Arashi month true gentleman himself smiled a slight shake head first.

The only thing that Mo Ling can surpass Ye Tiancheng in her eyes is to cultivate the realm.
But for a Uber like Ye Tiancheng, the gap between the early and late Yuan Ying is nothing.
Ye Tiancheng even beheaded the returning Taoist!
Or does this ink spirit want to rely on that amazing sword?
This is even more ridiculous.
Lan Yue Dao Jun believes that Ye Tiancheng also has the innate true monarch multiplier and more than one!
Lengrou readily promised to bring Qianhe Tea Party back on track.
I don’t know if you feel cold and soft just now, but it seems that you are suddenly a different person.
Although the coldness and softness are still indifferent, the eyebrows and eyes will inadvertently reveal a touch of exciting joy.
Lan Yue Dao Jun shook his head and stopped thinking about it.
Anyway, she is firmly in control of the present situation!
It was just an accident that there was a little episode just now
The tea party continued.
Lengrou Qianhe Sect sent monks to accept the challenge from all major operators in Zhongzhou!
This ofuda struggle is going faster.
But half an hour has already decided the outcome!
I haven’t refined my own ofuda yet, but I have refined a nine-day thunder charm!
The power of this spell has reached the peak of Yuan Ying’s territory!
Even those who return to emptiness are afraid!
When Yu Fuyou saw this, he gave up and gave up.
Cold and soft, it’s logical to add a seal. Master ofuda drinks extremely mysterious tea!
After ofuda’s struggle, it is the struggle for refining.
It is also the top priority of this thousand cranes tea party!
Chapter nine hundred and forty-one In an invincible position
Ghost cold look confident Tongxuan courtyard will own refining tripod offering out early boom down the ground!
Many monks looked shocked when they looked intently.
There are more than one person in this refining tripod. The tripod is hard and shiny with dark gold metal.
There are four ghostly flames carved around the tripod wall, which seem to burn at any time.
The most important thing is that the tripod body has six patterns!
This is a congenital true monarch instrument!
"This is the cauldron of the underworld, but the instrument of my life."
Ghost cold proudly said, "It was with this tripod that I successfully refined a congenital true monarch instrument!"
"This ghost is so cold!"
"Wouldn’t it be a failure if he could forge a hundred refined doors for the innate true monarch again?"
"The owner of the Temple of the Ghost Fire is just like the top refiner in today’s barren land, and the rise of the Temple of the Ghost Fire is hard to stop!"
There was an exclamation in the crowd.
Many monks heard about this for the first time.
Feel the eyes around me, and my heart is very proud of my eyes. Looking at the hundred smelting doors, willow smoke reveals provocative eyes.
Willow smoke-laden pursed her lips, nervous and stressed.
"He’s pressuring you not to fall for it."
Su Mo gently woke up and said, "If you want to forge a congenital instrument, how can it be so easy to be intertwined with many factors such as weather, geography, fate and environment?"
Su Mo hasn’t refined the multiplier yet, but he has the basis of refining the multiplier and has a great way to dispel doubts.
These theories are white to him.
Road flyover Yuding also said, "Sister Liu, just relax and do your best."
"Sister Liu, you must be good!"
"Sister Liu beat him!"
Many monks in Bailianmen have also encouraged themselves with smoke.

That’s over.

It’s completely over
The wedding joy scene will turn into a xiuluo field in an instant.
Who has been torn by Kate’s little body?
Mark never doubted it at this point.
Annie’s mouth suddenly opened wide. "You’re not going to inform anyone, are you?"
Mark nodded very frankly.
When I was young, the wedding was far away from me, and some indulgence provoked the girl who had amazing destructive power after the runaway.
It’s his fault. Mark will admit it if he is wrong.
"… what?" Anne suddenly got up from the sofa and said in disbelief, "You didn’t even invite your favorite sister since childhood?"
Mark glanced at it. At first glance, Anne said directly, "Are you going to invite Mia?"
"Of course we’re family, and you’re not even going to invite your family to your wedding."
"My wedding is my call."
"… Kate’s father won’t pay?"
"am I short of that money?"
Mark sneered directly.
Even Mr. Todd is the top identity builder of the CIA
But …
How much money can a retired old man take out?
Big Kate has been married before
It is estimated that Mr. Todd’s wedding has been prepared for the golden flower July 7th.
How much money can Kate come up with?
Mark said directly that he and Kate didn’t need to pay for their wedding.
It’s good that people will come then.
In this wedding, Mark has no budget in mind.
The standard is how much to spend.
Be as subtle as possible, be popular and low-key and luxurious.
Even the honeymoon address mark has been prepared.
An old castle in Italy
This was bought by Mark as an investment after the S.H.I.E.L.D. compensation was paid.
I was thinking about waiting for appreciation.
When the time comes.
Sell it to those rich oil stars or real estate speculators in Dongguo at two or three times the price …
The prenuptial agreement mentioned by lawyer Yumack?
Mark tore it up directly to his face.
A good woman like her fiancee needs a prenuptial agreement?
Isn’t this a hindrance?
Either don’t get married
Since he got married, Mark never thought about getting divorced.

"How do you feel?" Shi Ruisi continued to ask

"Well, in fact, my heart is quite calm. After all, it is good for the team to win the game! Of course, I will remember this game! " Sun Yao still keeps the habit of showing reporters how selfish he is, but in his heart, of course, it’s great! Of course, I’ll just have a good time myself
"Excuse me, when you scored the first goal, you made a sword-finger coach move! Excuse me, does this move have any meaning? " Shress is ready to dig up some material.
It seems that he knows something from his eyes in the team department
"meaning? I’m doing this. Thanks to Mr. juan carlos Garrido for his cultivation! After all, since I came to Villarreal B team, he has always been very concerned about me! " What does it mean to celebrate yourself? Of course, he can say whatever he wants!
"This move and Mr Barber? We heard that you and the first-team coach Mr. Barber had an argument in his office! " Shrewsbury is still unwilling to give up hope and continue to dig deep for Sun Yao.
"Is there? We are just discussing where to eat late! " Sun Yao laughed. "Mr. Barber and I are really wonderful! He has always taken care of me! He is a great coach! "
Although Sun Yao is very dissatisfied with that Baal Vaild, the surface work is still in place
"But but he didn’t choose you to enter the list of King’s Cup of Zhou! Many of your teammates have been selected for the King’s Cup list! " Shrek found it really difficult to dig something out of Sun Yao.
"Well that’s his business! I respect his choice! " Sun Yao left the pie mouth heart andao want to dig from elder brother here? If I don’t want you to dig, you can’t dig! I’m willing to let you dig everything you can
"That’s all right! thank you Finally, congratulations on your performance in the second competition of J and jīng! I hope I can still see you in a J Ο ng performance! " Shi Ruisi laughed
"You must be able to see! Want you at the scene! " Sun Yao answered with a smile.
Then walked to another reporter’s side.
All the reporters are in this process, and Sun Yao is also annoyed, but he still says these annoying diplomatic words
"It’s not easy for a player to speak in such diplomatic language throughout his football career! This is simply a test of your endurance! I really didn’t know that I would say something offensive on impulse that day! " Sun Yao also shook his head after the interview.
In the dressing room, Sun Yao put the unai exposito team away and then slowed down to prepare for a short break after the game.
Teammates also joked and congratulated Sun Yao.
A J and NG lottery victory can make these players feel for a long time.
"Do you want to have dinner tonight?" Hernan perez suggested that
"Good!" Sun Yao also chimed in
"Of course, but everyone has nothing to do anyway!" The teammates also accepted the discussion one by one.
"Well, then our AA system is paid by all the goal players!" Hernan perez laughed.
"good!" Everyone is willing.
Sun Yao wanted to think "no! I scored alone! So it’s not my treat alone? "
"But you did score! Don’t forget that you have a goal bonus! These are enough to please everyone! " Hernan perez bad laughs
"You exploiters!" Sun Yaonai way immediately can nod.
Juan carlos Garrido walked into the dressing room and asked with a smile, "Are you going to have dinner?"
"Yes!" Sun Yao replied and then reluctantly continued to invite, "Do you want to go together?"
"No, you go! I need to study the video of the game later! " Juan carlos Garrido smiled and woke up, "Have fun and rest!"
"Good coach!" Many teammates are also a face of heart.
When the team often wins, the atmosphere in the locker room of the team department will be very harmonious
The atmosphere in such a harmonious dressing room must be different for the first team now.
Barr Vaild sat in his office and heard the news of Sun Yao’s hat trick.
I asked for a video and acted myself.
"This little progress is really great!" Barr Vaild also praised that he didn’t like Sun Yao’s case.
He always thinks that Sun Yao is a bit unruly, so he is still conservative about such players.
"From the perspective of ability, although it is not as good as Giuseppe Rossi and Nierma, it can really guarantee a substitute! But if you really recruit him into the first team, I really don’t know if the team will be confused! After all, there are some problems in the locker room now! " Barr Vaild nai shook his head.
If Sun Yao is really recruited into the first team, it is suspected to be a gamble, and although Sun Yao contributed a hat trick, he still convinced Barber.
If Sun Yao has the strength of those big-name stars, I’m afraid even if Xing Ge can’t see him again, Gembal and Vaild will.
And now he also feels a little pressure from the media.
Many media asked Barr Vaild why he didn’t include Sun Yao in the list of the King’s Cup of Zhou. After all, judging from the competitive state of Sun Yao, if he participated in a game, he might be able to beat Real Sociedad!
I’m afraid it’s hard for him to keep his handsome position. He seems to be rocking in this position.
The outside media have listed the candidates who will replace him as coach. juan carlos Garrido, the coach of Villarreal B team, and michael laudrup, a former Danish star, are the two most popular people at present.
Barr Vaild struggled to grasp his sparse hair, but he didn’t even understand what went wrong with the team. He also won the fifth team in the league last season and now he is in the relegation zone.
"head coach! It’ s really not a job! " Barr Vaild complained.
A bar bag
At this time, Sun Yao was partying with his teammates.
This hat trick is a powerful counterattack by Sun Yao when he is not paid attention to. Sun Yao is happy, although he doesn’t want to talk about the media, but how can he be happy?
"come on! Eat! Drink! Dry! " Sun Yao and his teammates are excited.
It’s not the first time for them to get together for dinner, and they’ve all played together for a long time. They’re friends of the team and they’re not polite when they drink!
One is crazier than the other!
Sun Yao also had a good time!
A few guys are also singing their familiar songs to Mike, and Sun Yao is also screaming, only to find that after searching for a long time, there is no song!
"No matter! I will sing for everyone! " Sun Yao robbed Mike.
"Hum!" Clear your throat
A song "believe in yourself"
How many times have you sweated like rain?
Pain once filled the memory.
Believe eventually
Fight hard to win.

This scene makes the eyes of Jiao Tianxin with them red. It would be great if they had their own law enforcement team. There was no wave all the way. When they were less than one day, they had already seen the corner gate, which was two or three times faster than the force action. At this time, everyone was excited. Although many Warcraft were killed all the way, it was nothing compared with this huge amount of 20 million, but it was absolutely impossible for them. You should know that they could be protected before. Although the law enforcement team can do it by coming back from this road to eliminate the number of Warcraft, it will never be Gao Chen. These disciples are actually casualties, which makes Jiao Tianxin shake the heartstrings. They are actually casualties. If they don’t see it with their own eyes but listen to what people say, he will never believe it! …

"I didn’t expect them to really come back and each one was injured!" Seeing the instantaneous angle of the gate, Tianxin sighed from the heart!
Gao Chen smiled, although his face was indifferent, but his heart was proud. This was not enough for his appearance. He said faintly, "My apprentice is not so easy to get injured. I don’t know if you are satisfied with their combat effectiveness!"
Although Gao Chen’s words sounded like madness to Jiao Tianxin, he didn’t know whether Gao Chen was telling the truth or not. It was a joke for a team of warlocks to get hurt. Although there were five million warlocks, it was enough for these disciples. Not only did none of them die, but they were not injured. Facing Gao Chen, he asked Jiao Tianxin with a wry smile, "Although they are not enough to deal with the eleventh order, if their fighting capacity is not good, I really don’t know what other team can surpass them. I can’t see through you more and more!"
"Beyond their team, of course, there is, that is, they can definitely win after their department is upgraded to the tenth order." Gao Chen smiled, but the second sentence behind the diagonal heavenly heart was automatically omitted
Jiao Tianxin is stupefied. Now they are just the ninth order. For people in martial arts circles, the upgrade before the tenth order is very fast, even if it is slower, but these people will become the tenth order sooner or later. They will be so powerful when they are in the ninth order. If their department is upgraded to the tenth order, half of them will have to upgrade to the tenth order, so it will be a terrible thing. At that time, even if the law enforcement teams add up, they will not be rivals.
"Only they can surpass them. I am looking forward to their strength when they grow up. Now their combat effectiveness has been formed. I don’t know what Gao Brothers are going to do next!" Asked jiao Tian’s heart! He still remembers that Gao Chen won’t stay in Corner City all the time!
The thought that Gao Chen was leaving his heart made him feel a little speechless. Obviously, he seemed to see another powerful force, a corner city that surpassed the hunter’s association, and it developed so strongly in ten days. Although Gao Chen went to other cities to help eliminate Warcraft, it was not to develop his own strength. If every city was as powerful as 20 million, he was afraid that he would want to scare himself!
Gao Chen smiled and said, "Yes, it’s time for me to go. Corner City depends on you, and they depend on you."
"This to say they Ann we will rest assured" Angle as serious mouth way.
Gao Chen talks to them about the same conditions as Kangcheng, that is, to send a certain number of people to deal with the eleventh order Warcraft. You know, if these disciples meet the eleventh order Warcraft, the casualties will be great. This is definitely not what Gao Chen wants to see. Of course, Gao Chen is not completely convinced that they will send their symbols to Jiao Tianxin.
Although they also want to get the control of these 20 million people, how can Gao Chen let them get it? Just a few words refused Jiao Tianxin’s request and saw the strength of these people. Although Hou Jiao Bai Jian and others are more moved, they can’t forget Gao Chen’s sentence, "They are my disciples and Tianchen Temple people. If you don’t want to, then I will take them away!"
It is this sentence that Jiao Tianxin naturally knows how to choose Gao Chen and take a look at Jiao Cheng again and say, "Well, it’s time for me to go now. Don’t worry, I will come back!"
Then he turned and said, "Tu Xiangzhong is happy!"
With Gao Chen’s words, two people came. These two people are the highest-ranking among Gao Chen’s disciples. They said before and after Gao Chen, "I’m leaving now, but I’ll leave the corner city to you, and what you have to do is very simple. That is to destroy all the 11 th-order Warcraft in the city. I will give them all to you two. I don’t know if you have confidence!"
"Master, are you leaving now?" When Tu Xiangzhong asked to be honest, they simply didn’t know that Gao Chen would leave Gao Chen, and they suddenly felt deeply reluctant to leave.
"Yes, I want to go to other cities, and you know that this time there is no war in corner cities, even in other cities. I have to leave. This is a Terran thing!" Gao Chen light mouth way!
"Then when will you come back, Master!" Run Xingkou asked!
"I don’t know this. You should remember that you are from Tianchen Temple and don’t lose our Tianchen Temple face." Gao Chen said seriously!
Tianchen Temple is the name of their clan, which has long been known, but after Gao Chen said this, 20 million people thought at the same time that the master gave us everything and Tianchen Temple gave us glory!
"It’s the master. We know to swear to protect the glory of Tianchen Hall!" Tu Xiangzhong said loudly that his voice had reached the ears of 20 million people. To be continued, if you like this movie, you are welcome to vote for it (), and your support is my greatest motivation. Chapter four hundred and ten The duke of the big scene gathered together.
Ding Tian’s novels reside in dsj.
And Gao Chen seems to be excited by this deafening sound. Gao Chen once again shouted, "Tell me what your glory is!"
"Tianchen Temple!" As loud as thunder, the sound is enough to make the mountains and rivers change color. Ella House 6bk
Of course, the mountains and rivers didn’t change color, but the sound attracted a lot of Warcraft. Although they killed a lot along the way, there were a lot of Warcraft rushing in the other direction. In this case, Gao Chen saw the figure of the eleventh order of Warcraft. The appearance of the eleventh order of Warcraft didn’t make Gao Chen afraid. On the contrary, Gao Chen laughed wildly. "Before you go, the master will fight with you again. The eleventh order of Warcraft is that I am fighting now!"
Say that finish, Gao Chen dashed out. His goal is, of course, that 11th-order Warcraft Gao Chen is fearless. The reason is that this is the 11th-order five-star Warcraft. Watching Gao Chen rush to the 11th-order five-star Warcraft face alone, 20 million disciples are also excited. Although they all know that Gao Chen is a 10th-order seven-star, there is no blood boiling. Watching Gao Chen is ready to meet those who rushed to Warcraft and saw this scene. No one can stop the rise of Tianchen Temple, even the Hunter Association. Maybe they are human beings.
"Yes, they are a little too strong!" Angle Bai Jian sighed. Although he has no difficulty in dealing with the 11th-order five-star Warcraft, don’t forget that Gao Chen is only a 10th-order seven-star. He is ten steps less than Angle Bai Jian!
Watching the rush out has been corrected by Gao Chenjiao Tianxin together with the eleventh order Warcraft War. "It’s not that they are strong, but that they have a strong leader!"
Jiao Tianxin’s words are not completely unreasonable. These 20 million people are really strong now, but they were abandoned ten days ago, but Gao Chen’s hands have exerted a strong fighting capacity, and all this is because Gao Chen gave Jiao Bai Jian a little way. "Although I hate to admit it, you are right. Although I rank him now, I have to say that I have no pride in front of him!"
Although Gao Chen is a ten-order seven-star Gao Chen broke into the ten-order seven-star two days ago, which also shocked them. Because Gao Chen’s rise at this level was really weird, if he were nine planets, don’t say to deal with an eleventh-order Warcraft, even if he met the same level, he wouldn’t dare to hit him one-on-one, but this law seems to be effective for Gao Chen. Because Gao Chen is not in phase with the eleventh-order Warcraft, he is holding up the eleventh-order Warcraft. Er, the beast should also be considered a part of Gao Chen!
Half an hour passed quickly, and this wave of Warcraft has been wiped out by them. Although there are hundreds of orders, there is no threat to Gao Chen’s disciples. Although this 20 million to 20,000 seems to be too large a proportion, this record is still a corner of heavenly heart. They dare not imagine that because of the ten orders of Warcraft among these 20,000, they can’t say that they can kill 20 million people, but at least they will kill 100,000 people. However, Gao Chen’s nine-order disciples have won the victory. Although they are used to Gao Chen’s tough disciples, they can’t
When they turned their eyes to Gao Chen, at last, Gao Chen cut the eleventh order of Warcraft down in a gorgeous day and destroyed it. After that, Gao Chen flew directly to their mouth and said, "The disciples are leaving now" …
Twenty million people watched Zhong Gaochen disappear without saying a word to Jiao Tianxin. After Gao Chen entered the array, the scene was unusually quiet for a long time. Jiao Tianxin said, "He’s gone!"
"If he leaves, let’s go!" Angle Bai Jian glanced at the twenty million people sorry mouth way!
It’s not that they didn’t want to make these 20 million people their power, but this is definitely not Gao Chen’s permission. Now the leader of this 20 million people is a ninth-order Tu Xiangzhong. No one dreamed that a person who still needed protection grew up in ten days, and now he can talk at the same height even if he faces Angle Bai Jian.
After Gao Chen left the corner city, he appeared in Biancheng, and then went directly to the main mansion of Biancheng. With a period of experience in Corner City, Biancheng was much smoother. What kind of breath was to let the owner of Biancheng know Gao Chen’s strength, and then the owner of Biancheng helped to collect disciples, and it took him 20 million disciples. It also took ten days to make them have a strong fighting capacity. After that, Gao Chen set off again. It all seemed very smooth, but it was from Gao Chen.
When Gao Chen went out of Biancheng, his goal was to stay in Xinsu City. When Gao Chen appeared in the main residence of Xinsu City, he found a place very different from other cities, because he actually met several people he shouldn’t have seen. That’s because he actually saw the main character of Biancheng City, Tianxin, and the main character of Kangcheng City, Kang Tianlai.
And when they look at Gao Chen’s expression, it means that they are waiting for Gao Chen. It seems that there is nothing unexpected about Gao Chen. Once, I told Bian Pengxu that he had not seen Gao Chen for a few days, so he guessed some Gao Chen smiles and said to him, "The Lord of Bian didn’t expect to see you here. Is this fate?"
"Actually, I’m waiting for you. By the way, I’ll introduce you to one of these people." Bianpeng Xu smiled knowingly and then said Gao Chen could see that Bianpeng Xu was really proud at this time!
But as he introduced Gao Chen, his face showed such an expression, because none of these people had the same surname. If so, of course, it was nothing, but if these people’s surnames were the same as those of Terran City, it would be abnormal!
"You are all a duke!" After the introduction of Bianpeng, Gao Chen smiled and said that although Bianpeng Xu didn’t say their identity, it was easy to guess.
"Brother Gao, you are really amazing. I am a representative this time. I will never express my opinions!" One of the busy things in Gao Chen’s words is to come out and say!
"Kang Tianlai, what do you mean?" Bian Peng Xu’s face was wrinkled and calm.
It’s true that this speaker is Kang Tianlai, the Lord of Kangcheng, who is facing the criticism of his friends and friends. Kang Tianlai’s face is still faint without any expression. "What do you mean? Do you still ask? My position has already been expressed!"
"Hum, don’t forget our agreement!" Bian Peng Xu’s face turned black and looked at Kang Tianlai’s mouth!
"We agreed when we had an agreement. That’s just your agreement!" Kang Tianlai took a look at Gao Chen when he spoke faintly, which means that it is obvious to tell Gao Chen that it has nothing to do with him.
How can these people be so arrogant that they don’t know? But if he wants to come here, even if it’s too good, he can’t get anything. Can these people get it? Although their combined strength is too good, after all, they are not monolithic. You know, whether it is too good or the Hunter Association, it is still the most powerful place in the Terran, and the most Kang Tianlai refused their request. Of course, there are also Kang Yue reasons, and it is more because he knows Gao Chen. Although he didn’t see it, he still felt that Kang Cheng Gao Chen had killed an eleventh-order nine planets Warcraft! …
As soon as Kang Tianlai’s words came out, everyone was puzzled and looked at him. After all, this time things can be said to be beneficial to everyone. They never thought that Kang Tianlai would suddenly not attend and his tone was so hard. Peng Xu looked at Kang Tianlai and said, "Since you don’t attend, I don’t know what you came here for!"
"Why don’t you allow me to come? Would you believe me if I said I was coming to the theatre this time!" In the face of drinking Kang Tianlai’s faint words, it’s not a two-handed preparation to taste this time!
Gao Chen has been smiling at them since he came in. He didn’t feel any surprise at all about this situation. It’s normal for these things to happen in vain, but it’s normal to see what Gao Chen called the host’s mind swimming and said with a smile, "Are you the famous Gao Chen? Welcome to my hometown. I don’t know what you are doing here!"

Things are good, but you have to have life to take them.

"What do fools go for?" Linglaoyin slowly came out
"Is the teacher going to shoot?" Han Chen blinked at Ling Lao.
"I said I won’t start work until there is a condensed soul realm of Warcraft, and you can’t move the resin puppet in this mountain range of Warcraft, but don’t worry about this, because someone will come here later and see this thing, and they will definitely make moves."
"really?" Han Chen eyes rekindled a glimmer of hope.
"If you hide now, those people will come in less than half an hour, and then you will sit tight."
Smell speech Han Chen face is flashing with a bit of excitement soon is to choose a big tree gently jumped to hide.
And Han Chen waited patiently for half an hour, but at this time Han Chen was in a burst of spirit because he felt that there was something not weak nearby and he was slowly coming here.
About ten minutes later, some noise is slowly ringing, and soon Han Chen is to see a large group of people slowly coming here.
Looking at the team not far from himself, Han Chen nodded slightly. The strength of this large group of people is not weak. That song is a middle-aged man dressed in gray. According to Han Chen’s guess, it is already a solid double peak strength at this time, and there are not five solid and heavy masters beside him. Some people are left in the realm of hardened bones.
"The owner heard that this fire leopard is here." At this time, a sound suddenly reminded that the speaker was a black man in a hardened bone.
"Well, I know that we have searched for more than a month and finally found it. We must catch it this time." The middle-aged man in gray slowly said.
"We’ll make a quick decision with the six of us later. This fire leopard is not easy to handle. Be careful. Others will stay aside," said the middle-aged man Shen.
"Yes," replied the middle-aged people who were obviously in gray when they leaned down one by one.
"Dad, I’ll help later." At this time, a crisp sound came out. A little girl dressed in green with a ponytail was squeezed out of the crowd and ran to the middle-aged person in gray.
"Ha ha KINOMOTO SAKURA, you’d better follow your sister. Don’t run around. This fire leopard is very powerful. You can’t help it." The middle-aged man in gray smiled and touched the little girl’s little head
"Come back, KINOMOTO SAKURA" The crowd slowly walked out of a woman in red with beautiful eyes and enchanting figure. The red dress set off people’s hearts and evil thoughts, but her forehead was a little cold and lonely, with the feeling of rejecting people thousands of miles away.
After a lifetime, the little girl honestly returned to her side, holding the jade hand of the woman is to stop talking.
"Get ready quickly" Middle-aged face smile in gray gradually converges, and then others say a frown on the body. Chapter 99 Siege the fire leopard with a serious spirit.
"hmm? Teacher, why do so many people appear in the fire leopard territory, but the fire leopard still doesn’t appear? " Eyes, those people Han Chen ling old spiritual communication.
"Hehe, the fire leopard is now in the promotion period and the weakest time." The old voice came to my mind.
"If I had known this, I should have gone to take away the flaming Ganoderma lucidum just now." Han Chen’s nostril jet seemed a little regretful about his move just now.
"Hum" Ling Lao said with a cold hum, "If you go, you will definitely be miserable by that guy. If you don’t believe me, you can have a try now."
Listen to ling old saying Han Chen corners of the mouth a slight smoke but it is not refuted.
"Well, let’s wait and see. I think that guy will appear later. I don’t know whether these people can deal with this guy in a weak period is still unknown." Ling Laoyin slowly came out
Nodding gently Han Chen also said nothing more, quietly watching that group of people, and everything will be known later.
At this time, the middle-aged man in gray was holding a big knife in his hand, swinging it, sending out a little cold, and several people beside him also quickly pulled out their weapons
"Brothers, let’s go together. It’s really hard to pick up this fire leopard, but now it’s out of weakness that we have succeeded in grasping it." The gray man also raised his sword in his hand and stared at the nest where the fire leopard lived
"Yes," the five people beside him nodded slowly, but even though they were in a weak stage, the flame leopard was very difficult to deal with. At the thought of this, their hands holding weapons couldn’t help tightening up.
At this time, they slowly walked towards the place where the fire leopard lived, but each step became heavier.
However, at this time, a deep sound was immediately wrapped in a leopard in the flame and slowly appeared in front of everyone.
The middle-aged man in gray slowly spit out three words at the corners of his mouth.
"fire leopard"
"The owner? This guy found us "at this time, a man in gray said with a cold sweat on his face and some shivering feet."
"Don’t worry, this big guy looks very fierce, but he is now in a weak period. There should be no problem for the six of us to deal with it." The gray man said that he was also taking a slap in the face. Obviously, he didn’t believe in himself, but what can he do now except crustily skin of head?
"The rest of you listen to leave here quickly, and we will chase you later." The middle-aged man in gray took one look at the fire leopard, but turned to the nearby people and folded it into a tone that was meaningless to discuss.

Li Fei felt a trace of water vapor in his eyes and felt sorry for himself. "It’s too bad that my lover is so cold to me and even the dog has run away, even if I don’t have a foothold in this family."

Jiang Lianqi quietly looked at Li Fei’s performance. Before Li Fei’s acting skills fluctuated, he could see at a glance that Li Fei was acting. Now Li Fei’s acting skills are much better, but he is naturally infected with the same methods.
"It seems that haven’t enjoy on the set? Do you need me to arrange another job for you? Set out that day "Jiang Lianqi cool way.
Li Fei is acting vigorously. Jiang Lianqi directly tore him apart, which caused him to almost choke on his own saliva. He swallowed his saliva and blinked his eyes, and his expression returned to normal. He was not sad just now. "Ah … I still cherish my holiday."
Jiang Lianqi didn’t speak again and turned to go back to the bedroom. Li Fei was one leng and ignored him?
Li Fei bit his teeth and quickly grabbed Jiang Lianqi’s hand and actively explained, "I, I accompanied Ah Jing to Xiuluochang today and didn’t come back to accompany you to dinner."
"Don’t be angry."
"I know I was wrong …"
Jiang Lianqi sighed, "Every time I come back, I have to eat the first meal together. This is your own."
Li Fei lowered his eyes. "I know … but today there is a reason."
"Then you didn’t tell me that there are so many opportunities to say that you are not as important as Lin Jing, right?" In fact, Jiang Lianqi was still a little lost in his heart. He waited for Li Fei after work for two whole days. After going to the green banquet, Guo Li Fei turned his head and went to accompany Lin Jing, which made him care.
"No … you don’t want to." Li Fei was in a hurry, but at the same time found himself explaining too weakly.
Jiang Lianqi took away Li Fei’s hand. "I haven’t finished working. If you are tired, go to sleep first." He admitted that he was a little angry now. He didn’t want to face Li Fei but chose to go to his room to calm down.
Li Fei stood in the same place until Jiang Lianqi closed the door, and he returned to the bedroom dejected and self-reproached.
Yeah … What didn’t he say to Jiang Lianqi? Is he a little too natural? I always feel that Jiang Lianqi will make a bottom line about what he does, but he ignores Jiang Lianqi. Although he is facial paralysis, he is still angry and sad in normal worldly desires.
It’s also that anyone who has made a special holiday for two days will be angry when they are pigeon-ridden.
This time Li Fei knew that he was indefensible and didn’t go to Jiang Lianqi for forgiveness at this juncture. He should also reflect on himself.
The next day, Jiang Lianqi just opened the door after sleeping in the room for one night and saw Li Fei fall asleep leaning against the door wall.
Jiang Lian’s heart is in a daze. He really wants to turn a blind eye, but he can’t bear to let Li Fei stay here alone. At the same time, he is very grateful that Li Fei can sleep in this position. Doesn’t it feel uncomfortable to sleep against the wall?
Jiang Lianqi bent over to carry Li Fei to the room, but he was just about to meet Li Fei when he withdrew his hand and said, "Don’t sleep here and go back to the room."
Li Fei leisurely turned to wake up and rubbed his sleepy eyes. He looked up at Jiang Lianqi holding the wall and got up from the ground to move his bones and muscles with a yawn. "Ha … are you awake? I made you something to eat. Would you like some? "
Chapter 257 Unemployment before becoming a full member
Just as Li was playing coquetry in Fang Lianning’s arms, a dazzling light came to Li Fei’s eyes. Li Fei’s facial mutation seemed to be like eating people. He looked back and looked around. Fang Lianning was shocked by Li Fei’s move. "What’s the matter?"
At this time, I just saw this scene when I bought water and blasted into the ground. "What’s wrong with Brother Li? Your face is so ugly? "
Li Fei looked warily around and slowly got up and sank, "Blasted into lemon, please help me watch Li for a while. I’ll be right back." Then he left the trampoline straight away.
Wen Renyi and Fang Lianning looked at each other, and Wen Renyi was even more stupid. "What happened to Little Lemon?"
Fang Lianning shook his head. "I don’t know ….. just now, Lao Li also had a good sudden."
Li looked at Li Fei’s leaving direction and bit his finger curiously. "Why did the lemon elder sister and fourth brother go?" How to go? Don’t play with me? "
Fang Lianning comforted, "Your brother went to the toilet and will be back later." It should be.
Li Xiao’s face wrinkled into a bag and pointed in the opposite direction. "But the toilet is over there."
Wen Renyi gently coughed, "Well, where did the child get so many questions?"
Li is a little wronged, and his mouth is flat, and he doesn’t say much. Fang Lianning didn’t good the spirit and dumped an eye knife. How could he have the heart to be so fierce to such a lovely child? !
Li Fei walked to a sparsely populated place, and the footsteps behind him became more and more obvious. Li Fei’s heart sank and ran to the corner.
Behind him, he hurried after Li Fei with horror, but there was no trace of him everywhere, so he swore, "Damn … it’s gone."
Li Fei jumped up and down from the high water pipe and said, "Come on, who told you to shoot around?" Do you want an exclusive or is there someone behind you? "
The paparazzi was frightened. When did Li Fei appear? ! Didn’t someone just disappear? No, is he exposed? !
Li Fei blocked the only way out behind the paparazzi, put his hands around him and looked at the paparazzi. "Look at you in such a panic. Is it your first day as a paparazzi today?"
Paparazzi panic unceasingly "I, I …"
Li Fei took a step forward. "Don’t ask you. I’m not interested in hearing your excuses. I want to know whether you secretly want to reveal the news exclusively or whether someone is behind you?"
The paparazzi trembled in fear. "I … I want an exclusive story so that I can become a full member … Some colleagues told me that you brought your wife and children to the amusement park to play, so I came …"
Li Fei almost laughed with anger. Where did he get a wife and children?
Li Fei reached out and hooked his finger to "bring it"
The paparazzi pretended not to understand "what, what?"
Li Fei doesn’t have the patience to play dumb with paparazzi today. "I don’t have time to hurry up with the camera, otherwise I can make you unemployed before you become a full member and never stay in the photography industry again!" Li Fei said this to scare people. He’s not that big a deal, but this paparazzi looks stupid and will definitely hook up.
Sure enough, the paparazzi was so scared that he hung himself in front of the neck camera and handed it to him. "You, you can move gently. This is the province that saved money for three months."
Li Fei smiled disdainfully. "Really? You are miserable." Then I pulled out the memory card in the camera when I was familiar with it. "I took this and didn’t appear in front of me again."
Paparazzi face big change begged "don’t! Please, that’s my exclusive shot this month. "
Li Fei indifference back "with me? Blame it on you for provoking me. "
And left without looking back.
Fang Lian lemon and blasted into implement finally wait for Li Fei back "what’s the matter? What happened? "
Li Fei spat out a foul breath and his face eased slightly. "I will go to the chivalrous and brave when I meet a paparazzi who is going to publish an anecdote."
Fang Lianning didn’t look very good after hearing it. "Is the paparazzi sick now?"
Li Fei smiled disdainfully. "He’s not only mentally ill but also timid. It’s really stupid whether it’s today or his first day of work."
Wen Renyi asked, "Then shall we go back with our children?"
Li Fei shrugged his shoulders. "It’s okay. Let him play more. I took the paparazzi memory card. Even if it comes out, I’m not afraid that I’m sitting upright. If I really want to spread rumors about me, I don’t mind taking judicial procedures to invite them to the station for tea. I’m really fed up. I don’t even have time to enjoy ordinary life."
Fang Lianning sighed and said, "Lao Li, you are really difficult."
Li Fei sent Li back home in the evening and met Jiang Ming who had just returned home.
Jiang Ming saw it for a long time when he opened the door. That’s called a happy one. He gave Li Fei a bear hug and left two lipstick marks on his face. "Little baby! I miss my mother so much. Did you go to play with my brother today? More and more like a brother. Do you want to stay for dinner? "
Li Fei shook his head and wiped off the lipstick mark on his face and refused, "No, I have to go back and continue to make amends for making Lian Qi angry the other day."
Chapter 25 This is a very serious matter
Jiang Lianqi sat next to Li Fei and talked about how he put in a good word and coaxed Li Fei into tears, which made Jiang Lianqi worry. What should he do to stop Li Fei from crying?
Jiang Lianqi stretched out his hand to hug Li Fei Li Fei but struggled to break free. "You go, I don’t want you to shed crocodile tears here! Aren’t you trying to avoid me? Then you can continue to hide from me! "
Jiang Lianqi sitting beside Li Fei motionless by Li Fei how to push also can’t push away Li Fei was so angry "you will bully me! I regret it. I don’t want to be with you anymore. I don’t want to be influenced by you anymore. Let’s break up! "
"Li Fei? !” Jiang Lianqi shouted angrily: He can guarantee all the pettiness of Li Fei, but he must not tolerate Li Fei joking about "breaking up".
Li Fei was yelled at by Jiang Lianqi. "You yelled at me again!"
"Don’t say goodbye when quarreling!" Jiang Lianqi held up his temper and taught

"Shout …"

Xiao asked a long sigh of relief, and at that time the whole person almost collapsed. At this moment, he has been suppressed for half a year, and he really has some venting every day just thinking about escape and revenge.
He is not content, but confident that he can leave the black mine in a short time! His spiritual level has even improved, and his self-recognition has reached the extreme in the past 20 years.
Self-confidence has always been very important to cultivate immortals, and it is a key part of soul practice in the three levels of physical, Taoist and soul practice.
Because the practice of the Tao can often promote the improvement of the physical body, the celestial world often calls the practice of the physical body and the Tao as self-cultivation, while the practice of the soul is called mind cultivation. At present, Xiao Wen has actually taken a big step forward by being passively pushed by reality.
When Xiao Wen cheered up again in the mine, his whole body seemed to be brisk for a few minutes, and then he walked directly to the depths of the mine with a mine hoe.
In the end, Xiao Wen stopped in front of the 60% light alum mine, took off the ore basket, and then pumped the geogas energy into the ore hoe without a teacher’s knowledge, and chiseled the ore hoe into the ore rock. The highest content of light alum ore that has appeared in the black mine is 70%, and that few light alum ore makes a mine slave free. Xiao asked that mining 60% content of ore at this time actually does not require too much mining to gather enough shares.
With a hoe swing, Xiao asked even a carefree feeling.
However, the energy consumption of the earth and gas is too great, right? According to this situation, in fact, it will take less than a few dozen strokes to run out of energy.
Come again!
"When, when, when …"
Soon, two dozen hoes went down, and Xiao asked that the geogas energy in the body was half less!
But at this time, he had another feeling, that is, the texture of geogas energy in his body is undergoing extremely small changes with each swing, more precisely, it is firm!
Obviously, for the mysterious geogas energy, mining is practice!
It’s amazing!
Xiao Wen is carefully understanding, suddenly there came a finely voice in the cold ear, as if someone was walking on the ground covered with gravel! He immediately remembered the precautions he had taken after the supervisor left: kicking gravel all over the mine.
Someone’s coming!
When Xiao asked about it, he was shrouded in a sense of crisis. He was so absorbed that he didn’t even have time to mention the mine basket, and people just flew away with a mine hoe!
I don’t know if his worry was felt by the stone painting. This time, the flight speed was just as fast as the teleport, and he returned to the hut in the blink of an eye.
Xiao asked casually throwing a mine hoe, and reached for the compass in the air and put it on the table, suggesting that the energy in the body will leave here in a hurry.
At the moment when his whole person was pulling away from the scene in front of him, he looked at the book "Mine Code" with a blue-gray cover on the table completely by intuition, and then he had a more real intuition that the mine code had changed!
But at this time, it was obviously too late for him to react. The world turned black rapidly, and when it turned bright again, his people were already in the mine outside. However, to Xiao Wen’s surprise, he clearly stood out, but after returning to the tunnel, he was still sitting on the ground.
"You’d better have finished all today’s work, or you’ll fucking stay here tonight!"
The bawl came from the outside, and soon a supervisor came in fiercely, and the whip rolled up in his right hand slapped his left palm.

Chapter VII There are words
Xiao Wen had already stood up and calmly replied to the supervisor, "It’s been done for a while."
The supervisor stared at Xiao Wen, measured the progress, and quickly judged that Xiao Wen was not lying. However, the supervisor raised his whip and asked Xiao Xun, "Don’t go out when you’re done? Don’t want to eat, do you? !”
Under the existing conditions, Xiao Wen can’t be arrogant when facing the supervisor, even if he is angry. What he can do is to try his best to be neither humble nor humble, so that he can keep his dignity. If he is not arrogant, he can avoid being whipped. So at this time, he still took out his usual attitude, and his voice was moderate and tunnel: "I was about to leave."
Recently, it was the time to rely on those young mining slaves to dig new tunnels, so the supervisor actually didn’t want to ask Xiao what to do. However, the supervisor still held his mouth contemptuously and sneered, "Do you still want to take advantage of this fart to restore Taoist power? ! Stop dreaming! Open your mine honestly! Get enough share before you go outside to practice! Huh? ! What’s the matter with you? ! ! Really recovered! ! !”
The supervisor was talking to himself, but the more he said it, the more surprised he became. When he looked at Xiao, his eyes got bigger and bigger, and even the fairy whip in his right hand was raised, and he looked alert.
The supervisor was surprised, but Xiao asked at this time was even more surprised, because it was not until this moment that he discovered that the Tao force in his body had recovered more than half! It’s been half a year since he entered the black mine, and this is the first time he has returned to this state!
The efficiency of supplementing Daoli in the area of more than ten feet near the hut in the stone painting is so high!
This is a good thing, but in the present moment, it is really possible to kill Xiao Wen!
Black mines will prevent the slaves from recovering their power to escape. How can Xiao Wen be allowed to see this situation at this time? !
Xiao asked the in the mind a nasty, subconsciously thought of the stone painting again, and then it was entirely by instinct that Daoli slammed into the stone painting.
Stone painting didn’t disappoint Xiao Wen, but swallowed Xiao Wen’s Taoist power like a long whale, which was a world of its own. Without this capacity, it would be a ghost.
The supervisor watched Xiao Wen’s mental pressure plummet, naturally knowing that something was wrong, but he was actually just a middle-ranking fairy, and his eyesight was still far from perfect. It was impossible to know what had happened to Xiao Wen.
"What’s the matter with you?" The supervisor turned cold and asked in a low voice.
"No matter how little power there is, it can break out under full operation. I wish I had really recovered." Xiao asked if there was an unwilling tunnel.
The supervisor also felt that Xiao Wen couldn’t really restore Daoji’s strength, and he laughed proudly when he turned his mind, thinking that he had grasped Xiao Wen’s real situation: "You broke out from time to time because you wanted to maintain Daoji’s vitality in this way?"
Xiao asked immediately follow the supervisor’s words "well", and pretended to be annoyed, but his heart was greatly thankful. It’s really Amitabha. This supervisor really doesn’t take the mine slaves seriously.
Then Xiao Wen and the supervisor walked in tandem to the outside of the mine. The supervisor relied on his own identity, and when he walked out, he stopped talking to Xiao Wen, who was just happy and could be distracted to communicate with stone paintings.
Communication, in fact, is only the communication of Daoli. After a few steps, Xiao Wen found a painful reality. He can only pour Daoli into stone paintings, but he can’t absorb it in the existing state. 80%, only after entering the stone painting again can you restore the Taoist power a little.
At the thought of just counting interest, let the whole body beat Shui Piao with more than half of the force. When Xiao asked, he felt a little sore, which was a waste of his grandmother! However, this time is not the same as in the past, and it is far less difficult for him to restore Daoli.
At the end of the main tunnel, there were more people around him, afraid of being seen. Xiao Wen took his mind back from the abdomen and put it into reality.
At this time, his whole person was much lighter, and his depression was obviously not so heavy.
Soon, the thick vegetable fragrance floated into Xiao Wen’s nose, which made him feel refreshed, and his stomach immediately cried unwillingly. Qian Fu, the owner of the black mine, really didn’t lie about the food. The amount of food given to the miners here is both sufficient and oily.
After counting interest rates, Xiao Wen went to an open place in the tunnel, where thirty or forty people had already been surrounded. There were several large iron pots in the crowd, and the firewood under the pot was burning brightly.
"What dish?" Xiao asked directly to the people around him.
"Stewed green vegetable vermicelli with big meat." Dinner is just around the corner, and the man doesn’t care if he will be seen by the supervisor. He said directly.
Xiao asked immediately to swallow saliva, and hurried to the front to get a sea bowl, just waiting for the official dinner …

I dreamed of Mr. Shan again. He was so happy floating in the clouds.

[Mr. Shan hasn’t been in my dream for many days, but I have seen them. Aren’t they bliss? Why are their faces so painful? 】
[I have a headache today and don’t want to go out]
[I saw the floor bleeding in the middle of the night. I asked someone to tear it down. There was nothing on the floor]
My head is getting more and more painful. The doctor said it was my illusion to see the floor bleeding. I don’t believe it. Is it really an illusion? 】
I heard Mr. Shan calling him in my dream last night and said that he wanted me to serve God.
Here’s the diary. The paper behind it is a ghost, and I can’t understand the words, as if I were writing it under extreme irritability and out of control.
Hody took out a required history of senior spiritual teachers from Yihua Lingyuan from his stone watch.
He turned over a long time. "I found that Shan Xulin is a spiritual teacher and a strong spiritual teacher. Because of practicing witchcraft, he swallowed up the baby’s brain training center in his hometown. He was notorious for being dark, and there was no one in the spiritual world. Later, he became famous in Shencheng."
"Judging from the diary of the big butterfly bead, this house is privately transferred to her by Shan Xulin, who is the first owner of the house and the missing celebrities. It is said that the literary salon is actually a cult, right? Serve God and sell your body and soul to God. This mountain forest is really eloquent, "Taotao said." Since he is a dark spiritual teacher, are those missing women serving the righteousness cheated by him and swallowed up? Where did Shan Xulin go after that? "
"He disappeared almost at the same time as those women and disappeared in the spiritual world from then on," Hodge said. "Didn’t the diary of the big butterfly bead say that those women in the mountain forest belt went to bliss?"
Tao Tao: "Shan Xulin is a celebrity. It is impossible for him to buy a house. No one knows that he must have deliberately erased the traces and let people connect his house. Is it the place where you just came out?"
"What the hell is there?" Taotaowen
"It’s not so much bliss as hell’s dreamland, ecstasy and evil spirits. I can’t see clearly what’s inside. Those days, I’ve been in a daze. It’s a fluke to escape again. I can’t guarantee that I can come out alive."
"We have to go in and have a look. It must be the escape key. Maybe it’s the paradise written in the diary of Big Butterfly Bead." Taotao said, "Shan Xulin left the house to Big Butterfly Bead in order to make the house have a proper name, so that a spiritual master can’t just break into it even if he suspects that the house is abnormal."
"It suddenly occurred to me …" Hodge said, "When I was a child, my grandfather told me that some powerful dark spiritual teachers devoured babies’ brains in order to cultivate witchcraft and devour women. It was some kind of secret ritual. Shan Xulin disappeared after those women disappeared, and the big butterfly bead repeatedly contributed his body and soul to God. Should he not want to cultivate witchcraft and give up his human identity to refine himself into an evil god?"
"Evil God?" Taotao looked up at Hody and sneered, "Does he deserve it?"
Chapter 183 Chapter 183
Sixty-six head urn
At the end of the corridor on the second floor
Taotao handed Hody the two men’s prepared ofuda and spell balls. "The things inside are good at illusion. Emperor Zhong adds these magic methods to eliminate evil spirits and dreamland. We will break those magic methods at the same time."
According to Hody, he was inhaled after sending out the three men, and then he fell into poor illusion and saw many strange scenes.
At that time, he didn’t have much spiritual power left, so he was able to protect himself with spiritual power. That thing tried to attack him, but it failed. Finally, it was because that thing separated its strength to deal with Taotao in the building that they cracked a gap and he made efforts to run out.
Taotao thinks that what really threatens them is not magic, but what is hidden behind it.
She took out a jade pen with a finger thickness and a smooth and round pen length, and drew nothing in front of her eyes for two times.
Hody looked at the jade in her hand. "No matter how high the scientific research level of Hualing Institute is, there is no chaotic burial. This thing can be broken. Is it a celestial instrument?"
"It’s still possible to break some weak ones and replace them with five spiritual teachers." Taotao put away his pen.
Slowly a crack appeared in front of them.
Taotao’s hand tore up the crack. "We can make it once a month and maintain it for an hour at a time. If Mr. Huo comes out in an hour, the crack will close, and then we will really stay in it for a month."
Hodge laughed. "Then I’ll have to protect you if I die."
Taotao is indifferent. "It’s not certain who will protect who. You stay outside and watch those two. Don’t come in."
The last sentence was to Li Xiaohai, who nodded, "You should come back soon. This place is terrible. I don’t want to stay here alone."
Taotao is "not a ghost"
Hodge "can’t die either"
Li Xiaohai "…"
Taotao jumped in from the gap, but she didn’t fall to the ground after she went in, but was suspended in the middle.
There is no end in sight, and the darkness is wrapped in evil spirits. Taotao takes out the emperor clock and knocks out the continuous clock.
Pathogens vibrate in the dark, slowly crack and break peaches. When the darkness disappears, they can fall to the ground, but their bodies begin to fall.
The darkness completely dispersed.
Hody was around, and the two of them fell together. It was a deep cave, and Taotao quickly pulled out Taoyao to find a support point.
She inserted Tao Yao in the cave wall to stabilize her body and pulled the falling Hody conveniently.
She held Taoyao in one hand and pulled Hody in the other, and they hung in half.
Hody opened his hand to observe "can’t see the end"
Hand tube for a long time, the light has been very weak, and Hodge lit another photo and lost it. I still can’t see the bottom. "Did Shan Xulin make a bottom hole here?" Or has he really become an evil spirit and gone to hell? "
"Don’t call him an evil god." Taotao looked up and couldn’t see his head. Fortunately, he didn’t bring Li Xiaohai in, or his thin little body was designated to fall to death. "Can you try to climb to the top?"
Hody grabbed the rugged cave wall. "I’m a man at least. Don’t look down on people."
When his body is stable on the cave wall, Taotao loosens and holds his hand.
She found a rope from the stone and handed it to Hody at one end of her waist.
In case you don’t fall down during climbing, it’s better for two people to be together than for one person. Andy didn’t say much and put the other end on himself.
Taotao grabbed the cave wall in one hand and Taoyao in the other, and carved a small hole in the cave wall that could be grasped and borrowed. They climbed step by step.
⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ ⑧ 931
It’s exhausting to be dark, cloudy and thin.
Hody is three spiritual masters, and his physical strength is much better than that of ordinary people, not to mention that even after they climbed out for a long time, they were a little tired, and they had to be very careful when climbing on the wet rock wall, and their spirit also consumed quickly.
Hodge, "I’ll change you. Give me the sword. You can save some strength when I’m here."
Taotao looked up and couldn’t see the top hole. She shook her head. "Something’s wrong. How many meters have we climbed out?"
Hody said, "When we just landed, you reacted quickly. You drew your sword in five seconds and stabilized the body on the cave wall. Physically speaking, if a person falls from the atmosphere very thinly, the speed of falling may exceed the speed of sound. Under normal circumstances, the speed of sound is about 34 meters per second, but it is not super high here … Why do you look at me like that?"
Taotao is impatient. "Are you all like this in Hualing Hospital? What physics do you tell me in the lair of evil spirits? You think I understand? Direct theory "
Hodge "… we just climbed a kilometer less. Something is really wrong. Normally, we should have climbed."
Taotao thought for a few seconds and suddenly smiled. "This evil thing actually has two layers of skin. If an ordinary psychic comes in, even if he can break the first layer of illusion, I’m afraid he will be exhausted in this hole that will never climb."
Hodge looked around. "This hole is so lifelike that it can maintain this illusion in the emperor’s clock. It’s really not easy to be evil here."
Taotao holds the emperor clock and injects most of the spiritual force.
The emperor bell rang again, and Hody threw the paper prepared before they came in out of the whole cave and trembled like an earthquake.
The last force in the barrel in Hody’s hand was exhausted, and his eyes were dark.
When Huo Di lit up the photo symbol, he found that they were indeed in a hole, but the hole was three meters long. Everything was just an illusion. They kept climbing in the same place, and they would be exhausted in the hole sooner or later if Taotao didn’t notice it incorrectly.
Taotao climbed out of the hole.