is the profit?
Cheng Lingbo, the eldest brother of Shuizong, is a bit avant-garde in keeping up with the trend of the times in terms of the long-term beauty orientation of Xuanshuizong. However, she remained alert enough when she was shocked by the great joy of the present treasure. At first sight, she immediately attacked when she heard the sound behind her.
A pair of hands in their ears to form a seal Cheng Lingbo jiao angry way
"It snows in Xuan Bing!"
With the effect of the magic spell method, large groups of black snowflakes should fly out of this valley in a few ornaments worn by Cheng Lingbo. The original sultry and humid temperature dropped to the Arctic ice sea almost in an instant, and Wei Ya woke up at the moment of her gaffe and regretted it. Finally, she made a proper response before Cheng Lingbo’s attack.
"Blazing thunder knife water type! Miss Cheng, we are a misunderstanding. Please stop! "
The right hand is combined into a palm knife. Wei Ya urges a type of "blazing thunder knife". The bright blade of the horse tears like a broken piece of paper. After a blow, Xuan Bing gave up the pursuit of 56-point victory and took the initiative to stop.
Instant attack was broken to sleep before burly man is not easy to deal with Cheng Lingbo cautiously back half a step, eyes riveted on Wei Ya said
"What misunderstanding? Who are you and what ghosts and ghosts are following me? "
See Cheng Lingbo bully know her heart afraid Wei Ya or smiled upon.
"Ha ha ha Wei Yayi, an idle person in Shan Ye, took a risk, Daoyou. I have a letter from your teacher here. I believe you can read it and you will be able to come here in vain."
Cheng Lingbo recognized the master’s handwriting on the cover of the letter at a glance. She immediately believed half of Wei Ya’s statement. After reading the exhibition paper hastily, Cheng Lingbo looked up at Wei Ya and said coldly
"Do you want Xuan Ying jellyfish! However. "

This word has a little luck with Lei Yin’s hair killing skills.

Plus Su Mo has got through your mouth. This is like thunder in early spring, and Xi Yushan’s ear is exploding.
Xi Yushan was already guilty by Su Mo’s eyes, but now he has been blubbered by a sudden collapse of his mind and plopped down on his knees.
"I was wrong, I was wrong!"
Xi Yushan’s voice trembled and said, "Brother Pu and I were killed by poison, but he didn’t have the antidote, and my brother was forced to resist."
Poison mendu!
Tang Yu frowned slightly and explained to Su Mo, "Du is a poisonous man, and he is a malicious role in commanding the seven veins and building a foundation."
Sue ink expression nodded.
Xi Yushan saw that no one paid attention to his more fear and hurriedly said, "Moreover, my brother has never done anything to betray the clan and never hurt my fellow students. Du told me to stare at Su Mo and his party. If I can kill one of them, I can get an antidote."
I heard that most of the doubts in people’s hearts have been solved.
Brother Danyangmen, who was killed by the night spirit, was also poisoned. Only when he broke up will he make a strange move.
Liang Bo sneer at a "until now to say that you have betrayed the door! I’m afraid you won’t hesitate if Du asks you to kill my roommate in exchange for an antidote. "
Many Danyang cousins were surprised and felt a twinge of terror.
"No, my brother won’t."
Xi Yushan panicked and shook his head.
Tang Yu’s face showed regret. "Teacher Xi, do you know that Breaking Bad is not a poison gate? Although I can’t detoxify, I can save your life until I return to Zongmen Zongmen. It is not difficult for many predecessors to help you get rid of Breaking Bad, and you …"
"I was wrong, brother!"
Xi Yushan kept begging.
Tang Yu could not bear to see his pitiful appearance with a slight frown.
Liang Bo sighed in his heart.
Tang Yushen is, after all, missing some war decisions.
No one like Xi Yushan will forgive easily!
Liang Bozheng is coming out to make a decision for Tang Yu to kill Su Mo on the spot. "Since you are so afraid of death …"
"Then go to hell!"
Su Mo suddenly kicked Xi Yushan in the chest with a thud.
Xi Yushan flew out directly, and the whole person slipped slowly after pasting the wall, leaving a blood trail behind the wall.
Xi Yushan’s whole chest has collapsed and his eyes are wandering, and he was killed on the spot!
Many monks were dumbfounded.
Tang Yu opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something. In the end, he didn’t say a word, but he sighed lightly.
"Well …"
At this moment, Xiao Ning, who had fallen asleep in the corner, suddenly gave out a dream.
Su Mo quickly walked over and squatted down, stretched out his palm and put Xiao Ning’s forehead to test a softness and asked, "How does Xiao Ning feel?"
Small coagulation eyes slightly open also can’t see the scene before is heard ear sound so familiar consciousness shouted a.
"It’s me"
Su Mo holds Xiao Ning’s little hand.
A familiar warm heart echoed with Xiao Ning, who suddenly felt better. Many efforts were made to open his eyes and look at the corners of his mouth. He smiled. "Brother, are you back?" I’m fine, don’t worry. "

Luo Shuang saw that he was short of breath and said, "Sit down and talk!" Luo Yixuan looked up, covered her mouth and shook her head slowly. "Mom, I have been in poor health since I was a child. I know I have few years to live, but I hope you and dad don’t go the wrong way." Holding hands tightly, the white silk handkerchief showed compassion in his eyes. "The people are having a hard time. It’s time for the Queen to let go and let go."

"Yixuan, how long have you been coughing up blood?" I want to reprimand him, but the bloodshot hanging on his mouth has stung Luo Shuang’s eyes. "Tell your mother how long you have been coughing up blood?" I’ve been taking medicine. Why did I cough up blood? Her voice trembled and her eyes showed affection.
Luo Yixuan’s eyes flickered and raised his hand to wipe the corners of his mouth. "Mom, I didn’t cough up blood." Since childhood, my mother has been worried about his body. He is now an adult and can’t let her worry any more.
"I saw Yixuan. Don’t hide it from your mother!" Silly child is afraid that she is worried that she will pretend to be fine. Frost’s eyes are wet. "If you don’t say it, pass me your handkerchief."
Luo Yixuan pursed her lips and changed the subject. "Someone saw him in my courtyard last night. I looked like a mirror. Can you tell me who he is?"
He intends to change the subject. How can Luo Shuang not know?
"He is your twin brother." She was very sad. The child in front of her was conceived in October. She was sensible since she was a child, but the more sensible he became, the more sad she became. His health was not good day after day, and year after year, his health was not good. This … How painful it would be to lose him!
Twin brother. It’s good that he has a brother!
If one day he …
Can also be in print!
Luo Shuang asked softly, "Don’t you want to know more about him?"
Luo Yixuan shook his head. "I wish I knew he was my brother. Does he know anything?" With a smile in his eyes, he said, "Eldest brother is very good. I am very relieved to have his mother and father around."
"Yi Xuan Niang knows that you are a good boy and doesn’t want Niang to worry, so she says that she is all right." The smile in her eyes made Luo Shuang want to cry. She didn’t resist getting up and walking in front of Luo Yixuan, holding his pale and emaciated hand. "Niang doesn’t want you to have something, you have to live well, you know?"
"Well, I will work hard!" Los escape hin nodded.
Yiguang menkou
"Princess …" Liancheng and Qingfeng walked out of yiguang and looked at each other from the culvert. They looked at each other and tried to call the beautiful girl in front of them.
Liancheng eyes rested on them and smiled slightly "hello"
It’s the princess’s heart that determines.
Li Han’s rectum is full of whispers. Why don’t you stop talking about it and ask him to confirm her identity? So he blurted out, "Are you really a princess? Is miss gu 2 … "
"What do you say? Lihan!" Liancheng smiled and moved his eyes to Huangfuyi’s body and said, "Are you coming with me to the palace or going back and forth?"
Huangfuyi pulled her into her arms. "Naturally, you can go wherever you play!" His voice has an indescribable charm.
"I’m not ashamed to watch your father and Bo Lihan!" Lightly lamented his face reddish and broke away from Huangfuyi’s arms and murmured a word.
Huangfuyi held her hands, her eyes were bright and her eyes were smiling, and her voice was magnetic and confusing. "I’m not ashamed to hug my mother!"
But the princess is really a princess!
Li Han scratched his head and his eyes fell. Lian Cheng smiled shyly. "Princess, please forgive me for not recognizing you at first sight!"
He and Bo are wearing easy masks, but the princess can recognize them at a glance, but it’s a shame for me that he has the temerity to confirm each other’s appearance!
"Compared with someone who recognized me, you suddenly became confused and stopped. That was YanZhuo! Well, no, that person is not only clumsy, but also … "Liancheng deliberately stretched his tail and glanced at Huangfuyi" and that person’s heart is not good. What do you need to say to me? I’m sorry! " She speaks softly and looks softer than she does.
Huangfuyi tightened her hand and smiled cheekily. "I knew it was you and me yesterday!" "
"Then you admit that you are blind?" Liancheng threw him an eye knife and said, "Let go, mother emperor is waiting for me and your father to return to the palace!" "
Although Feng Qing has a spoiled smile on his mouth, he is worried in his heart.
He can see how much Huangfuyi loves Liancheng, and he can also see Liancheng’s deep affection for Huangfuyi. It is reasonable to say that your father is very happy when he sees this scene. However, he is not only your father but also the emperor of Lingyue. He can’t watch to save Lingyue, inherit the unification of Lingyue and finally return to the Central Plains.
But he can’t say anything, either now or someday in the future.
Because he knew that even though Liancheng was born with such a mission, it was unfair to a child who had been living outside since childhood and had not been sheltered by his parents.
"Princess Ye doesn’t miss you these days." Look, Liancheng stared at Huangfuyi and didn’t want to take more reasons. Then she said.
Feng Qing’s thoughts came back and smiled gently. "If you don’t want your father to transfer everywhere, please come back later and remember to pay more attention to safety!" Gentle and spoiled to him, her eyes were even turned. Before she could speak, Huangfuyi’s mellow and elegant voice rose first. "Thank you, I won’t let her have anything!"
"Go ahead!" Feng Qing smiled gently motioning with his hand
Huangfuyi nodded at him and took Liancheng’s fine waist and started flying, and suddenly he galloped away.
"The charm does not follow the protection of the emperor and return to the palace safely." The secret technique is priceless and commanded the charm.
Pedestrians in the street gradually dispersed and walked all the way, but nothing happened.
"Are you … are you okay?" The mist lingered in Liancheng’s eyes in the other hospital and looked at Huangfuyi quietly. "Fool … why are you coming here?" Touching his pale face, her voice trembled. "Does it hurt here? Fool, fool … You will make my heart ache very much … "With the other hand in Huangfuyi’s heart, a big tear rolled down her beautiful dusty face.
Huangfuyi encircled a flower tree around her waist and shook her head again. "I’m fine, I’m fine!" " Extreme pain in his heart, he loves her, deeply loves the lover in his arms, even if the pain is suffocating, he wants to hold her tight at the moment and want to accompany her like this.
Bowing his head, he kissed Liancheng’s face and shed tears …

Three days later, when the energy of the holy blood bead was reduced to two-thirds, Xiao Yu’s absorption speed was finally completely saturated and it was no longer difficult to absorb a trace.

Xiao Yu Zhang’s eyes lightly sighed, "It seems that I have awakened half as much as Xiao Magic Day. It’s a pity that if I’m not the office, I will awaken more."
He rose from the pool of holy blood and instantly appeared outside.
Those elders who lie all over their bones and meridians are more frightened than those who have left their eyes. When Xiao Yu walks out, they are scared to death and their souls tremble.
Xiao Yu looked at Xiao Kang and smiled, "I’ll wait for you to challenge hard in ten years."
He strode out of the holy blood hall.
Xiao Kang shivered in his heart, where is there a trace of pride?
Today’s experience is enough to make him unforgettable and have a psychological shadow.
Chapter one hundred and twenty-six Xiao ancient classics
Xiao Yu walked out of the holy blood hall and easily counted the pores. The burning source of the whole person’s blood gas was unprecedented.
He can clearly feel that his body is full of vitality. If it was a big day before, then now there is another deep purple sea.
Rise to heaven in a raging sea!
Every drop of blood is made up of two scenes: the angry sea and the sun. The glow is blazing. You are welcome to say that a drop of Jingxue is enough to kill the gods.
Drop blood and kill the gods!
This is horrible!
Not only that, but when he was baptized just now, he broke through to the third step state in one fell swoop!
The third ladder is also called the wind ladder.
This wind is not the southeast and northwest wind, nor is it the wind that smokes gold and blows into the six fu-organs from the fontanel, passes through the abdomen, penetrates the nine orifices, eliminates the flesh and blood, and destroys everything.
That is, Xiao Yuyuan is powerful and awakens the immortal Buddha’s blood, which is just borne by this windstorm.
After the wind disaster, he immediately let his flesh and blood coordinate with each other completely, and initially reached the realm of yin and yang controlling life and death as one.
This realm has been limited to the king of God, and he has reached the goal of knowing destiny, distinguishing between good and bad, and being able to perceive all kinds of trajectories and fierce opportunities in the universe before.
This is the extreme way. The difference between the strong and the ordinary monks has reached this state, and they have a world of their own in their hearts. They have wonderful premonitions about many things.
Xiao Yu’s heart was still in a mysterious state when he walked out of the holy blood hall. Now he has the third step of spiritual and physical unity. In the future, when he is in danger, it will no longer be the physical body that reacts first, but the spirit and physical body will be in harmony.
When the enemy encounters a crisis, he often reacts before he realizes the physical ability.
But now it’s different. When he reaches the third step, this perception will be consistent outside the meeting, and the physical body will sense the instantaneous yuan God will also perceive the perfect integration of the two before and after.
"Dare to ask Master Tian how much blood has awakened?" qR1
At this time, I have been waiting outside for Xiao Duan to meet me directly and asked
Xiao Yu woke up from thinking and shook his head. "It’s just a small gain. Let’s go."
He walked towards the residence.
Xiao Yu immediately sounded to Xiao after returning to his residence. Xiao Yu, who had just got Xiao Yu a few days ago, did not hesitate to come to visit.
"Xiao ““ Xiao Yu cousin your blood?"
As soon as we met, Xiao Zhanhuo was shocked and unbelievable.
He was given the magic by the bodhi old zu. After refining, Yun Dan’s blood has awakened. It is already the first person in Xiao Magic Day. We saw Xiao Yu Xiao Yushen. He actually felt the blood breath like Xiao Magic Day.
What this kind of breath is stronger than the original Xiao magic day.
This suddenly made his heart give birth to all the shocking colors.
"Yes, I woke up. Take out 50% of my blood."
Xiaoyukou way
"Take what?"
Xiao Zen mind buzz also shocked consciousness mouth asked.
"Xiao people’s ancient classics never die out and respect them"
Xiaoyukou way
Xiao Zhanhuo suddenly reacted in the heart. This ancient scripture was created by the bodhi old zu himself. After practicing, it was almost immortal. And where did Shou Yuan’s long and scary Xiao Yu hear this ancient scripture?
Suddenly, Xiao Zhanhuo’s face changed and he gritted his teeth. "Okay, I’ll give it to you!"
He’s also throwing caution to the wind. No one knows Xiao Yu’s methods better than him. Once Xiao Yu decides that there is nothing dirty.
Because Xiao Yu is a completely unreasonable player, he will believe in his own force!
Shaw war spirit force fluctuation suddenly an ancient scripture entered Xiao Yu’s mind. Xiao Yu’s face moved silently. The bodhi old zu of Xiao family has great boldness of vision. The first sentence of this scripture alone is enough to transcend the sky. Many ancient scriptures are unknown.
"So, in the early ancient times, it was said that the road to heaven in the early ancient times was not completed by the people, and from where did it come to prove whether all the time was lost? What was the history of heaven in the past?" "What a profound artistic conception?" This is not just a practice of achievement, but involves the realm of heaven and earth.
"There are many kinds of magical powers in the sky, but there is always one thing in common, that is, they are all killing techniques and mysterious methods. There are too many studies, but this immortal Buddha Sutra is exactly the opposite. It is a road of three thousand, each taking its own way to take immortality and Huairou Road, but this ancient sutra is incompatible with my personality and can’t be used for reference."
"I majored in killing power, singing all the way, but this ancient scripture is too soft to learn from, so I can create my own ancient scripture when I step into the realm of God and King."
Xiao Yu’s mind suddenly produces several fluctuations.
Suddenly, he looked at Xiao Zhanhuo and said, "Yes, you did a good job during this period. I have an elixir here that can increase your mana by more than ten times. Please swallow it."
He only played a bullet and a purple elixir and flew to Xiao Zhanhuo.
Xiao Zhanhuo was shocked one after another and said, "Xian Yuan Dan!"
He almost couldn’t believe that this is immortal Yuan Dan, which is said to have been refined by immortals in ancient times, but it’s hard to find a grain of pure magic to refine the flesh, so it’s hard for the world to let the king of God kill Xiao Yu and give it to him so generously.
Xiao Yu said flatly, "I said I would do my job well and I wouldn’t treat you badly."

Lan Xue put the food back.

Feather Zhen looked at the carefully prepared food and stayed for a while.
If if Feng Luo doesn’t suck blood and eat ordinary people’s food like himself, how nice?
So humans don’t have to be killed by vampires?
Feather Pastor is wearing a pure white fox cloak, overlooking the distance from the top of the mountain. I don’t know when she was worried about Fengluo. Although she doesn’t want to, she is a reincarnation of Jingxuan, a goddess. Subconsciously, she still has feelings for Fengluo. Although Feather Pastor won’t admit that she killed herself.
But she still looked hard to the mountain, looking forward to the handsome black figure flying from the sky with huge magic wings.
Fei Ying quietly strolled out of the palace and looked at the small mouth with a sip of smile.
After half an hour, a dark cloud covered the sun, and there were countless vampire bats.
Bats cover hundreds of vampires and flap their wings to fly to Tianshan Mountain. It is The Hunger Fengluo and Keke.
Feather can clearly see that every vampire is carrying a young man or a girl as beautiful as flowers and pure as jade.
In an instant, the vampire army has come to the front. The first time Feng Luo saw the pinnacle to meet himself, he couldn’t help but be slightly one leng but a little happy. In an instant, his eyes were filled with blood.
Feng Luo gently landed in front of the feather, waved his hand, and then the vampires quickly transported their prey into the back of the palace
Wind Luo went to the front of the feather Zhen and gently took her arms and asked softly, "What’s going on here? How cold it is! Let’s go back. "
Whenever he talks to Feather, his tone is as gentle as water.
"I’ll wait for you." Feather’s bow is as small as a mosquito’s hum.
"oh? It’s really rare. "Feng Luo’s blood eyes are full of smiles. He stroked the feather and bowed meekly, and picked it up around the middle. Regardless of the struggle and resistance of the feather, he carried it into the palace and lay down. The wide and soft wind revealed his clothes and his strong chest. He put the feather in his arms as if he had stuffed a small white rabbit into his arms.
Feather Zhen quietly FuFengLuo chest listening to the steady strong heartbeat, she slowly raised her head "did you attack humans again? Didn’t you promise me yesterday that I would never be in Tianshan again? "
Feng Luoleng leng, his hands gently holding the delicate shoulders of the feather, said simply, "I promised you that I would never be in Tianshan again, but I am a vampire in The Hunger. Our food is people and their blood. This is the same as you humans eating pigs, sheep and cows. How can I live without blood? Do you want me dead? Is this what you want? "
Feather’s lips are clenched. It’s the wind that sucks human blood. How can he live without human blood?
Feng Luo’s eagle-like sharp eyes carefully looked at the change of feather’s expression and paused for a moment. He said softly, "I promise you that I will try to suck less human blood, okay?" This is my maximum. "
Do you really want a generation to be with this vampire demon?
Wind Luo seems to see what the feather is thinking. He suddenly pulls out a sharp dagger from the soft collapse, which makes people’s eyes dizzy.
See Guanghua shiny Bi feather contact stare blankly "what are you doing? Feng Lola put the dagger heavily on the feather hand and said softly, "Take it and cut off my head, it will kill me, so I will never have to drink blood from your hand again. I told you I would never hide."
It’s all right for Feather Pastor to hold the dagger in his hand, so it’s over, and it’s also revenge for Shura.
She will Bi arrived in the wind, neck wind closed rigorous quietly waiting.
Feather pastor gritted her teeth and scratched hard, but her hands were shaking badly. For example, she didn’t have the courage to stab
Feng Luo, you devil, but I can’t bear to kill you for anything.
Feather Zhen threw a dagger, covered her face with her hands and began to cry.
Feng Luo’s bloodshot eyes and face relaxed slowly. He gently held the feather in his arms and said softly, "I will find a way, but please forgive me for the bloody killing before I think of a good way. I must have sufficient strength to protect my love for women and my tribe."
His lips gently kissed the feather’s cheek, but he couldn’t kiss the two lines of clear tears.
He stroked the feather gently with a sigh.
If I were an ordinary human being, it might be a beautiful thing to grow old together with feather. Although I have no eternal life and youth, it is worthwhile to have love for each other once.
Feather Zhen suddenly remembered one thing. She looked up and asked Feng Luo, "What are those girls doing? Is it just to suck their blood? "
This suddenly ask the wind to handsome face was a little reddish.
What are these human girls? First, in order to make food and drink, it is also important to solve the strong physiological needs of vampires such as Feng Luo and Kerr after hypnosis.
"This ….." Feng Luo was a little speechless at the moment. Even if a man is dissolute and wild, he can admit his private life dissolute in front of a woman he likes.
The Hunger Fengluo is a bloody vampire who not only craves fresh blood but also strongly craves young women. Every time a human village is razed, they will hunt young and beautiful girls and drain their own physiological tools. Although this is not too cruel to these human girls, they will be drained of blood after being brutally deprived of their virginity.
The wind Luo hesitated and strengthened the feather pastor’s judgment. She stared at the wind Luo’s eyes hard and said coldly, "Are those girls coming … I have seen Chloe and those girls …" She pursed her mouth in regret, and she was really embarrassed to say it.
Wind Luo stared at the feather’s eyes for a long time. He suddenly laughed. "Are you jealous? Angry with me and other girls … "
In a huff, Yu Zhen broke free from Feng Luo’s arms. "How can I be jealous when I see your big head ghost? What do you do with who and what do you have with me? I just feel sorry for those girls. After being spoiled by a group of demons, I was also used as a drink to suck blood. "
Feng Luo’s fingers gently touched the small earlobe of the feather, which was round and semi-transparent, and the earlobe was small and lovely and wanted people to take a bite.
Thinking that Feng Luo acted in this way, he bowed his head and gently bit the small earlobe of the feather and said, "If you are willing to come with me, I can promise that I will never touch another woman again. Men’s love and sex are two different things. Even if I like you again, you can’t sleep alone without your pillow."
What kind of theory is this? It’s just that men make excuses for their philandering and promiscuity. Men really think about animals by half-length.

At this time, the king of Yuanzuo County suddenly got up and shouted, "Sumo, you are too arrogant to teach the king of Yun Ting County!"

"The king of Yun Ting County is the strongest tianjiao in the fairy land for 100,000 years. Do you despise bullying?"
Yuan Zuo County King looked righteous and righteous, but it was actually fanning the flames and wanted to stimulate Yun Ting County King to directly kill Su Mo.
Yun Ting turned to look at the king of Yuanzuo County.
He is young and arrogant, but he is not stupid.
King Xie Lingjun, the person in charge of the 10,000-year conference, saw that the situation was not good and the atmosphere was getting more and more tense. At this time, he had to come out and say, "Dear friends, please take your seats first. If you have any grievances, we will discuss them after the competition."
To everyone’s surprise, Yun Ting County King’s fighting spirit and murderous look quickly dissipated and directly promised to come and sit back.
Wang Nai of Yuanzuo County can also return to his seat.
After this small storm, the four monks of Xianzong also took their seats to compete for the list!
Yuan Zuo County King looked at the opposite Yun Ting County King’s heart, unwilling to turn his eyes, and said, "Yun Ting Daoyou is competing for the land list today, and it is not good for you to personally slay Su Mo."
"It’s not as good as Zixuan Xianguo and Dajin joining hands with Jiuzhong to encircle and kill this!"
Yun Ting looked up Gherardini looked at yuan with county king seems to be interested in his proposal.
The spirit of Yuanzuo County King continued to sound, "Daoyou can rest assured that this time it is not only my big Jinxian country but also Feixianmen Taoist friends. If Zixuan Xianguo can also join us, our three forces will join hands to make this ten deaths!"
Yun Ting county king’s eyes smile more and more prosperous.
"Ha ha ha ha!"
Finally, Yun Ting laughed and shook the sky for nine days, attracting several people to look askance!
Everyone looked puzzled.
Even the king of Yuanzuo County stood on the spot and didn’t know what was wrong with Yun Ting.
Yun Ting slowly turned to look at the Gankun Hospital not far from himself and said leisurely, "Sumo, the king of Zuojun County, just told me that Dajin Xianguo has joined hands with Feixianmen, and they want to surround you in the sky!"
"By the way, this assistant county king invited me to join hands with them."
When the voice falls, the group is in uproar!
The people in the hospital also looked shocked and glared at the big Jinxian country and Feixianmen direction.
Yuan Zuo jun Wang was caught off guard.
He didn’t expect his secret voice words to be concealed by the king of Yun Ting County and said it in public!
Chapter two thousand one hundred and ninety-four War!
This matter is indeed a big fairy country, Feixianmen, secretly joining forces to prepare for the land list competition to jointly kill Su Mo.
It is not easy to get such a huge force to join forces.
However, Yuan Zuo, the king of the county, and Qin Xian, Meng Yao, both of them are the royal family of Dajin.
Yuan Zuo County King hated Su Mo’s guts. The election of Xianzong made him and jindun lose face.
Because of the election of Xianzong, Su Mo once said that Qin Xian Meng Yao and Yuanzuo County King had a royal scandal, and Meng Yao Xian also wanted to kill them quickly!
The two men led the big Jinxian Kingdom and Feixianmen to discuss the plan and there will be no accidents.
But anyway, this kind of thing is not very glorious after all
Now the king of Yuanzuo County wants to pull Yun Ting into the partnership, but the result is self-defeating. Instead, Yun Ting made it public and immediately attracted a burst of criticism!
Feixianmen Baihai Tianxian glared at Yuanzuo County King and cursed a fool in his heart!
Even if there is no Zixian Kingdom, Jinxian Kingdom and Feixianmen, this plan is enough to kill Sumo in the cloud nine. There is no need to reinvent the wheel.
The list of state-owned land in Dajinxian County predicts that the Fourth Iron Cold will lead the execution and slaughter of ten people.
The list of younger brothers led by the reincarnated immortal Taihua at Feixianmen predicts a total of 12 people.
Even if it’s cold or Taihua, anyone can get rid of Su Mo.
However, I heard that Su Mo’s posture was extremely fast, so I would be enraged to arrange this joint killing plan.
These people have joined forces with Su Mo!
Now Yun Ting will tell them this plan in public, and all their preparations will be white if Su Mo gives up participating in the land list competition.
The immortal of Qingfeng-xiangguang fracture smiled and held his arms to watch the scene of bustle.
"What do you mean by this big Jinxian country and Feixianmen to jointly deal with a terrace fairy?"
"To tell the truth, it’s a bit embarrassing to do it."
"That’s right. They’re competing for the list, and they’re taking this opportunity to avenge themselves?"
Many monks in the square are talking privately.
The white sea fairy gathered up the folding fan and laughed. In the heart, she scolded and stared at the king of Yuanzuo County.
Yuan Zuo county king heard the discussion around and felt the burning eyes were a little overwhelming. He stared at Yun Ting with a growl of surprise and anger. "What are you doing! Don’t you have a problem with Sumo? Don’t you want him to kill the sword? "
"I will solve my own problems."

The hand stopped.

"Good boy, you’re dreaming. Go to sleep. It’s a dream."
After a while.
A cold hand slipped into my clothes and touched my back happily.
"I am not dreaming again, am I?"
"Good Yan Er, you are really smart. Go to sleep. You will be fine when you wake up."
Alas, I can sleep at the expense of sex for sleep.
It’s so sad
"What time is it, Jingyan?"
I stretched myself when I got out of bed.
Bai Xihuang is no longer around, and I secretly relax and get up with him. It’s too embarrassing for everyone to see the scene.
Jingyan came to lift my account and smiled strangely. "It was late, but the emperor said that you were too tired last night and asked me not to wake you up too early."
"That Jingyan, don’t get me wrong. I’m too tired to take care of Ling Mo, not what you think."
I’m anxious to explain why ancient people are so impure when their ears are hot. Where do they want to go? It’s so impure.
I’m still a virgin, but I was killed by a big fight last night.
"Empress, as you said, explanation is to cover up. You will explain everything to me. Don’t worry, I don’t know anything."
Jingyan chuckled secretly.
Well, what’s the explanation for this? Anyway, I will be someone else sooner or later. Just adapt now!
I ate breakfast and thought about what Cui Hao was going to do today.
Alas, my friend is leaving, and I don’t know if we will meet again tomorrow. If only it were modern, even if he flew to the southern hemisphere for a video chat, he could meet him.
Where it takes a month to go away from the east to the west of Daqin, it is a great event and reunion is so far away.
I deeply understand the saying that everything must come to an end, and I feel that life often comes and goes.
Even if we meet again, things may be different then.
"Why do snacks seem different today?" I asked casually.
Jingyan picked up a steaming teapot and gave me a cup of Pu ‘er tea.
"The emperor specially ordered the chef of the imperial kitchen that you should prepare all the places and say that you will change places one day so that even if the empress doesn’t travel all over the world, she can eat all over the world."
I was surprised and my heart softened a little.
I told him that I wanted to travel all over the world, and he actually remembered to comfort me that I couldn’t satisfy this wish, so I could eat snacks everywhere, but I had a little wish.
My mood finally brightened up after my sweet breakfast
Although my friends will never leave me, Bai Xihuang will always stay with me, so that even if I am lonely, I will not be too lonely. It feels good to have a lover to accompany me.

Su Mo nodded.

Next to this seat is Ji Yaoxue
Two people smile at one another Sue ink just sit a sweet wind.
Then there was another person on the other side of Su Mo.
Su Mo raised eyebrows and looked slightly zheng.
It was Ji goblin who moved the seat and ran to his left. He was next to him.
So Su Mo’s seat is sandwiched between two princesses.
Sue ink gently cough a suddenly become some not since.
"Hee hee, I’m sitting here." The goblin smiled.
JiYaoXue spoil a look at his sister shook his head and chuckled.
Several emperors also seem to know that Ji’s demon temper didn’t say anything. Instead, they motioned for Sumo for a moment.
Su Mo’s heart jumped and others didn’t recognize it, but he faintly felt that Ji’s goblin smile was a bit odd!
"I don’t know what this demon is thinking about."
Sue ink secretly frown else.
At this moment, the sound of Sunday stereo started all over the place.
"Zongmen is bigger than formal!"
Chapter three hundred and twelve I teach you refining device
"Zongmen is bigger than the rules. In the past, the four lists of Spirit, Fu, Dan and Qi were the same. Each of them selected the top ten. This year’s four lists are strong!"
"Spirit list ten people can choose a spirit; Ten people on the Fu Bang can choose a Fu Yong technique; Ten people in Danbang can choose a pair of Danfang; Ten people on the device list can choose a spirit device! Of course, in addition to these, there are a lot of Lingshi rewards. "
There must be a lot of secret prescriptions in the treasure house of the Zhou Dynasty, which has been accumulated for more than 10 thousand years. It is very likely that the prescription has disappeared and every monk is tempted!
Generally, the weapons used by Godsworn Tsukiji are all spiritual weapons.
Lingqi also has fatal attraction for Godsworn Tsukiji.
Of course, the most important thing is that the people in the four lists can enter the ancient battlefield for one year!
On Sunday, it was a simple sentence. More than 100,000 monks in the square suddenly became excited and eager to try.
Zhou Tianyang said, "Since Mr. Mo was invited to review this time, we should compete for the list of devices first. Because Mr. Mo belongs to the dimly discernible peak, it means that you will compete for nine places left in the list of devices."
On Sunday, the implication is very obvious. Su Mo’s ability can be ranked first in the list, if not better!
No one has any objection to this
Don’t say it’s the young refiners in the square. Even if the refiners have been immersed in refining for hundreds of years, no one dares to compete with Su Mo.
"What else does Mr. Mo have to say?" Sunday asked
Su Mo got up and looked at more than 100,000 Buddhist monks in the square with deep eyes and said slowly, "When I came, I heard someone say that the ethereal peak refiner …"
When I heard this, there was an uproar in the square.
If this is the case before, nothing is recognized by everyone.
But now it’s definitely a slap in the face to say such a thing!
Everyone’s eyes swept away and saw Su Mo’s brow faintly reveal a trace of war. Everyone realized that the first refiner in Da Zhou was going to take a knife!
"Who said come out for me!"

Zhuge Yue looked at the towering Qionglou Yuyu. How can you get in when it’s urgent? Besides, how can an open duke let her not go in like this!

So her little brain moved all kinds of ways!
The first move is naturally to sell yourself to bury your father …
Zhuge Yue sobbed at the corners of her mouth. Although this method is the most popular, no one here looks like her father!
In that case, I’ll sell myself and bury my brother …
"Listen to me, the guards here are so heavily guarded in broad daylight that we can’t go in. I want to sell myself and bury the elder brother who wants to be a corpse … 539. Chapter 539 Suzaku mixed beads (4)
"Listen to me. The guards here are so heavily guarded in broad daylight that we can’t go in. I want to sell my body and bury my brother. Who wants to be a corpse …"
When this was said, everyone looked at each other. Who would like to be a corpse? Xiaotian raised his hand. "I would like to be …"
But such a small brother, but Zhuge Yue is also very flexible and then said to be a brother.
Everyone immediately busy with Haitang aside before looking at Zhuge Yue eyes full of disdain!
"My brother died of a serious illness when he was young. Please be kind enough to reward my daughter for burying money!"
Looking at Zhuge Yue at night like a stranger, the acting is really not wonderful. Zhuge Yunlan also smiled, which is worthy of being his darling.
Zhuge Yue’s side cried sadly, and those soldiers who kept the house were not hard-hearted. Someone immediately relented and called the manager!
When the manager saw Zhuge Yue, although Zhuge Yue cried, it made him feel distressed, but the thought of the duke made him say, "Girl, we, the duke, are too ill to take in such unlucky people as you, or my wife will say that I …"
Zhuge Yue didn’t expect that this tried-and-true trick would fail in the TV play, so all kinds of coquetry hoped to let him get her in, but …
The manager still couldn’t help shaking his head. "I can’t … I’m a person, too. If I bring you in, Madam will blame me!" "
Just as Zhuge Yue was struggling with her face, Zhuge Yunlan came up to her and handed the manager a token. When the manager saw the token, he looked at Zhuge Yunlan again, but when he saw his face full of heroic spirit, he was not a bad person!
"We must treat our guests well when they come …" Then he was ready to welcome Zhuge Yunlan in. Zhuge Yunlan pointed to a group of people behind him. "These are my friends. You let them in …"
Zhuge Yue suddenly felt depressed. Really? He had a token. Didn’t you say so? I cann’t believe she made such a fool of herself here for a long time!
Now look at these people around you, look at her, and you know in your heart that she did all this to blend in!
Zhuge Yue became more and more annoyed and walked over to Zhuge Yunlan and couldn’t help saying, "You have a token, don’t you take it out earlier?"
Zhuge Yunlan laughed at the evil boss. "Since my darling likes to think about ways so much, I naturally want to be you!"
Zhuge Yue "…"
Looking at the two people behind the night like a stranger, although Zhuge Yue’s move has solved a lot, he still feels uncomfortable when he looks at the two people standing side by side in his heart!
Because these two people are so tacit, when they are together, there is always a feeling of excluding him!
He’s not a petty person, he’s not an ignorant homo sapiens, but he’s always confused when he faces Zhuge Yue’s affairs …
So he can barely smile and walk over and run on them!
Zhuge Yunlan took a look at the night like a stranger and got the message that he was crowded into them, so he whispered to the night like a stranger!
"Do you know what you’re here but jealous? You might as well get rid of the person around you who is in the way and is bad for my baby. 54 Chapter 54 Rosefinch mixed pearl (5)
"You know why you came here, but you might as well get rid of the person around you who is in the way and is bad for my baby!"
He looked at Haitang at night like a stranger. He also knew that Haitang was hostile to Zhuge Yue and had done something wrong several times, but Haitang was his savior … He …
He also struggled to see Zhuge Yunlan’s lip saying, "You are too indecisive to give you my baby!"
Night is like a stranger frowned. This Zhuge Yunlan speaks as if Zhuge Yue belongs to him. Night is like a stranger. I really don’t like his way of speaking!
Zhuge Yue is also clever and clever, and all this will happen secretly. In her eyes, she thinks that the night is like a stranger, and she can’t help being jealous. And this Zhuge Yunlan is single. If she finds a woman to accompany her, she won’t be jealous, right?
She secretly had an idea again!
In a luxurious big room, I saw a man in his forties lying on the bed, his hair turned white in his forties.
A light cough threw up in a pool of blood!
According to the instructions of the mixed Yuan Zhu, they should save this man. They looked for a moment before the night, shook their heads, and even he, the master of medicine refining, could not solve things …