Li Yunyue has already reached the pavilion, overlooking the water in the corner.

Everyone knows that he always talks very little, which is sexual, unintentional and arrogant. Everyone should say, laugh and play by himself, and no one will bother him.
Zhou Jinyu saw that everyone was playing with each other and didn’t pay attention to the movement in his heart here, so he went over to Li Yunyue again.
A few steps away from Li Yunyue, she realized that she was brewing a sweet, innocent and charming smile and called out, "Xu!"
Li Yunyue turned to look at her and said, "What do you want?"
Zhou Jinyu smiled and walked beside him with a smile. "There is nothing I just want to thank you! Thank you for helping me with my kite! "
"If you don’t thank me," Li Yunyue said, "don’t ask me for help again. Any minions can call me."
Zhou Jinyu face smile, stiff face became somewhat ugly bite bite lips is low way "I’m sorry …"
Li Yunyue didn’t say anything because he didn’t think Zhou Jinyu said this to him-she didn’t do anything wrong to him!
Zhou Jinyu didn’t hear Li Yunyue’s response, but it was even darker and weaker. "I’m sorry, it’s all my fault!" My little cousin won’t be angry if I don’t ask you for help! My little cousin has always been used to being charming. She must have given you a bad look, right? Blame me! "
Li Yunyue’s eyes flashed a little strangely, glancing at Zhou Jinyu for a half-ring. Zhou Jinyu was only slightly white. This "I’m sorry" made him jealous in Chapter 1593 of 1593.
But he still feels a little strange about how Jin Jin treats him. Is that Jin Jin and his business related to Zhou Jinyu?
Zhou Jinyu saw that he still didn’t say anything and couldn’t help shouting idiot in his heart! Idiot! What a stupid idiot! I am a kind, gentle and considerate girl right in front of you, don’t you see? What’s good about Zhou Jinxi’s pretty girl! Compared with me, she is mud! Can’t you even read it!
You know, as soon as a girl like her puts on such a delicate and tender look, even a grumpy and rude boy will surrender! Li Yunyue is really not!
Zhou Jinyu took a timid look at Li Yunyue and continued to be weak. "I’ll make it clear to my little cousin that I can’t let my little cousin misunderstand you and misunderstand us!"
"No" Li Yunyue finally said, "Jin Jin won’t misunderstand"
He really felt that he had nothing to say with Zhou Jinyu, so he lifted his feet to leave.
Zhou Jinyu was ashamed and angry, angry and ashamed. How could he look at her like that!
You can’t choose your birth. She admits it! So she studies harder and is more strict with herself than others! Although I was young in Beijing, it was also the ladies who praised everyone’s family and noble ladies!
But I didn’t expect that in this person’s eyes, she could not compare with that little girl who could play coquetry!
That little girl can’t compare with her except being reborn well.
Why should such an excellent man with a good family do this to her?
"You live!" Zhou Jinyu was angry and drank low.
Li Yunyue really lived, but she didn’t understand. She still looked at her quietly and didn’t know what this puzzling girl was trying to do.
But Li Yunyue didn’t think about what she wanted to do. It’s not Jin Jin!
In the face of Li Yunyue’s still calm eyes, Zhou Jinyu was so angry that she had never seen such a heartless person!
Zhou Jinyu said angrily, "Do you think if I fall into the lake and say that you pushed me, will others believe it or not?"
Zhou Jinyu didn’t know what she would say. She just blurted out when she looked at the green lake!
And the consciousness is a little excited.
Provocative stare at Li Yunyue
Li Yunyue gave her a silly look. "What do you have to do with me when you fall into the lake? What other people will believe? "
He will talk about pushing Zhou Jinyu into the lake? It’s ridiculous to think about it!
You!’ Jin-yu zhou was severely choked a small chest rapid ups and downs sneer at a way "Li Yunyue you too naturally! I hate you very much! Hate her! If you pull my sleeve, I won’t jump or hum! "
It’s her own business for Li Yunyue to turn around and walk away. What does he want to hold her?
"You! Ok! " As soon as Zhou Jinyu stepped on the railing and leaned against the railing bench, she jumped into the lake and screamed loudly.
The movement here immediately attracted everyone to turn their heads and look up. The scene was messed up immediately!
"ah! Help! "
"Someone fell into the water!"
"Come on!"
They all screamed and screamed and ran towards this side.
The little princess rushed to hold Li Yunyue’s hand and hurriedly said, "Brother Xu, are you all right!"
Zhang Xian, Zuo Hanfei and other corners of the mouth have smoked. Isn’t your brother Xu here well? Can he … What can I do for you?
"I’m fine," Li Yunyue shook his head. "Your third cousin jumped by herself, but I think the water here is not deep and it should be fine."
Zhang Xian corners of the mouth and mercilessly smoked, she really don’t want to hear these feelings! So I stepped up my steps and went to worry with others.
The little princess’s face sank and she hummed, "I knew she was very chatty!"
Li Yunyue nodded deeply. What would she do if she didn’t talk for no reason? And you have to jump into the lake yourself if you provoke yourself!
People soon saved Zhou Jinyu.
When Zhou Jinyu jumped, she really fell into the water with a puff of gas. She was not only shocked, but also made such a mess in the eyes of the public. How can a little girl stand it?
I can’t say anything to frame Li Yunyue before, and even if she says that he pushed himself, I’m afraid no one will believe her.
The more she thought about it, the more ashamed she felt, and she couldn’t help crying.
Busy steward niang found a coat at random, wrapped her and held her away.
After all this, everyone has no idea to play any more, and the steward will not allow it
I arranged a boat and carefully sent the people back to the shore and escorted them all the way to the adults in the theater.
There has long been known about this matter, and the princess of the county is leading a hurry to come to the garden!
Seeing all the children, everyone was secretly relieved.
Leave the county princess three sister-in-law xie is crying to her daughter.
When the ladies saw it, many people appealed to them.
Where does Xie’s care? Still crying happily.
Princess Liu’s eyes were burning, and she didn’t want to invite this annoying third sister-in-law. Although second sister-in-law hates it, she is sour and splashing!
Seeing her crying like this is even more annoying for the children. It’s normal for an accident to happen in a doll. Besides, the housekeeper said that the lake was not deep at the landing place. Miss San was frightened and ill. What does she want to do if she still wants to die and live?
Lian Fangzhou will leave the princess of the county with a slight pinch of her wrist and a light expression of eyes. "Let’s see the guests off first!"
Princess Liujun woke up like a dream and said softly, "I’m confused, thanks to my sister waking up!" "
So I’m polite to all the ladies. I’m sorry to say that I’ll invite you to get together another day. Please forgive me for the neglect of today’s reception
All the ladies are child prodigies, and besides, they are all mixed up in the capital. Who knows what the situation is, or what happens?
Anyone who has eyes can see that the third sister-in-law of Liu County is deliberately trying to make trouble for her sister-in-law. It is quite understandable to say that she is jealous of others for a day or two, and it is easy to catch this opportunity and refuse to let it go …
However, understanding belongs to understanding. This is a family matter, and it is obviously a bit unreasonable. It makes people look at it. Don’t stay away from 1594. Chapter 1594 Jealousy 9
So they neglected to cry and rob Xie, smiled and left the princess of the county, and even helped Fangzhou to send the guests clean soon.
"I said three sister-in-law you than busy crying or go and see jinyu first! Jin Yu was frightened and didn’t know what to do! " Leave the county princess is not too impatient to listen to xie cry reluctantly endured the way
Xie wiped her tears and choked, "I’m scared, my poor Jin Yu!" This is not-"
Say that finish gently hum away tears.

She wants everyone to be well, safe and happy.

But it is very, very important for the descendants of the Zhong family who is the emperor.
Because protecting the emperor is the unshirkable responsibility of the Zhong family.
Her father, her mother, they all paid their lives for this mission.
And she …
She’s confused. She doesn’t know what to do.
Morality is responsible for personal feelings. She doesn’t know which side to take.
Put out your arm and gently put it around the man’s waist. She is very sad.
Realizing her move, the man slowly opened his eyes and looked down at her and asked her softly, "What’s the matter?"
Night from shook his head and nest in his arms urn airway "nothing just want to hug you"
The man hesitated for a moment and smiled at the lip angle.
The big hand gently provoked her and lifted her head to make her face to face.
He looked at her and looked intently into her eyes.
She looked at him, too
Neither of them spoke.
For a while, he suddenly bowed his head and kissed her on the lips.
This is a tearful kiss.
Fine, light and gentle, like a lingering drizzle in spring, dense and delicate.
At night, I feel a heart like a weeping willow brushing the ripples on the lake.
The cilia trembled and she closed her eyes and kissed him back.
Deepen your breath inch by inch.
The heartbeat has lost its frequency.
A little taste soon turned into a kiss.
Both of them took a thick breath.
Phoenix shadow ink is forced to start peeling off her robe.
Night away will also put his small hand into a man’s skirt and his slender fingertips linger on his real skin.
Although the composition is fatal to Feng Ying Mo.
He felt that his whole blood was ignited by her little hands.
Stripped her off, and he quickly stripped himself off.
This time, I took the initiative to step on him without waiting for him to leave at night.
And kissed him before he kissed her.
Slightly raised the waist, she slowly sat down …
The next morning and night, when I woke up, there was no one around me
Phoenix shadow ink has gone into the palace.
She knew that he was busy.
Because the day is the coronation ceremony.
He has too many things to do.
But what should she do?
She became more and more confused.
Soon after getting up, neon came. Zhang Shuo sent her to see her.
Three people sitting in the courtyard banyan stone table drinking tea.
Night away sighed, "You never know where a turn will be, who will meet and what will happen, just like who would have thought that our eldest brother was still alive, but it was not our eldest brother who almost became an emperor."
Zhang Shuo also smiled.
"Yes, all the people in the world will say that God is the best at joking with people, but I am very grateful to God. Now this is the best arrangement."
"Is it the best?" Night departure
Zhang Shuo took a look at the neon spirit and nodded with certainty. "Well, it’s best."
At night, the light from the eyes flickered and continued to tease, "It’s not like I almost became an emperor. You will be somewhat disappointed after such ups and downs."
"How?" Zhang Shuo shook his head. "If I really become an emperor, I’m in a hurry. Do you think I’m an emperor? I’m not here, and I’m afraid I’ll miss my country and people if I drive a duck rack. "
Zhang Shuo said and smiled at the night. "Your man is the best candidate. I thought so before he became an emperor forever. Now I think so and I will think so again."
Night looked at him and said nothing.
Slowly picked up the tea lamp, and she gently took a sip of tea.
The mouth of the turquoise tea leaves a fragrance for her slowly.
At that moment, she was suddenly enlightened

Li Fei felt a trace of water vapor in his eyes and felt sorry for himself. "It’s too bad that my lover is so cold to me and even the dog has run away, even if I don’t have a foothold in this family."

Jiang Lianqi quietly looked at Li Fei’s performance. Before Li Fei’s acting skills fluctuated, he could see at a glance that Li Fei was acting. Now Li Fei’s acting skills are much better, but he is naturally infected with the same methods.
"It seems that haven’t enjoy on the set? Do you need me to arrange another job for you? Set out that day "Jiang Lianqi cool way.
Li Fei is acting vigorously. Jiang Lianqi directly tore him apart, which caused him to almost choke on his own saliva. He swallowed his saliva and blinked his eyes, and his expression returned to normal. He was not sad just now. "Ah … I still cherish my holiday."
Jiang Lianqi didn’t speak again and turned to go back to the bedroom. Li Fei was one leng and ignored him?
Li Fei bit his teeth and quickly grabbed Jiang Lianqi’s hand and actively explained, "I, I accompanied Ah Jing to Xiuluochang today and didn’t come back to accompany you to dinner."
"Don’t be angry."
"I know I was wrong …"
Jiang Lianqi sighed, "Every time I come back, I have to eat the first meal together. This is your own."
Li Fei lowered his eyes. "I know … but today there is a reason."
"Then you didn’t tell me that there are so many opportunities to say that you are not as important as Lin Jing, right?" In fact, Jiang Lianqi was still a little lost in his heart. He waited for Li Fei after work for two whole days. After going to the green banquet, Guo Li Fei turned his head and went to accompany Lin Jing, which made him care.
"No … you don’t want to." Li Fei was in a hurry, but at the same time found himself explaining too weakly.
Jiang Lianqi took away Li Fei’s hand. "I haven’t finished working. If you are tired, go to sleep first." He admitted that he was a little angry now. He didn’t want to face Li Fei but chose to go to his room to calm down.
Li Fei stood in the same place until Jiang Lianqi closed the door, and he returned to the bedroom dejected and self-reproached.
Yeah … What didn’t he say to Jiang Lianqi? Is he a little too natural? I always feel that Jiang Lianqi will make a bottom line about what he does, but he ignores Jiang Lianqi. Although he is facial paralysis, he is still angry and sad in normal worldly desires.
It’s also that anyone who has made a special holiday for two days will be angry when they are pigeon-ridden.
This time Li Fei knew that he was indefensible and didn’t go to Jiang Lianqi for forgiveness at this juncture. He should also reflect on himself.
The next day, Jiang Lianqi just opened the door after sleeping in the room for one night and saw Li Fei fall asleep leaning against the door wall.
Jiang Lian’s heart is in a daze. He really wants to turn a blind eye, but he can’t bear to let Li Fei stay here alone. At the same time, he is very grateful that Li Fei can sleep in this position. Doesn’t it feel uncomfortable to sleep against the wall?
Jiang Lianqi bent over to carry Li Fei to the room, but he was just about to meet Li Fei when he withdrew his hand and said, "Don’t sleep here and go back to the room."
Li Fei leisurely turned to wake up and rubbed his sleepy eyes. He looked up at Jiang Lianqi holding the wall and got up from the ground to move his bones and muscles with a yawn. "Ha … are you awake? I made you something to eat. Would you like some? "
Chapter 257 Unemployment before becoming a full member
Just as Li was playing coquetry in Fang Lianning’s arms, a dazzling light came to Li Fei’s eyes. Li Fei’s facial mutation seemed to be like eating people. He looked back and looked around. Fang Lianning was shocked by Li Fei’s move. "What’s the matter?"
At this time, I just saw this scene when I bought water and blasted into the ground. "What’s wrong with Brother Li? Your face is so ugly? "
Li Fei looked warily around and slowly got up and sank, "Blasted into lemon, please help me watch Li for a while. I’ll be right back." Then he left the trampoline straight away.
Wen Renyi and Fang Lianning looked at each other, and Wen Renyi was even more stupid. "What happened to Little Lemon?"
Fang Lianning shook his head. "I don’t know ….. just now, Lao Li also had a good sudden."
Li looked at Li Fei’s leaving direction and bit his finger curiously. "Why did the lemon elder sister and fourth brother go?" How to go? Don’t play with me? "
Fang Lianning comforted, "Your brother went to the toilet and will be back later." It should be.
Li Xiao’s face wrinkled into a bag and pointed in the opposite direction. "But the toilet is over there."
Wen Renyi gently coughed, "Well, where did the child get so many questions?"
Li is a little wronged, and his mouth is flat, and he doesn’t say much. Fang Lianning didn’t good the spirit and dumped an eye knife. How could he have the heart to be so fierce to such a lovely child? !
Li Fei walked to a sparsely populated place, and the footsteps behind him became more and more obvious. Li Fei’s heart sank and ran to the corner.
Behind him, he hurried after Li Fei with horror, but there was no trace of him everywhere, so he swore, "Damn … it’s gone."
Li Fei jumped up and down from the high water pipe and said, "Come on, who told you to shoot around?" Do you want an exclusive or is there someone behind you? "
The paparazzi was frightened. When did Li Fei appear? ! Didn’t someone just disappear? No, is he exposed? !
Li Fei blocked the only way out behind the paparazzi, put his hands around him and looked at the paparazzi. "Look at you in such a panic. Is it your first day as a paparazzi today?"
Paparazzi panic unceasingly "I, I …"
Li Fei took a step forward. "Don’t ask you. I’m not interested in hearing your excuses. I want to know whether you secretly want to reveal the news exclusively or whether someone is behind you?"
The paparazzi trembled in fear. "I … I want an exclusive story so that I can become a full member … Some colleagues told me that you brought your wife and children to the amusement park to play, so I came …"
Li Fei almost laughed with anger. Where did he get a wife and children?
Li Fei reached out and hooked his finger to "bring it"
The paparazzi pretended not to understand "what, what?"
Li Fei doesn’t have the patience to play dumb with paparazzi today. "I don’t have time to hurry up with the camera, otherwise I can make you unemployed before you become a full member and never stay in the photography industry again!" Li Fei said this to scare people. He’s not that big a deal, but this paparazzi looks stupid and will definitely hook up.
Sure enough, the paparazzi was so scared that he hung himself in front of the neck camera and handed it to him. "You, you can move gently. This is the province that saved money for three months."
Li Fei smiled disdainfully. "Really? You are miserable." Then I pulled out the memory card in the camera when I was familiar with it. "I took this and didn’t appear in front of me again."
Paparazzi face big change begged "don’t! Please, that’s my exclusive shot this month. "
Li Fei indifference back "with me? Blame it on you for provoking me. "
And left without looking back.
Fang Lian lemon and blasted into implement finally wait for Li Fei back "what’s the matter? What happened? "
Li Fei spat out a foul breath and his face eased slightly. "I will go to the chivalrous and brave when I meet a paparazzi who is going to publish an anecdote."
Fang Lianning didn’t look very good after hearing it. "Is the paparazzi sick now?"
Li Fei smiled disdainfully. "He’s not only mentally ill but also timid. It’s really stupid whether it’s today or his first day of work."
Wen Renyi asked, "Then shall we go back with our children?"
Li Fei shrugged his shoulders. "It’s okay. Let him play more. I took the paparazzi memory card. Even if it comes out, I’m not afraid that I’m sitting upright. If I really want to spread rumors about me, I don’t mind taking judicial procedures to invite them to the station for tea. I’m really fed up. I don’t even have time to enjoy ordinary life."
Fang Lianning sighed and said, "Lao Li, you are really difficult."
Li Fei sent Li back home in the evening and met Jiang Ming who had just returned home.
Jiang Ming saw it for a long time when he opened the door. That’s called a happy one. He gave Li Fei a bear hug and left two lipstick marks on his face. "Little baby! I miss my mother so much. Did you go to play with my brother today? More and more like a brother. Do you want to stay for dinner? "
Li Fei shook his head and wiped off the lipstick mark on his face and refused, "No, I have to go back and continue to make amends for making Lian Qi angry the other day."
Chapter 25 This is a very serious matter
Jiang Lianqi sat next to Li Fei and talked about how he put in a good word and coaxed Li Fei into tears, which made Jiang Lianqi worry. What should he do to stop Li Fei from crying?
Jiang Lianqi stretched out his hand to hug Li Fei Li Fei but struggled to break free. "You go, I don’t want you to shed crocodile tears here! Aren’t you trying to avoid me? Then you can continue to hide from me! "
Jiang Lianqi sitting beside Li Fei motionless by Li Fei how to push also can’t push away Li Fei was so angry "you will bully me! I regret it. I don’t want to be with you anymore. I don’t want to be influenced by you anymore. Let’s break up! "
"Li Fei? !” Jiang Lianqi shouted angrily: He can guarantee all the pettiness of Li Fei, but he must not tolerate Li Fei joking about "breaking up".
Li Fei was yelled at by Jiang Lianqi. "You yelled at me again!"
"Don’t say goodbye when quarreling!" Jiang Lianqi held up his temper and taught

He has always been less harmonious with me than Jin Yun. When King Wu attacked Zhou, he was still sarcastic. I didn’t care about him, but since he became angry in front of me, I became more and more uncomfortable with him.

Today, Mu Shu has been practicing in Avalokitesvara for many years, but that temperament has not changed. My tone of voice is even more severe than before: "Why are you here when you are not in the ninth heaven?"
I spit out four words in no hurry: "Report something quickly"
Mu Bai glared: "Tell me why you informed me or please return."
I glanced at him and put my hand on his shoulder, so that he couldn’t move. I went straight into the mouth of the abode of fairies and immortals while he was clutching his shoulder and trying to get up. I said, "Wait till I tell the Bodhisattva that your anger will not fade and your sin will not diminish."
Go through the tidal hole and walk two or three miles, and you will see Guanyin in Guangchi holding a Pearl Dragon Girl to watch the flowers and enjoy the scenery.
When the dragon lady saw someone coming, she scolded, "Why did you trespass on the Bodhisattva shrine without notice?"
I held the railing and looked at the water surface in the pool indifferently. "Did the dragon lady ever inform Han Si that she had taken the nine-tailed fox fairy?"
"You …" Dragon lady didn’t "you" out of a natural to sulk with a flat mouth.
I listened to the trotting steps behind me getting closer and closer to the water surface in the pool, and the second figure appeared except me. At this moment, the wind suddenly sounded behind my ears, and I would flash and snap my fingers behind me, and there was a muffled sound.
"Sin, sin, you dare to hurt people in front of the bodhisattva." The dragon lady stared at me in surprise and shouted, "How dare you be so disrespectful in front of the bodhisattva!"
I glanced at the dragon lady and immediately withdrew my eyes: "Bodhisattva, you are a disciple of seven buddha, and your anger is hard to get rid of. You can also say that his practice is not enough, but he doesn’t even know how to be superior or inferior. Instead, you should teach others to be bodhisattvas. You are lax."
The Bodhisattva held the lotus leaf in a slightly nai tone: "You can change it when you have to manage it and wait for no one."
What a pair of such words! Is this avalokitesvara familiar to me in my previous life?
"There is still a need to fight for three points. Do you want to forgive people?" I walked up to the Bodhisattva and held out the glass lamp to get down to business: "The source of the glass lamp is the essence of vegetation, and now it will be destroyed by the shutter of the Lingxiao Temple. The Jade Emperor ordered Nezha to come to the South China Sea to find a way to save the treasure from the Bodhisattva."
Guanyin carefully studied the mouth of the glazed lamp and said, "I’m afraid it will take a long time if the aura is exhausted."
I handed the glass lamp to one side and turned to Guanyin and said, "This is not an easy thing to earn every day. Let’s save his life for the time being. He will remember the kindness of Bodhisattva when he returns to heaven."
Guanyin lowered her eyes and looked at the lotus flower swimming in the pool. After a long meditation, she drew Yang Liuzhi out of her net bottle and sprinkled a few drops of water in the glass lamp. Then she signaled the dragon lady to sink the glass lamp into the light pool.
Bodhisattva’s face, as white as a wall, is thoughtful: "Are you satisfied with this?"
I played Tai Chi to push things back to the shutter body: "The shutter general will repay the Bodhisattva for saving his life when he dies tomorrow!"
The purpose of this is to achieve my Bodhisattva’s farewell. When I turned around, I saw Mufang’s face was livid. I smiled: "Seek its own government in its place; If you are not in your place, you will not do your job. "
After that, I strolled out of the pool and waited at the entrance of the cave for a moment. Listening to the footsteps, I said, "What is that nine-tailed fox that deserves my attention? Do you want to say hello to me before taking her? Don’t I give it to you? You should know that the female immortals were registered in Korea, and the nine-tailed fox was taken away by the dragon lady as soon as the registration number was registered, and the husband-in-law, Zhenjun Kenai, first registered her name and sent it to the queen mother’s office, and then one Su Zhi was missing, so he asked the husband-in-law, Zhenjun, to punish him for dereliction of duty for a month.
Li Muzha, you’re not young, and you’re so reckless. It’s a shame to bother your husband-in-law. Can you apologize? "
After that, I lifted my feet and left. Li Muzha said, "Isn’t it a big deal that I can’t go out in January?"
I glanced at him to see some apologies in his face, but I saw indifference in his eyes.
I couldn’t help but smile: "Are you your beloved dad?"
I really can’t understand why anyone would think that it is a matter of course for others to be blamed, so I left without saying anything and didn’t want to look at him again.
Back to heaven, I first went to Lingxiao Hall to tell the Jade Emperor that the clean glass lamp had sunk into the light pool and was baptized by the Bodhisattva. Then I rushed to Beitianmen and beheaded Sendai to tell the story of barefoot fairy.
The barefoot fairy read out the penalty according to the will, and ordered the mountain soldiers to push the shutter into the boundary.
In the nine days, there was a panic scream in the clouds. The general shutter was like a broken line. The black kite floated, swayed and fell on a river bank. When the beach was smashed out of a deep pit, the original honest face became indigo. It was a big mouth and fangs, and its eyes were like a red light.
Seeing my general plan, Tianbing said sympathetically, "General shutter has fallen on the boundary of quicksand river."
I asked, "What kind of tragedy?"
Tianbing pie pie: "There is a hundred miles river in the quicksand river, which is full of weak water. Goose feathers can’t float in the water, but reed flowers can’t sink into the water. If this is the case alone, it’s not difficult for this river to cross the water, which makes it difficult for the general with a few people around him to fall here. His mind is also full of tricks, even if he gives up the fairy roots and lives on eating people, I’m afraid few people will give him food."
The words of the heavenly soldier made the barefoot fairy unhappy. He shouted with a serious face: "How can the blind heavenly generals want to live by eating people?" Is it possible that there are no wild animals and wild fruits around this river for hundreds of miles? "
How can a hundred miles of weak water live on weak water except Xuanwu clan or ordinary people who are proficient in water-based monsters?
I persuaded him, "General Roller Curtain is not an ordinary immortal, but he must care about the future and look at it with ease."
"Hum!" Barefoot Daxian left Beitianmen disgruntled with his sleeves.
The heavenly soldier looked at his novel with a sullen back: "It’s just that General Roller Curtain will become a demon when he goes here. Can you expect him to accumulate virtue and do good by the river?"
I glanced at the world, and hundreds of flying swords hung in the semi-flashing cold light, chasing the shutter and running all over the beach until the shutter was exhausted and "sou" passed through his heart, and it immediately resounded through the sky.
The heavenly soldiers sighed: "Marshal Tianpeng might feel better if the generals with rolling shutters could change places with each other."
That’s really the case.
A monster who is good at water but mistakenly throws a pig’s fetus can’t hide in the mountain forest; One is that the dry duck is unwilling to go to the weak water, and if you want to avoid the sword, you can go by-pass besides starving in this weak water; If you want to feel comfortable in your stomach, you have to leave the quicksand river boundary before a flying sword strikes, but a flying sword every seven days is doomed to be constrained by the demon king in the mountains and it is difficult to make decisions by yourself.
I left Beitianmen with a deep sigh when I spoke with caution.
As I walked along, I thought about the general shutter. There will be a vacancy around the Jade Emperor. Who will fill this "distinguished" position?
But this problem didn’t bother me for too long. The second time, the Jade Emperor proclaimed the will in the Lingxiao Hall, so Li Jing took a group of followers and went to the Western Heaven Lingshan to pick up Li Jinyun.
If Yincui gorge knows this news, she will be very happy. Maybe the jade emperor is willing to bring Jin Yun back, which is what she said in front of the jade emperor on the first day. But it is a good result on the whole.
This jade order, one hall, two classes of civil and military immortals, suddenly looked solemn and solemn, and then many people said a word quietly, waiting for Li Jing to get back to the front protector of Lingshan-
Ganlu Wang Li Jinbiao
A few days before the Peach Blossom Party, General Juan Lian also picked a good time to make trouble. When I thought of his situation in the world, I silently wept tears of sympathy for him.
I have something to say.
I forgot the timing (embarrassed). Thank you for casting the overlord ticket or irrigating the nutrient solution angel from 89: 55: 14 to 386: 6 ~
Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution, the night rain bothered the bottle;
Thank you very much for your support. I will continue to work hard!
Chapter 95 Chapter 95
In front of Luojia Mountain, I quite lamented that I came here once because I wanted something from others. In order to kill the murder and evil spirit, I hit the vicinity of Kunlun, bowing down in three steps and dyeing the 3,000 white jade steps here in five steps, but I failed.

There was a man waiting for them at the entrance to the village. It was Chen Chen in blue!

"You …"
"I’ll go with you …"
"I’m a doctor, too …" He glanced at Zi Lanyi. "I’ve always admired ghost doctors. I want to see ghost doctors, such as hanging pots to help the world!"
This reason seems to make sense, but Zhuge Yue still thinks that Chen Chen is a ghost doctor!
If he goes, even if he doesn’t show his identity, what if he can save Liu Qing?
Zhuge Yue nodded his head and agreed!
-dividing line-
South Hao Chen, who is extremely cold in the underworld, rarely cries when he enters this place. But he can’t help but burst into tears at the moment. Liu Qing has been staying in this place for half a year, so cold and cruel!
How sad she should be!
One side officer Wan’er encouraged him but he was always absent-minded!
When Zilanyi pretended to be a ghost doctor, she breathed a sigh of relief. This girl named Liu Qing can finally die!
But what the hell is this Chen Chen coming!
It seems that this real ghost doctor still wants to save Liu Qing …
The best way for her eyes to shine is to kill Chen Chen!
Nanhaochen tried to persuade her to go back, but she said angrily, "Nanhaochen, do you throw rags when I am finished?"
Nan Haochen gave up the idea of letting her go back!
Looking at Chen Chen’s back, she always wanted to get rid of him, but every time someone around him made her have no chance to get rid of him!
Now … This is the last chance in this cold place!
Eyes can never let go of officer Wan’er eyes have secretly looked at Chen Chen figure with murderous look!
If you want to use ice magic here, it can be said that you have committed the second disease in Nanlichuan (4).
If you want to use ice magic here, then it can be said that it is here!
She has secretly made up her mind, but she always feels a pair of eyes wandering around her. She always feels that someone is staring at her, so she decides that if Liu Qing wakes up, when she wakes up, everyone will pay attention to her and then do it!
Secretly clench fist at the same time she breathed a sigh of relief!
Nan Haochen looked like an ice sculpture. She still kept her awake posture and looked so stiff. Her eyes were not as smart as before, so god …
Nan Haochen sighed in her heart!
Zilan Yisha came forward with something and carefully explored the situation of the first-class Qing!
The injury is so heavy that my insides have already broken, which obviously is not the category that she can handle. So she immediately looked at Chen Chen’s psychic spar riddle for a while and she had the answer in her heart!
"If you want to restore this flow, you need to turn the soul eagle meat and blood."
"soul eagle"
As soon as this was said, everyone looked at each other because this kind of Warcraft is unheard of!
And officer Wan’er also breathed a sigh of relief. Fortunately, there is still a chance that Liu Qing won’t wake up soon!
"This soul eagle is the favorite of the president of Qian Yue College …"
"It turned out to be Qian Yue College …" A few people already knew the situation!
Night like a stranger smiled and said, "It turned out to be the president of Qianyue College, and it happened that I forgot to pay the new year. This is no problem!"
Purple blue clothes saw his one eye "even forget friends, I’m afraid it is still difficult? After all, there is only one chance in this world that this soul eagle can give people a life. Do you think he will give you a life easily? "
The night is like a stranger, thoughtfully for a moment. "This headmaster is an upright man. I believe he will balance it clearly!"

But even so brave, it is almost reaching the limit …

Fighting for a long time and dealing with the simultaneous attack of the three powerful people in the film level … not only that, but he can be regarded as being specially taken care of in the three film levels of Konoha …
Now the forbearance world has grown up by forbearing another thousand pillars!
Almost all the elites in the three-nation Coalition forces have set their goals on the true courage!
Endure the world … the whole world needs thousands of hands to die here!
And the more so, the more people can perceive the true courage and horror … the wood is terrible!
Even in the midst of such encirclement and suppression, the young man named Brave with Thousand Hands is still like a boulder in the middle of a big river, and the man will never take a step back no matter how turbulent the river is!
No … let’s just say that if we don’t consider other Konoha ninjas, once the war falls into this tug-of-war, the situation will gradually fall to Konoha’s side!
You should know that the endurance of the wood in the real courage has reached a rather terrible level-and this kind of fighting capacity will drag this battle to anyone who can predict the future …
Obviously, the allied forces besieging one side are also very aware of this!
The strong from all sides must also show their magical powers!

Hell spikes … consistent hand!
Raytheon’s armor has been maintaining the maximum possible output. With the strongest shield alone, it will trap Shuo Mao in place. Lord Third Raikage finally intends to make the strongest spear that has been hidden for a long time!
Far faster than Lei Guang, the blink of an eye will kill Shuo Mao, and the latter … of course, will not wait and die!
Door to door … Dumen, open it!
At the same speed, the two ninjas won the battle. The root method captured the speed and started their own fight!
On the other hand, the Watergate battlefield is much smoother than Mr. Shuo Mao’s, but obviously there is no way to solve the defense in a short time, which is equally amazing …
But the biggest problem is really Yong’s side …
Yagura has obviously realized that if this entanglement is so narrow, it will minimize their group’s advantage … it can’t be delayed any longer!
In that case …
-Red chakra began to surround his body … Unlike Garuda’s semi-transparent armor, Shui Ying Yagura is obviously more proficient in bijuu’s chakra armor!
Three scarlet tails stick out from behind him and the attack mode has changed from here!
It is no longer the attack form of Rininjutsu. This time, it directly starts to attack at close range with chakra’s coat!
It’s not just destructive power … even the speed is not at the same level as just now!
So … is it inherent in time control?
No … no!
If you avoid here …
The biggest problem is still the Konoha Ninja … If we avoid talking here and start to bijuu Yagura and enter the camp …
No, you can’t do that. If so …

If it’s impossible to control the inherent time, then you can do it!
Strange runes climbed his brow again … not only that, but it was even more difficult to control the hard energy than before after sealing the shadows into the body …
Fairy mode on!
Fairy method is really thousands of hands! !
The third shot! ! ! Keep it up! ! ! Everybody! Chapter one hundred and seventy-seven, Fang Jingwu!
It was a touch of white light …
For Jin Yong … no, for Konoha Ninja, it’s probably not strange to that white light.
That’s Konoha’s pride and Konoha’s sharpest fangs!
"What …"
Zhen Yong’s world began to turn black slowly, and he was so soft that he didn’t even have a chance to struggle …
He couldn’t ask, all the feelings were leaving him, and he was already struggling at the limit. He had already lost his last strength, but he still held out his hand to the white light … toward the man’s cold side face.
What …

"Shout …"

Xiao asked a long sigh of relief, and at that time the whole person almost collapsed. At this moment, he has been suppressed for half a year, and he really has some venting every day just thinking about escape and revenge.
He is not content, but confident that he can leave the black mine in a short time! His spiritual level has even improved, and his self-recognition has reached the extreme in the past 20 years.
Self-confidence has always been very important to cultivate immortals, and it is a key part of soul practice in the three levels of physical, Taoist and soul practice.
Because the practice of the Tao can often promote the improvement of the physical body, the celestial world often calls the practice of the physical body and the Tao as self-cultivation, while the practice of the soul is called mind cultivation. At present, Xiao Wen has actually taken a big step forward by being passively pushed by reality.
When Xiao Wen cheered up again in the mine, his whole body seemed to be brisk for a few minutes, and then he walked directly to the depths of the mine with a mine hoe.
In the end, Xiao Wen stopped in front of the 60% light alum mine, took off the ore basket, and then pumped the geogas energy into the ore hoe without a teacher’s knowledge, and chiseled the ore hoe into the ore rock. The highest content of light alum ore that has appeared in the black mine is 70%, and that few light alum ore makes a mine slave free. Xiao asked that mining 60% content of ore at this time actually does not require too much mining to gather enough shares.
With a hoe swing, Xiao asked even a carefree feeling.
However, the energy consumption of the earth and gas is too great, right? According to this situation, in fact, it will take less than a few dozen strokes to run out of energy.
Come again!
"When, when, when …"
Soon, two dozen hoes went down, and Xiao asked that the geogas energy in the body was half less!
But at this time, he had another feeling, that is, the texture of geogas energy in his body is undergoing extremely small changes with each swing, more precisely, it is firm!
Obviously, for the mysterious geogas energy, mining is practice!
It’s amazing!
Xiao Wen is carefully understanding, suddenly there came a finely voice in the cold ear, as if someone was walking on the ground covered with gravel! He immediately remembered the precautions he had taken after the supervisor left: kicking gravel all over the mine.
Someone’s coming!
When Xiao asked about it, he was shrouded in a sense of crisis. He was so absorbed that he didn’t even have time to mention the mine basket, and people just flew away with a mine hoe!
I don’t know if his worry was felt by the stone painting. This time, the flight speed was just as fast as the teleport, and he returned to the hut in the blink of an eye.
Xiao asked casually throwing a mine hoe, and reached for the compass in the air and put it on the table, suggesting that the energy in the body will leave here in a hurry.
At the moment when his whole person was pulling away from the scene in front of him, he looked at the book "Mine Code" with a blue-gray cover on the table completely by intuition, and then he had a more real intuition that the mine code had changed!
But at this time, it was obviously too late for him to react. The world turned black rapidly, and when it turned bright again, his people were already in the mine outside. However, to Xiao Wen’s surprise, he clearly stood out, but after returning to the tunnel, he was still sitting on the ground.
"You’d better have finished all today’s work, or you’ll fucking stay here tonight!"
The bawl came from the outside, and soon a supervisor came in fiercely, and the whip rolled up in his right hand slapped his left palm.

Chapter VII There are words
Xiao Wen had already stood up and calmly replied to the supervisor, "It’s been done for a while."
The supervisor stared at Xiao Wen, measured the progress, and quickly judged that Xiao Wen was not lying. However, the supervisor raised his whip and asked Xiao Xun, "Don’t go out when you’re done? Don’t want to eat, do you? !”
Under the existing conditions, Xiao Wen can’t be arrogant when facing the supervisor, even if he is angry. What he can do is to try his best to be neither humble nor humble, so that he can keep his dignity. If he is not arrogant, he can avoid being whipped. So at this time, he still took out his usual attitude, and his voice was moderate and tunnel: "I was about to leave."
Recently, it was the time to rely on those young mining slaves to dig new tunnels, so the supervisor actually didn’t want to ask Xiao what to do. However, the supervisor still held his mouth contemptuously and sneered, "Do you still want to take advantage of this fart to restore Taoist power? ! Stop dreaming! Open your mine honestly! Get enough share before you go outside to practice! Huh? ! What’s the matter with you? ! ! Really recovered! ! !”
The supervisor was talking to himself, but the more he said it, the more surprised he became. When he looked at Xiao, his eyes got bigger and bigger, and even the fairy whip in his right hand was raised, and he looked alert.
The supervisor was surprised, but Xiao asked at this time was even more surprised, because it was not until this moment that he discovered that the Tao force in his body had recovered more than half! It’s been half a year since he entered the black mine, and this is the first time he has returned to this state!
The efficiency of supplementing Daoli in the area of more than ten feet near the hut in the stone painting is so high!
This is a good thing, but in the present moment, it is really possible to kill Xiao Wen!
Black mines will prevent the slaves from recovering their power to escape. How can Xiao Wen be allowed to see this situation at this time? !
Xiao asked the in the mind a nasty, subconsciously thought of the stone painting again, and then it was entirely by instinct that Daoli slammed into the stone painting.
Stone painting didn’t disappoint Xiao Wen, but swallowed Xiao Wen’s Taoist power like a long whale, which was a world of its own. Without this capacity, it would be a ghost.
The supervisor watched Xiao Wen’s mental pressure plummet, naturally knowing that something was wrong, but he was actually just a middle-ranking fairy, and his eyesight was still far from perfect. It was impossible to know what had happened to Xiao Wen.
"What’s the matter with you?" The supervisor turned cold and asked in a low voice.
"No matter how little power there is, it can break out under full operation. I wish I had really recovered." Xiao asked if there was an unwilling tunnel.
The supervisor also felt that Xiao Wen couldn’t really restore Daoji’s strength, and he laughed proudly when he turned his mind, thinking that he had grasped Xiao Wen’s real situation: "You broke out from time to time because you wanted to maintain Daoji’s vitality in this way?"
Xiao asked immediately follow the supervisor’s words "well", and pretended to be annoyed, but his heart was greatly thankful. It’s really Amitabha. This supervisor really doesn’t take the mine slaves seriously.
Then Xiao Wen and the supervisor walked in tandem to the outside of the mine. The supervisor relied on his own identity, and when he walked out, he stopped talking to Xiao Wen, who was just happy and could be distracted to communicate with stone paintings.
Communication, in fact, is only the communication of Daoli. After a few steps, Xiao Wen found a painful reality. He can only pour Daoli into stone paintings, but he can’t absorb it in the existing state. 80%, only after entering the stone painting again can you restore the Taoist power a little.
At the thought of just counting interest, let the whole body beat Shui Piao with more than half of the force. When Xiao asked, he felt a little sore, which was a waste of his grandmother! However, this time is not the same as in the past, and it is far less difficult for him to restore Daoli.
At the end of the main tunnel, there were more people around him, afraid of being seen. Xiao Wen took his mind back from the abdomen and put it into reality.
At this time, his whole person was much lighter, and his depression was obviously not so heavy.
Soon, the thick vegetable fragrance floated into Xiao Wen’s nose, which made him feel refreshed, and his stomach immediately cried unwillingly. Qian Fu, the owner of the black mine, really didn’t lie about the food. The amount of food given to the miners here is both sufficient and oily.
After counting interest rates, Xiao Wen went to an open place in the tunnel, where thirty or forty people had already been surrounded. There were several large iron pots in the crowd, and the firewood under the pot was burning brightly.
"What dish?" Xiao asked directly to the people around him.
"Stewed green vegetable vermicelli with big meat." Dinner is just around the corner, and the man doesn’t care if he will be seen by the supervisor. He said directly.
Xiao asked immediately to swallow saliva, and hurried to the front to get a sea bowl, just waiting for the official dinner …

Zhenyuanzi said, "Disciples have now realized that a gain and a loss are the Tao. These thirty fruits are still Tao. " Zhenyuanzi said that the 30 fruits on the ginseng fruit tree changed rapidly, from mature to raw, then to flowers, and then stopped.

Zhang Wen nodded and said, "You can understand and not waste my painstaking efforts. In the future, there will always be a way to stay in these five villages." Say and drive away.
Zhenyuanzi and the Monkey King deeply worshipped in the direction of Mr. Zhang’s departure. Then Zhenyuanzi took the Monkey King and said, "You take care of my fruit tree, and we will be eight brothers in the future. Good brother. "
The Monkey King smiled and bowed to Zhenyuanzi and said, "Wukong has seen Big Brother."
Now that Zhenyuanzi’s fruit tree has been cured, the Tang Priest can naturally continue westward, but Zhenyuanzi kept four people in this Wuzhuangguan for a few more days before leaving.
Chapter 25 Passing through Baihuling
After the four Tang Priests left Wuzhuangguan, He Ming quickly came to Baihuling to meet Mrs. Bones and said with a smile, "Congratulations, Madam, the four Tang Priests have left Wuzhuangguan and should come to Baihuling in January."
Mrs. Bones was overjoyed and said, "Thank you, sir. With your help, I’m sure I can get the Tang monk’s meat."
He Ming Dow: "Now it’s the summer solstice, and there’s a lot of food all over the mountain. We need to start first."
Mrs. Bones said, "Yes, there is still some time, but it’s time to get rid of all the food in Fiona Fang. Little children go up the mountain quickly to clear the food within a hundred miles of Fiona Fang. "
A group of goblins immediately set out up the mountain to clean up the mountain’s food. Anyway, as long as all vegetarianism is poached or destroyed, this Baihuling Fiona Fang thyme has been cleaned for ten times, and there is not much left to grow every year. Now it is easy to clear it up. Half a month’s time, Baihuling Fiona Fang thyme when it’s really barren hills, wild fruit is not long, wild vegetables are not born. Only the animals all over the mountain are still there, but judging from the situation in this area, there are not many animals left, even if all the animals left are lucky enough to find some leftover food.
The Monkey King four people walked to the border of Baihuling, and they always ate their own dry food. Unfortunately, they didn’t meet others after walking for more than ten days, so the dry food was naturally gone. On this day, Tang Priest was really hungry, so he dismounted to rest and let the Monkey King look for food.
The Monkey King rode a cloud to the sky for a moment and then came back, saying, "Master, the boundary of this hundred miles of Fiona Fang is barren hills, and there are no wild fruits. If you want to make alms, you have to walk a few more steps."
Pig Bajie muttered, "Brother Monkey, your somersault cloud alone is 108,000 Li. There is no food here. Just walk a few more steps."
The Monkey King said uneasily, "As the saying goes, high mountains are bound to be strange, but steep mountains are fertile. My old grandson looks at the mountains and there are bound to be goblins. I’m afraid I’ll go there. Then the demon will take advantage of it. "
Pig Pig said, "Brother Monkey, don’t worry about monsters for a while, if you don’t find something to eat. My old pig starved to death before being eaten by the demon, not to mention that the master is a mortal, and he can’t stand hunger. "
The Tang Priest said, "Yes, Wukong is really hungry now. Go and get some food first, so that I can satisfy my hunger."
The Monkey King turned his eyes and said, "Master, wait here first, and I’ll come back when I go." Say and drive away.
The Monkey King had just left when Mrs Bones and He Ming appeared. It’s just that He Ming changed into a tiger spirit and followed Mrs. Bones as a tiger pioneer. When these monsters appeared, Tang Priest immediately hid behind Pig Bajie and Sha Wujing, who were armed with weapons to defend He Ming.
Pig Pig said, "Damn goblins, my monkey brother will be back soon. If you want to live, leave as soon as possible, or you will all die when my monkey brother comes back."
He Ming all laughed. "Pig head," said Mrs. Bones, "that monkey has been away from Baihuling for more than a hundred miles, and he can’t come back for a moment. By the time he came back, I had already eaten the Tang Priest, and he was useless. Haha. "
He Ming came out with a big knife and said, "Madam asked me to go and take down the Tang Priest."
Mrs. Bones said, "Ok, Tiger Pioneer, you can catch the Tang Priest. Be sure to get the Tang Priest back for me. "
He Ming took the order and immediately waved a broadsword and killed Pig Bajie. That Sha Wujing dare not leave the Tang Priest, so he can only watch Pig Bajie fight against the enemy alone.
He Ming fought with Pig Bajie because of Xuangong’s fierce skills. The pig’s strength was not as great as He Ming’s, and his mana was not as good as He Ming’s. He Ming just played a dozen strokes and began to lose, showing his weakness. He Ming took the opportunity to make a strong move and severely suppressed Pig Bajie. Finally, the pig was defeated. Take it down, Sha Wujing. To protect Tang Priest. I can only watch Pig Bajie get caught.
After He Ming took Pig Bajie, his own little demon came forward and tied him up. He Mingxie smiled and walked slowly to Sha Wujing. Sha Wujing and Tang Priest kept retreating, and finally retreated to the side of the mountain. There was no retreat, so Sha Wujing had to rush to He Ming with weapons.
He Ming sparred with Sha Wujing, and his own little demon came forward and arrested Tang Priest and tied him up. In a short time, Sha Wujing was defeated, and all three Tang Priests were arrested.
Mrs. Bones waved happily and said, "Go back to the mountain."
"The monster goes there." A loud roar loud heavy falling from the sky, the Monkey King holding a golden hoop to Mrs Bones, He Ming saw this and took out the anchor needle to block the Monkey King’s stick. "Touch" a loud noise, He Ming was the Monkey King a stick into the lower body. He Ming still holds the anchor needle to block the Monkey King’s stick. This time it was the Monkey King who took advantage. He just fell from the sky and went to He Ming. He Ming hurriedly took out the anchor needle to resist the natural disadvantage.
However, He Ming anchored the sea god with a needle, and then he spun up and used his stick to hit the Monkey King. The monkey naturally fought He Ming with a stick. There was a gap between the two men’s strength, but both of them met that chance, and their strength rose a lot. Now it is inseparable to fight. They are all monkeys who have been trained in "Heaven and Earth Xuangong", and they are not bad. He Ming ate more than 300 ginseng fruits, which ruined his own penance to 108 lives and finally achieved immortality.
Well, the two men are neck and neck, but when it comes to that move, He Ming is weaker than the Monkey King, but He Ming has a magic weapon. If you try very hard to fight, maybe these two people will still be alive. After all, this boy is much more insidious than the Monkey King.
Two people fight when it’s true and false monkey king meet, inseparable, played for half a day, neither of them can do anything, He Ming moves than the Monkey King, but the insidious moves are the Monkey King’s flattery can’t catch up, relying on these insidious tricks, He Ming just tied the situation.
The two men had also felt that the other side’s XuanGong was similar to their own XuanGong, so when fighting, they went easy on them, and it was naturally difficult to tell the winner. Moreover, the weapons of these two men are the same, so they can’t take advantage of magic weapons when fighting. Their moves and strength are nearly as bad as each other, so they can only stop at last.
The Monkey King looked at He Ming, and He Ming also looked at the Monkey King carefully. For a moment, the Monkey King said, "I didn’t think you really have some skills. Let my master go quickly, or my old grandson will be impolite."
He Ming Dow: "the Monkey King, your master is now in our hands. If you want to save him, you have to fight with me to win. You also know my strength before. If you are sure that you can beat me before the Tang Priest is eaten by my wife, just release your horse. If you can’t, you’d better not drag it like that. After all, we are senior monsters and won’t eat people like those low-level monsters. How to sit down and talk. "
The Monkey King said, "What do you want?"
He Ming waved his hand, and immediately a small demon moved out a stone table, three stone benches and put a pot of tea on it. He Ming, Mrs. Bones and the Monkey King were sitting at the stone table. Mrs. Bones said, "Although we are monsters, we are also reasonable monsters and won’t kill people. But if we are forced, we will still do some bad things. "
He Ming poured three people a cup of tea, and then he picked up a cup and tasted it slowly. A moment later, the Monkey King couldn’t wait. He said, "What conditions do you have?"
He Ming slowly toyed with his teacup and said, "Of the four of you, only the Tang Priest is of use to us. What do you say is our condition? The Monkey King squinted and said, "Do you want Tang Seng meat?"
He Ming said with a smile, "Yes, it’s the Tang monk meat. We need that thing, but it’s just a piece of cake for you. What we need is not much, just a catty."
The Monkey King said, "You really have a lot to offer. I’ll give you my master’s meat, but you might as well let us go.". Lest the master suffer. "
He Ming Dow: "Do you think you can get there?"
Mrs. Bones said, "There’s no food for you to eat and drink within a hundred miles of Fiona Fang. If you want to cross my Baihuling, you’ll have to leave Baihuling in a cloud. In this way, can you still walk there? "
He Ming Dow: "Besides, we will keep walking in front of you, destroying food along the way and harassing you constantly, which will make you restless."
Mrs. Bones said, "The Tang Priest is just a mortal. He can persist for a month without eating or drinking. How long can he persist without rest?"
He Ming said with a smile, "If the Tang Priest gives us a piece of meat, we will give you something delicious to drink, so that you can walk all the way through the White Tiger Ridge. In this way, you will have less trouble and enjoy the service all the way. How? "
The Monkey King turned his eyes and said, "I can’t be the master."
He Ming saw the Monkey King’s expression, gave him a clear smile, nodded at Mrs. Bones, and then Mrs. Bones drew a little demon and gave him a look. The little demon immediately went down and brought three Tang Priests.
Tang’s monk three people tied to Mrs Bones behind, the Monkey King saw three people immediately show anxious look. He Ming said with a smile, "Monk, we don’t want to kill people, and we don’t like to kill people. We just need a piece of your meat, not much, about a catty. As long as you give it to us, we will entertain you all the way."
Pig Bajie said angrily, "Damn monsters, let us go quickly, or you’re welcome as an old pig, and you want my master to cut meat for you. No way. Monkey, come and save us! "

I dreamed of Mr. Shan again. He was so happy floating in the clouds.

[Mr. Shan hasn’t been in my dream for many days, but I have seen them. Aren’t they bliss? Why are their faces so painful? 】
[I have a headache today and don’t want to go out]
[I saw the floor bleeding in the middle of the night. I asked someone to tear it down. There was nothing on the floor]
My head is getting more and more painful. The doctor said it was my illusion to see the floor bleeding. I don’t believe it. Is it really an illusion? 】
I heard Mr. Shan calling him in my dream last night and said that he wanted me to serve God.
Here’s the diary. The paper behind it is a ghost, and I can’t understand the words, as if I were writing it under extreme irritability and out of control.
Hody took out a required history of senior spiritual teachers from Yihua Lingyuan from his stone watch.
He turned over a long time. "I found that Shan Xulin is a spiritual teacher and a strong spiritual teacher. Because of practicing witchcraft, he swallowed up the baby’s brain training center in his hometown. He was notorious for being dark, and there was no one in the spiritual world. Later, he became famous in Shencheng."
"Judging from the diary of the big butterfly bead, this house is privately transferred to her by Shan Xulin, who is the first owner of the house and the missing celebrities. It is said that the literary salon is actually a cult, right? Serve God and sell your body and soul to God. This mountain forest is really eloquent, "Taotao said." Since he is a dark spiritual teacher, are those missing women serving the righteousness cheated by him and swallowed up? Where did Shan Xulin go after that? "
"He disappeared almost at the same time as those women and disappeared in the spiritual world from then on," Hodge said. "Didn’t the diary of the big butterfly bead say that those women in the mountain forest belt went to bliss?"
Tao Tao: "Shan Xulin is a celebrity. It is impossible for him to buy a house. No one knows that he must have deliberately erased the traces and let people connect his house. Is it the place where you just came out?"
"What the hell is there?" Taotaowen
"It’s not so much bliss as hell’s dreamland, ecstasy and evil spirits. I can’t see clearly what’s inside. Those days, I’ve been in a daze. It’s a fluke to escape again. I can’t guarantee that I can come out alive."
"We have to go in and have a look. It must be the escape key. Maybe it’s the paradise written in the diary of Big Butterfly Bead." Taotao said, "Shan Xulin left the house to Big Butterfly Bead in order to make the house have a proper name, so that a spiritual master can’t just break into it even if he suspects that the house is abnormal."
"It suddenly occurred to me …" Hodge said, "When I was a child, my grandfather told me that some powerful dark spiritual teachers devoured babies’ brains in order to cultivate witchcraft and devour women. It was some kind of secret ritual. Shan Xulin disappeared after those women disappeared, and the big butterfly bead repeatedly contributed his body and soul to God. Should he not want to cultivate witchcraft and give up his human identity to refine himself into an evil god?"
"Evil God?" Taotao looked up at Hody and sneered, "Does he deserve it?"
Chapter 183 Chapter 183
Sixty-six head urn
At the end of the corridor on the second floor
Taotao handed Hody the two men’s prepared ofuda and spell balls. "The things inside are good at illusion. Emperor Zhong adds these magic methods to eliminate evil spirits and dreamland. We will break those magic methods at the same time."
According to Hody, he was inhaled after sending out the three men, and then he fell into poor illusion and saw many strange scenes.
At that time, he didn’t have much spiritual power left, so he was able to protect himself with spiritual power. That thing tried to attack him, but it failed. Finally, it was because that thing separated its strength to deal with Taotao in the building that they cracked a gap and he made efforts to run out.
Taotao thinks that what really threatens them is not magic, but what is hidden behind it.
She took out a jade pen with a finger thickness and a smooth and round pen length, and drew nothing in front of her eyes for two times.
Hody looked at the jade in her hand. "No matter how high the scientific research level of Hualing Institute is, there is no chaotic burial. This thing can be broken. Is it a celestial instrument?"
"It’s still possible to break some weak ones and replace them with five spiritual teachers." Taotao put away his pen.
Slowly a crack appeared in front of them.
Taotao’s hand tore up the crack. "We can make it once a month and maintain it for an hour at a time. If Mr. Huo comes out in an hour, the crack will close, and then we will really stay in it for a month."
Hodge laughed. "Then I’ll have to protect you if I die."
Taotao is indifferent. "It’s not certain who will protect who. You stay outside and watch those two. Don’t come in."
The last sentence was to Li Xiaohai, who nodded, "You should come back soon. This place is terrible. I don’t want to stay here alone."
Taotao is "not a ghost"
Hodge "can’t die either"
Li Xiaohai "…"
Taotao jumped in from the gap, but she didn’t fall to the ground after she went in, but was suspended in the middle.
There is no end in sight, and the darkness is wrapped in evil spirits. Taotao takes out the emperor clock and knocks out the continuous clock.
Pathogens vibrate in the dark, slowly crack and break peaches. When the darkness disappears, they can fall to the ground, but their bodies begin to fall.
The darkness completely dispersed.
Hody was around, and the two of them fell together. It was a deep cave, and Taotao quickly pulled out Taoyao to find a support point.
She inserted Tao Yao in the cave wall to stabilize her body and pulled the falling Hody conveniently.
She held Taoyao in one hand and pulled Hody in the other, and they hung in half.
Hody opened his hand to observe "can’t see the end"
Hand tube for a long time, the light has been very weak, and Hodge lit another photo and lost it. I still can’t see the bottom. "Did Shan Xulin make a bottom hole here?" Or has he really become an evil spirit and gone to hell? "
"Don’t call him an evil god." Taotao looked up and couldn’t see his head. Fortunately, he didn’t bring Li Xiaohai in, or his thin little body was designated to fall to death. "Can you try to climb to the top?"
Hody grabbed the rugged cave wall. "I’m a man at least. Don’t look down on people."
When his body is stable on the cave wall, Taotao loosens and holds his hand.
She found a rope from the stone and handed it to Hody at one end of her waist.
In case you don’t fall down during climbing, it’s better for two people to be together than for one person. Andy didn’t say much and put the other end on himself.
Taotao grabbed the cave wall in one hand and Taoyao in the other, and carved a small hole in the cave wall that could be grasped and borrowed. They climbed step by step.
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It’s exhausting to be dark, cloudy and thin.
Hody is three spiritual masters, and his physical strength is much better than that of ordinary people, not to mention that even after they climbed out for a long time, they were a little tired, and they had to be very careful when climbing on the wet rock wall, and their spirit also consumed quickly.
Hodge, "I’ll change you. Give me the sword. You can save some strength when I’m here."
Taotao looked up and couldn’t see the top hole. She shook her head. "Something’s wrong. How many meters have we climbed out?"
Hody said, "When we just landed, you reacted quickly. You drew your sword in five seconds and stabilized the body on the cave wall. Physically speaking, if a person falls from the atmosphere very thinly, the speed of falling may exceed the speed of sound. Under normal circumstances, the speed of sound is about 34 meters per second, but it is not super high here … Why do you look at me like that?"
Taotao is impatient. "Are you all like this in Hualing Hospital? What physics do you tell me in the lair of evil spirits? You think I understand? Direct theory "
Hodge "… we just climbed a kilometer less. Something is really wrong. Normally, we should have climbed."
Taotao thought for a few seconds and suddenly smiled. "This evil thing actually has two layers of skin. If an ordinary psychic comes in, even if he can break the first layer of illusion, I’m afraid he will be exhausted in this hole that will never climb."
Hodge looked around. "This hole is so lifelike that it can maintain this illusion in the emperor’s clock. It’s really not easy to be evil here."
Taotao holds the emperor clock and injects most of the spiritual force.
The emperor bell rang again, and Hody threw the paper prepared before they came in out of the whole cave and trembled like an earthquake.
The last force in the barrel in Hody’s hand was exhausted, and his eyes were dark.
When Huo Di lit up the photo symbol, he found that they were indeed in a hole, but the hole was three meters long. Everything was just an illusion. They kept climbing in the same place, and they would be exhausted in the hole sooner or later if Taotao didn’t notice it incorrectly.
Taotao climbed out of the hole.

The yellow robe was about to resist the attack of "devil’s refining pot". Although it is conceited and powerful, it dare not do its best. As a result, other places in the whole body are convenient targets, allowing Jinyang’s doppelgangers to attack. Fortunately, it is just some doppelgangers. Although the attack power is strong, it is also very limited, and they can’t break the yellow robe.

Jinyang with a roar, hand strength again big for a few minutes, almost to the point of doing my best, yellow robe nature is also increasingly demanding.
Just when he wanted to push away Jinyang, his heart suddenly tightened, but before he found anything, he felt the cold wind blowing behind his head, and a Jin Jian stabbed him in the head.
PS: The first watch on September 25th, there are two watches today. I wish you all a happy Mid-Autumn Festival first.
Ps: Xiaoqing will go to Nanjing immediately, spend the evening in an Internet cafe in Nanjing, and send a chapter.

Celestial Volume Chapter 471 Weird green axe
Celestial Volume Chapter 471 Weird green axe
Yellow robe frightened, can no longer consider the release of the demon’s command, originally tired of hiding in the body of the demon dharma, fiercely generate, the body was instantly squeezed into the sky broken rain.
Twenty-four heads, eighteen hands, full of thousands of feet high, the most orthodox extraterrestrial demon, in the middle of a huge head, with a golden giant sword, the body spells diffuse, faintly emitting a strong divine light.
Feeling that his life was threatened, the Dharma Body suddenly began to show off its power. Eighteen giant hands randomly hit the incarnation of Jinyang, and many of the instruments also followed suit and sent out various kinds of brilliance, hitting Jinyang hard.
Especially the green axe, I don’t know what kind of multiplier it is. It is full of brilliance, and its power is not big, but it is scary. There is a faint hidden power of conan the destroyer, which will explode in due course, but it has not yet met the democratic Lord.
Jinyang incarnation smiled, offering a "devil pot". With the power of the founding artifact, he quickly retreated. However, the green axe has made him very hard, and with so many demon implements, if all of them are hit, even if they don’t lose their lives, they will definitely take off their skins.
Instantly, the madness broke out, and the Jinyang avatar was immediately beaten back. The yellow robe immediately turned around and prepared to tidy up the Jinyang avatar on the top of the head.
But at this moment, a virtual shadow flashed, and Jinyang, who looked like an incarnation, suddenly appeared on the top of the head of the celestial demon dharma body, holding the giant sword fiercely. With the strong founding power, the dharma head naturally exploded, and the sky was full of blood and brains.
At the moment when the demon was in great pain, Jin Jian was in Jinyang’s hands. Suddenly rolled up a few swords, 24 heads suddenly left the neck.
Action quickly, at one go, see the existing results, busy immediately retreat, Jin Jian in the hand, wherever the blade. Space has been drawn away.
However, the two places at once did not retreat in the direction of the route, but instead converged in the direction of Jinyang incarnation. Eyes flashing, like in danger, is very different from other busy.
The avatar, who had already withdrawn from far away, seemed to be ordered, without any sloppiness, fiercely holding the "devil’s refining pot" above his head, and quickly greeted the two places at once.
The head was cut off. The yellow robe demon was hit hard immediately. Although it didn’t have a mouth, its roar spread all over Fiona Fang and hundreds of Wan Li. All the creatures that were shrouded in voices were immediately blown into blood fog.
Those busy people who were originally brave and incomparable were all blown to pieces at once, but the busy person holding the giant sword was completely unaffected. As firm as an avatar, floating in mid-air.
Looking at the avatar who came forward, the avatar’s eyes flashed sharply, and after nodding slightly at the avatar, the body slammed into the side, which was the direction of the green axe.
Incarnation immediately fuelling "devil pot", mercilessly hit the demon dharma body heart at the same time. He also drove the secret method to take twenty-four heavenly demon heads into the pot.
Losing the induction of the head, the headless dharma body suddenly panicked, and the giant hand holding the green axe suddenly tightened.
Although it’s just a simple little trick, it can escape Jinyang’s eyes, and the avatar flies faster. With the supreme power of the golden sword, it suddenly splits at the giant hand clutching the green axe.
There is no head, although it can still be sensed by the mind. But after all, he was seriously injured. There is still as flexible as before, although I know how to avoid it. But the way had been figured out by Jinyang, and now that you have started work, there is no possibility of being prepared to miss.
In the sharp sound, the huge golden arm was pulled down by the whole, and the green axe with perfect light suddenly seemed to be out of control, and there was a faint impulse to surprises.
Jinyang incarnation, which has been waiting for a long time, will also give the green axe a chance to escape. At the moment when the green light flashes slightly, the "devil-refining pot" fiercely opens the spout, like a beast that wants to devour everything, and fiercely swallows even the green axe with hands.
Losing the green axe, the heavenly demon dharma body left behind suddenly became frightened, and suddenly began to urge the secret method, ready to make the last effort to fight for the last time.
But Jinyang has been cruel, not only to take the green axe, but also the powerful energy contained in this dharma body is naturally a good tonic. How can it be spared?
After a few sword flowers, the headless demon dharma body finally fell, completely losing the possibility of escape. Under the destruction of Jinyang incarnation, the green light of the "devil-refining pot" flashed, and naturally it was absorbed. Anyway, it has broken its vitality, and it is not afraid that the demon will heal again in the pot.
After cleaning up the celestial demon dharma body, the doppelganger was restored to its original appearance. What doppelganger is there? It is the noumenon that has been diligently practicing in the top strange array on the unique domain.
Incarnation and noumenon are an organic whole, and the experience of the incarnation will naturally be noticed by the noumenon. When Jinyang incarnation is aware of the existence of Xuan Bing Palace in this place west of the Arctic, the noumenon, which is hundreds of millions of miles away, immediately wakes up from the meditation, pulls the dragon feather spirit that has just finished the Dharma, and pays attention to the experience of the incarnation together.
But when the incarnation determined that there was only one heavenly demon in Xuan Bing Palace, and the fighting power was not as strong as that of the heavenly demon there, the idea of taking all things into account suddenly ignited in my heart.
So at the beginning of the incarnation, I tried to delay as much as possible, waiting for the ontology of the Excalibur with the dragon feather spirit, and the ontology and the incarnation made efforts at the same time, striving to win the demon dharma body as a tonic in the case of bloodless knife, and at the same time completely destroying the demon lair, Xuan Bing Palace.