In addition, I have written a lot of shit that I can’t bear to part with.

Xiaoyu’s hands were shaking, and she couldn’t wait for the monitor to break in half.
If you want to break up, break up. Why do you have to say so much? Who said that distance produces "beauty"? Now distance has "beauty" and it is gone.
"Meng Xiaoyu comes in!" A roar came from the boss’s office.
Meng Xiaoyu quickly picked up his lovelorn and sad expression and walked into the boss’s office with respect and humility.
The fat face behind the boss’s desk is full of anger and drizzle at the moment, and the design drawing is pitifully shrinking the desktop.
"What happened to the boss?" Meng Xiaoyu carefully asked
"What’s the matter? You forgot to change this design layer. "The boss still roared angrily.
"Ah?" Xiaoyu quickly picked up her own design drawings. Oh, really, I came up with a plan to change it before, but I was too sleepy to forget to print the drawings directly.
"Boss, I changed my horse." Meng Xiaoyu quickly bowed and apologized.
But the boss still adamant4 "do you have a long brain? Make this mistake! This month’s salary will deduct you 500 yuan! "
"What?" Meng Xiaoyu’s mouth has become a "0" type. His salary in January is only 1000 yuan. Now he has to deduct half of his rent, which is 500 yuan a month. How can he live this month?
"Ah what? Change it quickly or you will be deducted 1000! " The boss slammed the pen on the desk, and the pen jumped up and down, knocking out the ink. Pure black ink splashed Meng Xiaoyu’s white shirt, chest and collar with black ink.
"You …!" Meng Xiaoyu jumped up like an enraged lioness, trying to drop the drawings in his hand on the boss’s fat face. "Go to hell, you big pig vampire! I quit!"
Meng Xiaoyu angrily rushed out of the boss’s office, banging away his things and throwing everything in a cardboard box. In the sympathetic eyes of his colleagues, the boss rushed out of the office building with the cardboard box in his arms.
Walking out of the building, the cold wind blew and Xiaoyu woke up. Oh, so you fired the boss? God, how can I live this month? Is it still time to go back and admit your mistake to the boss?
But on second thought, if a good boss is fired, why don’t you go home, have a good sleep and get enough energy to find a better job? Finding a better boyfriend is a blessing in disguise, and there may be other good luck waiting for you. What’s the other saying? When you open a door, you must open a window.
Meng Xiaoyu, who comforted herself, immediately felt that her future road was full of sunshine. She looked up and the sky was so blue and dotted with white clouds like cotton candy.
What if Xiaoyu secretly encourages himself to be lovelorn? So what if you lose your job? You can’t lose confidence, you’re still young, you have to struggle, you have to stand up and stride forward …
However, when Meng Xiaoyu strode forward with the carton, there was no well at his feet. I don’t know when someone stole the manhole cover. Xiaoyu strode forward and stepped in accurately and mistakenly. "Plump" Meng Xiaoyu fell into the well with his box.
"Wake up! Wake up!" Who calls himself? And slapped his face.
Ah, yo, where is this? My head is so dizzy. My arms and legs seem to have fallen off, and my ass seems to be numb.
Meng Xiaoyu touched his ass and forced himself to open his eyes. Where is this?
A little girl dressed in ancient coarse clothes is holding a bowl of water and calling for her to be charming and touching. Although she is wearing coarse clothes, her big bright eyes are still delicate and smart.
Meng Xiaoyu barely sat up, but now he is lying in a ruined temple, leaning against the wall and lying half-lying. Looking at himself carefully, he is also dressed in shabby coarse clothes. It seems that he saw a walk-on in a costume drama. God, even his white shirt stained with ink is much better than this.
Meng Xiaoyu skidded to get up and asked the little girl around him, "Where is this? Who are you? "
The little girl wait for a while looked at Xiaoyu "Feather Pastor, don’t you remember me? I’m Fluttershy! Did you fall to your brain? " She hugged Meng Xiaoyu and burst into tears.
"Feather pastor? Fluttershy? Who are these people? What the hell is going on here? " Meng Xiaoyu is at a loss.
"Wait, who is the feather pastor? I am Meng Xiaoyu! " Meng Xiaoyu was anxious to explain.
"Feather, you must have hurt your head and lost your memory when you ran away just now. Well, I’ll tell you again that your name is Lan Feather, and my name is Zhuang Fluttershy. We grew up together as orphans. We have no parents and no mothers, and we have been adopted by our master since childhood. We have to live well to be thieves with our master. Of course, sometimes we cheat a little money. Just now, we are not stealing some money. As a result, you accidentally slipped and rolled down the hillside in running all the way …" Fluttershy said, wiping away tears.
"ah? Is this the way it is? No, I remember my name is Meng Xiaoyu. I was dumped by my boyfriend and fired my boss. "Meng Xiaoyu dreamed hard."
"Don’t you?" Just like an epiphany, Meng Xiaoyu suddenly fell into the waterway and crossed into ancient times.
But what? After reading so many travel novels, people have either become princesses or met handsome guys in ancient times, but why are they so unlucky?
In the real world, it’s so unsatisfactory to cross over, and it has become a thief who is screaming and hungry. When he wakes up, he is still black and blue. God, why are you so unfair to me? Meng Xiaoyu wants to cry.
What, I’m a thief? Xiaoyu kept lamenting that Fluttershy was a little dissatisfied. She stared round her beautiful eyes. "Although we are thieves, we are the famous Grand Theft Auto in Yangzhou. Who doesn’t pick the big finger?"
Grand theft auto? Meng Xiaoyu looked at himself and Fluttershy dressed in coarse clothes, didn’t she? If it’s a famous Grand Theft Auto, it should be like Chu Liuxiang, with gorgeous clothes, a small painting boat and beautiful women around. Why did the legendary swordsman get so miserable for us? Not like Grand Theft Auto, but like a beggar brother.
And what is the’ black butterfly’? What nickname? It sounds like a pair of flower pickers, like Chu Liuxiang, who is called the thief handsome.
Fluttershy saw that Xiaoyu was depressed. She sighed, "The deceased master was very strict with us. Whenever we stole property and left little money to eat the rest, we had to give it to the poor. That’s why we were so poor."
With that, Fluttershy handed Meng Xiaoyu the water in his hand. Now it should be called Lan Yuxi. "Feather, you really scared me to death just now. How can I live if anything happens to you?" Said to drop tears again.
Lan Yu’s slouching water is very cool, unlike tap water in modern society, which always smells like disinfectant. Since it has crossed into this era, we should find a way to live in this era.
It seems that my physical fitness is still good. Of course, I was a school athlete when I was in middle school and college. Every sports meeting is 400 meters, 100 meters and relay. It’s not my own. Oh, my God, and now Lan Yuqiao is a thief. She must be athletic and can do some kung fu. When I think of it, Meng Xiaoyu proudly smiles. Now her name is Lan Yuqiao, which is quite good and poetic.
Feather and Fluttershy came to a crystal clear stream near the valley, washed their faces and looked at the reflected figure in the water. Feather and Beard secretly laughed, although they crossed, but their beautiful and moving appearance remained unchanged. They were younger, as if they were seventeen or seventeen years old.
"Fluttershy, did we grow up together?" Feather pastor cocked his head and asked Fluttershy beside him.
Fluttershy washed his handkerchief in his hand and nodded seriously. "Yes, we have been together for so many years. We are inseparable. If I am alone, I really don’t know how to live."
She gently wiped her handkerchief against the bruise on her forehead. "You scared me to death just now. I’ll give you back."
Feather Zhen moved to hold Fluttershy’s hand. Hey hey, it’s not bad. I picked up a good friend for nothing.

He has always been less harmonious with me than Jin Yun. When King Wu attacked Zhou, he was still sarcastic. I didn’t care about him, but since he became angry in front of me, I became more and more uncomfortable with him.

Today, Mu Shu has been practicing in Avalokitesvara for many years, but that temperament has not changed. My tone of voice is even more severe than before: "Why are you here when you are not in the ninth heaven?"
I spit out four words in no hurry: "Report something quickly"
Mu Bai glared: "Tell me why you informed me or please return."
I glanced at him and put my hand on his shoulder, so that he couldn’t move. I went straight into the mouth of the abode of fairies and immortals while he was clutching his shoulder and trying to get up. I said, "Wait till I tell the Bodhisattva that your anger will not fade and your sin will not diminish."
Go through the tidal hole and walk two or three miles, and you will see Guanyin in Guangchi holding a Pearl Dragon Girl to watch the flowers and enjoy the scenery.
When the dragon lady saw someone coming, she scolded, "Why did you trespass on the Bodhisattva shrine without notice?"
I held the railing and looked at the water surface in the pool indifferently. "Did the dragon lady ever inform Han Si that she had taken the nine-tailed fox fairy?"
"You …" Dragon lady didn’t "you" out of a natural to sulk with a flat mouth.
I listened to the trotting steps behind me getting closer and closer to the water surface in the pool, and the second figure appeared except me. At this moment, the wind suddenly sounded behind my ears, and I would flash and snap my fingers behind me, and there was a muffled sound.
"Sin, sin, you dare to hurt people in front of the bodhisattva." The dragon lady stared at me in surprise and shouted, "How dare you be so disrespectful in front of the bodhisattva!"
I glanced at the dragon lady and immediately withdrew my eyes: "Bodhisattva, you are a disciple of seven buddha, and your anger is hard to get rid of. You can also say that his practice is not enough, but he doesn’t even know how to be superior or inferior. Instead, you should teach others to be bodhisattvas. You are lax."
The Bodhisattva held the lotus leaf in a slightly nai tone: "You can change it when you have to manage it and wait for no one."
What a pair of such words! Is this avalokitesvara familiar to me in my previous life?
"There is still a need to fight for three points. Do you want to forgive people?" I walked up to the Bodhisattva and held out the glass lamp to get down to business: "The source of the glass lamp is the essence of vegetation, and now it will be destroyed by the shutter of the Lingxiao Temple. The Jade Emperor ordered Nezha to come to the South China Sea to find a way to save the treasure from the Bodhisattva."
Guanyin carefully studied the mouth of the glazed lamp and said, "I’m afraid it will take a long time if the aura is exhausted."
I handed the glass lamp to one side and turned to Guanyin and said, "This is not an easy thing to earn every day. Let’s save his life for the time being. He will remember the kindness of Bodhisattva when he returns to heaven."
Guanyin lowered her eyes and looked at the lotus flower swimming in the pool. After a long meditation, she drew Yang Liuzhi out of her net bottle and sprinkled a few drops of water in the glass lamp. Then she signaled the dragon lady to sink the glass lamp into the light pool.
Bodhisattva’s face, as white as a wall, is thoughtful: "Are you satisfied with this?"
I played Tai Chi to push things back to the shutter body: "The shutter general will repay the Bodhisattva for saving his life when he dies tomorrow!"
The purpose of this is to achieve my Bodhisattva’s farewell. When I turned around, I saw Mufang’s face was livid. I smiled: "Seek its own government in its place; If you are not in your place, you will not do your job. "
After that, I strolled out of the pool and waited at the entrance of the cave for a moment. Listening to the footsteps, I said, "What is that nine-tailed fox that deserves my attention? Do you want to say hello to me before taking her? Don’t I give it to you? You should know that the female immortals were registered in Korea, and the nine-tailed fox was taken away by the dragon lady as soon as the registration number was registered, and the husband-in-law, Zhenjun Kenai, first registered her name and sent it to the queen mother’s office, and then one Su Zhi was missing, so he asked the husband-in-law, Zhenjun, to punish him for dereliction of duty for a month.
Li Muzha, you’re not young, and you’re so reckless. It’s a shame to bother your husband-in-law. Can you apologize? "
After that, I lifted my feet and left. Li Muzha said, "Isn’t it a big deal that I can’t go out in January?"
I glanced at him to see some apologies in his face, but I saw indifference in his eyes.
I couldn’t help but smile: "Are you your beloved dad?"
I really can’t understand why anyone would think that it is a matter of course for others to be blamed, so I left without saying anything and didn’t want to look at him again.
Back to heaven, I first went to Lingxiao Hall to tell the Jade Emperor that the clean glass lamp had sunk into the light pool and was baptized by the Bodhisattva. Then I rushed to Beitianmen and beheaded Sendai to tell the story of barefoot fairy.
The barefoot fairy read out the penalty according to the will, and ordered the mountain soldiers to push the shutter into the boundary.
In the nine days, there was a panic scream in the clouds. The general shutter was like a broken line. The black kite floated, swayed and fell on a river bank. When the beach was smashed out of a deep pit, the original honest face became indigo. It was a big mouth and fangs, and its eyes were like a red light.
Seeing my general plan, Tianbing said sympathetically, "General shutter has fallen on the boundary of quicksand river."
I asked, "What kind of tragedy?"
Tianbing pie pie: "There is a hundred miles river in the quicksand river, which is full of weak water. Goose feathers can’t float in the water, but reed flowers can’t sink into the water. If this is the case alone, it’s not difficult for this river to cross the water, which makes it difficult for the general with a few people around him to fall here. His mind is also full of tricks, even if he gives up the fairy roots and lives on eating people, I’m afraid few people will give him food."
The words of the heavenly soldier made the barefoot fairy unhappy. He shouted with a serious face: "How can the blind heavenly generals want to live by eating people?" Is it possible that there are no wild animals and wild fruits around this river for hundreds of miles? "
How can a hundred miles of weak water live on weak water except Xuanwu clan or ordinary people who are proficient in water-based monsters?
I persuaded him, "General Roller Curtain is not an ordinary immortal, but he must care about the future and look at it with ease."
"Hum!" Barefoot Daxian left Beitianmen disgruntled with his sleeves.
The heavenly soldier looked at his novel with a sullen back: "It’s just that General Roller Curtain will become a demon when he goes here. Can you expect him to accumulate virtue and do good by the river?"
I glanced at the world, and hundreds of flying swords hung in the semi-flashing cold light, chasing the shutter and running all over the beach until the shutter was exhausted and "sou" passed through his heart, and it immediately resounded through the sky.
The heavenly soldiers sighed: "Marshal Tianpeng might feel better if the generals with rolling shutters could change places with each other."
That’s really the case.
A monster who is good at water but mistakenly throws a pig’s fetus can’t hide in the mountain forest; One is that the dry duck is unwilling to go to the weak water, and if you want to avoid the sword, you can go by-pass besides starving in this weak water; If you want to feel comfortable in your stomach, you have to leave the quicksand river boundary before a flying sword strikes, but a flying sword every seven days is doomed to be constrained by the demon king in the mountains and it is difficult to make decisions by yourself.
I left Beitianmen with a deep sigh when I spoke with caution.
As I walked along, I thought about the general shutter. There will be a vacancy around the Jade Emperor. Who will fill this "distinguished" position?
But this problem didn’t bother me for too long. The second time, the Jade Emperor proclaimed the will in the Lingxiao Hall, so Li Jing took a group of followers and went to the Western Heaven Lingshan to pick up Li Jinyun.
If Yincui gorge knows this news, she will be very happy. Maybe the jade emperor is willing to bring Jin Yun back, which is what she said in front of the jade emperor on the first day. But it is a good result on the whole.
This jade order, one hall, two classes of civil and military immortals, suddenly looked solemn and solemn, and then many people said a word quietly, waiting for Li Jing to get back to the front protector of Lingshan-
Ganlu Wang Li Jinbiao
A few days before the Peach Blossom Party, General Juan Lian also picked a good time to make trouble. When I thought of his situation in the world, I silently wept tears of sympathy for him.
I have something to say.
I forgot the timing (embarrassed). Thank you for casting the overlord ticket or irrigating the nutrient solution angel from 89: 55: 14 to 386: 6 ~
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution, the night rain bothered the bottle;
Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard!
Chapter 95 Chapter 95
In front of Luojia Mountain, I quite lamented that I came here once because I wanted something from others. In order to kill the murder and evil spirit, I hit the vicinity of Kunlun, bowing down in three steps and dyeing the 3,000 white jade steps here in five steps, but I failed.

There was a man waiting for them at the entrance to the village. It was Chen Chen in blue!

"You …"
"I’ll go with you …"
"I’m a doctor, too …" He glanced at Zi Lanyi. "I’ve always admired ghost doctors. I want to see ghost doctors, such as hanging pots to help the world!"
This reason seems to make sense, but Zhuge Yue still thinks that Chen Chen is a ghost doctor!
If he goes, even if he doesn’t show his identity, what if he can save Liu Qing?
Zhuge Yue nodded his head and agreed!
-dividing line-
South Hao Chen, who is extremely cold in the underworld, rarely cries when he enters this place. But he can’t help but burst into tears at the moment. Liu Qing has been staying in this place for half a year, so cold and cruel!
How sad she should be!
One side officer Wan’er encouraged him but he was always absent-minded!
When Zilanyi pretended to be a ghost doctor, she breathed a sigh of relief. This girl named Liu Qing can finally die!
But what the hell is this Chen Chen coming!
It seems that this real ghost doctor still wants to save Liu Qing …
The best way for her eyes to shine is to kill Chen Chen!
Nanhaochen tried to persuade her to go back, but she said angrily, "Nanhaochen, do you throw rags when I am finished?"
Nan Haochen gave up the idea of letting her go back!
Looking at Chen Chen’s back, she always wanted to get rid of him, but every time someone around him made her have no chance to get rid of him!
Now … This is the last chance in this cold place!
Eyes can never let go of officer Wan’er eyes have secretly looked at Chen Chen figure with murderous look!
If you want to use ice magic here, it can be said that you have committed the second disease in Nanlichuan (4).
If you want to use ice magic here, then it can be said that it is here!
She has secretly made up her mind, but she always feels a pair of eyes wandering around her. She always feels that someone is staring at her, so she decides that if Liu Qing wakes up, when she wakes up, everyone will pay attention to her and then do it!
Secretly clench fist at the same time she breathed a sigh of relief!
Nan Haochen looked like an ice sculpture. She still kept her awake posture and looked so stiff. Her eyes were not as smart as before, so god …
Nan Haochen sighed in her heart!
Zilan Yisha came forward with something and carefully explored the situation of the first-class Qing!
The injury is so heavy that my insides have already broken, which obviously is not the category that she can handle. So she immediately looked at Chen Chen’s psychic spar riddle for a while and she had the answer in her heart!
"If you want to restore this flow, you need to turn the soul eagle meat and blood."
"soul eagle"
As soon as this was said, everyone looked at each other because this kind of Warcraft is unheard of!
And officer Wan’er also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there is still a chance that Liu Qing won’t wake up soon!
"This soul eagle is the favorite of the president of Qian Yue College …"
"It turned out to be Qian Yue College …" A few people already knew the situation!
Night like a stranger smiled and said, "It turned out to be the president of Qianyue College, and it happened that I forgot to pay the new year. This is no problem!"
Purple blue clothes saw his one eye "even forget friends, I’m afraid it is still difficult? After all, there is only one chance in this world that this soul eagle can give people a life. Do you think he will give you a life easily? "
The night is like a stranger, thoughtfully for a moment. "This headmaster is an upright man. I believe he will balance it clearly!"

Zhou Rujie and I will always be like this. If one person’s mood is more serious, the other person will be handy when joking. However, the confrontation between the other party and Zhou Rujie has always been a five-year situation. I am afraid that the title of the first mouthpiece king in our city will soon get a hollow reputation.

I put my hands behind my head and smelled Zhou Ruhe Zhong Yishen’s different body smells fragrant and comfortable lying on the sofa. Don’t overdo it and look at the two beautiful women who are talking happily. My thoughts are high again and I can’t help but compare them in my heart.
You said that this week, if you are with Zhong Yi, two people will say that Zhong Yi is exquisite in facial features, high in cold facial features, perfect in proportion and fond of laughing, and pear vortex dew has won bangs, sold as a goddess, cute and looks like a little girl. I give ten points.
While Zhou Ru is not as delicate as Zhong Yi in appearance, but she looks seductive. The eyebrows look like Marilyn Monroe’s lips. She is impulsive at first sight. Even I am so honest and steady. Contemporary Liu Hui is always amazed and wears black-rimmed glasses to play. I like office or teacher system best. Oh, my god, I also give ten points.
In terms of figure, Zhong Yi doesn’t say that I’m too lazy to be in shape. After all, at that time in Wuhan, I saw with my own eyes that Zhong Yi didn’t wear clothes and came out of the bath, and her chest was also very rich. I simply don’t want to talk about the proportion of that figure, while Zhou Ruo’s height is not as high as Zhong Yi’s, and her figure is a little fuller than Zhong Yi’s. The most important thing is that her bust is much bigger than Zhong Yi’s. Mom Yu Mu is really happy in this figure. I also give them ten points.
In terms of personality, Zhong Yi is better than others in terms of talent and people’s life.
Thinking of this, I feel a lot better. I don’t know what I am. I have been a brother with Yumu. In recent years, I have always loved everything with him. When I played LOL, we were faster than anyone in a week. Once I saw him stay up all night and lost a part. I woke up laughing in my dreams last night. I failed the exam and saw him fail two courses. I feel that the world is sexy. This week is as sure as it seems. By the way, it is better than a wife.
I’ve been flying in my mind for a while, and the competition over there has already ended. I’d like to see if this little guy is really so crazy. He killed the opposite side three times six minutes ago and won a head after this game.
Chapter 135 Rhythm King
Yumu chose the blind monk here.
Yida Grandmaster at Arms Zhongfa single-shot AD mouse Xiaobao Morgana
On the other hand, Kazk’s single-knife girl, Danzeras AD, assisted the wind girl.
Both sides are very good, with front row and control.
The remaining wood is in the blue side.
On both sides of the door, Yu Mu didn’t arrange for scattered walking and conservative play, and directly told everyone to go the way. The red BUFF was opposite the red BUFF. The grass directly caught Kazik and forced him to flash before the game, but the two sides didn’t explode.
Two minutes and three seconds later, Yu Mu knocked out his own red buFF.
Then closed F4, and then inserted a hole in the isolated grass in the road and river.
I have noticed that the loading of residual wood is very novel. It is not a routine way to go out with a wild knife, but to go out with a wild knife and a red eye. It is 75 yuan to insert it in the grass of the river, not a decorative eye.
Yu Mugang was just about to hit the blue BUFF when he saw the mantis across the street sticking an eye in the isolated grass, but the mantis didn’t intend to come against Yu Mu. After inserting Yu Mu, he reversed himself and returned to the wild area. Yu Mu noticed that he had a blue BUFF, and the mantis across the street was blue. The speed of this mantis’s eye insertion should also be cleared. So it is unclear whether F4 or three wolves are added.
Yumu immediately let go of the live blue BUFF and went straight to Dalong to insert a decorative eye into W without hitting it.
I didn’t pay attention to Yu Mu when he played F4 just now.
Conventionally speaking, blind monks are learning EE in the second level, and AOE is conducive to the high-definition field efficiency to reach the third level to go to GANK quickly, while Yu Mu is learning W.
By the time Yumu arrived at the opposite red BUFF, Mantis had already had a wave of * * * * * * * struggle with the red BUFF, with only half of his blood and only one third of his blood.
The mantis’s second-level general learning is W and Q, but there is no E skill. After the mantis is stuck by Yu Muhong BUFF, the base can’t escape, and it can’t escape. It was chased by Yu Mu directly before it was forced off. When the mantis was dying, Yu Mu reflexive Q arrived at a certain distance, and it was back to the blood red BUFF. I punched the mantis’s head and took it off. The second section of Q went to the red BUFF, and it was unceremoniously taken back to the semi-blood red BUFF.
Later, Yumu returned to his own blue BUFF to cooperate with the punishment and killed the blue BUFF. The blood volume has been disabled for the return trip.
4 minutes and 2 seconds
Silas seized the clockwork flaw, stunned the clockwork, and then grabbed the clockwork and played a game.
But this is obviously a clockwork that deliberately sells flaws. This point in the middle of the road needs clockwork. Generally speaking, it is difficult to explode the head at this point in the first six levels, let alone the hero of clockwork.
Clockwork only has one-third blood volume, while there is a half-blood line in the middle of the river on the opposite side of Zelas, which is not very good, GANK
Yu Mu directly exposed himself from the road in front of the opposite purple square F4 around the last eye W directly in the field of vision of Zelas.
Games like this are usually highly stressful. When the blind monk appears, Zelas will react and turn back immediately.
After the blind monk W touched his eyes, he walked towards Zarathustra. Zarathustra would die if he was stuck by the blind monk in this blood volume Q.
After the blind monk arrived at the line, he was very close to Zarathustra for about one or two seconds. He gave a Q to Zarathustra and made a move.
It’s hard to avoid this Q by walking at such a close distance. Silas released a flash in the direction of the defensive tower in a mental height and tension.
However, this Q of Yumu happens to predict his flashing position! However, the blind monk has always been facing Zelas, giving him the illusion that the blind monk is going to flash to him.
After Zelas flashed, he was predicted to be in the Q, and he was stuck by the second Q of Yumu to chase the head of the middle road to death.
"good!" I praised Yu Mubo’s wandering in my heart, and I watched the game more vigorously.

Zhang Hai touched the back of his head for a moment and pointed to a road. "This is also a good commission stone."

"It’s a good one. Although the attack is not strong, it’s a bird. Our method can’t take off in Zhonggen." Xiong Mengnai tunnel
"Can’t senior Xiao fly? You should try it with the help of senior Xiao?" Zhang hai is not angry tunnel
Everyone looked at Xiao Lingyu, while Xiong Meng said later, "We have already troubled Xiao’s predecessors once and it is not good again …"
"Ha ha no, it’s idle anyway. If you need help, just give me half the commission."
Xiao Lingyu before Xiong Meng finish seems to be generous to pick up the words with a smile.
"Senior Xiao is really willing to help?" Xiong Meng asked excitedly.
It is of great significance for this small team to get the help of a strong man in the period of emperor … It is a very obvious example that they not only increased their security but also completed a lot of hunting tigers, apes and beasts.
"As long as you don’t think my asking price is too high," Xiao Lingyu answered after shrugging his shoulders.
"Ha ha ….. Xiao elder since willing to help that’s settled. Xiao elder wants half of the commission, which is actually a big advantage for us." Xiong Meng smiled happily.
If Xiao Lingyu doesn’t help Xiong Meng, it’s too difficult and too dangerous for several people to kill a monster beast in the Shenjun period. If it weren’t for the quiet girl before, it would be impossible for a few of them to dare to fight the monster beast in the Shenjun period. Xiao Lingyu’s half commission this time is really generous
Now that you have chosen this to prepare.
Xiao Lingyu is a little hunting experience, but certainly not as good as Xiong Meng, who followed him silently.
In fact, the so-called preparation is to buy some special instruments and materials, which makes Xiao Lingyu strange. The experienced old hunter Xiong Meng and others all listen to Jing Girl’s arrangement in preparation, and Jing Girl, a seemingly delicate female monk, seems to be very familiar with the target prey Butterfly Wing Luan.
If this quiet girl really comes from a big family or powerful daughter, will she often go out hunting? Do you like reading ancient books?
We didn’t go to the gate until we were ready.
When approaching the city gate, Jing Girl said to Xiao Lingyu, "Did you find that someone has been following us all the time? Although he is well hidden, there is no qi activity or god knowledge to lock us in, but he always appears where we appear and will look at us from time to time?"
To tell the truth, Xiao Lingyu really didn’t realize that he was being followed. After all, there are too many pedestrians in the streets of this city, and it is not good to let out his thoughts in the city. After all, there are often strong people in the city during the period of the emperor, and it is even possible to encounter the king of god. It is very likely that he will get into trouble when he keeps talking about his thoughts.
Although he didn’t find it, Xiao Lingyu believed that Jing Girl wouldn’t deceive himself in this matter, so he was extra careful and slowly put his thoughts outside after he left the city.
Many monks went from Duhu City to Piaoxu Mountain. When they left the city, they sped up and went to the big river.
When he arrived in Okawabe, Xiao Lingyu had also found out the monk who followed several people, but he did not move.
Ask for a gold medal, a collection, a recommendation, a click, a comment, a red envelope, and a gift. Please smash whatever you want!
Xiaofei writes a lot, and people are absolutely reliable.
Chapter 693 Strive for seconds kill
? Chapter 693 Strive for seconds kill
Many monks went from Duhu City to Piaoxu Mountain. When they left the city, they sped up and went to the big river.
When he arrived in Okawabe, Xiao Lingyu had also found out the monk who followed several people, but he did not move.
The big river bridge is now reconnected …
Chapter 694 Indeed as expected there is a problem.
? Chapter 694 Indeed as expected there is a problem.
"Don’t worry, he must attack you first because he still can’t figure out your number. He must be more afraid. You must get rid of you first." Static girl is sure to tunnel.
Static girl’s judgment did not go wrong. After searching in this area for three days, suddenly there was a white light flashing in front of Xiao Lingyu.
Chapter 695 Butterfly wing bears a phoenix
? Chapter 695 Butterfly wing bears a phoenix
The other party came after Xiao Lingyu from the foot, but it was in the half-transverse movement and then accelerated down.
"Hey? There is a problem! "
The divine king jumped again, which made him suddenly alert, but instead of falling, he let himself stay about three feet above the ground.
Pick up …
Chapter 696 Chi is not here 1
? Chapter 696 Records are not here 1
"It’s good to arrange the static girl to help you capture him. I’m finished." Xiao Lingyu easily tunnel.
Xiong Meng several people listen to not too white all are confused to see Xiao Lingyu static girl.
"Let’s find a place first. I’ll strengthen a secret technique and get familiar with manipulation."
Jing gu …
Chapter 697 Tzu Chi is not here 2
? 557 Chapter six hundred and fifty-three Not here.
? Xiao Lingyu tried his best to prepare for the fall, but the butterfly wing fell too fast and suddenly, and some other methods fell first.
But it’s a good thing that Static Girl once again made a petal world around them before the butterfly wing Luan fell, and several green vines soared to meet the butterfly wing Luan.
As a result, the butterfly wing Luan fell behind and was killed by the petals and the ivy vine, so that several people had been awakened by the static girl and retreated Xiong Meng.
Xiao Lingyu chased her, and when the butterfly wing Luan fought fiercely for a lamp of tea, the butterfly wing Luan fell down after a moan in the early days of the Emperor.
Make sure that butterfly wing Luan is dead. Static girl will put away her body and then disperse the petals around her.
"Ha ha, you’re done!" Xiong Meng came running laughing.
"Jing girl and Xiao’s predecessors are really perfect!" Zhang hai praised the way
Ma Chun Ma Qiu is also a face of joy
"I’m aside to coordinate the actual or Xiao Xiong strength is the absolute main force" static girl modest tunnel.
"Ha ha, static girl, these moves are very severe every time, and they are not worse than Godsworn." Xiao Lingyu smiled pointedly.
"That’s right. We underestimated the static girl before she turned out to be a powerful person," echoed Zhang Hai.
Long-term ambition of others can not destroy his prestige. That’s what Zhang Hai thinks, but he doesn’t think too much.
Zhang Hai doesn’t want to be because he is a person who doesn’t have a deep heart, but Xiong Meng will continue to think about something according to Xiao Lingyu’s words. Although Xiong Meng is not a person who has a heavy heart, he can also detect that Jing Girl seems to have a great history at this time.
Before meeting Xiao Lingyu, Jing Girl never really fought with any friar or monster beast. She always followed Xiong Meng silently, and they healed them to help them recover quickly during the battle.
It will be a little surprised and inexplicable to wait for everyone to suddenly see the static girl and be so powerful.
For example, Xiong Meng was thinking at this time, how could a female monk be willing to follow her several people? A few of them are ordinary mercenaries, and there is no good magic weapon and good achievement method when they live in a precarious situation. What is her plan?

A wisp of breeze passed by夜网

A wisp of breeze passed by, and both of them disappeared at the same time.
Neither of them noticed, just after they left the plan. Several figures, along the space corridor where they came in, came out.
"Vientiane Sect and Tianxie Sect … when did they get so close?"
A huge figure, covered in bronze armor, stepped on the ground of the ancient small world like a statue of God of War. His eyes blink, dangerous light, passed from the pupil.
"Commander-in-chief, something is wrong! It seems that there are more than these two evil giants here! "
The rear half step, a also covered with bronze armor, killing gas thick as if to bleed the strong way.
These people are actually the top existences of the imperial army.
"Well, I have found it. Like the Emperor and the Evil Emperor of Purple Jade, don’t touch them for a while. I’ve sent a message to mobilize two other commanders from the deer hunting park. When the weather changes, people are restless. This kind of diabolical and evil sect actually wants to collect treasures at this time and enhance their strength to deal with the imperial court. I really don’t know how to live or die! This time, they will be wiped out. "
After a pause, the imposing manner is like a mountain, and all the conquering and suppressing armies opened their doors and said, "I’ve got Ren Huang’s approval. If necessary, I can lend the power of Gan Kuntu! No matter the elephant emperor or the evil jade emperor, no one can escape from here! "
When the three commanders heard the words "Gankuntu", they were greatly refreshed: "Your Excellency is wise. With the help of Gan Kuntu, these heretics are bound to rob you. "
"well. Don’t startle the snake for the time being, and don’t get involved and rob the treasure. Wait until uncle Yang and Sun Su come over. Do it together. "
"Yes, my Lord!"
Three people shape flash, into the size of dust. Mixed in the void, toward the valley.
"hmm? What a strong spatial fluctuation! "
At the bottom of the sea, in layers of space, a reclusive strong man suddenly felt something and opened his eyes. A moment later, I turned into Changhong and came out of the air.
With the opening of the space corridors, there are always some people who are close to these space corridors and feel the growing breath of the "ancient small world" and are attracted to it.
With the help of dzogchen’s "Billion Space Invisibility Law", Fang Yun has a unique advantage in this space. However, feeling the increasingly intense fluctuations in the ancient small world, Fang Yun gradually became a little uneasy.
"What’s the matter? Actually attracted so many strong people! "
Fang Yun secretly frightened: "If this ancient relic is so easy to find, it has passed for so many years. It should have been discovered long ago. How can all of a sudden, so many people enter here! " Fang Yun was puzzled. This place, which was supposed to be very secret, suddenly became like a vegetable market. Everyone knows, and they just go in and out.
He still doesn’t know that the change of the cat has affected the operation of the whole world. If he hadn’t discovered that "everything is empty", he was familiar with it and touched one of the space corridors in advance. Now, I’m afraid I can’t even get a piece of this ancient small world.
But now, with the weapons of ancient fiend, Fang Yun even found nothing, his income, also more than most people.
"Go on like this, invisible, although others can’t find it, but it is also extremely inconvenient. Well … let’s do it. "
Fang Yun eyes flashing, blink of an eye have the attention.
"Evil Fujiki, come out!"
When the void shook, an old man with a haggard face suddenly appeared in this ancient little world. It was Fang Yun who sealed it, and the evil spirits of heaven were strong in six categories, and the evil spirits of rattan and wood!
After the evil gentleman Fujiki came out, his face was automatically distorted, and a moment later, he changed into another face. A little younger, but the eyes are more Lingli.
"Heaven is evil!"
The finger tips of rattan, wood and evil gentleman send out a stream of evil qi, which wraps around the clock of heaven and earth. He has some control rights that Fang Yun opened to him.