"Buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz, buzz.

Soon those fighters answered the crow’s doubts, only to see that they hit three fighters in the engine room and threw long objects one by one. Suddenly, the sense of fear and crisis hit the crow’s heart.
The violent explosion of "boom" soon sounded, and the crow stared at the front and suddenly burst into flames and turned over the jungle.
And after those fighters, two more planes flew in for extended bombing, but they heard the "boom" explosion and the crow felt his lips dry.
Involuntarily, he swallowed a mouthful of saliva, and the sun was gradually rising. The crow could clearly see that the place where the explosion light was emitted was the team that was after him and the area where he had just been.
To put it simply, the other party is cleaning up everyone directly, regardless of everything. The crow realized his fear and sense of crisis when he thought of this.
"Falk, this group of crazy people is crazy." The crow murmured and watched the flames continue to burst. Obviously, the other party didn’t treat the team that was after him as one of their own.
So they didn’t hesitate to kill the team directly, or they thought it was worthwhile to kill the crow and lose a team.
A machete and a walking sound came from the canopy of "Sita Sita Suosuo". The crow looked down at the canopy and saw the figures painted with oil paint on their way to the explosion area.
One of them was walking in the middle school with a camouflage headscarf, and the man was whispering something.
"I’m on my way. I haven’t found it yet." It’s too far away. The crow can’t hear it clearly, but it’s obvious that this team is coming to replace the one that was cleaned up
The crow withdrew her eyes and then remained silent in the canopy. Soon the sound of "Xi Xi Suo Suo" disappeared, but the crow still did not move and got some vines to do some camouflage.
Crows are lying in the vines to rest. Just now, things have stimulated him too much. Even if they are strong, they are just soldiers. That doesn’t mean they are Superman or Wolverine.
If the bomb hits, it will die. The beam bomb bombing is almost covering. It is just bombing the camp where they have been. Now even their own team has bombed it.
What do you mean, the other party is already crazy, and now it’s really going to kill them at all costs. Crows absolutely believe that if they show up themselves, the other party will definitely send various means of attack and killing nearby.
Because the crow saw some small black spots again, he hid himself and looked at them coldly.
He soon saw what these were. The military plane, the high-endurance reconnaissance machine and the all-in-one machine swallowed a mouthful of saliva. The crow didn’t even dare to move. Now, if he doesn’t move, he will still be alive.
If you move around, you will be hit head-on if you are not sure.
Crows don’t think they can escape these man-machine bombardments. That’s when crows hear the tree coming again, followed by someone talking in the tree.
"Is there no one alive?" The crow didn’t dare to see him, but he listened to what the other party said. "Half of them have been wiped out, but the main guy still hasn’t been found."
"Sir, the meaning is very simple. Those damn losers can’t even do this, so they are meaningless."
The sound was without a trace of emotion. "Keep searching. Maybe that bastard has been blown to pieces long ago. Make sure there is no wreckage. I hope I can find some good jobs."
Chapter seven hundred and ninety-seven Decision
The crow is now really moving and dare not move through the vine. Although the man-machine painted camouflage, he still found some of them. Where are more men-machines and whether they are equipped with heat source induction?
He has no idea that in this case, he may be found if he moves a little, but the chance of being found is relatively small. It is daytime now, and if it is night, the crow must find a way to shield the heat source.
Otherwise, once it is detected, waiting for him will be a siege attack on the tree crown, and small teams will comb this jungle back and forth. Obviously, they think there may be fish escaping from the net here.
Through a little messy dialogue in their com, the crows knew that they had broken out. Some of the team had successfully escaped from their encirclement, but some were still stuck in the jungle.
The crow came from the crown of the tree after the night fell slowly. He lowered his head, first disguised himself with dead vines, rotten leaves and mud, and then slowly evacuated along the vines.
But he is mainly not trying to evacuate, but to find a new place to live. If he talks too much now, he will soon be found. Crows are not sure that they will be alive against dozens of people.
In particular, the other side has all kinds of well-equipped equipment and man-machine assistance. It’s a pity that they can’t carry it unless they are Superman Wolverine.
Go around and hide for a while before a crow finds a tree hole where he can barely hide. Some leaves that look like weeds are cut from the side and thrown into the tree hole after being crushed.
After a while, all kinds of reptiles came out of the tree hole and spilled it several times to make sure there was nothing inside. The crow got short and got in, checked it out and retreated.
Find mud, dig some rotten leaves nearby, pull over some vines and carefully disguise this tree hole.
At this time, the crow is very fortunate that when he was mixed with the old aborigines in the jungle for a while, the crow’s body was not as high as that of the white people.
When everyone drinks wine, they make a mess, so they also learn a lot from these indigenous people. This disguise has already satisfied the crow.
He didn’t have the confidence to learn these things in those days, but he wandered around in the jungle so blindly. The indigenous people lived in the jungle, and their ancestors lived in it. Many experiences and methods were summed up by blood and tears.
Crows, on the other hand, combined the experience of modern jungle warfare and added a lot to their indigenous methods.
For example, it is not easy to find a tree hole in this tree hole now. Not every tree hole can hide people, especially if the other party may have a heat source sensor.
It needs to be wet enough nearby, so that the soft mud can prevent the heat source from spreading out to a certain extent, and it is better to have water nearby, so that many jungle animals will interfere with the identification of the heat source
At the same time, the hole in the tree must be cleaned, otherwise you will just get in. In case there are bullet ants or centipedes, scorpions and poisonous snakes in it, you will kill yourself before the enemy kills you.
Take out cocoa powder and lick it carefully. The crow has just left the road to pick wild fruits and put them in his mouth to satisfy his hunger. Now he chooses to rest again.
Hunger is more terrible than other dangers in the jungle, and even the top hunters in the indigenous areas can’t guarantee that they can often catch their prey. In fact, hunger is the normal state.
It’s a good treat to be able to eat once a day. It’s not good for hunters, especially now that crows are still being hunted. It’s impossible to run out and expose their whereabouts to hunt. He can try to find some wild fruits or vines and weeds that can eat.
It is very important to ensure the minimum consumption of cocoa powder at this time. This is also the habit of crows to always take some with them when they are seized. It is at this time that they can ensure that they can meet the minimum energy consumption.
Now there are two ways in front of the crow. One is to be careful and hide as much as possible. You have to wait until the other side withdraws, or even if support comes, it is a victory.
The second is to find an opportunity to evacuate, but the latter way will create a serious problem, and he is likely to be found.
If it’s hidden, it’s best not to do anything, just wait quietly and bet that the support troops will arrive soon or the other party will give up after repeated search and realize that there is no value here.
However, is the crow willing to gamble? Obviously, he will not put his hopes on others.
So his decision now is to find a chance to kill him.
Chapter seven hundred and ninety A madman
The crow will decide to kill it for the simple reason that these bastards killed the jackals that fell into their hands.
When the crow came out of the tree hole, he saw the warhead cut and hung, the body and the flies with their eyes gouged flying around him, and his muscles were almost cut.
The blood has dried up and solidified into a black block. The crow didn’t pick up the bullet body. He knew that the other party would set up a warning even if he didn’t set a trap next to the body.
So his choice is to find a hidden spot far away, get ready, and then catch a spherical python and throw it far away
Boom, the spherical python was thrown to the ground by the crow and crawled forward desperately, and then it detonated the booby trap hidden beside the warhead.
Not long after, a team of seven people smeared with oil paints slowly approached here.
This ticket holder is very cautious. The left and right sides of the two men are five or six meters apart. After seeing the spherical python’s blown body, the two men relaxed a little, but they still carefully checked the traces around.
It seems that it is confirmed that there is no problem here, and they made an Ann gesture toward the rear. In fact, this is also a normal crow, and they have guessed that they will arrange some traces nearby.
If these marks are touched, then it is said that someone is nearby, and his roots are not close to the bullet body, that is, he does not touch those marks, which may be a leaf, a branch or a piece of mud.
Several figures appeared on the sound of "Sita Suosuo" and soon gathered around the warhead body. They carefully examined the bombed ball python and then looked at the traces around it.
It’s a pity that without waiting for them to look around carefully, three sharp branches suddenly came towards them from the vines.
"Hey" caught off guard a few stuffy hum only to see two figures clutching their thighs and so overturned on the ground.
When the "enemy attack" growled, it was only to see that this group of people suddenly rolled and fell down against the branches and flew out. The area was "chug chug" with a series of some shots. However, it was at this time that a stump suddenly fell from the canopy.
A few people turned over and hid the stake, but the stake fell to the ground. At the same time, those rolling camouflage Han suddenly shrank their pupils because the stake surface was actually tied with seven grenades.
"Bang" a violent explosion, a group of people couldn’t help but send out a stuffy hum.
It was also at this time that a black shadow jumped out of the smoke like a ghost. He felt a pain in his throat when he didn’t even react recently, and then a warm splash came out.

"Except for that condition!"

Chapter 1114 I want to go to Dengxian Road
Don’t blame Wang Jiutian for being cautious. It’s just that no one can do it.
If the world can really do it …
Probably also created the world’s strong.
"The important thing is not that I can promise you anything just now."
Hearing this, Ling Tian couldn’t help raising his eyebrows.
Gave Wang Jiutian a deep look
"Can seniors really do what they say?"
Wang Jiutian’s tone is full of confidence.
It seems that there is nothing he can’t do except help Ling Tian return to the outside world.
So it seems that Wang Jiutian’s identity is definitely not simple
It’s not a simple person to let him bend down and protect Kuibing.
Ling tianxiao a test way
"Then it’s no problem if I say let Jiang Gu enter the central city."
"No problem!"
Maybe this condition is difficult for others.
But it is really nothing to Wang Jiutian.
It’s just to let a small family enter the central city. The original ginger family actually has the qualification to stand in the main city, but I don’t know why I have been staying in Xiongcheng.
It is still possible to make an exception and let them enter the central city.
"Then …"
"Senior, I just asked. That’s not my condition."
Mom is still too late!
Wang Jiu’s teeth itch. Facing Ling Tian, he always has the illusion of facing the old foxes in the central city.
He rubbed his face and endured the anger way
"Well, then you go ahead."
"What are your requirements?"
If it weren’t for any particularly harsh conditions, he would have done it!
As a result, I listened to Ling Tian and said
"I want to go to Dengxian Road"
What’s the difference between this and going back to the outside world?
Wang Jiutian almost didn’t stretch.
"Little fellow, are you trying to find my heart?"
"If I can let you step on the road to immortality, then I still refuse your just condition?"
"Then there is no way."
Ling day shrugged his shoulders and said
"Senior, I am sincerely qualified."
"But it’s no wonder that you can’t do both of my conditions?"
Hmm. How interesting
Wang Jiutian couldn’t help but give Ling Tian a dirty look.
Two more conditions. Is this different from one condition?
In other words, it’s different?
Do you really think he is stupid?
Wang Jiutian can be sure that the conditions of Ling Tian will also depend on this side.
That root is meaningless.
He took a deep breath and earnest way
"Do you know what your kungfu means to us?"
"I know"
"I don’t know … er, you know?"
Wang Jiutian planned to play emotional cards, but he was put out by Ling Tian before he got there.
He looked at ling day wait for a while a little don’t understand.
"Since you know that you have to be so harsh?"
Ling day asks.
"Is it possible that if I hand over the achievement method, it will be a selfish villain if I don’t hand it over righteously?"
How can Wang Jiutian answer this?
He can’t say that’s it, can he?
After all, the achievement method is everyone’s secret. Why should I give it to others?
Just like those big families, how can they stay in the big family position if they don’t rely on advanced martial arts?
It’s already been destroyed. Okay!
I can’t say this answer to his theory.
"Ling day …"

As the saying goes, "everything must come to an end" is probably the case.

Although everyone is a wise person, everyone can understand this truth, but understanding and accepting are two different things, and it will be uncomfortable and difficult. After all, people are manipulated by emotions.
"Hehe, don’t talk about this, talk about where to play!" Xin, watching them intentionally bifurcation this topic pretend heart said
Lin Yixuan is also a wise man. When he heard Si Xin, he immediately thought about it. This is to change the subject. After all, this atmosphere is embarrassing.
"This? Naturally, it is necessary to ask about the rain. "Lin Yixuan deliberately dragged his tail and sold it. Then, at one turn, he threw the question to Xuanyuanqi Rain.
Xuanyuan Qiyu is also a white man. If he doesn’t say too much, he will be white.
"Ha ha, it’s right to ask me this question. After all, I am the best at eating, drinking and being merry." XuanYuanQi rain smiled and patrolled the crowd and said some narcissism.
Seeing their interaction, Zhao Huanyan’s eyes flashed with envy, and she felt a little redundant and seemed to be unable to blend in with them. However, Zhao Huanyan has always been kind, and she was relieved to see their hearts. After all, she really regarded Si Xin and Su Man as her friends.
"Yes, yes, yes, it’s time to find thirteen emperors. In that case, please ask thirteen emperors to lead the way!" Xin, along the XuanYuanQi rain stopped some banter and said
XuanYuanQi enjoying the rain automatically ignored the banter in the words of Si Xin.
In this way, Xin and his party set off under the guidance of Xuanyuanqi Rain.
To think about Xin, I want to ask XuanYuanQi rain where they are going, but after thinking about it, I still forget to look at XuanYuanQi rain. If I think about Xin, I will know that XuanYuanQi rain is ready to sell, and it is also a waste of time to tell them what they have asked.
Sixin doesn’t like to do useless things, so he gave up his idea.
Lin Yixuan and Su Man have been staying with XuanYuanQi rain and playing around recently. They still believe that XuanYuanQi rain has never let them down, so they don’t ask much.
In Zhao Huanyan, she feels thoughtful. They can go anywhere. Anyway, with them together, she is happy and free.
This trip, XuanYuanQi rain still took his luxury carriage, so I couldn’t help it. XuanYuanQi rain was too lazy to walk, so he could take the luxury carriage instead of walking.
To tell the truth XuanYuanQi rain this carriage department is really a little spacious, even if the five of them don’t feel crowded, there is still some room.
This trip, Xuanyuan Qiyu still let the wooden fish catch the bus.
I can’t help it. Who told this wooden fish that his martial arts skills are high and his driving skills are good? What are the two beautiful ways to protect him and be a coachman?
Of course, it was Xuanyuan Qi who had to ignore the wooden fish when he sang against Taiwan, which would be perfect.
After a bumpy ride, the carriage finally stopped.
"Ha ha, our destination is clear!" XuanYuanQi rain liao car curtain with a smile at all and then made a gesture, please.
Everyone came into view one after another with a carriage, and a big plaque with the words "Thirteen Blessed Lands" written on it.
It turns out that Si Xin, they came not to other places but to Xuanyuan Qiyu to buy their own houses. Of course, these outsiders don’t know.
It was because XuanYuanQi was thinking about Xin Yu that they were all his friends in Jiu Ge, and during these few days, he felt that they were not bad, and he was very fond of his own appetite, so he thought of bringing them to his privately purchased mansion.
To tell the truth, Xuanyuanqi’s eye for rain is still good. The location of this mansion is good. It’s like a paradise. I like it very much. If I live in such a place, it must be good.
It’s really nice to feel a moment of peace here.
In fact, I heard of the "Thirteen Blessed Lands" when I was a child. It is said that this is a private residence built by the thirteen emperors themselves.
See all eyes yearning color XuanYuanQi rain corners of the mouth can’t help but raise a proud radian.
"Ha ha, everyone, don’t wait outside. Let’s go in!" Xuanyuanqi rain looked at all and then smiled and said
Chapter 227 Go to Jiangcheng with you
Hear XuanYuanQi rain all nodded with a smile and went in with XuanYuanQi rain.
Because XuanYuanQi rain thinking today to bring thought xin, so early in the morning to send someone here to do some kind of.
When thinking about Xin, when they entered the garden, it can be said that there was a dry Kun, which made people have to marvel at the wonderful work of negotiating.
In fact, this "thirteen blessed places" is a natural one, and it was accidentally seen by Xuanyuan Qiyu.
Then, in order to enjoy the beautiful scenery here alone, he spent a lot of money to build a courtyard here to enclose it.
Xuanyuanqi often comes out of the palace to enjoy the rain when it’s all right.
To tell the truth, people who are used to the hustle and bustle of the city suddenly come to such a place, and their mood will be much quieter, making people forget the hustle and bustle of the world and their troubles. Now they are thinking about it.
This is especially true for Zhao Huanyan, because she is a girl with pure mind and simple mind, which is very suitable for living in such a place.
When you come to Zhao Huanyan, you should always keep calm and prevent the recurrence of stubborn diseases caused by bad mood.
Zhao Huanyan is quiet here, which is very suitable for her self-cultivation.
Actually, I’m still surprised that XuanYuanQi Rain will like such a place. It seems that many people are not what they seem.
Many people wear masks to show their true colors in front of others, but how many people know about their sufferings?
In many people’s hearts, there are secrets that no one knows. Once exposed, they will become bloody and bones will be deeply painful.
That’s why people wear masks to hide their pains from being discovered, but when they wake up in the middle of the night, they have to wake up suddenly and lick their wounds alone
Think of these thoughts xin, don’t have a meaningful look at the XuanYuanQi rain.
"Ha ha thirteen emperors didn’t expect you to enjoy it?" Xin, looking at XuanYuanQi rain some banter said
Hear the words of Xin, XuanYuanQi rain face flashed a little stunned, but soon recovered.
"Ha ha, of course. Anyway, what else can the emperor do without pleasure?" XuanYuanQi rain eyes dimly discernible looking at somewhere seems to think xin, and said to himself.
Listen carefully and you will find that Xuanyuan Qiyu has a faint sense of loneliness in this discourse.
Hear XuanYuanQi rain this thought xin, unexpectedly some right.
It is also for XuanYuanQi rain that there is no power behind him. His mother princess died early and left him alone in the palace. If it had not been for XuanYuanQi desert, I’m afraid he would have become a dead soul.
Oh, I don’t want to. Some things are really more and more uncomfortable, and it’s not Xuanyuan Qiyu’s style to think too much. So let bygones be bygones and let him go!
"Well, not much said, let’s get something to eat and then take you around." XuanYuanQi rain calmed down and looked at the crowd as usual and said with a smile.
When it comes to eating Suman’s eyes, it gives off an amazing light.
It is also important for Su Man, a madman who loves to eat, that the beauty in front of him is of course not important.
"Yes, yes, yes, yes, yes." Suman promised to talk cheerfully and rubbed his belly!
Seeing Su Man’s cute appearance, Lin Yixuan’s eyes are spoiled. He just loves Su Man, who is naive and loves to eat. He never does anything and says anything. He is always straightforward.
Perhaps it is because of this that Su Man will be attracted to it!
Xuanyuanqi rain took everyone to a hall. At this time, the table was already full of food, fruit, a little heart, meat and vegetables. When I swept it, it was a dazzling array of food, which made the population swallow the saliva continuously.
In particular, Suman’s eyes feel almost glued to the table, drooling and looking at the delicious food on the table.
Even if there is no stir at ordinary times, Zhao Huanyan was instantly surprised when she saw this table of food.
And thinking Xin, the mood at this time is that this Xuanyuanqi rain is too extravagant. I don’t know how much money this guy has. Dare to be so extravagant? I really don’t know where he got all this money.
According to Si Xin, an emperor’s salary is actually a little more than that of ordinary ministers, and it can’t support Xuanyuan Qi’s rain. It seems that Xuanyuan Qi’s rain is not simple!
How can you be so extravagant if you don’t have a little source of income?
Thinking of these thoughts, Xin suddenly had a plan in his heart. Maybe he could pull Xuanyuanqi rain into his camp, maybe he could earn a lot of money and take this big Zhou Dynasty economic department into his own hands so as to better help Xuanyuanqi desert.

"The doctor said it doesn’t have to depend on his desire to survive, maybe overnight or longer."

"Well, let’s stay here with Xiaoya and take your sister-in-law home for dinner. The nutritionist is waiting for the meal." Gu He ordered.
"Well, we’ll come back after dinner, and my parents will wait for me to deliver your meal."
"Well, go ahead and watch your sister-in-law let her eat more."
Ye Ran doesn’t want to leave her family to persuade her not to eat, and the child should not be surprised when she has to eat this button.
Gu Ya had no appetite, grabbed chopsticks and poked rice in the bowl, urging Ye Ran to eat quickly from time to time.
"Xiaoya, it was a mistake for your brother to marry me."
"Sister-in-law you entertain foolish ideas? My brother likes you so much that it is not a mistake that you have given him so much happiness. You are his blessing. "
"No matter what sequela your brother leaves, it’s my fault."
Ye Ran said that the glittering and translucent tears fell into the bowl, and the rice grains were even more glittering and translucent.
"Sister-in-law can’t cry, the child is unstable, and your mood can’t fluctuate too much. My brother will come back safely, and his desire for survival will definitely be strong."
Gu Ya’s tears are spinning in her eyes, saying that she is not worried is false.
"I hope that when your brother wakes up, I will take good care of him and not make him angry."
Ye Ran’s nails sank deep into the palm of her hand and she blamed herself.
At night, it gets dark and the sky falls completely gloomy, and the thin rain adds a coolness to the cold.
"Sister-in-law, go and change a thicker feather. It’s a little thin. It’s freezing outside."
"No, I’m not cold."
Ye Ran refused to finish Gu Ya and ran to her room to pick out a thick and long black down for her to change.
Gu Ya carefully drove forward for more than half an hour’s drive and was abruptly stopped by her for more than an hour.
"Sister-in-law, stay stable and don’t get excited."
"Yeah, I see."
Ye Ran, of course, should be careful about Gu Lengchen’s injury. Her family has been saddened. If she has another accident, it will really kill the old man.
The nurse went into the ward and told them that the patient was recovering well. If there was any news, she would inform them as soon as possible and let them rest in the family room.
Cui Relan wants to accompany Gu Lengchen. She refuses to leave Gu He and Ye Ran. They have to sleep for a while.
Then the division of labor, such as Gu Bowen accompanying Cui Ruolan, is responsible for taking care of Mrs. Ye Ran and Gu He outside the ward.
Two senior escort rooms, four people with a lot on their minds.
Gu Ya kept saying words of encouragement to persuade Ye Ran not to entertain foolish ideas.
After a tight day, my nerves are really tired, especially my back is sore
Thinking about Gu Lengchen, she can’t sleep, just close her eyes and rest.
The next morning, it was dawn and fell overnight, and the rain stopped wetting the ground with a little mud.
Ye Ran rolled over and grabbed the clothes and ran to the ward, followed by Gu Ya.
Shout "Sister-in-law, slow down and watch your step" while chasing.
When she met Gu Bowen and Cui Ruolan, she asked, "Did mom and dad have the latest news? Is he better?"
Cui Ruolan shook his head and his eyes were bloodshot. "I didn’t say that the nurse finished checking and said that Xiaochen showed no signs of awakening. Let’s wait."
"Oh" Ye Ran lost.
Slowly approaching the glass door, I saw the man still in the posture of yesterday, but there were a few missing tubes.
At noon, Tang Tang and Dong Yan and Xiao Li and Su Su rushed into the hospital and went straight to Gu Lengchen’s ward.
"Eldest brother gu total injury is very serious? How are you? Why didn’t you inform us when you were pregnant? Susie and I don’t know. "
Xiao Li panted and complained
"You’re lucky you’re not hurt." Ye Ran’s tone was light and weak
"Xiao Ran hug"
Before Tang Tang put his arms around Ye Rancai, he didn’t see her for a day. She felt that Ye Ran was haggard and was totally different from yesterday.
"It will pass. Everything will pass. Shake it up a little. Your husband won’t want to see you like this when he wakes up."
"I’m fine. I’ll protect the child until Gu Lengchen recovers."
"That’s good. We are the strongest."
Listen, Tang Tang comforted Ye Ran, who was sad and bit his lip so hard that he was not allowed to cry.
Sue Sue is pregnant. "Editor-in-chief, think that children feel tired and sit or lie down quickly, but you can’t support me. I heard Tang Tang say that children don’t develop well, so you should pay more attention."
"Don’t worry" Ye Ran replied to stay in Susu and summon up the lower abdomen.
I looked down at my abdomen, which was particularly flat. If I didn’t know that Root wouldn’t notice that she was pregnant for six or seven months, she should be as big as Susu.
The hospital is crowded and noisy, which is not suitable for long stay.
Gu He asked Tang Tang to lead Ye Ran home. The patient’s germs were mostly here, and he was afraid of catching any diseases for a long time.
Ye Ran didn’t leave or was dragged out by Dong Yan and Xiao Li. At this time, you can’t let Ye Ran have sex.
Five people found a large-scale restaurant and offered to make up for Ye Ran.
Dong Yan invited Tang Tang and Xiao Li to help order a full table of dishes, which Ye Ran loved.

Of course, if I love the idea of not invading Kunlun Xianzong, these words are just some gossip.

This is a test of whether extreme love is kind and hostile to Kunlun Xianzong.
It is obvious that love failed to pass the kind judgment and fell into the trap.
Chapter five hundred and ninety-six Collect root fruit
In the biological nature of monty
Peel off the surface layer of human skin and you will find that they are invaders in human skin.
Their purpose is aggression.
All warmth, kindness, love, cuteness, naughty, and understanding are ultimately to swallow you up.
Not intentionally false.
But they really know that the floating foam in the sea of blood is more glorious than the God of other worlds.
This is a question of values
I don’t want to refute the right and wrong. At the moment, I still have a comeback.
"Talk about it ~ What do you want?" I loved my hand and took out a little red oiled paper umbrella. "How about you let me go and give you this baby?"
"The first condition is that the horse deviation is hitting the Kaijie blood sea!" Lin chong frown said
He received a warning from Zao Fu that the boundary between blood and sea was extremely close to Kai Jie, and it had to be accelerated. It was originally less than two years before the boundary between blood and sea would be in contact, but just a few hours ago, the acceleration speed of the boundary between blood and sea had to be multiplied by ten times, so it didn’t take two months for the boundary to collide.
Two months and four hours.
"I’m intimidated by you and I’m afraid I can’t move a world ~" I sighed very much. "If you can let me open this umbrella, I can probably move it."
"Don’t move!" Lin chong is so happy. If you can speed up the blood boundary, you can’t make it deviate from the target. If you cover the history of heaven with this umbrella, who knows where you will sneak away!
"If you dare to move, I will dare to blow it up!" Lin Chong is a man who hugged a nuclear bomb, and he is true to his words.
I love it very much, too. She bowed her head and played with the handle of the little red oiled paper umbrella.
Time goes by little by little.
After a few seconds.
"hey!" I loved it so much that I called out again, "The dragon days in the turtle world are coming. My two big monties seem to have suddenly disappeared. It’s a pity that I’m going to lose my horse when I finally get the root fruit!"
Why don’t you go back and dispose of the fruit? It saves me time and I have nothing to give you. At best, I can help you remove the blood boundary, so that you can get a new fruit if you are fine. This is my greatest sincerity! "
"I have my own way to do these two things without bothering you." Lin Chong snorted.
"You are a rookie with high energy …" Love muttered.
Mist world
With the new Zhou Dynasty, the Lord ascended the rainbow ladder after the rain, and the dragon heaven descended, the terrans suddenly fell into despair. After only 20 years, they forgot the fear of being ruled by the aquarium. How happy they were when they wiped out 30 billion aquarium in these three years, and how afraid they were when they faced the dragon heaven.
At this time, the whispers entered the ears of all terrans in the fog world.
"It’s my positive result that people who live in the same place should have the same idea in their hearts and share the view of human race …"
This sound seems to be inherited from ancient times and reverberates today.
It goes deep into the origin of mankind, and the most profound memory is to carve the rescue information in DNA.
All the people in this world will remember this unforgettable … "Sue humanity" when they are told that all human beings are desperate after 300 billion worlds, 3,000 worlds and 24 days.
So one fog Terran and two fog Terrans … Qian Qian’s ten million fog Terrans happen to coincide to read out.
"… human beings are not created by gods or given by heaven, but evolved from the universe …
From the scale worm in the ancient sea to the savage who drilled fire in the wild mainland, and today, it is possible to reach a splendid text …
The wind, the rain, the fire, the road, the blue wisp of jade …
There is no need to pity the gods and buddhas all over the sky …
We are a completely independent and must be independent ethnic group!
Today, this is officially announced to all terrans in the universe.
My earth language will be your refuge.
On being in the party, having the same mind and recognizing the concept of human race can all enter my three realms, and I will get the right result! "
With these hundreds of millions of languages recited together,
Heaven and earth resonate.
And this resonates with the sky and the earth leads to a long scroll, which is still white, and there is a spiritual old man at the beginning, just like the chief engineer
Overlooking this world, the chief engineer in the volume is a little surprised. "So many people … Well, the messenger of the earth welcomes you to join the human family!"
A series of streamers rose from all parts of the foggy world in reverse, and more and more people were involved in the long volume "Tell Man". When the chief engineer shook hands one by one, it was no longer possible to wave his hand to welcome him.
Dragon heaven is coming.
By the time "Tell Man" took away this Terran, there was already a strange dragon in the dragon heaven. His leopard body and dragon head were as powerful as the sky were to fall, but he was greeted by a demon race who was as lost as a mortal aquarium being slaughtered.
Without the umbrella, the dragon god has been able to have a good look at the history of this world. It is his name that makes him want to split.
"Love! And …! "
God’s eyes flashed, and he was looking at Lin Chong, who was collecting the root fruit of this world.
The root fruit in Lin Chong’s hand is huge like a hydrogen balloon, but it is only half of it.
Looked at by the vengeful God, Lin Chongjue felt that heaven and earth were bursting as if the whole person were going to fall into reincarnation.
One eye is awesome here.
Lin Chong knew that he couldn’t hesitate any longer. He launched a recruitment order and disappeared into the fog with half the fruit.
Behind him, God shouted angrily, "Lord Kunlun!"
The strategy for the fog world stops here.
Lin Chong’s shell of Jin Xian returned to Luotian.
With a huge root in his hand.
This fruit will be built in the future.

Chen Yan’s life span has increased several times

One hundred years, one thousand years, ten thousand years … In the end, David chan can’t see the end of his life, which means that David chan won’t die and live forever.
Sensing the change in the breath of Chen Yan, the leader of Tongtian said happily when he appeared beside him, "A good teacher will know that your blessings are enough, and it’s not like you died early. You finally survived the big disaster."
Chen Yanxiao said, "Thank you, Teacher Dawn. My soul has not yet finished metamorphosis, but my spiritual realm has reached the level of”. My soul will no longer dissipate and save my brother’s own hands."
When the soul needs to change
When the spiritual realm is enough, the soul will naturally become successful.
This is a natural process.
Tongtian leader nodded, "Good teacher also wants to know how far you are from Kun Peng?"
Chapter 967 dozen however also want to play.
Kun Peng bet on the scenery, which is relatively hidden, and most people can’t find it, but Amtrak wants to go to save people, so he can easily find Kun Peng and seize the scenery. Just fish out Amtrak and let Amtrak trap himself.
This is an open plan
Ulrich even knows it’s a trap. He must drill into it to save lives.
Kun Peng, dressed in a robe, looked like a soap bubble and sat cross-legged inside.
Ten years have come.
The aura in Xiaoli has consumed the scenery, even if the fairy body is strong in spirit, but without the aura energy to nourish her body, her body is rapidly aging and her hair has turned white.
However, the mood of the scene is as calm as ever.
She has the courage to face death bravely, and Kunpeng does regard her with special respect. Unfortunately, this character is not a demon race.
Kunpeng sneered and said, "It seems that Princess Jing will not come to save you."
Jing said calmly, "It’s better not to say that he is rational and sometimes fights with you. What are you proud of when your plot falls?"
Jing knows that Kun Peng took himself away to force Chen Yan to live and die. Kun Peng doesn’t care at all. If Kun Peng doesn’t reach his goal, it will be good. I hope Chen Yan had better not come.
Kunpeng is too strong.
Chen Yan didn’t deliberately keep it a secret when he joined the interception. Both the Taiyi real person and the Taoist priest know that there is no reason why the bodhi old zu should not know.
The bodhi old zu in Kunpeng is still a little worried, afraid that the leader of Tongtian will personally rescue the saints. No matter how strong Kunpeng is, he will have to retreat.
A saint is equivalent to the incarnation of heaven and heaven. There are really not many things that saints can’t do.
Nvwa empress and demon clan have a deep relationship, but she certainly won’t do anything about Kunpeng to resist the leader of Tongtian.
A sword light flashed across.
The bet was punctured like a bubble.
Scene can once again absorb the energy of reiki. The "dry" body is nourished by reiki and quickly restores vitality and vitality.
Scene heart andao "what the hell are you here?"
Kunpeng ignored the scene but stared at the present with a virtual ha ha smile. "Chen Yan, you are finally here. Show yourself. Don’t hide your head and show your tail."
A teenager with a unique temperament in a white coat and short hair appeared in virtual reality.
It is Chen Yan.
Scene staring at the photo shouted "…"
Chen Yan said to Jing, "You go first without saying anything."
Scenic spots nodded.
Chen Yan and Kun Peng confront each other. She’s a fairy to stay here. It’s a death row. If she is swept away by the aftermath of the battle, she will die.
Scenery a streamer flew away quickly.
She is fast, but in the eyes of Yan Chen and Kun Peng, she is as slow as a snail.
Jing Li Kun Peng didn’t stop him, because he grasped the scenery to attract the artist out, and his goal has been achieved. The fairy is so weak that he is not qualified to die in the hands of the bodhi old zu Kun Peng.
Elwynn looked at Kunpeng and said calmly, "XXL people’s life has always been aboveboard to hide their heads and tails?" Master Yao, your whereabouts have been very secretive since the fall of Di Jun and Taiyi, two demon emperors. Haven’t you always wanted to find me? I am coming! "
Chen Yan’s state is the real peak at the moment.
Kun Peng saw that Chen Yan was much stronger than before.
Kunpeng’s eyes are full of malice and domineering. He sneers, "Your life is really great. You can’t die when your soul dissipates, and you have worshipped Lingbao Tianzun’s door and become a saint’s brother-in-law. It’s only ten years since you became a pick fairy. Well, to be honest, I’m really afraid that you will die. If you die, where can I get the clue of HarmonyOS Purple Gas? Ulrich will hongyun HarmonyOS purple gas hand it over. "
Ulrich sighed in his heart and felt that Kunpeng was pitiful. He didn’t want to be holy, but he insisted on what HarmonyOS Ziqi was instead of understanding the law of heaven.
The need for sanctification is mind, perseverance, courage and mind.
HarmonyOS purple gas is limited even if it is helpful to practice.
Chen Yan is not greedy, angry or dependent on foreign things.
Self-reliance and down-to-earth practice.
Until now, Chen Yan doesn’t even have a treasure, but his mood is still calm and he hasn’t thought about killing people to get the treasure.
Kun Peng is too greedy. His greed is HarmonyOS purple gas.
Doing a face of gentle smiled and said, "demon teacher, how many times do you want me to say it before you believe it? It was a coincidence that I got the bodhi old zu inheritance from Hongyun, but HarmonyOS Ziqi is definitely not me. I don’t even know what HarmonyOS Ziqi is like. If you don’t have him, Chen Mou will leave first. "
Kunpeng face cruel smile "don’t hand over HarmonyOS purple gas you want to go? There are not many strong men in the Three Realms who can escape from me, but certainly not you. "

They all bullied Lonely Cloud.

In an instant, more than 100 dragons have been suppressed by Su Mo!
Or pass out completely
Or lie down and scream from time to time.
Destroy it!
The battlefield is bloody!
In addition to Su Mo, there is only one dumpling dragon youth left!
Su Mo came to the front of this person with a calm expression and a light gaze, staring at this person without saying a word.
The distance between them is extremely close!
The dumpling dragon youth is pale, his arms are trembling slightly, and he is already sweating all over!
Although he has dragon dignity, it is impossible to say that he is afraid in the face of such a scene.
The two men stood face to face, and the dumpling dragon youth dared not look up at each other!
Su Mo terror aura This person can’t move with his head down. He has a kneeling impulse!
This man in front of him evokes the fear in the depths of his soul and blood.
At this time, the movement here has alarmed a lot of miscellaneous dragons.
Not far away, there are five-pulse dragons!
Just before the eyes of the public, this dumpling dragon youth suddenly knelt down and trembled uncontrollably, as if he were suffering from great fear and pressure!
This scene caused an uproar among the dragons.
It’s one thing to suppress the dragons, but it’s another thing to force a dragon to kneel by himself if he stands with a negative hand!
A dragon force vomitted an one mouthful water look disdain sneer at a way "is really a shame even if dozen however also can’t kneel! Dragon dignity is not blasphemous! "
"Hum, I’m afraid I can’t get along with this dragon. I’m sure I’ll be bullied to death by his dragon people."
Listening to the sounds from the dragons, the dumpling dragon youth felt bitter in his heart.
Without this red-haired man, you will never feel that horrible pressure!
He can’t resist it!
This red-haired man makes him feel more terrible than the dragon in the five veins!
"Do you know that I didn’t suppress you?"
Sue ink light asked
"No, I don’t know"
Dumpling dragon youth in the heart a vibrato all paused.
Su Mo said, "Go back and let your little master Jiaolong come to see me!"
Although the tone of this sentence is calm, it is full of unquestionable hegemony!
I don’t know how this dumpling dragon youth can consciously promise.
If this person is granted Amnesty, he can’t even turn around when he gets up
He hung his head and slowly retreated a few feet before turning around and leaving in a hurry.
Chapter one thousand seventy-four Blood pressure
Not far away, several candle dragons, with their red hair and flaming look, just watched this scene in their spare time.
"a little interesting"
The first candle dragon youth has a slight pout in her mouth.
Behind a Candle dragon frowning slightly sink a way "autumn elder brother this dragon ink seems really a bit tricky".
Call the dragon autumn candle dragon youth eyes with disdain lightly said "bullying some miscellaneous dragons is nothing"
"Not bad"
Another Candle dragon sneered, "There’s such a big noise here. Four miscellaneous dragons and less masters must show up."
"If this dragon ink can’t even get through the four miscellaneous dragons, it’s not worth our brother Qiu’s hand!"
On the other side, there is a dragon, and the dragon people have just followed us from Taikoo Shenquan.
"This dragon ink is really something."

At this time, the king of the nine-claw chapter defeated the dozen fire dragons and saw that the female momentum was rising. It said dismissively

"Don’t say that after this war, you might not be here anymore!" The woman replied with a smile
"What a big breath!"
The king of the Nine Claws Chapter does not believe that its nine black tentacles sweep towards the main peak at the same time.
The woman is a big drink, and immediately nine fire dragons are saved to meet an antenna respectively.
The fire splashed and exploded!
Nine fire dragons beat back the nine tentacles of the nine-claw chapter and the nine tentacles of the nine-claw chapter, while the flame of the female body is getting stronger and stronger.
"It seems that I am old enough to get something real, otherwise I really can’t get you, little woman!"
The king of the Nine Claws was shining all over, and the nine tentacles shook together, and several blue lightsabers suddenly formed and formed a sword rain all over the sky, falling towards the big iron pillar of the main peak.
The woman is dragging a long flame to meet the sword rain all over the sky and rushed to the King of Nine Claws.
Even though the body is far away from the main iron pillar, the woman is still accepting the law to infuse fire energy into her body.
While the woman was advancing, a small umbrella-shaped light curtain stood in front of her and defeated all the swords and rains on the road.
The woman was extremely fast, and almost immediately she flew to the front of the King of Nine Claws and reached the back of the King of Nine Claws after a flash.
But the female delicate body in front of the king with nine claws is smaller than small. If it weren’t for her body, everyone would see her.
King Zhang with nine claws kept waving his nine tentacles, but he hit the woman on its back in every way.
The woman is very flexible, constantly hitting the flames at the body of King Zhang with nine claws.
The King of Nine Claws can dodge the opponent’s attack, but it seems a little narrow for it in these nine days’ gathering fire array, so let it exert itself.
It can’t help but regret that it shouldn’t have rushed in just now, but it was an opportunity just now. Its temper and strength roots can’t help it. After all, the Guishui large array did bring a threat to the Nine-Day Gathering Fire Array. It was really the Nine-Day Gathering Fire Array that couldn’t resist it.
The key is that it didn’t think that the woman would actually lose herself to display the strength of law occult arts.
But even in this case, the strength of World War I is absolutely stronger than that of the woman, and the king with many nine claws is not afraid.
After realizing his disadvantage, the king of the Nine Claws chapter suddenly turned into a dark blue light mass, and then the light mass disappeared and changed into a middle-aged monk who looked like an Terran, dressed in a black armor.
Then everyone will see a dark blue light group and a fiery red light group fighting at the main peak. Because both sides are fast, everyone can see two streamers shining constantly to see the specific fighting situation clearly.
The woman is still constantly accepting the power loss of array fire during the struggle, and the momentum is still rising, which is stronger than it is.
And in the raging sea of fire outside, the monks of the nine-claw clan continued to attack the umbrella-shaped screen while firmly defending against the raging fire waves.
However, without the nine-claw chapter, Wang Qiangli’s attack on the umbrella screen will reduce the pressure a lot.
But that woman and the strong dumpling clan know that the Nine-Day Gathering Fire Array will not last long. They are all fighting for self-destruction to maintain this array. The longer they persist, the greater their losses will be and even their lives will be in danger.
And the battle between the king and the woman with nine claws in the sky is close.
Even if there is a law to increase the strength of that woman, she is also just able to fight with nine claws. After all, the gap between their physical strength is too big.
King Zhang with Nine Claws seems to know that this array won’t last long, so the more confident it is in Vietnam, the more it deliberately drags on and refuses to rush to fight recklessly.
According to this, the situation is becoming more and more critical for the dumpling clan.
"You and my family are dedicated!"
An old man sitting in the vice peak dumpling shouted.
"My family is dedicated!" The rest of the peak elders echoed at the same time.
At the same time, the nine elders of the vice peak dumpling made a printing tactic. After they were printed, they suddenly became a dazzling fire and quickly fell into their big iron column.
The nine big iron pillars are full of fire at the same time, which naturally makes the main peak transport fire energy more vigorous.
The big iron pillar of the main peak kept shaking and sounded the zither.
Thick stronger and more obvious fire energy was injected into the woman’s body crazily.
The woman exclaimed, but she couldn’t stop the strong people from dedicating themselves, and she could feel her strength expanding rapidly again.
"Go to hell with the King of Nine Claws!"
The woman thought that today, the King of the Nine Claws would be a lose-lose, or simply mutually assured destruction, but she didn’t expect the nine elders to take action.
To tell the truth, the strong people of the dumpling clan all know that the dumpling clan can be without a few elders, but it can never be without a prophet.
The woman rushed to Zhangwang with Nine Claws like Changhong after grief and drinking, which made Zhangwang with Nine Claws feel palpitation.
The second watch is expected to be late. Please forgive me.
Chapter 74 Self-seal
? Chapter 74 Self-seal
The nine big iron pillars are full of fire at the same time, which naturally makes the main peak transport fire energy more vigorous.
The big iron pillar of the main peak kept shaking and sounded the zither.
Thick stronger and more obvious fire energy was injected into the woman’s body crazily.
Chapter 75 Destroy the Eye of the Eye
? Chapter 75 Destroy the Eye of the Eye
Nai Xiao Lingyu put the ice sculpture back in the crystal coffin first.
It took the woman a thousand years to recover from her illness before she was stable, and it was still a long way from complete recovery. She invited the crystal coffin out again.
This time, Xiao Lingyu found that the crystal coffin was trembling and first released the ice sculpture before waiting for him …
Chapter 76 Can I leave 1

Three days later, when the energy of the holy blood bead was reduced to two-thirds, Xiao Yu’s absorption speed was finally completely saturated and it was no longer difficult to absorb a trace.

Xiao Yu Zhang’s eyes lightly sighed, "It seems that I have awakened half as much as Xiao Magic Day. It’s a pity that if I’m not the office, I will awaken more."
He rose from the pool of holy blood and instantly appeared outside.
Those elders who lie all over their bones and meridians are more frightened than those who have left their eyes. When Xiao Yu walks out, they are scared to death and their souls tremble.
Xiao Yu looked at Xiao Kang and smiled, "I’ll wait for you to challenge hard in ten years."
He strode out of the holy blood hall.
Xiao Kang shivered in his heart, where is there a trace of pride?
Today’s experience is enough to make him unforgettable and have a psychological shadow.
Chapter one hundred and twenty-six Xiao ancient classics
Xiao Yu walked out of the holy blood hall and easily counted the pores. The burning source of the whole person’s blood gas was unprecedented.
He can clearly feel that his body is full of vitality. If it was a big day before, then now there is another deep purple sea.
Rise to heaven in a raging sea!
Every drop of blood is made up of two scenes: the angry sea and the sun. The glow is blazing. You are welcome to say that a drop of Jingxue is enough to kill the gods.
Drop blood and kill the gods!
This is horrible!
Not only that, but when he was baptized just now, he broke through to the third step state in one fell swoop!
The third ladder is also called the wind ladder.
This wind is not the southeast and northwest wind, nor is it the wind that smokes gold and blows into the six fu-organs from the fontanel, passes through the abdomen, penetrates the nine orifices, eliminates the flesh and blood, and destroys everything.
That is, Xiao Yuyuan is powerful and awakens the immortal Buddha’s blood, which is just borne by this windstorm.
After the wind disaster, he immediately let his flesh and blood coordinate with each other completely, and initially reached the realm of yin and yang controlling life and death as one.
This realm has been limited to the king of God, and he has reached the goal of knowing destiny, distinguishing between good and bad, and being able to perceive all kinds of trajectories and fierce opportunities in the universe before.
This is the extreme way. The difference between the strong and the ordinary monks has reached this state, and they have a world of their own in their hearts. They have wonderful premonitions about many things.
Xiao Yu’s heart was still in a mysterious state when he walked out of the holy blood hall. Now he has the third step of spiritual and physical unity. In the future, when he is in danger, it will no longer be the physical body that reacts first, but the spirit and physical body will be in harmony.
When the enemy encounters a crisis, he often reacts before he realizes the physical ability.
But now it’s different. When he reaches the third step, this perception will be consistent outside the meeting, and the physical body will sense the instantaneous yuan God will also perceive the perfect integration of the two before and after.
"Dare to ask Master Tian how much blood has awakened?" qR1
At this time, I have been waiting outside for Xiao Duan to meet me directly and asked
Xiao Yu woke up from thinking and shook his head. "It’s just a small gain. Let’s go."
He walked towards the residence.
Xiao Yu immediately sounded to Xiao after returning to his residence. Xiao Yu, who had just got Xiao Yu a few days ago, did not hesitate to come to visit.
"Xiao ““ Xiao Yu cousin your blood?"
As soon as we met, Xiao Zhanhuo was shocked and unbelievable.
He was given the magic by the bodhi old zu. After refining, Yun Dan’s blood has awakened. It is already the first person in Xiao Magic Day. We saw Xiao Yu Xiao Yushen. He actually felt the blood breath like Xiao Magic Day.
What this kind of breath is stronger than the original Xiao magic day.
This suddenly made his heart give birth to all the shocking colors.
"Yes, I woke up. Take out 50% of my blood."
Xiaoyukou way
"Take what?"
Xiao Zen mind buzz also shocked consciousness mouth asked.
"Xiao people’s ancient classics never die out and respect them"
Xiaoyukou way
Xiao Zhanhuo suddenly reacted in the heart. This ancient scripture was created by the bodhi old zu himself. After practicing, it was almost immortal. And where did Shou Yuan’s long and scary Xiao Yu hear this ancient scripture?
Suddenly, Xiao Zhanhuo’s face changed and he gritted his teeth. "Okay, I’ll give it to you!"
He’s also throwing caution to the wind. No one knows Xiao Yu’s methods better than him. Once Xiao Yu decides that there is nothing dirty.
Because Xiao Yu is a completely unreasonable player, he will believe in his own force!
Shaw war spirit force fluctuation suddenly an ancient scripture entered Xiao Yu’s mind. Xiao Yu’s face moved silently. The bodhi old zu of Xiao family has great boldness of vision. The first sentence of this scripture alone is enough to transcend the sky. Many ancient scriptures are unknown.
"So, in the early ancient times, it was said that the road to heaven in the early ancient times was not completed by the people, and from where did it come to prove whether all the time was lost? What was the history of heaven in the past?" "What a profound artistic conception?" This is not just a practice of achievement, but involves the realm of heaven and earth.
"There are many kinds of magical powers in the sky, but there is always one thing in common, that is, they are all killing techniques and mysterious methods. There are too many studies, but this immortal Buddha Sutra is exactly the opposite. It is a road of three thousand, each taking its own way to take immortality and Huairou Road, but this ancient sutra is incompatible with my personality and can’t be used for reference."
"I majored in killing power, singing all the way, but this ancient scripture is too soft to learn from, so I can create my own ancient scripture when I step into the realm of God and King."
Xiao Yu’s mind suddenly produces several fluctuations.
Suddenly, he looked at Xiao Zhanhuo and said, "Yes, you did a good job during this period. I have an elixir here that can increase your mana by more than ten times. Please swallow it."
He only played a bullet and a purple elixir and flew to Xiao Zhanhuo.
Xiao Zhanhuo was shocked one after another and said, "Xian Yuan Dan!"
He almost couldn’t believe that this is immortal Yuan Dan, which is said to have been refined by immortals in ancient times, but it’s hard to find a grain of pure magic to refine the flesh, so it’s hard for the world to let the king of God kill Xiao Yu and give it to him so generously.
Xiao Yu said flatly, "I said I would do my job well and I wouldn’t treat you badly."

"But Lao Jundi still doesn’t know why he raises a horse and goes to a wine-making place like Fairy Brewing House?" Aside silver horn boy asked

"Hey hey, according to the fairy brewing house people, this little tell them that the horses in the celestial pasture have become stronger after drinking the fairy brewing house, and the training has become more diligent. You said that this is not Hu said? I have never heard that horses can grow up after drinking! " Too old gentleman laughed
"This is really outrageous," Silver Horn boy spat out his tongue. "Isn’t this fellow afraid of offending people by taking advantage everywhere?"
"He’s fooling around on orders. Who can say anything? Is it coming yet? "Too old gentleman left the pie mouth." There are also old gentlemen who disdain this hum and hum. What about Emperor Yu? Don’t say that even if Emperor Yu comes close, don’t try to take a pill from me. "
Eric Suen Yiu Wai outside knew that his affairs had been publicized with embellishment when he didn’t come out for a long time, but he did have a so-called attitude, and it was best to get benefits. This time, things were hard to come by, and it would be difficult to find such a good opportunity after the horse race. Now, I’m sure I will take advantage of more and get my career up slowly, so that even if Emperor Yu is not behind, those officials of heaven and size will not dare to offend him easily.
Chapter 25 Heaven Dan Boss (What time is it?
"Ha, ha, ha, who is the old lady? It turned out to be a little brother. You have been a busy man recently. How can you come to visit the Palace?" Too old gentleman looked at Eric Suen Yiu Wai fuels with a smile and spirit and said.
"Old gentleman, small things don’t go to the palace. This time, I just came here. I can trouble old gentleman to refine several kinds of Dan medicine in Lingjing. Old gentleman, you can charge a small price at will and never dare to bargain." Eric Suen Yiu Wai knew that old gentleman had a strong defense against him, so he simply came straight to the mountain and said his purpose.
When I heard the old gentleman’s eyes flashing, I smiled and asked, "I don’t know if I want to forge a kind of Dan medicine. If I can help you, I must try my best to help don’t hurt my feelings."
"Ha, ha, ha, is it tacky? So let’s go in and discuss it in detail?" Eric Suen Yiu Wai said with a smile.
"Ha ha, you see the old guests have been left out in the cold, so please let’s walk and say," The old gentleman laughed insincerely when he was hit by a gap.
Eric Suen Yiu Wai didn’t care about the old gentleman’s expression at all. If he didn’t even have this face thickness, he could be bigger and stronger in Bimawen. Now is the best time to get real benefits. If you miss this village, you won’t have this store. Wouldn’t it be wrong to give up because you are thin-skinned?
Into the pocket rate palace, Eric Suen Yiu Wai saw that the Dan furnace was on fire, but some Dan medicine gourds hung on the surrounding walls were all put away. He secretly laughed in his heart, and this old gentleman really came to have a windfall. Even if he offended others, he could not offend you. It was really unnecessary.
"Old gentleman, I want to trouble you to refine two kinds of Dan medicine. One of them is best to restore the horses’ physical strength and mana as soon as possible so that they can have more time to train. The other is to maximize the potential of horses and make them physically stronger and more vigorous if they have mana." Eric Suen Yiu Wai was not sure about Dan medicine, so he said that he hoped to achieve curative effect.
After listening to Eric Suen Yiu Wai’s words, Lao Jun twisted his beard and said, "It’s a piece of cake. Just have energy Dan and potential Dan. These two kinds of Dan medicines are not too strange. It’s no problem to give them to the old man for refining."
"That’s really thanks to the old gentleman." Eric Suen Yiu Wai quickly got up and thanked him.
Who knows this greedy old gentleman added, "Recently, the old man is not in good health, and the two children are unbearable. Plus the energy Dan and the potential Dan materials, the old man has nothing to fear. He needs more huā to make a crystal."
As soon as Eric Suen Yiu Wai andao comes, this old thing proved to be stingy and greedy enough. At this time, it is not the kui to be called a miser in heaven. The guy knows how to fish in troubled waters even better than himself.
But Dan’s pharmaceutical affairs must be handled. Eric Suen Yiu Wai simply bit his teeth and gave some blood. After all, people hold the technology. The patented technology these days is shining crystal.
"Although the old gentleman said that it is not a problem to help refine Dan medicine, how many crystal crystals are produced?" Eric Suen Yiu Wai bit his teeth.
Anyway, huā money is also huā spiritual crystal in the vault of heaven, and it’s not huā himself. Eric Suen Yiu Wai doesn’t love dearly. It’s cheap. This youngest son makes him a little angry.
"Ha ha, how dare you? You know that’s not what the old man meant." It’s a shame that the youngest should tell the whole story when he got cheap.
"No, no, no, no, of course, I know that Lao Jun is not the kind of greedy person, but you deserve it." Eric Suen Yiu Wai quickly waved his hand.
The old gentleman smiled hey hey, not at all because of the irony in Eric Suen Yiu Wai’s words. Instead, he blushed like a hypocrite, as if he really kept his shirt on his sleeve.
Talking Eric Suen Yiu Wai quickly took out ten pieces of spirit crystal from the bag and stuffed it into the old gentleman’s hand and added, "This is a little something. Although it is not much, even thank the old gentleman for his support for the cause of raising horses in heaven."
"No, no,no. This old lady can’t ask you to treat her like someone?" The old gentleman’s eyes were fixed on those crystal spirits, but his mouth was firmly chewing.
Eric Suen Yiu Wai "hard" put the crystal into the old gentleman’s hand and said, "If you don’t accept Xiao, you can’t please do anything again."
The old gentleman accepted these spiritual crystals very reluctantly, and suddenly sighed, "You, you, you, this is not a difficult old man?"
"It’s really wrong to make it difficult for the old gentleman to be small." Eric Suen Yiu Wai lamented this sentence, but you, the youngest son, estimated that you were laughing in your heart. Is it still difficult? I’m bah!
Dare not despise this ancient saint of taoist sanqing, Eric Suen Yiu Wai, can also vent his anger in his heart.
Laojun took the crystal, and then handed the detailed list of materials needed for Energy Dan and Potential Dan to Eric Suen Yiu Wai. "This is the material needed for two kinds of Dan medicines. Help yourself to prepare it, Laojun. I will also find a way to work together to fight for the cause of raising horses in Heaven!"
"Yes, yes, fight for the cause of raising horses in heaven!" Eric Suen Yiu Wai quickly took the two single nodded and said.
In fact, it is estimated that the refining materials needed for energy Dan and potential Dan are all known by most gods and immortals in heaven except Eric Suen Yiu Wai. Just saying that if you master the technology, you will master the money. I really envy Lao Jun, a senior technician.
Of course, the energy Dan and the potential Dan are not specially designed to feed horses, but the two kinds of Dan medicines that the heavenly generals like best are not only cheap, but also effective. It can be said that they are cheap and cheap. Naturally, in the long run, these immortals all know the materials contained in the energy Dan, but they also know that they don’t have the technology of the old gentleman. They can also stare blankly with a bill of materials and have to send a lot of crystal to the old gentleman.
When it comes to the heaven of alchemy, there are four other masters-Zhang Daoling, Xu Jingyang, Qiu Hongji and Ge Hong.
But don’t forget that no matter which one of these four heavenly teachers has inherited the old gentleman’s orthodoxy, the old gentleman’s words are the real imperial edict for them, and they have to pull over.
The old gentleman this guy almost monopolized the whole heaven alchemy career and Eric Suen Yiu Wai iron boss has the same cow B and coax status at that time.
It’s even worse than that, but it’s not
Iron boss should be held accountable for the rear-end collision of the bullet train and apologize to netizens, but the old gentleman is different, and his position in heaven is detached. Even if he refined Dan medicine, nòng died, others wouldn’t even dare to fart.
It’s also a necessity for Eric Suen Yiu Wai to come to the old gentleman. If there is a second artist like the old gentleman, he really wants to find it.
(I like to help late at night, ha, and all the tickets have been smashed. Now the contract has not yet arrived in Shanghai, and the institute has not recommended it. It’s up to you to add a chapter to reward everyone.)
Chapter 26 Powerful fairy pet has no owner
(ask for a ticket! )
It’s as easy as a "famous football coach" to make money with the help of Taibai Venus, and it’s easy to get anything without more than two million euros.
But get the material Eric Suen Yiu Wai suddenly stood on the spot staring at the two single face slightly excited and worried expression.
"I said good brother, what are you doing? Why don’t you take the materials to Tailaojun for help? You can’t see huā when you stare at that thing?" Taibai Venus now feels that being called Eric Suen Yiu Wai Xiandi is getting smoother and smoother. I don’t think his gray hair and silvery white beard have any influence at all.
"Brother, if these materials are gone, can you raise them in the shortest time?" Eric Suen Yiu Wai suddenly asked.
"What are you talking about? Do you want to take these materials for yourself? Good brother, you still don’t be so greedy, okay? These materials are not spiritual crystals, and you won’t be an alchemist. It’s also làng, "Taibai Venus looked at Eric Suen Yiu Wai with puzzle.
"Brother, just answer my question. When you are a brother, you can rest assured that you will not let your brother suffer." Eric Suen Yiu Wai said with the wave.
Taibai Venus sighed, "Well, brother, I believe you. It’s not expensive to say those materials, but it’s not easy to find them, but it should be no problem to raise two copies, but it won’t work if you want more."
"Good brother, you are relieved to be brothers. You are here to have a bar now. I’ll be right back." Eric Suen Yiu Wai stepped out of the hall and suddenly looked back at Luo Liangdao. "Eldest brother, you are the true god of the Ministry of Fire. Should you know samadhi?"
"Gee, Xiao Sun, you can look down upon your brother. He is a former general of the Ministry of Fire. Don’t say that Samadhi is really a fire, including civil and military fire, and he has to come out." Before Rollán answered Marshal Tianpeng, he said first.
"Hey, that’s great. Please come with me. I have something important to bother you with." Eric Suen Yiu Wai smiled and looked a little secretive.