Qiao Huan face smile more thick.

Mu Bei is trying to say that he will always be with her.
Qiu Ji saw Mu Bei and Qiao Huan silently moving her face aside and looking up, she saw Tong Yu with a lunch box in her hand and silly wait for a while there.
Qiu Ji is wrinkly to knit the brows a step toward Tongyu.
"Qiu Ji!" Tongyu called a.
Qiu Ji ignored him and went directly to the rooftop by the stairs.
Tongyu silently followed her.
"Why are you here?"
Qiu Ji’s tone is not very good.
"I’ll give you a meal" Tongyu handed the lunch box in his hand to Qiu Ji.
Braised ribs rice is a side dish.
Qiu Ji’s eyes flashed and her lips didn’t say anything. She took the lunch box and covered it again. "I’m not hungry, you take it back."
"Qiu Ji, I know it’s rash to appear in front of you like this, but I don’t want to …"
"What do you want?"
Qiu Ji’s face is cold.
"I want to be your boyfriend aboveboard. Of course, I know I have nothing to do now, but you can rest assured that I will try my best to make you happy."
Tongyu nasty to Qiu Ji said
"We are bed companions" Qiu Ji said to Tong Yu word by word.
"Is this your first time?" Tong Yu looked at Qiu Ji’s eyes. "I know you are not that kind of frivolous woman."
"What about the first time?" Qiu Ji’s face is slightly cold. "It doesn’t mean anything. Don’t appear in front of me after you leave. We broke up."
Tongyu looked at Qiu Ji in astonishment.
Break up?
"Give me the key" Qiu Ji reached out to Tongyu.
Tong Yu was a little hit. "What did I do wrong?"
"You didn’t do anything wrong." Qiu Ji shook her head. "I’m not fit to be someone else’s girlfriend. What I lack is a bed partner."
"I can continue to be your bed partner," Tong Yu said urgently. "I will try my best to be a qualified bed partner. You can ignore what I just said."
Qiu Ji’s face glanced at Tongyu in a complicated way, and he frowned a little. At present, she is still satisfied with Tongyu.
"You go back first!"
"You mean not to break up?" Tong Yu’s face lit up.
"Don’t appear in front of me without my permission" Qiu Ji said coldly.
"Absolutely not," replied Tong Yu in a panic. After a pause, he handed the lunch box in his hand to Qiu Ji and said carefully, "Look, I’m ready. Why don’t you have a bite!"
Qiu Ji frowned and took one look at Tong Yu’s hand and took the lunch box.
Tongyu Qingxiu’s face showed a brilliant smile.
Or Mu Bei said that to chase women, we should give full play to the cheeky spirit to an excellent limit, and to tie up and beat around. Second, we should levy them in bed and let them stop wanting you.
Qiu Ji didn’t know that Mu Bei taught Tong Yu this way. If she knew that she had to buckle the lunch box in Tong Yu’s face and let him roll as far as possible.
Lu Xiaoya finally woke up and saw Muna in her eyes.
"What brings you here? You should stay with Qiao Huan at this time. "
Munan pursed her lips and looked at Lu Xiaoya with a cold face. "How do you feel now?" Cold tone
Lu Xiaoya blinked at Munan. "What do you want?"
"When you get out of the hospital, we’ll find a time to hold the wedding," Munan said coldly, with a straight face. He couldn’t see what was going on in his heart.
Lu Xiaoya doesn’t know Muna.
"Are you sick?"
Muna glanced at Lu Xiaoya coldly and stopped talking. He got up and left him just after Yang Qiang came in again. At the sight of Lu Xiaoya’s face, he smiled like a flower, and the driver followed her with several lunch boxes.

The clothes pile up to the belly button, revealing the glittering and translucent thin waist pants, and a lot of them have faded away. You can still see the little lace. If you go a few inches, the spring will suddenly drain, and the road will wake up. He has been looking at Gege across the street, looking at her and swallowing a mouthful of water.

Suddenly, I felt a little hot and my throat was burning, and he felt better when he got rid of the sick button.
Gege curled her pie in her sleep, stuck out her pink tongue and licked her lips. Lu Yan got out of bed and squatted next to her and looked at her.
Put your finger on her mouth and feel the warm breath left by her pink tongue.
Gege held out her uvula again and licked it. It tasted fragrant and soft, as if it was deja vu, as if it had been eaten.
Just a little hungry, so eat more. She tastes with relish.
Yes, she was full, and the jelly was sent to her mouth. She was a little reluctant, and this jelly used to feel cold and cold, and finally she ate a fire and felt uncomfortable.
She suddenly opened her eyes and Lu Yan was holding her and eating happily.
Gege’s knee pushed him to the bottom of the bed.
Lu Yan whined and couldn’t move when he lay curled up on the ground.
She avoided that part, okay?
"Are you true or false?" Lu Yan lay for half a day and nothing happened.
"I’m going to be miserable"
"I’ll call the doctor"
Lu Yan stopped her. "Just help me rub it."
Gege won’t listen to him, but she didn’t call the doctor either. If the doctor knows, he shouldn’t laugh at what they did secretly.
Gege helped him to bed for a while.
Someone knocked at the door and rattled. When they came back, they knocked at the door and reprimanded, "Do you guys still know to come back? Time … "
Ingo, however, is actually a brother?
Gege didn’t think he was a little surprised, too. I didn’t expect Gege to watch the vigil in the ward today.
He often smiles at the corners of his mouth and looks unfathomable, pushing her in.
Seeing Lu Yan lying in one bed and the other bed being covered, although it is messy, it can be seen that he has not been ravaged.
The gentry’s face softened a little.
"Were you here last night?" His voice is still a little cold, and it seems that he is still very dissatisfied with her behavior.
"We have nothing?"
"I said what do you have? I didn’t say anything and you admitted it. "
Lu Yan said, "I asked her to stay. If you have anything to say, just tell me."
The gentry sneered at "I have something to say to you" and turned to Gege. "Come here and I have something to say to you."
The gentry and gentry are holding hands to go out. Lu Yan came to stop in front of the gentry and gentry. "What do you mean? Didn’t we say not to interfere with each other? I turned a blind eye to the sweetheart thing. Do you want to go back on your word now? "
"Gege is only 17 years old and not yet a minor." The gentry just wants to go back on his word. His career is a bit dangerous, but he can’t let Gege have a little adventure in his future life.
You can’t say it. After all, he still has to be with Sweetheart. If he is angered, he can’t get a bargain himself.
"I know she’s underage. No, you said I knew what I was doing."
"You know? Do you know to let her stay here for the night? "
"people with bad ideas are dirty in their hearts."
"You …" Two people are used to fighting if they don’t agree.
Is Lu Yan still injured?
Gege hurriedly among the two, "the doctor is coming to make rounds. Don’t be ashamed, will you?" Even if you fight, you have to wait for the road to be injured. You are fair and square. "
"I can deal with him if I’m not well injured," Lu Yan said maliciously.
Sweetheart was wiped clean by him, and he didn’t say anything, and nothing happened between him and Gege, so he insisted.
Section 616
"What’s the matter with the monitor? Is this a fight? Let’s fight. "Xiao Wang, they came back, put their breakfast on the table, rolled up their sleeves and stared at the gentry behind Lu Yan. They were going to fight.
What a bunch of radical masters.
Gege glared at them. "Shut up!"
Then pull the gentry out of the room. "Brother, you really think too much. I really slept here all night and nothing happened. I promise you I won’t compromise easily until I am ten years old."
The gentry looked at her carefully. "I’m glad you remember."

At the moment, both of them are white. They are in the same boat, and they will be in the same boat in the future.

Lin Yi said, "Brother Dongmen, nothing has happened since I left Beijing?"
East Gate Iron Nuts "Without the capital, it’s finally peaceful, and the Tubo king was assassinated. Several Tubo kings competed for the Tubo country, and it’s hard to threaten me. The Tubo country also sent people to our country to repair the Li family in the western regions. Although I hate it, I dare not make a move again. I’m worried about the emperor and I’m happy now. Haha, God bless me."
Lin Yi listened to the heart gratified.
Did he live up to the emperor’s brother?
It is also reported that two generations of emperors have been kind to him.
Dongmen Tiehu remembered something and said to him, "Recently, one thing was that Wu Lie was missing with two guns. The emperor wanted to send him to the southwest to clear up bandits. As a result, he is now alive and dead, and the emperor ordered Dali Temple to find Dali Temple. I also helped to trace it, but I don’t care about it now. Now it’s a big deal in my eyes, but it’s The Hunger …"
Wu Lie’s disappearance will be traced by the court. Lin Yi had long expected it.
After all, Wu Lie was a great general.
Lin Yi, who is imprisoned by Wu Lie, should be cautious and careful, and should not let any accident happen, otherwise it will cause trouble.
Lin Yi and Dongmen Tiehu continue to chat over tea.
Lin Yi said, "Brother Dongmen, I got the exact news. The North Devil and a slave named Li Shiwu, a The Hunger slave, secretly called magic people from all corners of the country, and even the magic meeting was ready to meet The Hunger. Now the magic people in the three mountains and five mountains are ready to move. If The Hunger really resumes leading these demons, the consequences are really unimaginable."
Dongmen Tiehu listened with a heavy face and said, "I am shocked by the resurrection of The Hunger, but I am not afraid of him. After all, he is also a human being. What I am most afraid of is that The Hunger will create a number of The Hunger slaves and these The Hunger slaves will lead the Jianghu inferno to ruin the world. That is not only a river lake disaster, but also a disaster!"
This is not only the most worrying thing for Dongmen Tiehu, but also the most worrying thing for Lin Yi.
Lin Yi said, "Brother Dongmen, please send someone to keep an eye on the North Devil’s movements. The North Devil is a slave to The Hunger, and the means are not ordinary. A few days ago, he designed to wipe out the blood feud alliance. If The Hunger recovers, he will become The Hunger’s right-hand man. I have to wait for an opportunity to kill this scourge."
Nuts of Dongmen Railway "Ok, I’ll send capable people to do this, and I’ll call you if there is any news."
Lin Yi added, "I’ll write a few more letters. Brother Dongmen, send someone to the major sects. In addition to not resurrecting The Hunger for the time being, I will tell several major sects about the grim situation so that they can take precautions as early as possible."
Nuts, Dongmen Railway "Brother Lin is thoughtful, and you are the king of the South. Your prestige and appeal are hard to compare with others. Write it now. I’ll send someone to deal with the magic road. We are weak and we have to rely on thousands of righteous people in the rivers and lakes."
So Lin Yi personally wrote several letters in succession.
Dongmen Iron Hu Ming sent these letters to the head of each sect as soon as possible.
Then Dongmen Tiehu asked Bai Mei to arrange a residence for Lin Yi and the children.
Now they are waiting for Yao Tong to confess.
On the fourth day, at midnight, Lin Yi’s door was hurriedly knocked.
Children get up and the door turns out to be the East Gate Star.
East Gate Star entered the room and he looked excited. He told Lin Yi, "Lin Wang Yaotong can’t hold on! It’s time to confess! My father now invites Lin Wang to come over! "
Yao Tong is going to confess, which is really good news.
The Hunger and his younger brother are about to surface, and Lin Yi is also excited.
Lin Yi put on a dress and went out with Dongmenxing.
East Gate Star leads Lin Yi to the ground room in the courtyard.
At the moment, the East Gate Tiehu and the East and West Doors are in the room.
Everyone’s face is excited.
Dongmen’s family are all experts in torture and interrogation. In the past few days, several people have been torturing and forcing 59 kinds of different means.
In the end, Yao Tong’s spirit and body completely collapsed.
He’s finally gonna confess
Chapter one hundred and twenty The Hunger news (3)
Lin Yi entered the basement and stood beside Tiehu, the east gate.
Yao Tong sat in the chair in the iron room.
His clothes were torn and bloodied, his whole head was swollen and his face was swollen, and he had a long small board nailed to his eyes, and his eyelids were crossed by a fishing line, and then he turned up and tightened the two small boards.
So he can’t close his eyelids no matter how sleepy he is.
His eyes were red as if they were about to fall out of their sockets.
Look confused and have no spirits.
His lips are chapped like fire.
Hands and feet, but also because of torture, ten fingers are swollen like sausage nails are gone …
The torture suffered is evident.
It turned out that the Dongmen family hated Yao Tong’s design to kill Ximen Zhen and Dongmen Wang, and their punishment was also to vent their hatred. Their high-handed tactics not only made Yao Tong immortal, but also made him suffer the most cruel torture in the world.
Lin Yi was present at the East Gate, and Hu Chaodong, the East Gate Jie, signaled a.
Dongmen Jieqi half a bucket of water poured Yao Tongshen.
Yaotong shuddered like a man.
He said in a faint hoarse voice, "Let me close my eyes … and give me some water to drink …"
Nowadays, it is the greatest hope for Yao Tong to close his eyes.
Dongmenjie said, "My uncle and Nanwang want to ask you something. Please answer honestly. I will give you water to drink and close your eyes. I promise!"
Yaotong God’s eyes looked at East Gate Tiehu and Lin Yi and then nodded weakly.
Dongmen Tiehu stared at Yaotong. "What happened after The Hunger was resurrected? Is it life or death now? "

It seems that among the emperors with a long history, there are three kings who can grow up there.

After settling down, Lu Chen has left. He is in charge of military exercises and sometimes needs to preach to some monks, which will help them improve their strength.
Xiaojinlong looked at the stone house left and right as if to see if there was anything to eat.
"Be quiet here and don’t eat indiscriminately, or someone will take you away one day and dispose of you by military law."
Lu Chen scared Xiaojinlong, fearing that his emperor would get into trouble by eating indiscriminately.
According to the dust shortage, if Lu Chen doesn’t want to be idle, he can also take some explorations from the emperor, such as crossing Tianyuan to spy on foreign military intelligence.
This is the junction of the two worlds. If we cross Tianyuan, there will be a dormant place for foreign troops not far away.
There will often be young people from other places near Tianyuan. At this time, the emperor will not send great masters to destroy them, but let young soldiers fight with them
Lu Chen felt that the foreign land was not incapable of entering nine days and ten places before listening to the dust shortage, but the decision-makers behind the foreign land were very high and he had been training with the help of the emperor.
Countless years have passed, and those members in foreign countries who used to reign for nine days and ten places have fought against Tianjiao. Some of them have come alive and become stronger and stronger. What’s more, in the eyes of the three kings of Bianhuang, young players may now break through and become immortal kings.
Judging from this aspect, nine days and ten places is still a step behind, because the environment of heaven and earth is incomplete, and even with the three kings of Bianhuang, people’s practice is still not as fast as that of foreign countries
If you want to become immortal, you need to go to the fairy land for further study, which adds a lot of trouble.
The rise of foreign talents from generation to generation and the cultivation of the whole environment will of course gradually give way to the emperor.
I’m afraid this is also the reason why the later emperors lost in a bloody battle. Without the help of Xianyu, I’m afraid that the invasion of foreign countries at this time is unstoppable.
Lu Chen doesn’t worry here. No opponent wants him to have enough waves to run across Tianyuan. There are people coming to hunt him.
The way of cultivating future generations in foreign countries is also very cold-blooded. Facing such future generations as monks, the immortal kings often don’t do it, but let the future generations fight and die, regardless of the fact that it means it is not worth cultivating.
Of course, this is the general situation. People like the dust shortage will definitely cause the immortal king. It seems that there is hope to break through the fairy king.
Cultivating offspring is one thing, but they will not sit idly by and watch the threatened species germinate and kill them in the bud.
Therefore, if Lu Chen wants to go to the opposite wave, he must go easy and not attract the attention of the immortal king, otherwise it will be difficult for him to run once the other side makes moves.
The best way is for some powerful potential players of the other side to fight for nine days and ten places by themselves, so that they can look back and worry about being attacked and killed by the other side’s masters.
At this time, the emperor hid in a building.
Dim light, a middle-aged man with red fruit sits in the middle of the room. He has many terrible wounds, and the power of law remains indelible even in the past tens of thousands of years, and blood keeps flowing.
If it weren’t for its strong vitality, I’m afraid it would have fallen.
Middle-aged man’s body is majestic, and I’m afraid it will be more than two meters. His muscles are as fierce as a dragon, and he smells like a wild force.
At this time, he was badly hit, sitting there, running Xuangong, killing his body, and coughing up two pieces of blood from time to time.
Behind him, there are two figures sitting on the left and right sides while the evil spirit is pervasive, and they are using their dharma to treat their injuries.
For a long time, they stopped, and the barbarian man spit out a mouthful of miscellaneous gas and opened his eyes. Those eyes seemed to have a vast expanse of land where the sun and the moon were running and ancient barbarians, animals and birds were dancing together.
He sighed, "Kill me and bury me."
This barbarian man is the three kings and one barbarian king in Bianhuang. He fought hard in the first world war in a foreign country 70 thousand years ago, and the three immortal kings still resisted the army and withdrew the emperor, which shows that he is powerful
But the strong man’s face also showed a self-effacing color at this time, not because of excessive injuries, but because of him.

Fu Jingxiao just stopped. He tried to restrain his emotions but didn’t control them well.

"Angry" he said two words.
"I didn’t ask you to wait." Thinking that Zhou Shiyu just said that he might really lose his temper if he waited for a long time, To Hoai whale offered a humble apology. Should she follow suit?
Fu Jingxiao turned and stopped. "Can you make me happy after waiting for an hour to hear others talking about you and Zhou Shiyu?"
"What are I and Dr. Zhou?" Xu today inkstone strange way
"You are his girlfriend!" He confided it reluctantly.
Xu Jin laughed at the inkstone. "They are nearsighted."
"Are you still laughing?" Fu Jingxiao watched her laugh wantonly, but he was still sulking. Although this is a false rumor, he still struggled with himself.
"I just laughed at this oolong. It’s so funny."
"Who told you to take pictures together last night and discuss such a heart together today?" Fu Jingxiao muttered angrily and didn’t dissipate.
Xu Jinyan couldn’t stop laughing. "There are ten people in the big photo, and I also met a male doctor on the other side."
Why did she explain so much to him?
Fu Jingxiao felt how so naive he was.
"Let’s go." He reached out and pulled her hand and pulled her forward.
She stared blankly. "Where to?"
"Away from this myth," he turned away and couldn’t hide his smile.
Xu Jinyan didn’t refuse him, perhaps because he waited for an hour, or because she liked his childish behavior.
People grow up, but they don’t need to grow up.
I’m afraid that if we grow up, the society wants us to become what we are, but our hearts are still young and pure.
After Fu Jingxiao took the bus and left, Xu Jinyan asked him, "Where are we going?"
"Go to lunch and then I’ll take you somewhere."
"But I’m not hungry soon after breakfast."
"This is the process. I’ve arranged to eat something if I’m not hungry. I’ll eat it when I’m hungry at noon." Fu Jingxiao replied to her.
Xu Jinyan feels that she can gain a few pounds when she goes back to Cloud City this time.
"Fu Jingxiao, what are we now?" Xu today inkstone asked 1.
Fu Jingxiao answered her very seriously and seriously, "Don’t you feel so obvious about dating Dr. Xu?"
"Really? I just met yesterday and dated today. Isn’t this progress bar a little fast?" Xu Jin inkstone broke up.
"I’m not as quick as you are." Is Fu Jingxiao condescending fast? I still feel slow. It’s fast for me to turn you home now.
Chapter one hundred and seventy Do I like it or not? You don’t know
Fu Jingxiao even had a sigh of relief. When Xu Jin inkstone was so rushed, it was really impressive.
She didn’t dare to go again, showing that she would be foolish to dig a hole and jump in again.
However, Fu Jingxiao is already a thief, and he is not clever enough. However, the state of getting along with each other is extremely comfortable and natural, and it is in line with the current mature men and women.
If breakfast is to recall the past, then at noon, I came to his world and went to a Japanese food shop.
The decoration style looks expensive.
Xu Jin inkstone followed Fu Jingxiao in, and even the students wore and spoke Japanese as if they had crossed into Hokkaido.
"Hello, do you have an appointment?" Just go in and have a life to register.
Fu Jingxiao replied, "Two surnames are Fu."
"Hello, Mr. Fu, this way, please" has come to take them all the way along the Japanese-style decoration path to the end and be beaten in the most hidden box.
"two please"
Before Xu Jin inkstone went over, Fu Jingxiao bent down and handed her a pair of pink slippers.
She changed her shoes and took the stairs. He followed, then took off her shoes and went into the box.
The box is very big and decorated with Japanese mats. Two people go in barefoot and sit down.
"Would you like to order now?" Born asked 1
"Bring two copies of the menu and come back later."
"Good" students send the menu and then slide the door out.
Eating here is good enough to be hidden.
Seeing that Xu Jinyan didn’t flip the menu, he had guessed something in his heart and slowly raised his head. "There is no psychological pressure. The average height of this store is high because Japanese raw food is expensive, but we all don’t like to eat raw food. If you try your best to eat it, there will be no pressure."
So he deliberately gave birth because of this.
A slice of salmon or a sashimi may be enough to order a plate of Japanese fat beef rice, a seafood udon noodle, a cheese egg wrapped corn or sushi.
After Xu Jinyan turned over the menu, as Fu Jingxiao said.
She must be under pressure to take her to your place. Fu Jingxiao knows that she is not the kind of vain girl.
"Am I right?" Fu Jingxiao confessed, "Don’t say it later, I’m afraid they’ll drive me away."

Someone has climbed the mountain wall.

Are you kidding? Even the practitioners are dead. They don’t have to take the risk.
The arrogant man suddenly smiled and said to himself, "Life and death, life and death, life and death at the top of the mountain, death or death at the foot of the mountain, interesting and challenging!"
Chapter sixty-five Crane Road
Many people have changed their eyes when they look at the arrogant man.
Everyone was scared, but this arrogant man was not afraid of his eyes, but he was a little eager.
"Ah …"
It is also a series of screams. The practitioners who set out first fell from the clouds one after another and disappeared into the abyss on both sides of the mountain road.
Seeing this, someone finally turned around and walked back.
Xiao pang suddenly exclaimed in secret, "Just now, a nine-story gas practitioner fell off. What happened to their cloud surface?"
Su Mo looked more carefully.
Just now, a total of 23 practitioners have gone away, and in a short time, their kung fu has fallen. Fortunately!
This is a bit scary.
Back from the mountain, many mortals turned pale with fear, their hands and feet trembled and they didn’t return to the mountain.
After passing the second place, there were more than 10 people, and now 23 practitioners have failed and more than half of the mortals have been evacuated, leaving only 17 people at the foot of the mountain.
These seventeen people are determined people, and they have no fear of shrinking even when they see many practitioners falling one after another.
Xiao pang gagged all the way, but he was quiet at this time, and his eyes turned around and I didn’t know what to think.
Su Mo always feels that this life and death is a bit unusual, and there is a little weird everywhere.
But what’s wrong with Su Mo, but I can’t get along.
Almost at the same time, the aloof man and the white-shirted woman offered flying swords at the same time, but the speed dropped significantly, which shows that the two people are also extremely cautious and dare not be careless
"Eldest brother, how careful you are, I’ll go to the surface to explore the way for you first." Xiao Pang is also a practitioner who pulled out a small shield from his waist bag and expanded rapidly in the wind, holding his fat body slowly rising.
The remaining 14 people, including Su Mo, are mortals without aura.
If you want to climb the top, you can climb a little with your hands and feet.
Su Mo no longer hesitated to come to the foot of the mountain, jumped lightly and flexibly, hung directly on the mountain, and climbed to the top with great speed.
The remaining thirteen mortals looked stunned and almost went just now, not one person but a monkey.
Now Su Mo Yi Jin is close to Dacheng, smart as a python, light as an ape, rising like the wind and falling like an arrow. This mountain peak is not an obstacle for him at all.
Apes are born with the skill of climbing mountains and spirits.
If Su Mo tries his best, even a practitioner can not surpass him in controlling the speed of flying swords.
At the beginning, the elders of Cang Lang Mountain rejoiced in the case of Qian Teng, and Su Mo climbed along the towering ancient trees. The speed difference between them was a few!
Of course, at that time, Su Mo cast a blood ape change, while Elder Qian was a monk named Tsukiji.
Even if Su Mo didn’t pass Takuya, thirteen mortals would be left behind.
Just then Su Mo’s ears fluttered and vaguely heard a string of birds chirping.
Su Mo, who was born in Cang Lang Mountain for one year, can still understand the language of birds and animals, but he can understand the emotions in their voices almost.
This string of birds’ chirping shows a hint of excitement and banter.
"How can there be a spirit beast?"

"no order"

The guide monk smiled.
Sue ink smell speech also smiled.
This creature violet has withered, how can there be any order?
"What exactly does this order mean? How to divide it?"
Sue ink full of doubts asked again
"Creature violet will be full of vitality after being nourished by Yuan Shen, and when it reaches the limit bottleneck, it will seize an experience of creation and a reincarnation."
The guide monk explained that "the so-called order is to see how many times the natural violet has experienced metempsychosis, once it has experienced metempsychosis and grown a layer of nine petals of violet, and nine lilies are one natural violet."
"When a violet grows to the extreme, it will undergo a second metempsychosis, giving birth to a second layer of petals, adding nine lilies and so on."
Su Mo probably understood.
The easiest way to tell from the appearance is to see how many petals this violet has.
Nine-layered violet will have nine petals.
As you can imagine, these petals are stacked layer by layer, which are closely arranged inside, and the smallest petals bloom outward, the bigger the petals are!
The guide monk thought for a while and continued, "If the violet can reach four, it can be compared with the innate true monarch! If you can achieve five can be born to return to the virtual instrument to compete! "
"There are still many magical powers in the body of nature violet, and many innate instruments are difficult to enterprise."
Congenital instruments are also difficult to enterprise!
This evaluation is too high.
Su Mo looked at this shabby blue lotus in the palm of his hand, and his heart was hot.
This is more precious than getting a congenital multiplier!
At this moment, the guide monk suddenly sighed, "Is it a blessing or a curse for you?"
Su Mo was stuck.
How can such a treasure be a disaster?
Leading the way, the monk said, "Nature’s violet wants to grow and needs the nourishment of Yuan God, and it needs the great power of Yuan God. No one can afford it!"
"Throughout the ages, the violet has been handled by at least ten tianjiao, but most of them have been dragged down, and gradually few people have touched this thing."
Violet needs the nourishment of Yuan God, which will inevitably make the monk’s cultivation realm stagnate.
"It is for this reason that there is the highest level of violet in the wild mainland."
Leading the way, the monk said, "From ancient times to modern times, only the ancient Buddha emperor gave birth to the natural violet with wisdom, perseverance and courage. This is the device for remembering the emperor in ancient books."
"Buddha Huang Li dare not try to give birth to the ninth!"
Su Mo looked calm.
He is not worried about this.
Now, he has two books, Purple Tactics and Tathagata Sutra, which refine the spirit of day order. Whether it is the speed of cultivation or the purity of Yuan God, it will be the highest in ancient and modern times!
Su Mo doesn’t believe that the blessing of the two great day order achievement methods still can’t breed the violet of nature.
"This creature violet is so strange because it is not a natural thing."
Yu Junzhen said slowly, "Say it comes from the celestial world!"
Su Moyuan also pondered over the words "celestial world" in her ears, and suddenly looked up and asked, "What celestial world? Where is the celestial world? How to get there? "
This is the first time Su Mo heard the word "celestial".
He first thought of Butterfly Moon.
Butterfly Moon said before she left that they were not from the same world.
With Su Mo’s practice all the way, Butterfly Moon should go to another higher level and more magnificent world.
And this world is very likely to mean the illusory world!
Yu Junzhen shook his head and smiled bitterly. "Where can I get to the Godsworn at this level?"
Su Mo gradually calmed down and knew that this problem was a little abrupt.
"Fairy world is the name of fairy gate"
Yu Junzhen seems to see that Su Mo’s mind has said some more words: "The magic door is called the underworld, and the Buddhist door is called the paradise."
Su Mo moved in his heart.
So the people in the demon race are not called the demon world?
"There must be such a piece of heaven and earth outside the mainland, and the world is strong and full of fairies! There are different opinions about what is called, and some people will collectively refer to it as’ boundary’. "
"Some of the ancient emperors have also entered the world."
I heard that Su Mo’s heart was pounding uncontrollably.


Xiaoxiao mushroom
And mu yunxian.
Zuo Tangtang recognized three people in turn and felt that this scene was funny and absurd, but his heart was extremely sad.
He and she are together again
So-called so-called
Zuo Tangtang’s heart continued to chant this duplicity, so-called withdrawing his sight from the surface and staring at the keyboard.
After a while, a drop of hot tears fell on the keyboard, as if the keys were about to melt.
This is …
Zuo Tangtang seems to have stopped thinking and stared at the tears as if they were not white. What on earth is this? Where did it come from?
Clap, clap, clap.
When more and more tears could not stop flowing out and hitting the keyboard, Zuo Tangtang realized that he was crying himself.
Thinking about dropping and being free, Mai Zuo Tangtang went into a hurry to cover his mouth and keep his eyes red. wait for a while looked at the keyboard outside his palm.
"Hey? Hoof hooves? Hoof? " Suddenly realized that I hadn’t heard Zuo Tangtang talk for a long time, and Maoershang even shouted in the channel.
"ah! Stop howling! " Seaweed soup with little salt interrupted him with a slightly impatient tone. As usual, the cat ear mother interrupted him when he was sleeping.
However, no one knows that the fingers of kelp on the table are consciously knocking and the eyebrows are tied into knots.
Zuo Tangtang took a deep breath while covering her mouth, drumming her cheeks to help her eyes stare greatly until her chest no longer twitched because of her grief and indignation, until she kept crying, and her eyes could no longer shed tears because of her acidity. Zuo Tangtang slowly spat out that tone.
One hand holding a fist low cough two listening to his voice is not so hoarse Zuo Tangtang this just pretend smile curved sample said
"What are you doing? What are you doing standing here like a column? Don’t hurry to blame! "
Charming and slightly dissatisfied, no one can recognize her strangeness.
It’s really rare to do this kind of expression!
Zuo Tangtang paused his horse and went out first.
"Ah, what’s the hurry!" Whispering and complaining, Mao Erniang followed her, but when the corner of her eye flicked at random, she found …
"That’s …" Cat Ear Niang shouted in surprise at the sight of Muyun idle, but when it suddenly occurred to Zuo Tangtang, who had just been silent for half a day, she looked at the woman in front of her slowly and firmly, and the words of Cat Ear Niang also swallowed and could not be said.
I seem to have lost my eyesight again. Just now …
Uncomfortable, I touched my head, and Mao Erniang flew forward with a flying skill and walked side by side with Zuo Tangtang.
Anyway, at least let hoof know that even without the people she likes, there are still their relatives and friends.
Hoohoo probably doesn’t know who she likes. It’s no wonder that he thinks like that when he glanced at his side, so that he can know a little about it. He can also guess at a glance that Muyun is idle with other flower-shifting palace sisters to do this. I never thought that he would meet Hoohoo hoo. This is so difficult for Hoohoo hoo, but he likes to help others without helping others …
Cat Ear Niang looked at the dazzling red mocking smile.
This man is really …
My brother was really good before! Cat Ear Niang took a look back at kelp. Although things were still not covered up, it was quite good to have this heart.
But now the main thing is not this … Once again, I will put my worried eyes on the hoof.
What’s going on?
What is this weird atmosphere?
Table tennis feels like I missed something. Looking at the two people walking side by side in front and touching their heads, I still haven’t thought clearly. Forget it. Just follow the monster. Why are you so hesitant? I vomited a lot about myself, and table tennis skipped along.
Hands on the table clenched loosely and clenched tightly, and finally they couldn’t resist the slightest sigh. It’s still impressive in my mind that I just sobbed slightly. What should I do?
Looking at the figure in front, I hesitated for a moment and kelp went silently again.
Little Mushroom noticed that a few people suddenly broke in.
This is not …
In my mind, I was slightly surprised and habitually turned my eyes and looked aside. I don’t know where I am.
In less than two seconds, I had a plan in my heart.
[Team] Little mushroom? Look! Isn’t that the pig’s trotters stew!

This word has a little luck with Lei Yin’s hair killing skills.

Plus Su Mo has got through your mouth. This is like thunder in early spring, and Xi Yushan’s ear is exploding.
Xi Yushan was already guilty by Su Mo’s eyes, but now he has been blubbered by a sudden collapse of his mind and plopped down on his knees.
"I was wrong, I was wrong!"
Xi Yushan’s voice trembled and said, "Brother Pu and I were killed by poison, but he didn’t have the antidote, and my brother was forced to resist."
Poison mendu!
Tang Yu frowned slightly and explained to Su Mo, "Du is a poisonous man, and he is a malicious role in commanding the seven veins and building a foundation."
Sue ink expression nodded.
Xi Yushan saw that no one paid attention to his more fear and hurriedly said, "Moreover, my brother has never done anything to betray the clan and never hurt my fellow students. Du told me to stare at Su Mo and his party. If I can kill one of them, I can get an antidote."
I heard that most of the doubts in people’s hearts have been solved.
Brother Danyangmen, who was killed by the night spirit, was also poisoned. Only when he broke up will he make a strange move.
Liang Bo sneer at a "until now to say that you have betrayed the door! I’m afraid you won’t hesitate if Du asks you to kill my roommate in exchange for an antidote. "
Many Danyang cousins were surprised and felt a twinge of terror.
"No, my brother won’t."
Xi Yushan panicked and shook his head.
Tang Yu’s face showed regret. "Teacher Xi, do you know that Breaking Bad is not a poison gate? Although I can’t detoxify, I can save your life until I return to Zongmen Zongmen. It is not difficult for many predecessors to help you get rid of Breaking Bad, and you …"
"I was wrong, brother!"
Xi Yushan kept begging.
Tang Yu could not bear to see his pitiful appearance with a slight frown.
Liang Bo sighed in his heart.
Tang Yushen is, after all, missing some war decisions.
No one like Xi Yushan will forgive easily!
Liang Bozheng is coming out to make a decision for Tang Yu to kill Su Mo on the spot. "Since you are so afraid of death …"
"Then go to hell!"
Su Mo suddenly kicked Xi Yushan in the chest with a thud.
Xi Yushan flew out directly, and the whole person slipped slowly after pasting the wall, leaving a blood trail behind the wall.
Xi Yushan’s whole chest has collapsed and his eyes are wandering, and he was killed on the spot!
Many monks were dumbfounded.
Tang Yu opened his mouth and seemed to want to say something. In the end, he didn’t say a word, but he sighed lightly.
"Well …"
At this moment, Xiao Ning, who had fallen asleep in the corner, suddenly gave out a dream.
Su Mo quickly walked over and squatted down, stretched out his palm and put Xiao Ning’s forehead to test a softness and asked, "How does Xiao Ning feel?"
Small coagulation eyes slightly open also can’t see the scene before is heard ear sound so familiar consciousness shouted a.
"It’s me"
Su Mo holds Xiao Ning’s little hand.
A familiar warm heart echoed with Xiao Ning, who suddenly felt better. Many efforts were made to open his eyes and look at the corners of his mouth. He smiled. "Brother, are you back?" I’m fine, don’t worry. "

Su Mo nodded.

Next to this seat is Ji Yaoxue
Two people smile at one another Sue ink just sit a sweet wind.
Then there was another person on the other side of Su Mo.
Su Mo raised eyebrows and looked slightly zheng.
It was Ji goblin who moved the seat and ran to his left. He was next to him.
So Su Mo’s seat is sandwiched between two princesses.
Sue ink gently cough a suddenly become some not since.
"Hee hee, I’m sitting here." The goblin smiled.
JiYaoXue spoil a look at his sister shook his head and chuckled.
Several emperors also seem to know that Ji’s demon temper didn’t say anything. Instead, they motioned for Sumo for a moment.
Su Mo’s heart jumped and others didn’t recognize it, but he faintly felt that Ji’s goblin smile was a bit odd!
"I don’t know what this demon is thinking about."
Sue ink secretly frown else.
At this moment, the sound of Sunday stereo started all over the place.
"Zongmen is bigger than formal!"
Chapter three hundred and twelve I teach you refining device
"Zongmen is bigger than the rules. In the past, the four lists of Spirit, Fu, Dan and Qi were the same. Each of them selected the top ten. This year’s four lists are strong!"
"Spirit list ten people can choose a spirit; Ten people on the Fu Bang can choose a Fu Yong technique; Ten people in Danbang can choose a pair of Danfang; Ten people on the device list can choose a spirit device! Of course, in addition to these, there are a lot of Lingshi rewards. "
There must be a lot of secret prescriptions in the treasure house of the Zhou Dynasty, which has been accumulated for more than 10 thousand years. It is very likely that the prescription has disappeared and every monk is tempted!
Generally, the weapons used by Godsworn Tsukiji are all spiritual weapons.
Lingqi also has fatal attraction for Godsworn Tsukiji.
Of course, the most important thing is that the people in the four lists can enter the ancient battlefield for one year!
On Sunday, it was a simple sentence. More than 100,000 monks in the square suddenly became excited and eager to try.
Zhou Tianyang said, "Since Mr. Mo was invited to review this time, we should compete for the list of devices first. Because Mr. Mo belongs to the dimly discernible peak, it means that you will compete for nine places left in the list of devices."
On Sunday, the implication is very obvious. Su Mo’s ability can be ranked first in the list, if not better!
No one has any objection to this
Don’t say it’s the young refiners in the square. Even if the refiners have been immersed in refining for hundreds of years, no one dares to compete with Su Mo.
"What else does Mr. Mo have to say?" Sunday asked
Su Mo got up and looked at more than 100,000 Buddhist monks in the square with deep eyes and said slowly, "When I came, I heard someone say that the ethereal peak refiner …"
When I heard this, there was an uproar in the square.
If this is the case before, nothing is recognized by everyone.
But now it’s definitely a slap in the face to say such a thing!
Everyone’s eyes swept away and saw Su Mo’s brow faintly reveal a trace of war. Everyone realized that the first refiner in Da Zhou was going to take a knife!
"Who said come out for me!"