Hey! Hey! Hey!

Emperor Brahma and others once again broke out in a spell, and then released the escape technique in four directions and escaped!
Xiao Banzu has long realized that Emperor Brahma and others intend to stay here and dare not. The whole person has sprung up a series of Lei Guang.
The wind roared, and the ancestors released the wind and thunder, and the head wouldn’t flee to the distance!
"Old dog, do you still want to escape?"
Jade raksha is too busy to manage others.
But she stared at Xiao Banzu alone!
No matter how fast the storm escapes, it’s faster than the Luo Cha clan!
More than a dozen breathing kungfu jade raksha has been chased by a machete with both hands and cut forward!
Destroy the world, Luo Cha!
Two knife light arrival contains a horrible atmosphere!
Xiao Banzu feels the crisis and knows that he can’t escape. He can hold his body and throw a huge shield in the palm of his hand to block the front!
When! When!
Jinge’s cross hit sounded.
Xiao Banzu was shocked all over!
These two knife lights actually penetrated this half-ancestor multiplier and disappeared into his body, bursting into destructive forces that destroyed all vitality!
Chapter one thousand four hundred and ninety To Pingyang Town
The night half-ancestor’s flesh instantly exploded and the blood of the half-ancestor was dyed red for half a day!
The blood fog is surging, and a Yuan God is fleeing in the distance. Look scared!
Jade Russian figure move with a scoop will night half ancestor yuan god detention palm coldly said "old dog, don’t you want me to minister! You deserve it! "
Jade raksha root did not give Xiao Banzu a chance to beg for mercy, but directly stuffed Xiao Banzu Yuanshen into his mouth and swallowed him alive!
On the misty peak, everyone watched a half-ancestor being killed by Jade Raksha on the spot!
Dimly discernible peak group repair eyes almost fell to the ground!
Such a gorgeous and aggressive female means is so powerful and cruel that she swallowed a half-ancestor Yuan God!
The remaining four and a half ancestors were also beaten away by this tough woman!
Jade raksha’s knowledge instantly spread tens of thousands of miles away!
However, the four and a half ancestors of Emperor Brahma have escaped from her knowledge and disappeared.
Jade Russian frowning slightly.
If she starts to chase now, it will be difficult for her to chase the four emperors.
And if she is away from the dimly discernible peak, there will be great trouble if she has any strong enemy to come over to dimly discernible peak.
Pondering over a little jade raksha, I decided to guard the dimly discernible peak.
Although the first world war was short, the fire in the heart of killing a half-ancestor jade Russian was finally vented
"I heard that Luo Cha people are extremely ugly. How beautiful is this jade raksha? It is more beautiful than the teacher elder sister Shui Yun."
"I don’t know. I also heard that Luo Cha’s ferocity and bloodthirsty will take the initiative to help us?"
"Are there good people in Luo Cha?"
Many monks in dimly discernible peak are gossiping.
The old crane has come forward and bowed to the jade raksha, saying, "Thank you very much for your help from the Luo Cha family. Dimly discernible peak is very grateful."
Although the old crane has a poor impression of the Luo Cha family in his heart.
But this jade raksha helped dimly discernible peak survive this catastrophe after all!

Xu Yan looked at the two of them. "What’s wrong with you? Is it to save those flying people … what’s the name … what’s the door? " Xu Yan scratched his head and didn’t react. After thinking about the seriousness of the problem for a long time, he was sure that he had forgotten the term, so he was ready to ask Shen Changwen again.

But Shen Changwen saw his one eye and did not answer.
"That is to say, it is not difficult for them to build a spaceship."
"Yes, it’s very simple. Their industry has been automated …" Wu Qingdao "The whole Federation has 23 billion people responsible for specific production, and the population does not exceed tens of millions …"
"That other person" Shen Wen recalled the number of people who played the game when he came all the way. "Are they all in the game?"
"Play games for everyone," Wu Qing said. "Games can transcend the constraints of tattoos and create a new way of life."
Wu Qing paused here for a long time before Shen Wen and Xu Yan looked at each other and said, "I think I already know what they are going to do to us."
"What?" Xu Yan asked the fastest.
Shen Wen didn’t ask the truth. When Wu Qing spoke just now, he had guessed the answer in his heart.
Two countries that can restrict industrial production from going to war are almost the same technology. The biggest difference between the two sides seems to be that the members of the text are different. One is real human beings made of carbon, and the other is virtual life made of data.
Which of the two is more suitable for the present level of war?
It is not difficult to draw a conclusion by thinking about this game of Wu Qing.
"That is to say, no matter what attitude we take, it is not far away. Who are we … if we want to come over … we will meet this one."
Wu Chen nodded. "They need our key, not our position … just because of our identity."
"Identity?" Xu Yan hasn’t heard anything yet. "Don’t they know that we are from the earth? Do they still want to counterattack the earth? "
Wu Qing shook his head. He suddenly asked Xu Yan, "What if all our generations can’t go back to the earth? What are your plans? "
"Can’t you go back?" Xu Yan was scared and shivered. "What do you mean? Angkor, don’t joke with me. I can’t stand being scared. "
Xu Yan turned to look at Shen Changwen only to see that he looked at himself in the same way.
Shen Wen asked Wu Qing again, "Then why don’t they make consciousness data?"
"Because of fear," Wu Qing said, "a writer can be afraid that his life style will be completely erased … This is not a simple technology, and the whole federal department must have had a lot of arguments about it."
So they stared at us when they needed this technology most.
"What if we … cooperate actively?" Shen Wen tentatively asked 1.
"I don’t know," said Wu Qing. "Do you know?"
Shen Wen also shook his head, just out of this idea, the thought of possible cooperation has already made him feel cold.
But reason made him say what he should say, "but it is not considered when necessary."
35 Cloud Beauty
One of the selling points of the game "Sun Fengyun" is that it is set strictly according to the reality, and it is precisely because the player’s experience when playing intelligent body and Federation is completely different according to the reality.
Wu Qing has played seven times in the past few days. These seven times, he chose the federal Shen Wenxuan as an intellectual body. Although he is more familiar with the game than Shen Wenqian, he can’t avoid failing every time.
"Game design is like this." After the ninth failure, Shen Wen said to Wu Qing, "It is a matter of time before the Federation can never defeat the failure without putting out the intellectual body in the first place."
"How can it be defeated at the first time?" After several games, Wu Qing has tried every mechanism in the game. "The whole federal root will have no sense of crisis. When there is an opportunity, you can’t recruit, and when you are really hit at your doorstep, you can’t recruit."
"Yes," Shen Wen also said, "but the strategy here is very simple. Just drag one word."
"Yes, every time I suppress a few billion attack ships … a wave of A comes and takes it away."
"It’s just a game," interrupted Xu Yan, who has been watching them play games. "Is it really the same as here?"
From the perspective of Xu Yan, this game is quite boring. It should not be said that it is boring!
There are neither beautiful pictures nor wonderful battles, and the meat sellers are always sitting in the same room from beginning to end. Except for a small number of videos, most of the information is that the consultants come in in in turn to report either the progress of the plan or the new good news and bad news, and then let the players make decisions.
But just as Shen Wen and Wu Qinggang said, it is difficult for both sides to produce any game in this process, and there is a strategic suppression from beginning to end.
Otherwise, it is not only rich and simple to delay the war by various other means, such as inciting a group in the Federal Ministry to protest or making an ambiguous peace … Then the Federal Ministry will always delay the war because of these actions.
From the point of view of the game, it seems that the biggest reason is that the federales subconsciously recognize AI as their creation-which is equivalent to the feeling that parents feel when they look at their children, even if they have a falling out, they tend to be soft-hearted once they show weakness.
But if you play too much, players know that you have to wait for the intellectual body to wait long enough-the only thing he needs to do during this time is to keep making.
Wait until the intelligent body converts all the control areas into attack ships-until the number exceeds the entire federal controllable fleet. Although the federal industrial capacity is strong, the combat effectiveness of the Taizhong army is still limited by the number of people-according to the calculation of two people controlling a spaceship, 23 billion federales can control 11.5 billion attack ships at most …
Billions of warships sound like an amazing number, which is more or less enough to reach the edge of "astronomical figures". However, it is just a man-made meteorite belt to put the "astronomical figures" into various genuine astronomical units involved in the Star Wars.
Wu Qing shook his head. "The federal government really wants to be so clever that it wouldn’t do such a thing to us. As a result, it did all the work and screwed up …"
Speaking of this, Xu Yan hated it. "These king eggs are just like Empress Dowager Cixi … Sooner or later, we have to get a national Coalition to avenge this!"
Wu Qinghe Shen Wen smiled at one another and knew that Xu Yan didn’t come in vain at all. What did he say was that he was returning to the Allied Forces? If this kind of text was really close to the earth, it would be the Qing government-not as good as charging, which island in the Pacific Ocean can be regarded as an aboriginal.
"I think we should take the initiative to go out and connect with people." Shen Wen went on to talk about the topic just now. "It’s not a problem to always hide like this … We came here not just to protect ourselves, but to finish it."
"But it is said that the outside is looking for us now." Xu Yan is most worried about watching the news every night for fear that he will suddenly be caught one day. Even though this is a virtual game world, he still likes to lock himself up and be a thief every time he enters the door. "I have experience in making … when I was working on a project, I usually had to make a report when I went out."
"I also checked this period," Shen Wen said his opinion. "As far as the government search is concerned, it is still guaranteed that we should keep in touch with the outside world at a relatively low frequency."
"What do you mean?" Xu Yan blinked.
"It is to ask us to talk less to others," Wu Qingdao said. "How low is it?"
"Probably, the number of people who communicate with foreign countries every day does not exceed one or two million."
"One or two million?" Wu Qing wondered, "How can one person communicate with one or two million people at the same time?" Wu Qing is puzzled.

These seven people are very similar to the middle-aged man in their clothes. Five of them are dressed in elder robes, ranging from double cultivation to quadruple cultivation, but the other two are dressed as real brothers!

In particular, the middle-aged man has a faint smell of enthusiasm all over his body. A little glance at Gu Qing reveals that he is actually a master of Dan Dao’s six key burning Dan fire!
Dan Dao is six times higher than the first master of Tianguang Dynasty, the Holy Light Emperor, by two levels, plus the advantage of dazzling Yang Tianzong’s avatar method and exquisite magic weapon. All the Dan Dao masters in the whole Tianguang Dynasty don’t talk.
Seeing the arrival of this true brother, Xuan Wanliu quickly saluted him. "It’s a friend of Cang to the left!"
Xuanyang Tianzong, the true brother of Dan Dao’s Six Heavens, enjoys high prestige. Naturally, he can ignore an elder of Dan Dao’s Four Heavens.
But at the moment, the two of them have the same purpose, and they both came to the Tianguang Dynasty at the risk of violating the orders of Zongmen. When they saw their faces pale and turned to the left, they were polite. "Xuanwan Taoist friends didn’t expect that you were one step ahead of me."
"I’m early, but I’m afraid it wouldn’t have worked if Cang Daoyou hadn’t come!"
"Well, we’d better solve the problem here as soon as possible. If it takes a long time, the people from the Department of Justice and the Law Enforcement Department will definitely come over and criticize." With that, pale eyes have fallen on the triple master of Dan Dao’s body and eyes, and there is no secret of murder. "I’ll give you a chance to call the master of the Tianguang Dynasty. If you don’t come, I’ll kill all the practitioners of Dan Dao in the Tianguang Dynasty until he appears!"
"It’s me. Please wait a moment!"
True brother’s status is not comparable to that of ordinary elders.
In particular, he is a true brother with six virtues, and God knows whether they can continue to break through the promotion to a higher level in the future and win the Shinto. Even Xuanyang Tianzong will treat brothers like them with caution.
The triple practitioner of Dan Dao was about to leave a laugh and follow. "Haha, Taoist friends are so powerful and arrogant that they want to slaughter all the practitioners of Dan Dao realm in the Tianguang Dynasty. You dazzle the Yangtian Sect, although it is one of the five immortals in Middle-earth, but what you have done is too overbearing!"
When this sentence was just said, it was still the day when the sound fell outside the temple, and a dozen people and so on had already appeared behind the scenes. The first one in the hall was the actual palm of the Tianguang Dynasty, four realms Shengguang Emperor!
"You are willing to come out" pale left cold hum a!
"Of course, can I not come when I see Cang Daoyou coming in person and want me to kill the Tianguang Dynasty?"
"I won’t say much nonsense. If I know again that you are not trying to dazzle me, I will kill all the Dandao practitioners in your whole Tianguang Dynasty, including you!"
"Hey, then I want to know whether Cang Daoyou’s remarks represent yourself or represent your high-level decision to dazzle Yang Tianzong."
"It’s enough for me to deal with you little miscellaneous fish. I will dazzle the top of Yangtianzong personally."
The holy light emperor shook his head.
At this time, a voice suddenly came out from the crowd behind the Emperor of the Holy Light. "You don’t respect yourself too much to the left … It seems that our words and deeds in Dihuang Ridge are not as good as yours. If you Hyun Yang Tianzong wants to take the lead in breaking the rules and intervene in the struggle of mortal countries regardless of the status of people in the cultivation world, then we in Dihuang Ridge are willing to play along!"
"Five gates in Middle-earth-Dihuang Ridge!"
Pale eyes immediately to the left to hide in the crowd at a surprise a middle-aged man looked at the past.
At this time, I paid a little attention to what happened here for a moment. Guqing was finally white.
No wonder the Tianguang Dynasty was so bold and wanton to expand and embezzle the mortal kingdom originally under the jurisdiction of Xuanyang Tianzong, with Dihuang Ridge behind it!
It seems that because of the death of an old man in Xuanyang Tianzong and the loss of Zhenzongbao, the strength has been greatly reduced, and some sects have become greedy for his occupying a lot of resources!
Dihuang Ridge is obviously Form One!
The third volume The stars gather together. The one hundred and sixty-first time has a mental arithmetic.
"Elder Dihuang Ling Luoshen!"
Pale to the left face immediately gloomy!
"These dynasties have always been under the jurisdiction of our dazzle Yang Tianzong, paying tribute to our dazzle Yang Tianzong. Dihuang Ridge openly supports the skylight dynasty to deal with our dazzle Yang Tianzong’s rule over the mortal country. What does this mean? Is it possible that you Dihuang Ridge want to interfere with our dazzling Yangtian Sect and trigger the Xianmen War? "
"Ha ha, that’s funny. We in Dihuang Ridge have never intervened in the affairs of Xuanyang Tianzong. The actions of the Tianguang Dynasty represent their own position, but what are you doing in the war of Xuanyang Tianzong mortal country?"
"These dynasties are the mortal countries under the jurisdiction of our Xuanyang Tianzong, and we can’t participate in Xuanyang Tianzong?"
"According to you, this little guy of Shengguang is my martial uncle’s registered brother. You dazzle Yang Tianzong, but you can intervene because these mortal countries belong to your country. Then it is natural for us to help our younger brother in Dihuang Ridge."
Zunzi, with one exception, represents the realm of Shinto!
"I can’t believe that even the elders of Shinto realm are involved in this matter. It seems that they are eating away from our Xuanyang Tianzong mortal country. This is your order from the top of Dihuang Ridge!"
"Joke, your trip has not been allowed by Zongmen to intervene in the national war of mortals. Can’t we take these actions as private actions? I don’t like the fact that you bully my younger brother as a celestial cultivator, and the nature of helping the mortal country is the same as yours! "
Even the master of Shinto realm intervened in this matter. Luo Shen also called it his own clan, and the ghost wouldn’t believe it if he went out.
However, it happened that Xuanyang Tianzong is now in the key, and the immortal star must be condensed as soon as possible to become a quasi-polar artifact with the help of Zongli. He has no more energy to take care of things.
There are extremely high-level artifacts in the "Grand Que" cultivation world that can suppress the scene and deter all parties from making small scraps. Otherwise, even if there is a clan that hits the mountain gate, they have no geographical advantage to use.
Compared with the demise and decline of the mortal world, the safety of one’s own clan is naturally more important.
"Damn you, Dihuang Ridge, don’t insult others. We dazzle Yang Tianzong and you, but we are fighting with the five immortals in Middle-earth, just as you really are, Dihuang Ridge is absolutely not cheap!"
Los heavy looking at face cold pale left corners of the mouth emerge a sneer at "face war? Is it possible? We in Dihuang Ridge have just occupied some sites in the mortal kingdom of Xuanyang Tianzong, and you Xuanyang Tianzong fought against the Thunder Sect and Qingyun Sect, and even your affiliated sects have occupied Xianmen. What should you do with Xuanyang Tianzong? What’s more, The Hunger Sect, the arch-enemy of Xuanyang Tianzong, has become more and more restless recently, and all the elders have been invited to sacrifice their clan’s pole artifact again-do you think they will attack Xuanyang Tianzong on a large scale when this pole artifact accumulates enough strength? Do you think you Xuanyang Tianzong can compete with the impact of a clan and a pole artifact without the help of our other clan forces? "
"You …"
Cang Zuo Zuo is a true brother with a noble status. He knows a lot about Xuanyang Tianzong.
If the former Xuanyang Tianzong was beaten by The Hunger Sect, the five immortals in Middle-earth would definitely intervene in this matter. However, the news of the resurrection day of the Demon Sect in Mo Wen has already come out. They are already self-sufficient, even if they can help, it is extremely limited and impossible. If they don’t pay some price to ask him to make moves, even if they can really get through the immediate difficulties, they will be removed from the ranking of the five immortals in Middle-earth!
It is precisely because of this that Xuanyang Tianzong executives have to choose to sacrifice part of their interests to break through the disaster!
When I saw Cang Zuo’s face changing, I was speechless. Suddenly I laughed. "Cang Zuo, what do you have to say? If you have nothing to say, please let Shengguang talk to these dynasty envoys about the issues that must be fulfilled in the annual tribute!"
Cang glanced at many mortal countries in the left eye field and finally fell into a country with a famous Tianhe dynasty!
He was born from this country and has strong feelings for his own country. However, because he has been practicing hard for a long time over the years, even the rulers of this dynasty don’t know that there is such a huge background behind them.
Aware that the great masters of Dandao in the dynasty were full of sadness, Nai Xin Cang suddenly shook violently to the left. "What am I practicing today? Isn’t it just defending my country and guarding everything worth guarding?" Now my family has broken the country and is on the verge of death. If I lose all this, it will be an unknown whether I can make another breakthrough in the future just by relying on the promotion of Shinto belief! "
"People can’t live without themselves!"
When I read this pale to the left, my eyes suddenly became sharper than ever, and my eyes instantly locked on Luo Shen. "Luo Shen, I have long heard that you in Dihuang Ridge and Dihuang have a foothold in the sky, and my days benefit the whole life and breed everything. Today, it is rare to have this opportunity to let me pale to the left, and I dazzle Yang Tianzong to burn the sky and dazzle Cindy Yang fire to have a good experience!"
"Eun Cang left, but you’re going to fight me?"
"Just learning!"
"Hey hey, although it’s a fight, if I accidentally hurt you …"
"that depends on you."
As soon as the words are finished, Luo Shen is already ignoring his seven-fold identity!
Since Dihuang Ridge is going to take the opportunity to get some cheap money from Xuanyang Tianzong, all the arrangements are naturally in case of loss and sinking. In addition to Dan Daoqi’s rebuilding the stability and stabilizing the sky to the left, his master elders have given him a very clever weapon-broken yuan sand, which is also specially refined for burning the sun and dazzling the true fire.

Of course, some friends say that I often write these Rory Bars, which is a bit procrastinating, but I write them habitually, so I write them again. If you don’t like reading them, leave a message in the opinion building, and I will reduce these things.

Ok, I’m too tired today. Let’s call it a day. Speaking of it, I haven’t written a gossip for a long time. Actually, writing this thing has a feeling of communicating with you. I wonder if you have read it?
Well, finally say hello to everyone ~
Bye-bye. I’m going to bed!
Gossip 5
I met some things again today, and I can’t help but talk nonsense. √ Wen Wang ★★★ .81Z く. √ C O M √.
Originally, I went out for breakfast this morning, but I met a pair of sisters who were still reading when they looked at it. They sat on the ground and put a piece of paper. Well, everyone must have guessed what happened at home and asked good people for help.
At last, I didn’t even look at it, and then I left directly. However, after I bought breakfast, I couldn’t help but take a look at the unnecessary nonsense. I stopped talking and moved me to say that I would go back to see my father for the last time.
At that time, I hesitated after reading it and left. At this time, my heart was in a struggle. After walking a few meters, I felt 51 yuan left in my pocket. At that time, I told myself that I had only so much left. Forget it. I took a few more steps and comforted myself by saying that they might as well find something to do. Maybe it would be faster to get money. But how can it be so simple to find something? Besides, how can it be so urgent for them to find something to do slowly?
After a few more steps, I couldn’t help it after all. One of the girls, the red eye circle, kept popping up in my mind. I went back and some angrily threw 50 yuan and left, probably because I was angry that I would stop to have a look. That’s the so-called ostrich spirit, right?
But after throwing money, I don’t have much joy in helping others. Instead, I wonder if I will be cheated. Yes, after all, there are too many such people, but when I look back, I wonder what happened to our society. I think most people are like me, not without compassion, but with great suspicion.
What if it’s not? Aren’t you cheated? Maybe the cheat is still calling himself an idiot behind his back. Who wants to be one? I believe everyone hates these scams as much as I do. Sometimes foreigners say that we China people have no quality, and I really want to scold them back, but it’s really hard for me to justify scolding them back. Sometimes it’s really depressing.
And what bothers me most is that although there are many scams, there are always people who really need help. What if those people who really need help appear in front of us? We’re not sun monkeys. We don’t have a pair of eyes. How can we tell each other? How many people have learned to tell whether a person is cheating or not to decide whether to give a love or not? Anyway, it’s rare for me to think so much. Why don’t I just classify them as cheating?
However, today, I still can’t be cruel. It’s not that our society is indifferent. I guess our society’s enthusiasm has been lost by those dogs. However, we can’t do anything to continue to be so indifferent from this society. Will one day we become an indifferent society after we become numb? I don’t know, maybe I’m a little worried, but, ha, everyone just thinks I’m sick.
I feel much better after talking so much nonsense. Okay, forget the code word ~
It is in
Chapter catalogue
The first chapter Jade Golden Crown Snake
The spring story of the Great Wilderness calendar in 1o22 was born in an obscure town in the east of Qingyu Empire in the mountains and seas-
The morning sun shines gently in Muxin town. A young man of about 15 or 16 years old, thin and handsome, walks with a medicine basket on his back and a small medicine hoe on his waist. The only scraggy Qingshiban Road is lined with shops, teahouses, restaurants, leaves, grass tips and dewdrops, reflecting the sun’s bright and colorful rays.
"Mu Yu went into the mountains to collect herbs again today!" The bartender of Zhaoxia Teahouse is beating the wooden door while rubbing his sleepy eyes, and the boy says hello.
Yang Muyu smiled at the bartender, revealing a deep dimple on his left cheek. "Yes, it’s a fine day today, and there’s nothing at home. My father is still dispensing less herbs and just going into the mountains to see."
The paper window of the only drugstore in the next town suddenly pushed a fat head of about 50 years old and leaned out. "Feather buddy, the extra herbal medicine tube is sent to me at a good price."
"I know Wang Bo!" Yang Muyu waved at the old man.
"You old man know how to bully people!" On the other side of the building, a young woman of about thirty combed her long head and said to herself, "Be careful when you go back to the mountain road early!"
Yang Muyu smiled and looked up at the young woman half-squinting. "Thank you, Aunt Mei, for being careful."
Town 6 continued, and some people poked their heads out in good faith. Yang Muyu greeted him, and Yang Muyu smiled and responded all the way out of town.
Less than two miles out of the town is the strongest mountain range in Qingyu Empire. The strong mountain range extends from the extreme west Qingyun Empire to the endless east until the vast sea crosses the whole Qingyu Empire. It is said that there are wild beasts in the depths of the mountain … Even the most brave warriors of Qingyu Empire dare not enter easily.
Muxin town is a very small town. Most of the residents are native villagers. Young men in the simple and kind town will naturally go into the mountains to hunt wild animals, precious animals and furs. Passers-by guests will exchange some rare things, but Yang Muyu is the only one who collects herbs. He was not from Muxin town, but moved here with his father five years ago.
The townspeople only knew that the father was a foreigner, but what he was doing and moving to such a remote town. The simple people didn’t think much about Yang’s mastery of medical skills. Since then, he has treated some people in the town and cured many incurable diseases, but his body seems to be incurable. Therefore, after he settled down in the town, he lived in seclusion and left everything to little Yang Muyu to take care of.
Yang’s father, on the other hand, Yang Muyu was kind and lively, and soon everyone in the town became one, but every spring and autumn, he often went to the mountains to collect herbs. According to him, his father had a strange disease, and he had to be forced to treat his father because he could not be cured in the depths of the mountain.
Every time Yang Muyu goes into the mountains to collect herbs, he will bring back many other herbs and send them to the only drugstore in town to exchange some coins.
This time, Yang Muyu kept walking along the mountain road as usual, but today he felt a little depressed because he went to three places in a row to grow the golden thread red-violet fruit, but there was no trace of picking at the third place, which made him feel the most uncomfortable.
There’s nothing Yang Muyu can do to deal with such things. After all, such wild things are not planted by his family. Since they were picked up first, he has to look for them elsewhere.
Although the red lotus fruit with golden thread is not a rarity, the growth environment is extremely demanding. Generally, it is born on cliffs. Yang Muyu looked up at the sky in the distance, and a red sun with rouge color had sunk to the west.
"No matter what, look again. Maybe there is one around here!" Yang Muyu walked along the mountain road with her feet in her heart. Suddenly, there seemed to be something at the bottom of a green hibiscus wood next to her, reflecting the light golden light from the setting sun.
Yang Muyu’s heart moved carefully and walked past, grasping the medicine hoe in his hand to divide weeds. A small golden snake was frightened and swam quickly to the side. Although it was in a hurry, Yang Muyu saw that the little snake was actually green with bright color and extremely golden color wrapped around the snake’s head like a silk thread. He forced his heart to be excited-it was a jade golden crown snake. Although it was small and less than a foot long, he once heard his father say that there must be different treasures where there were jade golden crowns snakes.
A short stay of the jade golden crown snake has gone down the hillside next to it. Yang Muyu is busy following with light steps, but after chasing the small snake for a while, Yang Muyu is in distress situation-the jade golden crown snake meanders to a precipice and swims easily along some plants that stubbornly grow on the mountainside.
Yang Muyu has a wry smile on the precipice. He is not a snake’s failure to climb the cliff or a bird’s natural fit. He looked around the precipitous precipice and was busy looking for gold thread. Red-violet fruit just chased the little snake for a while and had never been to a place before going deep into Qiangmao Mountain.

"Inferno people? Fuck you! We have three orcs and three humans here, where are the demons? Don’t you know how to look with your own eyes? " Black thieves seem to hate wandering minds more and more.

"Old thief, don’t do this."
"Why am I wrong? Crazy roads are different, and we are not the same as him. Don’t talk to him! "
The wandering god doesn’t care about the words of the thief. Maybe in his eyes, the thief root is not even qualified to be an opponent. He turned to me and said, "Xiao, tell me."
"What can I say? The fact is in front of you. See for yourself. "
"What’s with your drop of blood?"
I don’t know.
"Well, you don’t want to say that I don’t want to force you, Xiao. I believe that one day you will tell me that I am leaving. Take care!" As he spoke, the wandering spirit flew up.
"Wait!" I stopped him.
"What’s the matter?" Wandering in half stop way
"Can you get us out of this hellhole? We want to go back to the mainland. "
"Well, what’s wrong with me? It’s a piece of cake. You all close your eyes."
"Crazy!" The thief reluctantly closed his eyes.
After a strange feeling, we came to Hei Hu.
Chapter 17 Mrs. Zhazhai
"shh!" I took a long breath, but I felt different on the mainland.
"Crazy guy?" Black thieves obviously still care about the wandering gods helping us.
"Don’t say anything, old thief. I know best who the wandering spirit is targeting. He won’t bother you. In a sense, he is our friend. It’s normal for you to ask a friend for a favor. Don’t take it to heart."
Black thief wanted to think and nodded reluctantly. "Crazy words actually can’t be said that wandering gods are protoss. How can we stand by if he deals with you one day? Now that the old thief has entered the Monkey’s daoshanhuohai, of course, he is indispensable! "
The little thief nodded at me holding the black thief’s hand.
The three wolves all said, "And us!"
I gratefully nodded at them and said, "Thank you for being my brothers! But since we are brothers, we have to pick something to say. If we can help our brothers, we will definitely let you help us. Let me take it alone. "
"Crazy when we are brothers, we can’t say that we are brothers. If we can help, we can help, we can’t help, and we must help. This is a brother in life and death!"
"Yes!" The three wolves echoed, "We will go wherever the boss goes, and we will never back down!" "
"I …"
"Come on, don’t talk so much nonsense. I know you mean well. If you are in reality, I may listen to you. But this is a game. If you don’t even sacrifice your courage, the old thief is not worthy to be your brother! Wife, give that thing crazy. "
The thief took out the little skin from her bag and handed it to me without hesitation.
I took it and looked at those symbols. I didn’t know them at all. I returned them to the thief and said, "You still have this thing. I didn’t bring it."
The thief took a chuckle and said, "Crazy can’t solve the problem. It seems that we also have strengths!" So he lifted up Xiao Pi in a pretentious way. "Yu Shouming Island has found an ancient sacred object hidden somewhere in the island for thousands of years, and I finally got a glimpse of it through unremitting exploration …"
It’s some ancient prose. I heard three wolves one leng one leng, and I also heard about it. When the thief finished reading her hand, she immediately turned the powder into a breeze and flew around.
"Sister in law, what are you doing?"
"Crazy, this is the rule of our profession. Don’t worry, my wife has a photographic memory. Kung Fu is better than mine. She won’t forget leather things."
The thief nodded at me at the words of the black thief.
"Actually, it’s better to destroy it. Anyway, we can’t find it for a while."
"Really, you can understand such ugly ancient prose?" Black thief surprised expression exaggerated.
"Yes, we can’t get it at all." The three wolves are all at sea.
"You don’t forget that I am a doctor. Most of the essence of Chinese medicine is recorded in ancient Chinese. Can I not understand what my sister-in-law just read? Well, if she can remember the specific location, it’s not too late for us to find it again. You want the White Walker to set up these sacred objects in the first place, so we are determined to win it. "

This scene makes the eyes of Jiao Tianxin with them red. It would be great if they had their own law enforcement team. There was no wave all the way. When they were less than one day, they had already seen the corner gate, which was two or three times faster than the force action. At this time, everyone was excited. Although many Warcraft were killed all the way, it was nothing compared with this huge amount of 20 million, but it was absolutely impossible for them. You should know that they could be protected before. Although the law enforcement team can do it by coming back from this road to eliminate the number of Warcraft, it will never be Gao Chen. These disciples are actually casualties, which makes Jiao Tianxin shake the heartstrings. They are actually casualties. If they don’t see it with their own eyes but listen to what people say, he will never believe it! …

"I didn’t expect them to really come back and each one was injured!" Seeing the instantaneous angle of the gate, Tianxin sighed from the heart!
Gao Chen smiled, although his face was indifferent, but his heart was proud. This was not enough for his appearance. He said faintly, "My apprentice is not so easy to get injured. I don’t know if you are satisfied with their combat effectiveness!"
Although Gao Chen’s words sounded like madness to Jiao Tianxin, he didn’t know whether Gao Chen was telling the truth or not. It was a joke for a team of warlocks to get hurt. Although there were five million warlocks, it was enough for these disciples. Not only did none of them die, but they were not injured. Facing Gao Chen, he asked Jiao Tianxin with a wry smile, "Although they are not enough to deal with the eleventh order, if their fighting capacity is not good, I really don’t know what other team can surpass them. I can’t see through you more and more!"
"Beyond their team, of course, there is, that is, they can definitely win after their department is upgraded to the tenth order." Gao Chen smiled, but the second sentence behind the diagonal heavenly heart was automatically omitted
Jiao Tianxin is stupefied. Now they are just the ninth order. For people in martial arts circles, the upgrade before the tenth order is very fast, even if it is slower, but these people will become the tenth order sooner or later. They will be so powerful when they are in the ninth order. If their department is upgraded to the tenth order, half of them will have to upgrade to the tenth order, so it will be a terrible thing. At that time, even if the law enforcement teams add up, they will not be rivals.
"Only they can surpass them. I am looking forward to their strength when they grow up. Now their combat effectiveness has been formed. I don’t know what Gao Brothers are going to do next!" Asked jiao Tian’s heart! He still remembers that Gao Chen won’t stay in Corner City all the time!
The thought that Gao Chen was leaving his heart made him feel a little speechless. Obviously, he seemed to see another powerful force, a corner city that surpassed the hunter’s association, and it developed so strongly in ten days. Although Gao Chen went to other cities to help eliminate Warcraft, it was not to develop his own strength. If every city was as powerful as 20 million, he was afraid that he would want to scare himself!
Gao Chen smiled and said, "Yes, it’s time for me to go. Corner City depends on you, and they depend on you."
"This to say they Ann we will rest assured" Angle as serious mouth way.
Gao Chen talks to them about the same conditions as Kangcheng, that is, to send a certain number of people to deal with the eleventh order Warcraft. You know, if these disciples meet the eleventh order Warcraft, the casualties will be great. This is definitely not what Gao Chen wants to see. Of course, Gao Chen is not completely convinced that they will send their symbols to Jiao Tianxin.
Although they also want to get the control of these 20 million people, how can Gao Chen let them get it? Just a few words refused Jiao Tianxin’s request and saw the strength of these people. Although Hou Jiao Bai Jian and others are more moved, they can’t forget Gao Chen’s sentence, "They are my disciples and Tianchen Temple people. If you don’t want to, then I will take them away!"
It is this sentence that Jiao Tianxin naturally knows how to choose Gao Chen and take a look at Jiao Cheng again and say, "Well, it’s time for me to go now. Don’t worry, I will come back!"
Then he turned and said, "Tu Xiangzhong is happy!"
With Gao Chen’s words, two people came. These two people are the highest-ranking among Gao Chen’s disciples. They said before and after Gao Chen, "I’m leaving now, but I’ll leave the corner city to you, and what you have to do is very simple. That is to destroy all the 11 th-order Warcraft in the city. I will give them all to you two. I don’t know if you have confidence!"
"Master, are you leaving now?" When Tu Xiangzhong asked to be honest, they simply didn’t know that Gao Chen would leave Gao Chen, and they suddenly felt deeply reluctant to leave.
"Yes, I want to go to other cities, and you know that this time there is no war in corner cities, even in other cities. I have to leave. This is a Terran thing!" Gao Chen light mouth way!
"Then when will you come back, Master!" Run Xingkou asked!
"I don’t know this. You should remember that you are from Tianchen Temple and don’t lose our Tianchen Temple face." Gao Chen said seriously!
Tianchen Temple is the name of their clan, which has long been known, but after Gao Chen said this, 20 million people thought at the same time that the master gave us everything and Tianchen Temple gave us glory!
"It’s the master. We know to swear to protect the glory of Tianchen Hall!" Tu Xiangzhong said loudly that his voice had reached the ears of 20 million people. To be continued, if you like this movie, you are welcome to vote for it (), and your support is my greatest motivation. Chapter four hundred and ten The duke of the big scene gathered together.
Ding Tian’s novels reside in dsj.
And Gao Chen seems to be excited by this deafening sound. Gao Chen once again shouted, "Tell me what your glory is!"
"Tianchen Temple!" As loud as thunder, the sound is enough to make the mountains and rivers change color. Ella House 6bk
Of course, the mountains and rivers didn’t change color, but the sound attracted a lot of Warcraft. Although they killed a lot along the way, there were a lot of Warcraft rushing in the other direction. In this case, Gao Chen saw the figure of the eleventh order of Warcraft. The appearance of the eleventh order of Warcraft didn’t make Gao Chen afraid. On the contrary, Gao Chen laughed wildly. "Before you go, the master will fight with you again. The eleventh order of Warcraft is that I am fighting now!"
Say that finish, Gao Chen dashed out. His goal is, of course, that 11th-order Warcraft Gao Chen is fearless. The reason is that this is the 11th-order five-star Warcraft. Watching Gao Chen rush to the 11th-order five-star Warcraft face alone, 20 million disciples are also excited. Although they all know that Gao Chen is a 10th-order seven-star, there is no blood boiling. Watching Gao Chen is ready to meet those who rushed to Warcraft and saw this scene. No one can stop the rise of Tianchen Temple, even the Hunter Association. Maybe they are human beings.
"Yes, they are a little too strong!" Angle Bai Jian sighed. Although he has no difficulty in dealing with the 11th-order five-star Warcraft, don’t forget that Gao Chen is only a 10th-order seven-star. He is ten steps less than Angle Bai Jian!
Watching the rush out has been corrected by Gao Chenjiao Tianxin together with the eleventh order Warcraft War. "It’s not that they are strong, but that they have a strong leader!"
Jiao Tianxin’s words are not completely unreasonable. These 20 million people are really strong now, but they were abandoned ten days ago, but Gao Chen’s hands have exerted a strong fighting capacity, and all this is because Gao Chen gave Jiao Bai Jian a little way. "Although I hate to admit it, you are right. Although I rank him now, I have to say that I have no pride in front of him!"
Although Gao Chen is a ten-order seven-star Gao Chen broke into the ten-order seven-star two days ago, which also shocked them. Because Gao Chen’s rise at this level was really weird, if he were nine planets, don’t say to deal with an eleventh-order Warcraft, even if he met the same level, he wouldn’t dare to hit him one-on-one, but this law seems to be effective for Gao Chen. Because Gao Chen is not in phase with the eleventh-order Warcraft, he is holding up the eleventh-order Warcraft. Er, the beast should also be considered a part of Gao Chen!
Half an hour passed quickly, and this wave of Warcraft has been wiped out by them. Although there are hundreds of orders, there is no threat to Gao Chen’s disciples. Although this 20 million to 20,000 seems to be too large a proportion, this record is still a corner of heavenly heart. They dare not imagine that because of the ten orders of Warcraft among these 20,000, they can’t say that they can kill 20 million people, but at least they will kill 100,000 people. However, Gao Chen’s nine-order disciples have won the victory. Although they are used to Gao Chen’s tough disciples, they can’t
When they turned their eyes to Gao Chen, at last, Gao Chen cut the eleventh order of Warcraft down in a gorgeous day and destroyed it. After that, Gao Chen flew directly to their mouth and said, "The disciples are leaving now" …
Twenty million people watched Zhong Gaochen disappear without saying a word to Jiao Tianxin. After Gao Chen entered the array, the scene was unusually quiet for a long time. Jiao Tianxin said, "He’s gone!"
"If he leaves, let’s go!" Angle Bai Jian glanced at the twenty million people sorry mouth way!
It’s not that they didn’t want to make these 20 million people their power, but this is definitely not Gao Chen’s permission. Now the leader of this 20 million people is a ninth-order Tu Xiangzhong. No one dreamed that a person who still needed protection grew up in ten days, and now he can talk at the same height even if he faces Angle Bai Jian.
After Gao Chen left the corner city, he appeared in Biancheng, and then went directly to the main mansion of Biancheng. With a period of experience in Corner City, Biancheng was much smoother. What kind of breath was to let the owner of Biancheng know Gao Chen’s strength, and then the owner of Biancheng helped to collect disciples, and it took him 20 million disciples. It also took ten days to make them have a strong fighting capacity. After that, Gao Chen set off again. It all seemed very smooth, but it was from Gao Chen.
When Gao Chen went out of Biancheng, his goal was to stay in Xinsu City. When Gao Chen appeared in the main residence of Xinsu City, he found a place very different from other cities, because he actually met several people he shouldn’t have seen. That’s because he actually saw the main character of Biancheng City, Tianxin, and the main character of Kangcheng City, Kang Tianlai.
And when they look at Gao Chen’s expression, it means that they are waiting for Gao Chen. It seems that there is nothing unexpected about Gao Chen. Once, I told Bian Pengxu that he had not seen Gao Chen for a few days, so he guessed some Gao Chen smiles and said to him, "The Lord of Bian didn’t expect to see you here. Is this fate?"
"Actually, I’m waiting for you. By the way, I’ll introduce you to one of these people." Bianpeng Xu smiled knowingly and then said Gao Chen could see that Bianpeng Xu was really proud at this time!
But as he introduced Gao Chen, his face showed such an expression, because none of these people had the same surname. If so, of course, it was nothing, but if these people’s surnames were the same as those of Terran City, it would be abnormal!
"You are all a duke!" After the introduction of Bianpeng, Gao Chen smiled and said that although Bianpeng Xu didn’t say their identity, it was easy to guess.
"Brother Gao, you are really amazing. I am a representative this time. I will never express my opinions!" One of the busy things in Gao Chen’s words is to come out and say!
"Kang Tianlai, what do you mean?" Bian Peng Xu’s face was wrinkled and calm.
It’s true that this speaker is Kang Tianlai, the Lord of Kangcheng, who is facing the criticism of his friends and friends. Kang Tianlai’s face is still faint without any expression. "What do you mean? Do you still ask? My position has already been expressed!"
"Hum, don’t forget our agreement!" Bian Peng Xu’s face turned black and looked at Kang Tianlai’s mouth!
"We agreed when we had an agreement. That’s just your agreement!" Kang Tianlai took a look at Gao Chen when he spoke faintly, which means that it is obvious to tell Gao Chen that it has nothing to do with him.
How can these people be so arrogant that they don’t know? But if he wants to come here, even if it’s too good, he can’t get anything. Can these people get it? Although their combined strength is too good, after all, they are not monolithic. You know, whether it is too good or the Hunter Association, it is still the most powerful place in the Terran, and the most Kang Tianlai refused their request. Of course, there are also Kang Yue reasons, and it is more because he knows Gao Chen. Although he didn’t see it, he still felt that Kang Cheng Gao Chen had killed an eleventh-order nine planets Warcraft! …
As soon as Kang Tianlai’s words came out, everyone was puzzled and looked at him. After all, this time things can be said to be beneficial to everyone. They never thought that Kang Tianlai would suddenly not attend and his tone was so hard. Peng Xu looked at Kang Tianlai and said, "Since you don’t attend, I don’t know what you came here for!"
"Why don’t you allow me to come? Would you believe me if I said I was coming to the theatre this time!" In the face of drinking Kang Tianlai’s faint words, it’s not a two-handed preparation to taste this time!
Gao Chen has been smiling at them since he came in. He didn’t feel any surprise at all about this situation. It’s normal for these things to happen in vain, but it’s normal to see what Gao Chen called the host’s mind swimming and said with a smile, "Are you the famous Gao Chen? Welcome to my hometown. I don’t know what you are doing here!"

In addition, I have written a lot of shit that I can’t bear to part with.

Xiaoyu’s hands were shaking, and she couldn’t wait for the monitor to break in half.
If you want to break up, break up. Why do you have to say so much? Who said that distance produces "beauty"? Now distance has "beauty" and it is gone.
"Meng Xiaoyu comes in!" A roar came from the boss’s office.
Meng Xiaoyu quickly picked up his lovelorn and sad expression and walked into the boss’s office with respect and humility.
The fat face behind the boss’s desk is full of anger and drizzle at the moment, and the design drawing is pitifully shrinking the desktop.
"What happened to the boss?" Meng Xiaoyu carefully asked
"What’s the matter? You forgot to change this design layer. "The boss still roared angrily.
"Ah?" Xiaoyu quickly picked up her own design drawings. Oh, really, I came up with a plan to change it before, but I was too sleepy to forget to print the drawings directly.
"Boss, I changed my horse." Meng Xiaoyu quickly bowed and apologized.
But the boss still adamant4 "do you have a long brain? Make this mistake! This month’s salary will deduct you 500 yuan! "
"What?" Meng Xiaoyu’s mouth has become a "0" type. His salary in January is only 1000 yuan. Now he has to deduct half of his rent, which is 500 yuan a month. How can he live this month?
"Ah what? Change it quickly or you will be deducted 1000! " The boss slammed the pen on the desk, and the pen jumped up and down, knocking out the ink. Pure black ink splashed Meng Xiaoyu’s white shirt, chest and collar with black ink.
"You …!" Meng Xiaoyu jumped up like an enraged lioness, trying to drop the drawings in his hand on the boss’s fat face. "Go to hell, you big pig vampire! I quit!"
Meng Xiaoyu angrily rushed out of the boss’s office, banging away his things and throwing everything in a cardboard box. In the sympathetic eyes of his colleagues, the boss rushed out of the office building with the cardboard box in his arms.
Walking out of the building, the cold wind blew and Xiaoyu woke up. Oh, so you fired the boss? God, how can I live this month? Is it still time to go back and admit your mistake to the boss?
But on second thought, if a good boss is fired, why don’t you go home, have a good sleep and get enough energy to find a better job? Finding a better boyfriend is a blessing in disguise, and there may be other good luck waiting for you. What’s the other saying? When you open a door, you must open a window.
Meng Xiaoyu, who comforted herself, immediately felt that her future road was full of sunshine. She looked up and the sky was so blue and dotted with white clouds like cotton candy.
What if Xiaoyu secretly encourages himself to be lovelorn? So what if you lose your job? You can’t lose confidence, you’re still young, you have to struggle, you have to stand up and stride forward …
However, when Meng Xiaoyu strode forward with the carton, there was no well at his feet. I don’t know when someone stole the manhole cover. Xiaoyu strode forward and stepped in accurately and mistakenly. "Plump" Meng Xiaoyu fell into the well with his box.
"Wake up! Wake up!" Who calls himself? And slapped his face.
Ah, yo, where is this? My head is so dizzy. My arms and legs seem to have fallen off, and my ass seems to be numb.
Meng Xiaoyu touched his ass and forced himself to open his eyes. Where is this?
A little girl dressed in ancient coarse clothes is holding a bowl of water and calling for her to be charming and touching. Although she is wearing coarse clothes, her big bright eyes are still delicate and smart.
Meng Xiaoyu barely sat up, but now he is lying in a ruined temple, leaning against the wall and lying half-lying. Looking at himself carefully, he is also dressed in shabby coarse clothes. It seems that he saw a walk-on in a costume drama. God, even his white shirt stained with ink is much better than this.
Meng Xiaoyu skidded to get up and asked the little girl around him, "Where is this? Who are you? "
The little girl wait for a while looked at Xiaoyu "Feather Pastor, don’t you remember me? I’m Fluttershy! Did you fall to your brain? " She hugged Meng Xiaoyu and burst into tears.
"Feather pastor? Fluttershy? Who are these people? What the hell is going on here? " Meng Xiaoyu is at a loss.
"Wait, who is the feather pastor? I am Meng Xiaoyu! " Meng Xiaoyu was anxious to explain.
"Feather, you must have hurt your head and lost your memory when you ran away just now. Well, I’ll tell you again that your name is Lan Feather, and my name is Zhuang Fluttershy. We grew up together as orphans. We have no parents and no mothers, and we have been adopted by our master since childhood. We have to live well to be thieves with our master. Of course, sometimes we cheat a little money. Just now, we are not stealing some money. As a result, you accidentally slipped and rolled down the hillside in running all the way …" Fluttershy said, wiping away tears.
"ah? Is this the way it is? No, I remember my name is Meng Xiaoyu. I was dumped by my boyfriend and fired my boss. "Meng Xiaoyu dreamed hard."
"Don’t you?" Just like an epiphany, Meng Xiaoyu suddenly fell into the waterway and crossed into ancient times.
But what? After reading so many travel novels, people have either become princesses or met handsome guys in ancient times, but why are they so unlucky?
In the real world, it’s so unsatisfactory to cross over, and it has become a thief who is screaming and hungry. When he wakes up, he is still black and blue. God, why are you so unfair to me? Meng Xiaoyu wants to cry.
What, I’m a thief? Xiaoyu kept lamenting that Fluttershy was a little dissatisfied. She stared round her beautiful eyes. "Although we are thieves, we are the famous Grand Theft Auto in Yangzhou. Who doesn’t pick the big finger?"
Grand theft auto? Meng Xiaoyu looked at himself and Fluttershy dressed in coarse clothes, didn’t she? If it’s a famous Grand Theft Auto, it should be like Chu Liuxiang, with gorgeous clothes, a small painting boat and beautiful women around. Why did the legendary swordsman get so miserable for us? Not like Grand Theft Auto, but like a beggar brother.
And what is the’ black butterfly’? What nickname? It sounds like a pair of flower pickers, like Chu Liuxiang, who is called the thief handsome.
Fluttershy saw that Xiaoyu was depressed. She sighed, "The deceased master was very strict with us. Whenever we stole property and left little money to eat the rest, we had to give it to the poor. That’s why we were so poor."
With that, Fluttershy handed Meng Xiaoyu the water in his hand. Now it should be called Lan Yuxi. "Feather, you really scared me to death just now. How can I live if anything happens to you?" Said to drop tears again.
Lan Yu’s slouching water is very cool, unlike tap water in modern society, which always smells like disinfectant. Since it has crossed into this era, we should find a way to live in this era.
It seems that my physical fitness is still good. Of course, I was a school athlete when I was in middle school and college. Every sports meeting is 400 meters, 100 meters and relay. It’s not my own. Oh, my God, and now Lan Yuqiao is a thief. She must be athletic and can do some kung fu. When I think of it, Meng Xiaoyu proudly smiles. Now her name is Lan Yuqiao, which is quite good and poetic.
Feather and Fluttershy came to a crystal clear stream near the valley, washed their faces and looked at the reflected figure in the water. Feather and Beard secretly laughed, although they crossed, but their beautiful and moving appearance remained unchanged. They were younger, as if they were seventeen or seventeen years old.
"Fluttershy, did we grow up together?" Feather pastor cocked his head and asked Fluttershy beside him.
Fluttershy washed his handkerchief in his hand and nodded seriously. "Yes, we have been together for so many years. We are inseparable. If I am alone, I really don’t know how to live."
She gently wiped her handkerchief against the bruise on her forehead. "You scared me to death just now. I’ll give you back."
Feather Zhen moved to hold Fluttershy’s hand. Hey hey, it’s not bad. I picked up a good friend for nothing.

The glass king and the glass princess, although they generally have nothing to show, are both shocked at the same time.

Happen to coincide secretly look at each other glass princess heart feel very not difficult 85 Chapter 85 Lake accident.
Chief! Chief! Father actually said in front of so many people that the woman gave birth to a child as the office chief!
So in the future, even if Ying Er enters Li Jiamen, will it be ordinary to have children?
This made her happy!
"What’s the matter with this woman?" A low female voice behind said even lower, "Tonight is a good opportunity-"
"Don’t mess around!" Glass princess eyes light a heavy slant head warning at the man.
The emperor has laughed and ordered Fang Zhou to "stand up!" He smiled at the queen. "Take good care of Mrs. Li and others, and don’t forget to send someone to send her back to the house later!"
The queen gathered her body slightly, nodded respectfully and smiled. "The emperor can rest assured that the male and female servants will make proper arrangements!" Then commanded the aunt yan to even fangzhou with a smile "such as Li Furen as beside the palace! Let Aunt Yan and Xiaolianer follow you! "
Even Fang Zhou called it Shane with a smile.
"oh! The boat can be counted! "
I don’t know which Nv Jiao called a crowd to look at the dock on the shore.
Sure enough, the three-story huge and wide dragon boat slowly came to dock on the shore.
The boat is hung with exquisite and huge painted palace lanterns decorated with tassels, which are brilliant and bright.
Around the huge dragon boat, the water surface looks messy, but in fact, there are just forty or fifty airships and boats with two sharp ends. The hull is very small, and each boat can get four guards with knives besides steering the boat. They are paying close attention to the dragon boat and the wider area around the dragon boat, leaving no leakage to anyone.
Several eunuchs are busy taking wide and thick pedals to invite the masters to board the ship.
Even fangzhou accompanied the queen on the boat with the queen, and then all the nobles of Wangfu county and Wangfu also sailed one after another.
Most of the eunuchs who followed the ladies-in-waiting stayed on the shore and waited.
The dragon boat started slowly, and even Fangzhou didn’t know that the boat had started until she saw the scenery on the shore gradually leaving.
This ship is excellent in construction and the boatman’s kung fu is excellent!
As the dragon boat started, dozens of small and flexible airships kept in formation, and followed, except for a slight sound of paddles touching the water, the guards of the dinghy were as steady as a bell.
After a while, Fang Zhou’s eagle-eyed eyes saw a little eunuch gesturing quietly to this side.
Then I saw Aunt Shen gently saying something to the Queen.
The queen smiled and said, "The Emperor Dragon Boat has traveled to the center of the lake. Did it stop here?"
Huang Zhengtai said something and heard "Oh?" I picked my eyebrows and nodded and smiled. "Well, here it is!" "
When he was interested, he laughed again. "What’s the fun of watching fireworks with such bright lights?" Ask someone to leave a few photos of the palace lantern, and the rest will be temporarily extinguished! "
The queen secretly complained in her heart that what would happen to so many people if they were not careful? She was not good at sweeping the emperor’s interest and face in front of everyone, and she smiled and said that she had ordered it.
Palace people have to make Qiqi take action and turn off the dragon boat lights for seventeen. The whole dragon boat is dark.
Fireworks are already ready there, and the little eunuchs and ladies-in-waiting have moved out and set off all those exquisite fireworks, large and small.
At one time, the gentle "Peng Peng" connected several gorgeous fireworks in the sky, and they spread like waterfalls, and then quietly passed away.
Then several flowers rose and scattered, and went on and on. The deep blue sky was bright and the lake was magnificent for a while!
"Beautiful fireworks!"
"How beautiful!"
Everyone looked up and occasionally looked down at the lake, admiring and laughing.
Such a beautiful scenery is really rare, and even Fangzhou couldn’t help but look at it for a while, and she admired it in her heart. It’s really wonderful!
Suddenly, a dissonance sounded sharply, "Oh, no! Someone fell into the water! "
Everyone was shocked and looked at each other. The previous laughter came to an abrupt end. The eunuchs in charge of setting off fireworks were also stupefied. wait for a while was there for a while, and it seemed that the splendor had never appeared before, and the surrounding was silent in darkness.
Even fangzhouxin couldn’t help jumping, saying that this occasion is the most unacceptable! Sure enough, someone fell into the water!
"quick! Help someone! Save people quickly! " The queen panicked and cried.
The emperor said nothing, but his face was very ugly.
As the whole dragon boat of the queen suddenly boils again, the imperial secretary around the queen is busy, and the crowd is in chaos by an imperial decree of the queen. Although all kinds of discussions are low, they can’t stop chattering.
Even Fang Zhou slowly breathed a sigh of relief. She was not worried about being busy pulling Aunt Yan’s sleeve down. "Aunt is too dark. You can see more clearly when you light the lantern!"
Aunt Yan suddenly woke up and hurriedly woke up the queen.
The queen also forgot to get it. Aunt Yan woke up and was busy lighting a lamp.
All the imperial court eunuchs were led away by seven hands and feet, and in a short time the dragon boat recovered and the lights were bright.
At this time, the drowning man has been saved, so the princess of the county slipped and fell off herself.
The reason is unknown!
However, although it is unknown, staying in the county princess’s sex is definitely inseparable from drinking vinegar! Besides, no one believes that there is anything else that can make her gaffe and fall into the water.
The emperor’s face is even more ugly. Cold hum is too lazy to take a look at the county king before he wants to plead guilty. He immediately ordered him to drive back to the Palace of Kunning!
When they saw that the emperor looked pale, no one dared to cheep, and no one dared to leave the county king to talk.
In my heart, I don’t complain that the princess of the county is not sensible. It’s just a good reunion today. It’s rare for the emperor to be so happy. I didn’t expect her to make such a scene. It’s really disappointing!
Even Fang Zhou took a glance at a nearby imperial secretary and gently said to the queen, "The empress is better off leaving the palace with the princess of the county later!" There’s nothing wrong with my wife anyway. It’s nothing wrong to send her back to the government first and then go back. "
The emperor has already said that he will drive the Palace of Kunning, but that means telling the queen to leave this stall alone!
The queen can’t let the emperor wait for her in the palace of earthly tranquility because her head is in trouble. However, the princess who stayed in the county was the princess of the North who was the most favored by the Queen of the North. Besides, it was not good to be jealous when it was said that it was big or small. Besides, she didn’t do anything wrong to the Queen of the North. It would be bad if she had bad feelings! At the moment, the emperor’s anger will probably regret it after saying so!
It’s just that the princess of the county left here didn’t get along with any of these princesses and county princesses, but the toffee can be entrusted, but there are still a lot of things waiting for the toffee to clean up after this palace banquet.
Even fangzhou said so in the middle of the queen. Chapter 853 Leave the county princess.

Things are good, but you have to have life to take them.

"What do fools go for?" Linglaoyin slowly came out
"Is the teacher going to shoot?" Han Chen blinked at Ling Lao.
"I said I won’t start work until there is a condensed soul realm of Warcraft, and you can’t move the resin puppet in this mountain range of Warcraft, but don’t worry about this, because someone will come here later and see this thing, and they will definitely make moves."
"really?" Han Chen eyes rekindled a glimmer of hope.
"If you hide now, those people will come in less than half an hour, and then you will sit tight."
Smell speech Han Chen face is flashing with a bit of excitement soon is to choose a big tree gently jumped to hide.
And Han Chen waited patiently for half an hour, but at this time Han Chen was in a burst of spirit because he felt that there was something not weak nearby and he was slowly coming here.
About ten minutes later, some noise is slowly ringing, and soon Han Chen is to see a large group of people slowly coming here.
Looking at the team not far from himself, Han Chen nodded slightly. The strength of this large group of people is not weak. That song is a middle-aged man dressed in gray. According to Han Chen’s guess, it is already a solid double peak strength at this time, and there are not five solid and heavy masters beside him. Some people are left in the realm of hardened bones.
"The owner heard that this fire leopard is here." At this time, a sound suddenly reminded that the speaker was a black man in a hardened bone.
"Well, I know that we have searched for more than a month and finally found it. We must catch it this time." The middle-aged man in gray slowly said.
"We’ll make a quick decision with the six of us later. This fire leopard is not easy to handle. Be careful. Others will stay aside," said the middle-aged man Shen.
"Yes," replied the middle-aged people who were obviously in gray when they leaned down one by one.
"Dad, I’ll help later." At this time, a crisp sound came out. A little girl dressed in green with a ponytail was squeezed out of the crowd and ran to the middle-aged person in gray.
"Ha ha KINOMOTO SAKURA, you’d better follow your sister. Don’t run around. This fire leopard is very powerful. You can’t help it." The middle-aged man in gray smiled and touched the little girl’s little head
"Come back, KINOMOTO SAKURA" The crowd slowly walked out of a woman in red with beautiful eyes and enchanting figure. The red dress set off people’s hearts and evil thoughts, but her forehead was a little cold and lonely, with the feeling of rejecting people thousands of miles away.
After a lifetime, the little girl honestly returned to her side, holding the jade hand of the woman is to stop talking.
"Get ready quickly" Middle-aged face smile in gray gradually converges, and then others say a frown on the body. Chapter 99 Siege the fire leopard with a serious spirit.
"hmm? Teacher, why do so many people appear in the fire leopard territory, but the fire leopard still doesn’t appear? " Eyes, those people Han Chen ling old spiritual communication.
"Hehe, the fire leopard is now in the promotion period and the weakest time." The old voice came to my mind.
"If I had known this, I should have gone to take away the flaming Ganoderma lucidum just now." Han Chen’s nostril jet seemed a little regretful about his move just now.
"Hum" Ling Lao said with a cold hum, "If you go, you will definitely be miserable by that guy. If you don’t believe me, you can have a try now."
Listen to ling old saying Han Chen corners of the mouth a slight smoke but it is not refuted.
"Well, let’s wait and see. I think that guy will appear later. I don’t know whether these people can deal with this guy in a weak period is still unknown." Ling Laoyin slowly came out
Nodding gently Han Chen also said nothing more, quietly watching that group of people, and everything will be known later.
At this time, the middle-aged man in gray was holding a big knife in his hand, swinging it, sending out a little cold, and several people beside him also quickly pulled out their weapons
"Brothers, let’s go together. It’s really hard to pick up this fire leopard, but now it’s out of weakness that we have succeeded in grasping it." The gray man also raised his sword in his hand and stared at the nest where the fire leopard lived
"Yes," the five people beside him nodded slowly, but even though they were in a weak stage, the flame leopard was very difficult to deal with. At the thought of this, their hands holding weapons couldn’t help tightening up.
At this time, they slowly walked towards the place where the fire leopard lived, but each step became heavier.
However, at this time, a deep sound was immediately wrapped in a leopard in the flame and slowly appeared in front of everyone.
The middle-aged man in gray slowly spit out three words at the corners of his mouth.
"fire leopard"
"The owner? This guy found us "at this time, a man in gray said with a cold sweat on his face and some shivering feet."
"Don’t worry, this big guy looks very fierce, but he is now in a weak period. There should be no problem for the six of us to deal with it." The gray man said that he was also taking a slap in the face. Obviously, he didn’t believe in himself, but what can he do now except crustily skin of head?
"The rest of you listen to leave here quickly, and we will chase you later." The middle-aged man in gray took one look at the fire leopard, but turned to the nearby people and folded it into a tone that was meaningless to discuss.

If it were up to others, it would be difficult to beat around the bush, and it would be necessary to blame her for yelling. She just punched herself in the face and so on

But she really likes her true temperament!
Spring apricot saw even Fang Zhou appeased Peach before pulling Peach and laughed. "Okay, sister-in-law, don’t be angry! To be honest, the lilac didn’t win favor with you either. She’s even angrier than you! “
Peach bulging way "she deserved it! Can’t she be better off even if she calls me for tea without talking about her identity? Even if the lady’s master doesn’t command anything like that on weekdays, what is she? "
In that mansion, even Fang Zhou and Li Fu were three young ladies and three young masters, and they called before their own generals and went.
Chunxing urged again, "She is such a person. Haven’t you seen her all the way from home to Beijing? At this time of bitterness, you are angry? She doesn’t care about this. It’s just fall in price! Besides, the general Qin Girl is not as simple as an ordinary servant. She is also a lonely relative who looks gentle and timid. Everyone sympathizes with the weak. You argue with Lilac like that until you know that it is her courtesy first. If you are angry and don’t know, you will say that you are bullying and even your wife will make people suspicious! Besides, what does the master think in his heart? "
Words say peach gas is flat but a surprised busy way "how did that happen! This, this can be done! "
Said the pathetic looking at even fangzhou "madam, I didn’t think so much! Is it really so serious? "
She’s just herself, but if she gets into trouble with her name and even worse, she will feel guilty to death!
After that, I remembered the words of lilac triumphant warning and threat, and Peach became more anxious.
Lian Fangzhou smiled quickly. "Chunxing can’t wake you up so that you can be less impulsive. It’s not so serious!"
Say and sneer at "I’m not so virtuous and generous, forbearing people, and I don’t want to be scolded!" If she had eyes for me, she wouldn’t shout at you like that! You can’t blame her first! "
After hearing this, Bitao became happy and beamed. "Madam Ying!" Provoked Chunxing to "snow" a smile.
"But" even Fang Zhou picked his eyebrows and added, "When you meet this kind of thing again, you must first remember to take out the truth and ask her if it doesn’t matter even if you ask her face, but it’s not necessary to be so noisy with her! Arguing with her is flattering her! "
Peach quickly promised to think for a moment and added, "handmaiden, remember that she is not in a hurry to talk to handmaiden again, but don’t be polite to her. Just say it, isn’t it?"
"I can teach you!" Even fangzhou clap your hands and say with smile
She did move. She was really angry.
Even Miss Qin is not qualified to order Peach and Chunxing to do things like cloves. Besides, it’s still in front of the outside. Chapter 685 Make it clear face to face
What do you take her for?
That piano girl is really a bad thing! Little white flowers are great, aren’t they Anyone who dares to touch her will still be cut off and crushed!
Even Fang Zhou couldn’t wait to beat her when she saw that she seemed to be bullied by a big grievance!
Some people are born so long that they look like they don’t deserve bullying, as if you don’t bully her, you will be sorry for her looks.
And when she sees her head in her heart, she will be upset for no reason.
This piano girl is a wonderful flower! I’m partial to my own stupid head bastard!
The master and servant laughed at each other and added, "Madam, it’s really not decent to have two people in our family, but it’s embarrassing when something happens. Is there any way for Madam?"
Peach also said, "Yes, yes, I can’t help but feel angry when I see those two people! Madam, I’m afraid that one day I can’t help causing trouble to my wife! "
"Oh, you know yourself!" Even Fang Zhou and Chun Xing laughed.
"I will tell your master to wait and see!" Even Fang Zhou’s smile can’t be delayed any longer.
As Chunxing said, it’s too early to get embarrassed when something happens.
Originally, she thought that when she found her eldest sister-in-law and nephew’s old house, there was a charter to start construction, and then she told Li Fu that it was obviously impossible to wait!
That Xiao Mu hem and look at her eyes is very wrong. Previously, she wondered in her heart that she didn’t offend him. She felt that she didn’t deserve Li Fu as if he were someone else, which made her feel disgusted.
Now that I think about it, it’s mostly because of Miss Qin.
Miss Qin obviously knows many people around Li Fu, but it’s not a good thing for her to have a few more involved …
When Li Fucai came back in the evening, Xiao Mu followed.
Two people look how not visible and progress.
Even Fang Zhou’s heart said that it’s no wonder that when the former Li Fu lived in that mansion, Xiao Mu followed him to live together. These two people also thought that this was no ordinary iron!
Xiao Mu didn’t salute her, but smiled. "You won’t dislike me if you bother me again, will you?"
Even Fang Zhou laughed. "If you love to come and live here, you can do it! But now the conditions are not good. If you want to come, you can squeeze into the front yard with Luo Guang and others. Don’t blame me for being negligent! "
Said Xiao Mu a smile "that’s good! I don’t dislike it at all! Or my son will move here. “
Ask this is to look at Li Fu.
Li Fu also laughed when he saw that even Fangzhou was kind to his brother. "You heard the words if you want to come to Fangzhou!"
Xiao Mu smiled and touched his nose and hesitated slightly. "Now don’t bother to wait for you to buy a big house!"
It’s not that I don’t want to come, but the thought that the head of Qin girl should be "good" makes him feel uncomfortable. Let’s wait until this thing is done!
But I still come around from time to time to see if Miss Qin has been bullied.
Li Fu has always been close to him and smiled a lot of polite words "whatever you want".
Let alone even Fangzhou.
Xiao Mu left soon after dinner.
Miss Qin didn’t want to see the two of them intimate, so she also wanted to get up and go back to her room.
Even fangzhou stopped her.
Miss Qin was secretly surprised but sat quietly and smiled. "Sister, is there anything to say?"
Li Fu couldn’t help but take a look at Lian Fangzhou and say with smile, "It’s all about your own family, so just say it!"
Jean girl’s heart is sour again. When did she turn the corner? I wish I could stab someone to death! Who knows what’s going on in that mansion …
Although she has been sulked by the second lady and others for years, she hopes that someone will ask the second lady to wait for a loss.
But this person is even Fangzhou, and her heart is uncomfortable. Look, it’s not even Fangzhou’s means.
"Then let me get this straight!" Lian Fangzhou smiled at Li Fu and glanced at Qin Girl’s servant Nai Bitao. "After my husband and I went out this afternoon, I heard something happened at home. Tell me about it, Lilac, and let my husband listen to it!"
Miss Qin, this little white flower is not light or heavy. Even Fang Zhou is too lazy to tell Li Fu behind her back, which saves Miss Qin from crying and blaming herself. What is it that makes her bully?