Now old DuPont is willing to introduce him, which makes Thomas ecstatic, but he still looks calm on the surface

After talking for an afternoon, Thomas invited George to his private winery for lunch.
About four kilometers from Bismarck, the western suburb is a local rich area, and the Thomas family private manor is halfway up the mountain.
12:27 noon
Thomas and George and others were talking and laughing in the manor restaurant.
At the same time
A large truck in a farm less than 5 kilometers away from the manor has been parked in the snow for seven hours, and it has been boxed and covered with a thin layer of snow.
The driver and his three lean men in jackets sat in an SUV not far away.
A man is looking at his notes and his brain is showing several red dots, which are located in Thomas Yunshan Manor 3.
One of the "hands-on" coldly ordered
The top of the instant box directly reveals the big and thick hippocampus inside, and six flames suddenly flash by.
Less than ten seconds.
Yunshan Manor submerged two fuel air explosive, two high-explosive bombs, two mother bombs and reinforced 277 mm caliber rockets in a fire.
Flatten the manor in an instant
In particular, the restaurant that was taken care of was directly hit by two high-explosive bombs, and fuel air explosive, the mother bomb, and the whole manor was not alive.
And this side of the farm
After the rocket was fired, the boxed truck covered with thermite was immediately ignited, and soon it was full of flames and smoke.
Off-road vehicle cleanly and roared off.
At the same time
Utah salt sand base
Under the pretext of passing through the Great Salt Lake Desert, the two regiments took over the salt and sand base directly at a lightning speed.
When the military faction directly killed Thomas and took over the salt sand base without responding to each other.
There are not many combatants when the deputy armed soldiers in the salt sand base suddenly appear, and the salt sand base directly rushes to the street in front of professional soldiers
When I heard the short gun, several dark people desperately sent back an alarm. Valentine’s face changed greatly, but Jack Morgan looked stupid before he entered the personality state.
But Dr. Killian knew that something had happened at the base, and it was very serious.
"What about Valentine?" No matter how calm Dr. Killian is, it is natural for a mortal to control his emotions when he encounters such a raid.
Valentine didn’t answer. She pulled a drawer, pressed a red button and pulled out a revolver.
"Doctor, get ready to fight!"
Jack Morgan was just about to say something, but Valentine shot him in the head.
A few minutes later, a flurry of footsteps came from the corridor.
The office door was kicked and a tear gas bomb was thrown in.
Cough cough cough! Valentine and Dr. Killian were choked by the irritating gas, coughing and crying.
Three soldiers with gas masks and bulletproof shields rushed in, and suddenly Valentine fired a few shots at random and was knocked unconscious by the shield.
If we hadn’t caught Valentine and others alive, these soldiers wouldn’t have thrown in tear gas, but broadsword grenades
Five minutes later, the bodies of Valentine and Kirian Jack Morgan were dragged out of the office.
The team leader looked at the situation of the two men and was just about to tell them to go out and report.
Violent explosions broke out in the office of the base chief, the operating room and the core archives room. In the corridor, the special team, Valentine and others were instantly swallowed up by the explosion.
The soldiers in charge of attacking the base suffered heavy losses. The explosions in these three key areas caused more than a quarter of the salt sand base to be destroyed and more than 300 people were killed or injured.
Outside, another regiment heard the huge explosion at the base and immediately knew that something was wrong inside.
Fort Worth
Military secret base
Old DuPont, Rockefeller, Kahn and others just breathed a sigh of relief when they heard that Thomas had been killed, but bad news came from the salt sand base.
"As expected, the salt sand base was seriously infiltrated, and we didn’t even know about this explosive device." Old Dupont was surly.
Rockefeller waved his hand. "Now it is necessary to deal with the separatist party and communicate with the financial faction so as not to give opportunities to external forces."
"John is right. We can’t ask the Greater China side to be vigilant now." Rick Kahn agrees to communicate with the financial faction and work together to pay off the hidden Thomas remnant party in the new school.
This is also the reason why they cut the gordian knot-they don’t have time to play with Thomas, but they can take drastic measures to destroy each other from the body.
Soon, the military faction, which held the military power, quickly took action to round up the workers who were engaged in the research of brain reading equipment before having close contacts with Thomas, Valentine and others.
On the other hand, the financial faction was also frightened by the sudden change.
Fortunately, Rockefeller came forward to personally talk with old Morgan and others. After reading Aiken Hank’s situation, a group of financial directors were also surprised and angry.
This brainwashing technique is impossible to prevent. In case people around you are brainwashed by Thomas, they can’t prevent each other at all.
Especially the old Morgan, Jack Morgan, and their family were secretly controlled by each other.
Unable to sit still, the financial faction was also afraid. While cooperating with the military faction to encircle Thomas’ remnant party, it conducted a major investigation of the Ministry.
However, after 21 years, all the people who came into contact with Thomas were quarantined and examined, especially those who had been in contact for a long time.
The brain reading equipment has also been banned. Although many people have some small thoughts in their hearts, no one dares to make small moves now.
If this point is found to be secretly studying brain reading equipment, it is estimated that it will be attacked by groups.
In less than two days, the financial faction and the military faction joined forces with the new science and technology faction, and both Thomas and any members of the new science and technology faction were forcibly isolated.
The new technology industry has also been taken over, especially the internet industry. This time, the financial faction and the military faction not only want to destroy Thomas’ remnants, but simply divide up the achievements of the new technology faction together.

Rose gave Tang Yi a dirty look. It was a piece of cake for her to clean up the battlefield, but Tang Yi knew that it was definitely not easy for Li Lai.

Not only should we be careful that the other side will turn around and pounce at any time, but we should also be careful of some black guns of prisoners of war who are not dead, and we should also get rid of some seriously injured enemies
Li is a rookie, I’m afraid she will hesitate at the critical moment. If she hesitates a little on the battlefield, she will have a dead end.
"She is the daughter of the battalion chief, and you know it very well."
Tang Yi shrugged her shoulders. It’s really hard to explain why women are jealous.
"What’s the difference between a battalion chief’s daughter and a woman?"
Rose certainly won’t be jealous because she doesn’t feel inferior to Li, but she doesn’t want to make Tang Yi too tired.
Speaking for himself, he raised his sniper rifle and looked at the battlefield through the sniper mirror.
After a while, the trigger was pulled, and a wounded soldier moved slightly and was solved by her shot.
Li looked at the rose on the roof and looked at the wounded battlefield in the distance, so he couldn’t have compassion.
"I wonder how this happened."
But just as she collected some ammunition and was about to return, suddenly she found a strange thing.
And this happened when Tang Yi and Rose saw through those disguised soldiers.
Chapter 93 Biological and chemical weapons
Looking at the two bottles of water on the ground is not only strange to Li, but also can’t tell a story about Tang Yi and Rose.
These killed armed men are hiding not guns, not bombs, but two bottles of water
From the outside, this is ordinary mineral water, but the cover has been hit.
"Why should they protect two bottles of water?"
Rose rubbed her nose, which is her habit when thinking. It seems that there is nothing special about it.
"What if we killed the wrong person?"
Li, frowning, looked at Tang Yi’s murder of civilians.
Segmented reading 44
That’s a big deal.
"If it’s really civilians, why are these people hiding the same water in their arms? It’s obvious that they are in the same group with the armed forces, which means there should be something wrong with them hiding water. I’m afraid this is not ordinary water."
Tang Yi directly denied Li’s guess that these guys are definitely not simple for any reason.
Since they want to take these humble water into the embassy, I’m afraid this water is not ordinary water.
"I don’t see anything strange. Plastic bottles don’t look like corrosive liquids and there is no precipitation."
Rose nature also won’t feel wrong about these people appearing strange.
Reached for the two bottles of water and shook them. You couldn’t see anything strange with the naked eye.
"Could it be a kind of chemical and biological weapon?"
Without high-tech instruments, you can’t tell with the naked eye that Tang Yi screwed the cover.
I sniffed and found no pungent smell, which made Tang Yi somewhat unsure.
"Biological and chemical weapons"
Li took out his silver needle and dipped it in water, and it still looked the same.
Isn’t it a bit far-fetched to conclude that it is a biochemical weapon based on a bottle of water?
The word "don’t chemical and biological weapons" was invented in modern times. In fact, it was used on a large scale in Genghis Khan’s time. At that time, dead mice were thrown into the city to create plague to kill the enemy. In World War I, various chemical and biological weapons broke out. Counting, the number of people who died in the hands of chemical and biological weapons in the past thousand years was no less than the conventional number.
Before Tang Yi, he wouldn’t think so much, but after three years of action of Hidden Dragon, he knows a lot about the terrible place in this world.
Especially, the concept of toxin research in potential science is beyond the existing human knowledge.
"But you can’t see the problem at all."
High flyers Lee certainly knows a lot about the history of war.
But it’s incredible to judge it as a biological weapon just by two simple plastic bottles.
"Experiment 1"
Tang Yi reached out and picked up a bottle of water and walked aside. The body poured water into his mouth and chest little by little.
Hit in the chest, he was dirty and exposed, and a bottle of water was poured out. Three people waited around the body for a long time but nothing happened.
"Will it have to be alive?"
Rose firmly believed in Tang Yi’s judgment, but after waiting for a long time, nothing happened.
"Then I don’t know, but I can’t let these guys in anyway, even if it’s a bottle of ordinary water."
No matter how you look at it, it is a conspiracy. Even if you don’t go in, you must never let him threaten the safety of your compatriots.
"Grandpa will arrive in Hong Kong in an hour when he comes to the warship. At that time, he will send a dragon commando to rescue all the compatriots in the embassy. We will wait until everyone has evacuated before evacuating."
Warships are now in a state of first-class combat readiness, and gunboats are loaded to deal with emergencies at any time.
"I hope those guys will stop for an hour."
Tang Yi nodded his head. Well, they need to hold on for an hour, and the personnel and ships should be protected by warships. Not to mention these kittens and puppies, even if they send out regular troops, they can’t stop them. After all, three gunboats are no joke.
"And my grandfather has also informed all the people in the embassy not to leave their posts without leave before the commando team arrives, let alone take the initiative to attack. At the same time, check all the asylum seekers to ensure that they don’t carry anything, including drinking water."
Li Ziran has already told grandpa about the situation here, and immediately notified the embassy after hearing that there are armed men disguised as carrying liquids.
"That’s right, and I believe this matter must have something to do with some potential science."
Rose went to keep watch again, and Tang Yi took this opportunity to have a good rest.

"Okay, okay, I’ll take you now. Please come with me." General Tong got up from his chair and said.

"My master and young lady are very ill, so just stay here with this Li Dan teacher and wait for you. I’ll just send Miss Luo Shao there," said the big housekeeper.
In fact, even General Tong didn’t think that this Luo Shao girl should be so active in helping Chloe to see a doctor. Of course, the father should be intentional, and this Luo Shao girl herself is more and more like it …
Thinking that General Tong was busy at this time, he bowed to Master Li Dan and said, "Master Li Dan, don’t go either. Let’s wait here for the good news from Miss Luo Shao."
"Well, I’ll wait here." After Li Dan finished, he stopped talking and went on with Longjing.
Actually, Luo Shao came to the Lord this time.
I syle=’lor476ff’ This is the gorgeous dividing line I.
Friends ask for recommended reading.
I syle=’lor476ff’ This is the gorgeous dividing line I.
The main purpose is to hear that the general’s eldest miss is unconscious due to poisoning, and the daughter of the imperial doctor is born with wisdom. She has left her parents’ excellent genes for poisoning and practicing medicine to save people since she was a child, but when she learned from Master Li Dan that she can get rich rewards this time, she was even more sure to try her hand. I can’t let go of this double-income opportunity and come here alone without telling my mother Luo Shao …
Now the butler came to Tong Keke’s boudoir, pushed the door and pushed it in. Tong Keke said to Luo Shao, "Miss Luo Shao, this is my seriously ill lady Kerr."
Luo Shao looked at TongKeKe lying on the bed in a coma. Although he turned pale, he couldn’t see a little bloody color, but he had to say that he was a full beauty embryo …
Luo Shao sat on the stool and put Tong Keke’s hand in front of her, concentrating on her pulse, while the butler watched their every move not far away and was very nervous.
After a while, Luo Shao released Yun Keer’s hand, and the housekeeper hurried to Luo Shao’s heart and asked, "Miss Luo Shao, how is my lady?"
Luo Shao looked at the big housekeeper and said, "I didn’t expect your general office to wait for Dan medicine. Fortunately, you gave him this Dan medicine, otherwise it would have been poisoned."
Yet a rao is a big housekeeper also didn’t think this girl can know …
Big housekeeper now calm mood pretend as if it were true mouth said, "Luo Shao girl, this is really a joke with our general office which can get such a good Dan medicine! We can’t afford to lose ten heads! "
"I don’t care about your affairs, but it’s good that you gave her this Dan medicine, otherwise you would have gone to Huangquan Road to be reborn as a human being, but I warn you that the reward for saving people can’t be less!" Los shao stare at big housekeeper said
When the butler heard that Miss Luo Shao said that she could save her life, he was excited and said, "You mean that Miss Luo Shao can be cured. That’s great. You should worry about it. If you can save my lady, my general will give you money without losing you a penny."
Luo Shao took out paper and pen and quickly wrote a prescription. He looked at the housekeeper and said, "Don’t you dare to prepare these herbs for me. Your lady is running out of time. I don’t know if you can find them."
The big housekeeper took the prescription and promised, "Don’t worry, I will find it."
Just as the butler said this, he left here and left Luo Shao alone …
Three days later
After several days’ efforts, the butler finally ordered Luo Shao to prepare several herbs for himself, and found them and rushed back to Yunjiazhuang …
After this big housekeeper went straight to the hall for four people, so the big housekeeper went to the place where Luo Shao lived and knocked at the door, eagerly saying, "Is Miss Luo Shao there?" I am a big housekeeper. "
"Oh, wait for me," replied Luo Shaowen.
Luo Shao pushed the door and the housekeeper was excited and said, "Miss Luo Shao, I found all the herbs in the prescription for you …"
Luo Shao took the herbal medicine and looked at it. After confirming the mistake, he looked up and asked, "Is there an alchemist’s room? I want absolute silence. "
After thinking for a moment, the big housekeeper said, "I’ll let my general take you there."
Take Luo Shao into his darkroom. This is not a place where outsiders can come casually, but when it’s urgent, it’s still important for his daughter to care so much. Even if Luo Shao knows it, it’s called …
"Miss Luo, be careful here." The general woke up in good faith at the moment.
Luo Shao didn’t think there was such a mysterious place in the general’s house, so he followed the general into it. But after he came in, he didn’t expect that there were so many boxes, large and small, and some boxes were so many that they couldn’t be covered. From the gap, he knew what was in the side. He didn’t expect that the general’s house was rich and put the money in such a hidden place. This is the old fox’s view that he could get more blackmail after he cured Tongkeke disease …
The general took Luo Shao to a place where bottles and cans were placed, and said, "Miss Luo Shao, this is our alchemy room. Everything inside is casual and very quiet. No one will disturb you. Just make an alchemy here. I’ll watch it outside. If you need anything, tell me."
Luo Shao watched the general go out, then settled down and focused on putting all these medicines into the furnace according to the formula, adding a little running water, introducing the spirit fire into his willpower and slowly boiling them up …
Luo Shao’s eyes closed slightly, and the water was shining on his forehead.
I syle=’lor476ff’ This is the gorgeous dividing line I.
Friends ask for recommended reading.
I syle=’lor476ff’ This is a gorgeous division I.
After five hours of boiling, the herbs in the furnace finally turned into mud. Luo Shao put away the spiritual force in the abdomen and spit out a mouthful of depression from his mouth, opening his eyes …
Luo Shao took these mud out of the mold and made them into pills and pills, and refined them successfully …
Luo Shao, who took out more than ten pills he had refined, came out of the alchemy room. When he saw Luo Shao coming out with pills in his hand, the general seemed more excited than himself. Now he asked, "Is this pill refined by Miss Luo Shao?"
When Luo Shao heard this, he raised his mouth and said, "Well, don’t worry, it’s finally refined. Let’s go and see what your daughter gave her!"
There are still three days to go before the deadline of 7749 days. If we don’t give the life-saving medicine to Miss Tong’s family, it is estimated that the fairy will be able to save the day …
Tong Keke is lying on the bed at the moment, and her face has changed from white to scary purple. Luo Shaokou said, "It looks very dangerous now. I now tell her to rest assured, but if you want to go out, I will give her an injection."
Luo Shao gave Tong Keke Dan medicine, and then the hand-yang large intestine meridian went from the radial end of the index finger to the first metacarpal bone and the second metacarpal bone along the radial edge of the index finger, entered the two tendons (extensor pollicis longus tendon and extensor pollicis brevis tendon) along the radial side of the forearm, entered the outside of the elbow through the front shoulder of the arm, entered the pelvic branch of the large intestine, walked through the neck, entered the gingival circumflex lip, crossed the left vein in the middle of the human body, and left and right ended at the opposite nose …
After finishing all the silver needles, I helped Tong Keke to get up and lay down, and I took a seat on the bed conveniently. When Luo Shao hit the silver needle with both hands, the silver needle became hotter and hotter, which made Tong Keke’s forehead sweat and white gas, and Tong Keke’s whole face became distorted by pain …
"Poof ~ ~" Spit out one mouthful blood and finally Tong Keke was saved …
Luo Shao, at the moment, put away the psychic force and felt a little weak. He wiped his forehead and sweat lightly. Now he looked at the bed and said, "You have nothing to do now. It will be fine in a few days. You are deadly."
"You saved me" TongKeKe mouth asked at the moment.
"Yes, but you don’t have to worry about it. I have money to take care of your physical weakness now." Luo Shao said truthfully at the moment
Luo Shao knows the truth of taking people’s money to eliminate disasters for others. When he saw the back of the big housekeeper, he woke up and said, "Big housekeeper, your lady is awake. Come and have a look!"
Smell speech but let this big housekeeper face excited and hurried towards the house and ran in …
Look at the big housekeeper’s face crying in front of him. This TongKeKe dares to say, "The big housekeeper says that men have tears and don’t flick. Why are you still crying!"
Smell speech big housekeeper did look at the big miss dare to busy wiped her eyes tears mouth way "big talk, have a good rest. Oh, by the way, this is Luo Shao girl, who helped you cure me. I’m going to tell the general the good news. He must be very special. You wait." The big housekeeper was excited and ran outside.
In a short time, I took General Tong to Tong Keke’s boudoir, and when I saw General Tong’s asthma, I knew that his old man’s house must be trotting …
After listening to his father’s words, the general dared to take out the stone from his arms and handed it to Luo Shao. Luo Shao took the stone and looked at it. It was really a piece of stone …
I didn’t expect this child’s general to be quite generous, but he didn’t show joy when he planned to see Luo Shao’s face for a long time. He said calmly, "Forget it, I don’t want it!"
"oh! ! Is Miss Luo Shao disgusted that the old lady has given too little? " General Tong was surprised when he heard this girl’s words. You know, this stone can be used by ordinary people for a year …
"Luo Shao didn’t dare to follow her mother to live in seclusion in the mountains since she was a child, and now she comes out to know how small and humble she is. This time, my daughter is also studying in Dongshan College. I heard that your dean of the college is not shallow, and he also asked the general to help me. My daughter must be very grateful." Luo Shao said humbly with sincerity in her words
"Chloe, you finally woke up. Dad was worried sick. How is your body now? Is there anything else uncomfortable? " General Tong asked about his baby daughter.
TongKeKe lying on the bed looking at general tong said, "Dad, I have nothing to worry about."

On Christmas day, two lucky readers will be selected to get a beautiful Christmas present by moonlight.

Activity 3
The first three questions in the Christmas quiz were awarded 663616 Xiaoxiang coins respectively.
Activity 4
On New Year’s Day, two lucky readers can get a fine New Year’s Day gift from moonlight.
Activity 5
At midnight on December 31st, the moonlight gave all the fairies a red envelope rain. Thank you for your support in the past year.
The activity is held in a positive group. Welcome to join the positive group.
Group 53371262
Group 53371262
Group 53371262
Chapter 36 Don’t have to get married is husband and wife (3)
Update the latest chapter after the tyrant returns to bully the pet owl!
Chapter 36 Don’t have to get married is husband and wife (3)
Put the little white wolf back in her arms. NaLanQing can be sure that when Lin Re wins the snowman, the little white wolf moves rashly … About winning the snowman is regarded as a chess game …
The powder is winning the snow.
Win the snowman hurriedly stepped back and took out a ready drink and sprinkled it on himself. The taste of the drink dispersed to lure the beast away …
"See, you’ve been profited ~" Naran Chennai
"It seems that it is really profitable!" Winning the snowman couldn’t help laughing. The tender fragments in the fundus didn’t disappear. Looking at her, she suddenly seemed to think of something interesting, but she smiled more beautifully.
The winning snowman looked at her very gently for a long time before he said gently, "I was always curious about what you look like because I couldn’t even imagine it because I couldn’t see it with my eyes … but I didn’t expect Xiao Qingyan to be so excellent … Yan Che told me that you are a woman, right?"
Na Lanqing reached out and hooked her hair and lips in her ear. "Well, I’m a woman. Is it hard to accept?"
"No!" Win the snowman and shake his head immediately.
"I didn’t think about it … Xiaoqing and Long Ze … Do you love each other?" When winning the snowman asked this question, he couldn’t help but look forward to it and felt a little uneasy.
Na Lanqing was very sure of winning the snowman’s eyes and replied, "Well, we love each other deeply!" "
She loves Long Ze and Long Ze loves her.
Winning the snowman’s eyes showed a touch of failure. He clenched his fists and said stiffly, "When will you get married?"
"Marriage is not necessarily husband and wife … Snowman. I have a wife now, and Long Ze will also have a queen’s princess …"
"But in this case … aren’t you afraid …" The winning snowman’s face showed a bit of eagerness.
Xiao Qing is so excellent, why not marry her and give her a name?
"Long Ze, he won’t love another woman, and he doesn’t dare me to be very possessive … if he dares to love another woman, I will ruin everything for him, let him empathize with the woman he loves and let him watch the woman suffer for a generation with his own eyes …" Na Lanqing narrowed her eyes and said that her personality would not allow this to happen.
If Long Ze dares to empathize with others, she won’t kill Long Ze with one knife. She will let him see what he loves being destroyed by her bit by bit … and make him miserable.
What do you want to say to win the snowman? "But …"
"Snowman, thank you for your heart!" Na Lanqing’s face showed a heartfelt smile. She didn’t hate being very gentle by her heart feeling. She said, "I believe that Long Ze’s feelings for me won’t be arrested for a wedding ceremony and a name … How many old couples have worshipped heaven and earth in this world? I don’t want that superficial form to make Long Ze love me forever! "
Na Lanqing’s face raised a faint happy smile, and that smile was drunk and won the snowman.
Laughing from the bottom of her heart, she was covered with a shallow luster, just like colorful glass, all of which exuded beautiful dishes.
Winning the snowman is amazing. Looking at her, the whole city smiles and can’t help but envy Long Ze
How good luck can make Xiao Qing love to death …
Lin Ruo obeyed Nalanqing, and after leaving here, she showed a very fierce smile. Fei Yi came to a place where Le Pei was sitting in a tree waiting for her.
When I saw her coming, Lin Ruo immediately got up and asked, "If?"
"You gave me the medicine to win the snow … win the snowman and NaLanQing are good friends. He won’t go to from ruin …"
"Miss medicine but air broadcast it seems that in a short time you can see them being torn into pieces? Ha ha ha ….. This is to do the right thing with Miss … "Le Pei’s hands rested on her hips and showed a very proud expression, imagining that Nalanqing was bitten and trampled by wild animals, and she smiled a little more.
While Lin Re in accordance with also follow cold laugh.
Although it’s a pity to kill the nice guy who won the snowman, it’s worth it to kill that Nalanqing by his hand!
Master said not to kill?
Nalanqing must die. Just confess afterwards.
Lin Re in accordance with Le Pei showed a very satisfied carefree smile.
"Roar …"
Suddenly, the laughter of the two stopped, and their eyes looked around warily, where they felt a murder after another.
"What person?"
A wolf came from the grass and stared at the two men in front of him.
"What? It turned out to be a wolf!"
Nervous two people breathed a sigh of relief, a wolf is no big deal they can deal with.
Suddenly, the grass rustled in the other direction, and Le Pei suddenly noticed the emerald snake in the grass. She screamed and retreated, and there was a roar around her …
They were horrified to find that they were surrounded …
Wolf, tiger, bear, hyena … snake, scorpion … eagle …
Fierce biological department gathered up and stared at two people drooling …
"What’s the matter? Why are there so many wild animals here? " Le Pei asked in horror and panic
"I don’t know … what? What, there are so many wild animals here? What should I do? " Lin Reyi is also panicked. She can’t train animals!
A circle inside and outside, this number is too abnormal …
What’s this?
Beasts qi qi roar descended towards two people …

After a large number of trucks entered, the cars jumped to the young and middle-aged department with brand-new pickaxes and giant explosion-proof shields with explosion-proof sticks more than two meters long.

They are aggressive and well-trained with red scarves around their arms.
"Fuck you! Pick up all the batons for me and cut them to death! " Led by a head of delegation, Songjiang people rushed into the conflict zone with a loud voice and a wave of their hands.
At that time, new hatred and old hatred accumulated and the group fight broke out completely.
Ke Hua in the fifth district has officially reached an order to the noodle man, and the kidnapping will be officially carried out two days later.
After the little white tiger received the order, he went to bed that night and prayed, "Far heaven mother, please bless me all the best …!" "
Chapter DiEr614 Qinglong White Tiger Ready to Action
A fierce border conflict broke out in Yangdong area of Xibe area. Mao himself was well prepared, and the soldiers were changed into casual clothes and brought all kinds of explosion-proof equipment. He felt that even if they started, they would not suffer a big loss.
But Lao Mao never expected that the North Wind Mouth would come. These people seemed to be more professional. They also didn’t understand why Chinese people would come to fight with farm equipment. I’ve never seen this in the sixth district of Tamma!
The most important thing is that although the other side is rushing to fight, there are more people than them in a short time.
The war broke out instantly, and thousands of people clashed near the warning line. When the two sides really met, they understood the lethality of this agricultural tool.
The handle of a pickaxe is almost the same as a thick wooden stick. The only difference between them is that the structure of the pickaxe is thick at one end, narrow at the other end, square at the other end and round at the other end. It is heavier and more convenient to pick up than the wooden stick. Besides, this game should generally be played by the new wood-building department, which has not been completely dried and is tough and heavy, so it is not easy to break. Even if you don’t break the opponent’s base, you will lose your combat effectiveness.
This thing is the first killer in the north of the group, which is more than one grade stronger than any small military weapon such as machete and baton. Because it is long and heavy, A is directly equivalent to crit, not to mention hitting one on the head. Even if you carry it with an explosion-proof shield, you will have to shake your hands and numb.
Years ago, the Northeast was once controlled by nature, and many police units stipulated that to buy this thing in large quantities, it was necessary to issue a certificate to avoid the spirit of young people to buy and make it.
The big pickaxe swung up and the other side was completely stupid. They took the telescopic baton in their hands, and the long and narrow explosion-proof stick was forked. Without them, the people’s army repeatedly beat them, and two guards came here. More than 2,000 people occupied an absolute advantage, and the formation of the old man was dispersed in one round.
The border guards of the two regiments completely killed themselves and chased each other all the way.
The conflict lasted for more than an hour, and finally Lao Mao unilaterally declared victory and quickly retreated and ended.
Five people on this side of the People’s Army were seriously injured and more than 30 were slightly injured, while the other side was killed and six people were seriously injured.
This battle made the military situation in Yangdongguang and other areas even more tense. The next morning, the official media of the other side said that thousands of people clashed near Yangdong in the two areas last night. Freedom strongly condemned the People’s Army for letting people enter the territory of other areas.
The People’s Army claimed that its people had entered Yangdong for night agriculture and were attacked by the other side last night, thus launching a self-defense counterattack.
Two days later, five districts, Yishi.
Xiaoqinglong Xiaobaihu four Sichuan military personnel are stepping on the target activity area at the No.2 tracking position.
Car small white tiger smoking a cigarette low said, "mom, have you noticed? Their cars are explosion-proof, and even the outer fender of the tire has bulletproof function. This kind of security strength … If we want to tie people up, it’s really a waste of eyes! "
"Where did you get so many jingles? !” Small tsing lung squint scold a way "stop nagging? Old upset! "
"Eldest brother, I normal narrative target security forces this all not line? Are you too blx? You call this escapism! " Little white tiger is not happy either.
"Didn’t say don’t let you narrative but can you stop talking in mandarin? I’m tired of listening. "
They were like enemies, and the car quarreled again.
"Stop arguing and get down to business?" The speaker is a leading military intelligence officer sent by Fu Zhen. His name is Xiao Zhao, and he has been in the Sichuan military intelligence department for many years. He is considered to be the elite of the elite.
The remaining three entourage are Xin Lei Guang Lao Wei, Xiao Qinglong and Xiao Bai Hu, who have been doing their ideological work since they were under control, giving them political lessons and teaching them some professional abilities of latent military intelligence activities by the way. Several people have already mixed well.
"Xiao Zhao, should I say that this job is really a bit dangerous?" Xiao Qinglong said with a twist of his head. "I feel that the layer has let Ke Hua lead the team to do this thing, and it has already considered that someone may sacrifice the problem. To put it bluntly, it is to take the seven districts to help evacuate military personnel as cannon fodder, so-called live and capable achievements."
"That’s what it means to Zhou Layer." Little White Tiger nodded in agreement.
"I’m not afraid of death, but you said that we fell to the fifth district before going back to Zhou to play. Is this a bit humbled?" Little Qinglong thief said against his mother’s will. "Isn’t there a better plan on the floor?"
Xiaozhao pondered for a long time and said to Xiaoqinglong, "You two are more important than us. When you report to Kehua after stepping on the spot, you should try to take the peripheral support work so as to be safe."
"I’m afraid KeHua don’t agree. Six people here do peripheral support work. This … this is unlikely." Little Qinglong licked his lips and answered.
"If you have to directly participate in the kidnapping, then you recommend me and Lao Wei." Xiaozhao said calmly, "We can have an accident, but you can’t."
Xiao Qinglong and Xiao Baihu were dazed when they heard this, and then the latter immediately nodded, "I think this suggestion is very reasonable."

Sex way you frown and ask a way.

"Can you come and I can’t?"
Yan Beichen eyes swept away light asked
Sex Dao Jun’s face sank and he snorted. He didn’t continue to ask.
"The newcomer is a guest!"
Extremely fire tao jun said with a wave of his hand.
A monk with a hundred refined doors moved a chair with trepidation and put Yan Beichen in front with a look of fear and hurriedly turned away.
Yan Beichen didn’t thank him, so he just sat there.
With a bloody long knife in his hand, he crossed his knees and his eyes were half open and half closed. He looked as if he were asleep, and no one knew what he was doing.
Xianjian Daojun’s eyes flashed and he suddenly said, "It’s extremely hot. Now our two sides will fight each other. I have a proposal."
Extremely fire tao jun eyebrows a pick.
"We didn’t enjoy each other twice. Why don’t we take this opportunity to fight this time?" Xian Jian Dao Jun took the initiative to invite war.
He said this sentence is to wake up extremely angry Dao Jun.
He already knew that it was you who robbed the "Day Killing Sword Tactics" in World War I of Wanyao Valley!
Xianjian Daojun came here this time to know that Su Mo will never return home without a hand!
However, this is a hundred smelting doors. If the two sides scuffle, he may not be able to take advantage.
But he has absolute confidence in his fighting power!
If we can suppress the extremely hot Dao Jun through this war, we can exchange Su Mo for the extremely hot Dao Jun!
"You want me to fight?"
Extreme fire gentleman laughed and the flames in his eyes were burning.
Xianjian Daojun smiled sarcastically and said, "Why were you afraid of being the first in the law list five thousand years ago?"
I heard that Sue ink a shock in my heart.
Only then did he really realize the status of the extreme fire Taoist in the realm of repairing the truth five thousand years ago!
I’m afraid the influence of adding the identity of refining master again and again in the law list is not even fit and powerful!
"I think so."
You clap your hands and say, "One was the first in the law list five thousand years ago, and the first in the contemporary law list is rare. Let me wait for the first world war."
"grandmaster, let’s not fight for this tone."
"Yes, you’ve just reshaped your body, and you’re certainly not skilled in the manipulation and perception of this body. There’s no need to take risks."
Red Star Daojun and others hurriedly persuaded.

A series of peerless magical powers, generate, came out and derived power fluctuations that swept across the four directions, causing heaven and earth to change color and fly sand and stones.

The buddhas are singing dragons, chanting tigers and howling tigers, and it seems that they are going to purify all evil spirits and filth in heaven and earth!
Sirius’s profound magic skill is the most resistant to this sacred Sanskrit of Buddhist avatar.
Although he was the Seven Emotions Devil in his previous life, he is now only a first-order fairy. The divine power of these Buddhist supernatural powers made him feel extremely uncomfortable!
Sirius growled and was uneasy.
Wu Daozun’s eyes are deep and cold, and the silver mask has no expression. After half-silence, nine purple halos suddenly bloom!
Every halo is interwoven with mysterious runes and concise budo will!
The strength of budo Zun’s body keeps rising and the breath soars!
Heaven and earth seem to be still!
All magical powers are motionless in the middle.
After a short pause, the Nine Wheels of Life bloomed, and a number of mysterious runes in generate filled the annihilation!
Many magic weapons, no matter what order, have been destroyed by Wu Daozun’s nine lives.
Many peerless magical powers of Buddhism have also been suppressed by the nine life wheels, and they have disintegrated on the spot.
The monks in Shura Temple look aghast!
So many fairy strong hands at the same time was defeated by this purple monk’s recruit department.
The monks in Shura Temple don’t know exactly what the nine purple halos around the mysterious runes are.
"Could this person be a real demon?"
A few nine-order fairy monks are in a hurry.
At this time, Wu Daozun suddenly let out a roar!
Universal sound!
This roar seems to have dragons, Fengming, cranes, Ma Si, wolves, apes, tigers and dogs barking …
Hundreds of millions of creatures shout, heaven and earth, all beings shout, and this moment is intertwined and condensed into a roar that resounds through the heavens and the earth!
Wu Daozun also moved once after he created this secret method of register.
This secret method of range is extremely powerful, which is condensed by combining the secret methods of several ranges, and it is even more horrible than the secret method of violet’s real body and dragons!
And this time, Wu Daozun’s powerlessness is to release 60% power.
Even so, it is almost a devastating blow to the hundreds of monks in Shura Temple!
Buddhas sing dragons and tigers roar and disappear instantly!
Poof! Poof! Poof!
Some low-order fairy roots can’t bear to vomit blood and can’t control their bodies from falling out of the middle.
Although several ninth-order immortals in Shura Temple barely resisted, they also felt their ears tingling, and a piece of white ringing in their heads temporarily lost consciousness.
Monks are in flight!
At the same time, something seems to be awakened by this universal sound in the depths of the underground of the Shura Hall ahead, and generate has a life fluctuation of the earth!
The ground of Shura Temple trembled with each other!
In the deepest part of the Shura Temple, there is an unremarkable grave where some fallen monks are buried.
There is a shabby thatched cottage next to the grave, which seems to fall apart when the wind blows it.
This thatched cottage is short and shabby, and the graves next to it are not much better.
There is no door in the thatched cottage, and the hole inside is dark.
At this moment, an old monk came out slowly from the doorway of this thatched cottage, dressed in a black ink robe and without a beard, but his eyebrows drooped almost to his shoulders!
The old monk’s figure is thin and slightly hunched, and he looks short. His face is wrinkled and his eyes are turbid. He looks up and looks back in the direction of the universal sound.
Before the old monk came to a grave, he bent slightly and pulled the weeds around the grave to clean it slightly.
There stands a tombstone in this grave.
Strangely, this tombstone is white and has no handwriting.
The old monk suddenly made a strange move, stretched out his dry and rugged hands, held down the tombstone edge, jumped gently and climbed slowly.
Then the old monk tried to turn over and sit on the tombstone with his back to the Shura Temple and looked at the direction of the pure land of bliss. I didn’t know what to think.
Xiuluo temple middle school
Wudao Zun released the nine-life-wheel universal sound root. Without motivation, all the monks in Shura Temple were already unable to resist a cry.
"Devil, even if you enter the pure land of bliss, there will be arhats in my Buddhism to stop you from coming to your roots!"
A ninth-order fairy monk drank heavily.
Lohan is the real fairy in the nine immortals’ land, but it’s just called by different names. They are all true monks.
Wu Daozun said simply, "If they come, let them find me in A Nose Hell."
A nose hell!
Hearing these four words, all the monks in Shura Temple couldn’t help shuddering.
Of course, they don’t think budo Zun will really go to A-bi Hell.

He moves faster than light!

This light beam chases the night spirit, and it still has the strength to attack and kill the monks!
On the surface, the four beams of refined demon array seem to be resisted by Su Mo and others to resolve them one by one, but you know that they have won the first world war!
The blonde girl has been dragged in place by the devil’s large array of beams.
Although the two lions were not threatened by the devil’s large array, it was also unlucky to lose the blonde girl to help many monks siege.
Road flyover Huang Wu’s combat power is also greatly reduced!
The lotus platform has been fixed by a beam of light!
The unknown demon family dressed in black is not enough to fear!
"Zhujun Town kills this at this time!"
Spirit Dao Jun body breath broke out and drank a lot.
"Yes, you can’t leave your hands!"
There is an immediate response from Fa Daojun.
Boom Boom Boom
A series of huge figures rushed out from many dharmas, and rose as high as tens of feet as the arrival of the gods, overlooking the battlefield and bullying!
Heaven and earth method!
This is the most powerful means of Fa Daojun!
Prior to this, Su Mo beheaded Daojun, who was almost the most powerful card, just didn’t want to give them a chance to sacrifice the method of heaven and earth.
The method of heaven and earth can mobilize the general trend of heaven and earth, and Su Mo’s combat power will also feel tricky!
Now, a road and a law are going against the trend, and the heavenly city is like a statue of a tall god.
Chapter one thousand one hundred and sixty-two Brothers get together
Hundreds of laws of heaven and earth rise against the trend.
There are four feet and five feet
Bai Ling Dao Jun Tian Di Fa has reached more than 60 zhangs!
More than six feet high, the law of heaven and earth has already had a chance to compete for the law list!
Su Mo and others look extremely small before these towering laws of heaven and earth.
Boom Boom Boom
Almost at the same time, hundreds of laws of heaven and earth rushed over, and the huge body shook and the soles of the feet stepped on the ground, which caused the whole city to tremble!
The so-called reality is a summary and concise practice.
All laws are unified!
Many spells, many secrets, finally come down to one point and form their own dharma!
The method can communicate with heaven and earth, mobilize the power of heaven and earth to the maximum extent, and the terrain is strong and strong!
Even if the friar’s body is weak, he can practice the law of heaven and earth and fight the demon family in close combat!
Those who practice to the dharma realm and fix the truth are truly afraid of the demon family’s melee.
Hundreds of laws of heaven and earth broke out at the same time, which is simply conan the destroyer.

Ying Qiong saw that there was a jade lotus in the center of the tripod, which was much smaller than the blue one in the middle hole, but its color was red, glittering and translucent, warm and moist, and it showed her heart from the flower, and she loved it very much. Wouldn’t it be a pleasure to take this lotus away? Just about to try to hold the lotus handle and shake it, I heard Song Changgeng say

"Don’t move that thing, Sister Qiong. Don’t accidentally start the machine. Be careful. Break off that lotus leaf. There’s another key in it. It’s another treasure house here. Don’t move the rest."
After listening to her brother’s words, Ying Qiong vomited her tongue, and she also knew that she was reckless. She stretched out her hand and put out the lotus petals slightly. At first glance, there seemed to be handwriting looming in the flowers, and a handful of petals casually showed a note that was more than five inches wide and five inches long. The handwriting in the Chinese language was gradually fading, and even the note was melted away.
After a few petals are gone, there is a treasure key shaped like a blue calyx. Ying Qiong knows that she was greedy for the beauty of the lotus just now, and she almost spoils the boat. She made a little face at Song Changgeng and picked up the treasure key shaped like a blue calyx and asked curiously, "Brother, what is this hidden so deep? I would have missed it if my brother hadn’t woken up just now. "
Ying Qiong was amazed at Song Chang Gung’s way, "That’s the key to the treasure house of the holy aunt. Although the treasures in the treasure tripod here are good, they are all common things. There are many magic weapons and elixirs in the jade wall behind the image of the holy aunt, but it is necessary to rely on this key to open them, otherwise it will trigger the palace to ban big sleep, who will take them out quickly."
After listening to his explanation, Ying Qiong also knew the weight. When all the treasures in the tripod were taken out, they were handed to Song Changgeng, but Song Changgeng took out a dried Kun bag to hold these things alone until they were merged with other things. Song Changgeng handed the dried Kun bag to Ying Nan and said, "These things should not be distributed to people when you go back to your little sisters. This is a saint’s mind."
Yingnan nodded, but Yingqiong couldn’t forget the red jade lotus when she covered the tripod. She held the tripod cover in her hand and enjoyed the lotus. She felt that ordinary people had different colors, deep purple, blue calyx and a jade key. The more she looked at it, the more she loved it. Seeing her brother talking to Yingnan, she silently wished.
"My brother and others have gone deep into Baoshan alone, Yingqiong has been blessed with many wonderful treasures as soon as possible. It has been deeply felt that there should be no more coveted fate. My brother said that there will be a struggle for treasures in the near future, so it is hard for me to be devastated here, such as being enlightened and merciful. I sincerely allow my brother to take this Syuren together with the sapphire lotus in the tripod in the middle cave and let it fall into the hands of evil spirits."
Just say it and break up to shake the lotus handle. I don’t want to suddenly rush out of a strange heat from the bottom of the tripod. Its force is extremely fierce and unbearable. I was surprised when I just raised my head to avoid that heat. Suddenly, the tripod cover in my hand was absorbed by that divine power and weighed ten thousand kilograms.
She can’t hold her hand any longer, and she feels that when her waist is tight, she will be behind her! Zheng! The self-closing trace of the two-ring tripod lid is just like casting, which is generally much tighter than when it was first seen. She knows that the holy aunt is not allowed to be happy or not to suffer, but the boss is unwilling.
When I looked back, I saw that my brother was withdrawing his hand. Obviously, it was my brother who pulled himself out just now. Otherwise, when the tripod cover fell, I would be trapped. She blushed and smiled. "My brother, the lotus flower inside is so fond of people. I really want to be a saint. Isn’t it really a baby? In? "
Song Chang-geng scraped her nose and laughed. "You, that thing is integrated with the tripod and the tripod and the whole abode of fairies and immortals are integrated. If you move, it will trigger the ban here, so we will all be trapped here. If you really like to wait until you get back, I will make you some lotus flowers, just sit or protect yourself. Don’t move here."
Ying Qiong nodded and looked back to see Ying Nan and Yin Su-tang leafing through the magic weapon in Gan Kun’s bag. Yin Su-tang was holding a magic weapon and talking to Ying Nan about its function and how to make it. She made a face at Song Chang-geng and said, "Then I’ll wait for my brother to make it for me!" Then he ran past with the British male hand rummaging through the magic weapon inside. She now has a two or three-inch long topaz key shaped like a blue calyx charm shape. Take it out of Ding Lian’s heart in her own hand. The handle is actually half smaller.
All three of them don’t know where they are, but after a little observation, the hero said, "It’s late when you’re done. Let’s say goodbye to the holy mother and save those two people from the hole." Then we looked at Song Changgeng.
But see Song Chang Gung walked to the front of the image of the holy girl and handed over her clothes. "I know that although the holy girl is advanced, she can’t achieve a positive result because of the law. Although it is already in the late Yuan baby, the baby can wander around Qian Shan like a stranger, but she still can’t go to the last step, so she lives in seclusion and seclusion."
You, my sister’s past friends, have left a lot of treasures and caves for all of her today. Even if the family always comes and goes, I have a complete set of Taoist dharma tactics, as well as a number of dharma tactics such as Buddhism, Buddhism, Buddhism, Exorcism, and so on. More than 20 of them are the top three dharma tactics of Buddhism, Taoism and Magic.
If the holy aunt is willing to show up, you can talk about it in detail, and I still have some things to ask the holy aunt. Although I have survived the robbery, the so-called almighty master is not as ashamed as the five-line spell. I can think about my words. I will leave some methods for your reference and wait for an answer. "
Say that finish ignore three people surprised to take out a roll of white silk book will be [the future of the stars] and wide all day recorded part in the face with the tripod.
Then hello three people walked to the image. After the image, there was a landing jade screen. There seemed to be mountains and rivers looming on the wall. Like a real painting, Song Chang-geng carefully glanced at the bottom of his right foot and saw a red mark with the same shape as the key in the lotus. So he called Ying Qiong and pointed to her hand key.
Ying Qiong understood what he meant when he inserted the key. Sure enough, the landscape of the screen was suddenly hidden, revealing a jade frame with five layers and more than 40 squares. There were jade bottles in it, some of them were random, some were not magic weapons and flying swords, and some were obviously relics of the past years of the holy mother.
The thirtieth volume South Xinjiang wind and rain Chapter two hundred and ninety-four Sex maniac potential
Although I’m sorry, I’m always screaming for tickets at the end of the month. Monthly ticket recommended tickets can be that, thank you for subscribing. Why don’t brothers knock one for you?
Yin Su-tang came to see Song Chang-geng’s scroll in Ding Dao, but she dared not touch the treasures in the jade shelf, and her eyes lit up. The magic weapon here is more than a dozen pieces. Others are Dan medicine or in jade bottles or gourds, but when she saw it, she knew that more than a dozen magic weapons were extremely magic weapons.
Song Chang Gung took out a dry bag and gave it to Li Yingqiong, asking her to put everything in and watch her put away the key. The whole jade screen was restored to a landscape painting. He waved and said, "There is nothing here. Let’s let those two people go and seal the hole. Come back after Emei."
When several people went out one after another, Yin Su-tang was angry and still didn’t worship Ying Nan and Ying Qiong. They made a sincere farewell to Song Chang-geng at the Jade Wall. The responsibility was to bow their hands and turn out the hall together to look around. One was the bedroom, the other was the training ground and the treasure. After four people looked at it, they stopped by and went back to the wooden screen.
For breaking the forbidden law, Shuangying asked themselves if they couldn’t do it all. Song Chang-geng Shi Yingqiong was impatient and ran to the screen. At the sight of the two men and women trapped in the pool, they were exhausted and indistinguishable. The expression was even more unbearable. Song Chang-geng mused, "This forbidden law is serious."
If it moves and breaks again, it seems that the potential is amazing. If it is lifted, the people trapped in it will be shattered, and it will not be careless. If you can find the location of its general pivot, you will be very busy with the treasure, and you will walk into the hidden place of its cardinal without seeing the danger.
This time, let’s take a closer look at it together. If we see any suspicious places, tell each other, and wait until the trial is safe. We have missed others and ourselves. I guess that little yellow key in Joan’s hand should be this screen, and I don’t know if it’s right. Let’s look carefully together and find it quickly. The people inside can’t last long. "
Tao waved to everyone and the four of them immediately looked at the screen separately, but the screen was so long and there were so many scenery. Who knows where the keyhole is?
Ying Qiong, because the two little people entered Baoshan, suffered many dangers and treasures, but fell into a poor situation. She couldn’t wait to rescue them at once, but she knew that she was learning a little and couldn’t help but see her brother. They were all doomed to look at the clues one by one.
Look at the two little people. At this moment, the air is exhausted, the floating pool surface is dying, and the heart is anxious to turn back to Song Changgeng. "I don’t know how many scenes we have seen on such a big screen, but we haven’t found anything to break the law. When did you find it like this? It seems that these two trapped people can’t hold on any longer.
When I first came in, those terrible ambush brothers were not afraid that things had been done now, but were careful? Why don’t you ask your brother to take the mirror of Heaven of Science and shine on the screen just in case, and then the four of us will release the flying swords and destroy this small pool to rescue the villain? Must be that much trouble? "
Just as she said this, she suddenly saw that the water waves in the small pool flew and the rapids turned into a whirlpool. The two little people were out of the water and waved their hands endlessly. After a long time, they gradually became exhausted, and the water end of the pool spiraled sharply, thinking that it was very dangerous. Once they were involved in the whirlpool of the pool, they lost their lives.
Two people each let out a trace of white brilliance, struggling to struggle against the current in the water without swimming. The man’s skill seems to be inferior to that of the woman who has been trapped for a long time. He almost got involved in the whirlpool in the pool for two or three times, and his mouth was so scared that he was screaming for help. The man was also unable to support himself and would collapse at any time.
The strangest thing is that the pool is not big, You Ching, but Yingqiong can’t see the bottom with all her eyes. In the sudden change of the water in the pool, the red light on the bottom of the pool seems to be shining like a Manglietia. Yingqiong saw it and guessed that it was a crisis. It was impossible to wait until she found this key before rescuing. She was very anxious, but she couldn’t figure out the way. At this moment, she realized that the territory was important.
Although it seems that it is easy to get the two villains out of the water, she knows that it is very mysterious. My brother has repeatedly told me not to make a move. If I am careless, I will mistake myself and dare not take the liberty.
Seeing that the two little people were dying, she couldn’t bear to be heavier. Her eyes were reddish and she quickly shouted, "Brother, come quickly and don’t save them."
At this moment, Song Chang Gung just realized that some clues have not yet been decided. He was thinking about the smell speech and was taken aback. He flew over and looked at the screen pool and said, "Sister Qiong said it’s not bad. If we delay this two people any longer, we will hydrate. I just saw a clue and haven’t found the key. Here is the most powerful forbidden method in the Xuanmen Gate called the Big Five Elements Lotus Robbery Method.
I’m not very proficient in law, but I don’t know much about the door. If I find the way to the hub, I can immediately save this place. It’s hard to ruin this hole. I’ll do my best to help them survive. "

At this time, the king of Yuanzuo County suddenly got up and shouted, "Sumo, you are too arrogant to teach the king of Yun Ting County!"

"The king of Yun Ting County is the strongest tianjiao in the fairy land for 100,000 years. Do you despise bullying?"
Yuan Zuo County King looked righteous and righteous, but it was actually fanning the flames and wanted to stimulate Yun Ting County King to directly kill Su Mo.
Yun Ting turned to look at the king of Yuanzuo County.
He is young and arrogant, but he is not stupid.
King Xie Lingjun, the person in charge of the 10,000-year conference, saw that the situation was not good and the atmosphere was getting more and more tense. At this time, he had to come out and say, "Dear friends, please take your seats first. If you have any grievances, we will discuss them after the competition."
To everyone’s surprise, Yun Ting County King’s fighting spirit and murderous look quickly dissipated and directly promised to come and sit back.
Wang Nai of Yuanzuo County can also return to his seat.
After this small storm, the four monks of Xianzong also took their seats to compete for the list!
Yuan Zuo County King looked at the opposite Yun Ting County King’s heart, unwilling to turn his eyes, and said, "Yun Ting Daoyou is competing for the land list today, and it is not good for you to personally slay Su Mo."
"It’s not as good as Zixuan Xianguo and Dajin joining hands with Jiuzhong to encircle and kill this!"
Yun Ting looked up Gherardini looked at yuan with county king seems to be interested in his proposal.
The spirit of Yuanzuo County King continued to sound, "Daoyou can rest assured that this time it is not only my big Jinxian country but also Feixianmen Taoist friends. If Zixuan Xianguo can also join us, our three forces will join hands to make this ten deaths!"
Yun Ting county king’s eyes smile more and more prosperous.
"Ha ha ha ha!"
Finally, Yun Ting laughed and shook the sky for nine days, attracting several people to look askance!
Everyone looked puzzled.
Even the king of Yuanzuo County stood on the spot and didn’t know what was wrong with Yun Ting.
Yun Ting slowly turned to look at the Gankun Hospital not far from himself and said leisurely, "Sumo, the king of Zuojun County, just told me that Dajin Xianguo has joined hands with Feixianmen, and they want to surround you in the sky!"
"By the way, this assistant county king invited me to join hands with them."
When the voice falls, the group is in uproar!
The people in the hospital also looked shocked and glared at the big Jinxian country and Feixianmen direction.
Yuan Zuo jun Wang was caught off guard.
He didn’t expect his secret voice words to be concealed by the king of Yun Ting County and said it in public!
Chapter two thousand one hundred and ninety-four War!
This matter is indeed a big fairy country, Feixianmen, secretly joining forces to prepare for the land list competition to jointly kill Su Mo.
It is not easy to get such a huge force to join forces.
However, Yuan Zuo, the king of the county, and Qin Xian, Meng Yao, both of them are the royal family of Dajin.
Yuan Zuo County King hated Su Mo’s guts. The election of Xianzong made him and jindun lose face.
Because of the election of Xianzong, Su Mo once said that Qin Xian Meng Yao and Yuanzuo County King had a royal scandal, and Meng Yao Xian also wanted to kill them quickly!
The two men led the big Jinxian Kingdom and Feixianmen to discuss the plan and there will be no accidents.
But anyway, this kind of thing is not very glorious after all
Now the king of Yuanzuo County wants to pull Yun Ting into the partnership, but the result is self-defeating. Instead, Yun Ting made it public and immediately attracted a burst of criticism!
Feixianmen Baihai Tianxian glared at Yuanzuo County King and cursed a fool in his heart!
Even if there is no Zixian Kingdom, Jinxian Kingdom and Feixianmen, this plan is enough to kill Sumo in the cloud nine. There is no need to reinvent the wheel.
The list of state-owned land in Dajinxian County predicts that the Fourth Iron Cold will lead the execution and slaughter of ten people.
The list of younger brothers led by the reincarnated immortal Taihua at Feixianmen predicts a total of 12 people.
Even if it’s cold or Taihua, anyone can get rid of Su Mo.
However, I heard that Su Mo’s posture was extremely fast, so I would be enraged to arrange this joint killing plan.
These people have joined forces with Su Mo!
Now Yun Ting will tell them this plan in public, and all their preparations will be white if Su Mo gives up participating in the land list competition.
The immortal of Qingfeng-xiangguang fracture smiled and held his arms to watch the scene of bustle.
"What do you mean by this big Jinxian country and Feixianmen to jointly deal with a terrace fairy?"
"To tell the truth, it’s a bit embarrassing to do it."
"That’s right. They’re competing for the list, and they’re taking this opportunity to avenge themselves?"
Many monks in the square are talking privately.
The white sea fairy gathered up the folding fan and laughed. In the heart, she scolded and stared at the king of Yuanzuo County.
Yuan Zuo county king heard the discussion around and felt the burning eyes were a little overwhelming. He stared at Yun Ting with a growl of surprise and anger. "What are you doing! Don’t you have a problem with Sumo? Don’t you want him to kill the sword? "
"I will solve my own problems."